Hunter x Hunter

Post your Top 3 Zodiac members

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Other urls found in this thread:!lxoUxY7S!kA8_JECArAtUjuJI7Fgabw

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1. Cheadle
2. Pariston
3. Mizaistom

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You faggots make fun of Chad Piece when you have retarded designs like these?

Cheadle is really the best.

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Names for those who forgot:
Rat = Pariston
Ox = Mizaistom
Tiger = Kanzai
Rabbit = Piyon
Dragon = Botobai
Snake = Gell
Horse = Saccho
Sheep = Ginta
Monkey = Saiyu
Chicken = Clook
Dog = Cheadle
Boar = Ging

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And no one will pick Ging as favorite.

Hisoka. Will. Die. Of. Old. Age.


Post the original Togashi one


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It is known.

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When was this pic taken?

Kanzai Freecss

They've never met...

No but one day they will...

1. Cheadle
2. Mizai
3. Pyon

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Cheadle awakens something in me

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Hunter x Hunter

Gon: Bisexual
Killua: Gay
Kurapika: Pansexual, he doesn't find any gender specially attractive
Leorio: Heterosexual, but feels attracted to traps

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Hunter x Hiatus

Leorio has been fucking Cheadle raw the entire boat trip

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I just wish she didn't have the stupid dog ears. Most of the Zodiacs really needed a cleanup. Their designa make no sense in HxH.

>dog ears
I've been wondering, is Cheadle pure human?

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Seinen sandwich

Based. XD

the last time he worked on the manga in any serious manner. Circa 1998


yes, but since her characteristics and title are so crystallized her nen has fucked her over and made her a dog.

I always though it was a costume.

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Based Leorio

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Me too. She looks different without the get-up.


Yeah. She has real human ears. Those most be some kind of Tiara.

är du någon slags svensk eller?

Bunny is the cutest.

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Gon payaso >>> Meruem dorado

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What if Gon kissed Kite at that moment?

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>top 3
>posts 6

Which Zodiac has the ugliest design?

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I can’t choose the top 3 so I decided to double it.


Horse und monkey

Either Dragon, Sheep or Horse.
Monkey is ugly too but not as much as the others.

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Shut the fuck up.

Saccho design is the most boring one desu, although it is kinda funny that his face resembles a horse.

Horse by far. He doesn't even look human like the others. Togashi should have just made Lupin with buckteeth and a ponytail.

>implying that's not a thing Pariston would try to do and then play some 4D chess with the explanation

>literal horse face
Is this even a question? Most of the others are just using face paint and makeup.

Botobai is perfectly fine without make up, and Ginta is just an One Piece reject. Horse's face is just fucked up. Far worse than the others.

Pyon needs more love.

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Yoshihiro Togashi

Hisoka has honor unlike Chrollo

Chrollo is 10 times more honorable than Hisoka tho

Being a mangaka is hard :(

Cow, Just look that it's a Kigurumi Clothing.

Stupid meme. No such thing as "honor" in a death match. You do everything to win.

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Top 2

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Then why did he kill Kortopi and Shalnark?

What do you mean wrong Zodiacs

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If Gon was the MC, the Succession War would already be over.

Prove me wrong.

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Gon would've gotten himself arrested and executed like the retard he is, same with Killua. Only Kurapika and Leorio have the smarts and reasoning to survive the succession war.

lol leorio

>I won't die even if you execute me!

>has no nen
He can't even get on the boat.

Indeed, he would've done something reckless while carrying out an important plan, ruining everything.

What are Leorio and Cheadle doing right now?

>implying anyone here is as smart as Pariston

Treating victims of the HeiLi.

anyone have the fanart picture of cheadle dressed like a goth with another female character, I can't remember who it was.

asking for a friend of course

Best prince.

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Boat is too understaffed for that.

There are people who didn't immediatly put Cheadle as the first.

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I just finished all 148 episodes in 4 days

Bet you missed a lot.

You watched 12 hours of hunter x hunter each day for 4 days straight.

