This is anime
It was indeed.
>last thread was deleted
Good job faggots.
Last 4 threads
Jannies are known for sucking dick and swallowing, what did you expect?
And they do all that for free.
I should finish Endro.
I got most of the way through, but there's just something in the aesthetic, mostly the clothing, that rubs me wrong.
I downloaded it but haven't got around to watch it.
I only want it for the loli though.
Its a 8/ 10 show, just do it
>but there's just something in the aesthetic, mostly the clothing, that rubs me wrong.
Sounds like you have a terminal case of shit taste.
A trip when it was unnecessary. Pardon the 'tism
Elf had some good moments. Although I liked the fatty and demon sensei most.
Damn it.
I have the exact same feeling honestly. Not really sure exactly what it is about the clothing that puts me off though.
Jannie get down
>neptunia humor
It was the clothing for me. It made their bodies feel invisible, in the sense that it managed to hide everything but their faces. I thought about it some more, and came to realise that I don't like Namori's character designs after looking through more of their work.
In Endro, pink/purple and blue/yellow basically share the same outfit. And they're all colour-matched with the same white top. It's all very bland.
>It made their bodies feel invisible, in the sense that it managed to hide everything but their faces.
Wut. They all have exposed bellies, armies, cleavage and the cartardo even has a butt window.
For it's the useless elf.
I miss them, at least I have Yusha's figure to look forward to this month.
>those thighs
Yeah, somehow it managed to do that despite all the exposed bits. I really think their costumes had too much colour matching. Pastel blending into light skin doesn't help any.
-ly uncomfortable
Horrible taste.
It's a trash anime.
Hopefully mods delete this thread again.
It's almost as if starting a thread with r34 is not allowed in a blue board.
I'm surprised it lasted for as long as it did desu
Hello crossboarder.
Endro was unironically my AOTY until Machikado dethroned it. And it did so only because Mao wasn't in every episode.
Finally, someone with taste.
Endro would have been AOTY if Yuusha and Hime kissed.
That's if Mao and Female Warrior also kissed.
Aren't you forgetting someone?
Three-way /u/ kissu!?
What a fatso
the cartard was so hot wtf
Just the right amount of fat.
Same. Mao is a 10/10 character stuck in an 8/10 anime.
What's her name again?
Woman of culture.
Mrs. Maochansensei
Long elf
Elf DFC.
you need to go back to your subledit
What if Mao was your girlfriend and you got her pregnant?
>This is anime
Prove it.
Don't mind me. Just taking my loli home.
Put the loli back right this minute or else
Watch out for dudes carrying gasoline cans, Namori.
>making an anime thread on an anime board
You've got balls. Get banned, like the 5 times before!
>Endro is forgotten
>Spyce is forgotten and would be even more had it not been for the game
What went wrong?
Also, it doesn't seem fair that Yulia's VA is still getting anime roles but Momo's VA hasn't had a main role since Spyce ended and her only anime role since then have been background ones.
Even though I enjoyed Endro when it aired, objectively speaking it had no special qualities and it was kinda dull. No reason to remember it.
But it was so cute.
What does the title mean? Endroll?
End Roll (as in end credits)
It's cute, has a good story and is funny. What else do you expect it to be?
It had delicious Namori characters. Spyce is proof that I'll watch anything which features them.
I also watch fun shows with good music and nice characters, as if that's something strange for people to do.
There are tons of cute and funny shows. I don't think that's enough to be memorable.
So why is it that it was Spyce that got a mobage and not Endro?
it moves
I just told you that the exceptional element was Namori's characters.
Don't let your waifu trip to mexico
Because Endro deserves nothing less than a full blown JRPG.
New episode today?
>it had no special qualities
2, right here
Can we go a single Endro thread without some faggot bringing up Spyce?
I honest and legit do not understand what mods are currently thinking, threads get deleted at random, somehow X post is off-topic but the off-topic post next to it isn't, and all you can do is feel sad about it.
>it moves
animated .jpgs are a thing
bad example,
Maochan is so scary and intimidating!
>it became a .gif
what the hell
>windowstards thinking file extension = file type
yeah I changed the extension to ,gif and it worked fine
im a dumbass
it was ok
>well executed ending
>cute and funny characters
>objectively speaking it had no special qualities
Sure it did.
And the ending was superb.