There's a new chapter
World Trigger
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and I must respond
>He wasn't particularly motivated at the beginning of the story
He broke into Border after failing to join as an active agent, and he was the one who tried to sacrifice himself to save his school in chapter 1. We later learn that he has a secret goal of protecting his friend Chika/finding her brother, and only later does he ANOTHER goal (assist Yuuma). Despite being motivated enough to join a military organization through force if needed, he still didn't put in the actual effort beyond the initial instigating drive to act. He didn't want to struggle, but he wanted to save people. This sort of behavior is pretty normal all things considered. A lot of people WANT to do things, but don't want to try very hard.
And really, don't forget: he spent about a year not even reading the Raygust manual, and didn't know how trion works. This was basic, it wasn't because he lacked a trainer.
>I suppose if expending brainpower requires no effort or energy that would explain a lot about your post.
If you're suggesting that I feel like thought != hard work in which case, kind of. Or more accurately in the context of this image obviously this is meant to be about hard work for fighting prowess, so hard work researching isn't in the realm of discussion. Even if you want to say it's about "just hard work", as it's vs talent there's an implication that it's about self-improvement, which while Osamu has shown self improvement, his character arc isn't about self-improvement, it's about acceptance of limitations versus presumption of responsibility. He wants to improve himself without working hard, if possible. Don't we all?
Trigger Keeper raws were posted.
But, Part 2 where?
You should really check archives but thanks on the keeper notification.
oh no
>You should really check archives
Where do you think I got that image?
Fun fact: It may be hard to tell in the translation, but she uses very rough words that are indistinguishable from Yuba.
>S E X
>WTfags hard at work dissecting what's supposed to be a blatant shitpost
You guys are great. Never change.
I think he works hard at achieving his goal, which for once doesn't boil down to becoming the best fighter in the country or becoming the setting's esteemed ruling authority. But in order to do that he had to accept his limitations and give up working hard to physically improve himself, because focusing on that will prevent his friends from getting to the Neighborhood in time.
Fortunately in this series it's perfectly possible to achieve all of that with the power of teamwork and networking. If he was in the world of Shokugeki no Soma where individual skill is everything then he'd be straight out of luck.
>Fortunately in this series it's perfectly possible to achieve all of that with the power of teamwork and networking.
Coming back to it, the chapter where Border conducts a citywide Radd hunt was pretty good and indicative of what the series is about. Even Yuma was impressed!
What he had was a vague sense of justice that brought a far-reaching goal that's proven unrealistic with his ability. He is a normal student with normal responsibilities, it is a given
that he had doubts about where he was going as a newbie in Border despite being attached enough to not let go. We don't even really know if he went to people for help until after he actually entered the sights of significant people.
>A lot of people WANT to do things, but don't want to try very hard.
That is the mindset of the masses that consider themselves talentless, correct. Why waste effort
on something you don't know will pay off ? The ability to devote to something you don't know whether you have the slightest bit of 'talent' in or not is quite the feat. What use is having a 'hard worker' type as opposed to 'talented' type if both prove to be equally unrelatable in character and achievement ?
>And really, don't forget: he spent about a year not even reading the Raygust manual, and didn't
know how trion works. This was basic, it wasn't because he lacked a trainer.
I don't know how much of him not knowing so readers could get quick explanations is should be blamed on him. Given how much of a serious four-eyes he is all the time, it feels like some neglect or lack of briefing on Border's part. We know later that his trion ratings should be already evaluated, but for some reason is he not told clearly about it ?
Are you trying to say that fighting prowess is all either pure power or the showing of esoteric
feats and special moves that you somehow achieved without expending 'thought' ? Is Soma supposed to be there because his cooking requires no thought ?
>Even if you want to say it's about "just hard work" vs talent
No it's not. Effort is effort. His effort is as legitimate as any other form of effort. He missed the 'devotion to years/months of training shows results' train long ago, this is the only kind of effort that will yield anything in the time he needs it. It's hardly any less legit than a shounen protag training/thinking up some new move/power up in the middle of a tournament arc.
Talent can be a very vague thing as people like to use it whenever there's a set of factors they can't/won't identify that sets someone who achieves results or success apart from themselves.
Sometimes it's legit, sometimes it's really not.
Suddenly, realising your limits and figuring out where to better put your efforts isn't any kind
of personal improvement. Nice.
Damn it. Too late, effort has been expended.
I could've sworn it stated somewhere that they don't tell C-ranks this info until they get promoted to B-rank but I can't remember when it happened.
On the other hand you'd think they could've figured it out by watching all those Rank Wars commentaries. They bring up Trion values frequently.
Does she have the biggest chest size in the manga? Also sometimes I wish WT had more fanservice
Seems like it.
>I could've sworn it stated somewhere that they don't tell C-ranks this info until they get promoted to B-rank but I can't remember when it happened.
Sounds plausible given how secretive details about Trigger technology has to be despite the recruitment drive.
Given that the Rank Wars are set a few months apart, Osamu probably hasn't been around that long ?
The blonde dude reminds me of Shinichi from Holyland way too much
how mad is Ema right now
They hold Rank Wars three times a year. Osamu joined around May or June, so at least one entire Rank War season happened between him joining and the December when he met Yuma.
Was this piece of art made before or after the most recent chapter?
>Yuma has the ducklips
I love how the nips love this meme.
A good question to ask Ashihara would be what was Osamu during those six months before the story began