HOLY FUCK! CHADren has turned to a true monster. Is there even ONE (1) shonen MC who can compare to this madman?

HOLY FUCK! CHADren has turned to a true monster. Is there even ONE (1) shonen MC who can compare to this madman?

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Is Eren a deconstruction of the shonen mc?

he's a deconstruction of good writing



Based NWO
Hope they kill everyone and Mikasa marries into their bloodline.

>good writing
Seems like you have the wrong board pal

Eren and Tanjirou are my favorite MCs right now


fuck you

Shut up shonencuck

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, yes to creat GREAT writing.
Based isayama, writing a protagonist whoms actually compelling, morally grey, dimensional, and who can actively move the plot of the story.

Great character design too, seriously the best MC i've ever had the pleasure of following.

>shonen mc
Can we stop this meme.
"shonen" isn't any kind of useful categorization, his just an exceptionally exciting to follow protagonist, out of any manga period, atm.

based titanchads

Shonentards BLEEDING out of their assholes right now, holy shit.

Retreat to your Cuck Academia and Hunter threads please.


It's Bran travelling to the past episode
So he was truly was a game of throne fan

I'm the one who made this thread and I'm a Hunterchad. Both series deconstructed shonen MCs in a different way.

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is Eren literally affecting the past? What is happening here?

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There is nothing deconstructed here.
Is more like traditional shonen when it was not everything solved with friendshit.

>It's Eren plan. He play with him.
This father warning about him is Eren plan.Zeke is baka and he ordered something to early.

timetravel, aka the best way to fuck up a story to an unfixable point

>Eren in the beginning: I will kill all enemies
>Eren in the end: I will kill all enemies
>fanbase: wtf why is my imaginary shipping drama isn't resolved