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I wouldn't know what I missed if I missed it then .
I enjoyed the experience, I haven't been invested in a story for a long time.

Glad you enjoyed it.

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I plan on reading the manga from the beginning , how much content is missing from the anime ?

About 5 volumes. Anime ends around Vol. 32 Ch.339. VIZ volumes:!lxoUxY7S!kA8_JECArAtUjuJI7Fgabw

Some notable chapters that 2011 skimped on are #1, #11, #102, #108, #185, #204.

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Thanks for the mega, but I'm going to slowly buy the paper volumes . I will ruin the experience if have everything on my computer and I will rush through it like the anime.

Based. I only have the first 15 volumes now but I'll buy the rest on Christmas.

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found it, damn that choker is hot

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cool, thanks

Hisoka wasn't in the CA arc despite being in every other arc in the story because he would've killed Meruem by himself.

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Favorite arcs, protagonists & antagonists?

What is causing Togashi to take so long? Is he writing a databook of the arc for chapter 400?

he has backpain

That would be awesome since iirc the first databook sucked and wasn't by Togashi. It even got Pitou's gender wrong.

t-twenty chapters this year....

Cheadle is a morally good character who deserves to be Chairman but Pariston is far more entertaining.

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Cheadle Paladinknight

Killua would be smart enough to survive.

>with another female character

killua would get killed fairly fast in my opinion, but i do agree that he would be a lot more cautious/smart about the situation than gon. if he had the needle in he probably wouldn't die.

All of the arcs felt different . In the hunter exam arc gon and killuas relationship started off with killua seemingly leagues above gon in experience and power, and the relationship between them was interesting mainly because gon , while less powerful than killua, was willing to die right from the start. I enjoyed the initial bonding of gon, leorio, and kurapika. Kurapika and killua share similar traits with their apprehension, strategic thinking, and hidden rage, though kurapika grows far more serious and independent , while killua gets progressively more attached to others which in some ways weakens him. Leorio wears his heart on his sleeve to a greater degree than anyone in the group, and in my eyes is the most innocent of the group. He isn't utilized as often in the series as I would like, but I understand that his position in the group would be hard to write into the storylines of the darker arcs . Hisoka is an antagonist bound by his own set of rules, which act as plot armor for killua and gon. I am going to stop writing what is turning into an essay . It's hard to pick my favorites , but I would say that my least favorite arc was the election arc. It seemed out of place. The buildup to meeting ging was always on the backburner throughout the series , but It was still a letdown for it to happen so quickly. My favorite part of the show is the relationship between gon and killua, and the way it was written made it seem incredibly fragile and unbreakable at the same time. The chimera arc was the longest, and it was a huge departure in theme from the previous. It started out pretty neutral but as soon as I saw reina+kurt killed on screen the whole show changed . Netero vs meruem was disappointing because I expected netero to do more than scratch meruem before the rose. The poison was an interesting twist though. I liked Ikalgo, Welfin, and Meleorons stories a lot. bug reina going home was gut wrenching . Gon threatening to kill an innocent was nuts

knovs espionage mission and subsequent mental breakdown was intense, and I was happy to see him support the teams even as he deteriorated. Komugi/meruem storyline I thought was really well written, but It used Komugi as a pawn for the sake of meruems human side. She was a slave that didn't care she was a slave and that worked for the story. The first half of the chimera arc was the most suspenseful and depressing part of the arc, and it made you wonder how the fuck it was going to end . I'm done writing for now

Interesting, what did you think about Alluka?

Yeah, but Netero did say that he was half his former strength before the fight. The outcome didn't surprise me.
I thought it was an interesting that Gon was chasing Ging the whole time and they only meet when Ging showed up willingly.

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know I shouldn’t be surprised anymore by HxH’s ability to have profound explorations of the cyclical nature of mistakes, violence, and forgiveness and such, but rereading this chapter still snuck up on me. I didn’t really expect this a long monologue on karmic cycles, the nature of the soul, and the ways human failings perpetuate themselves, but given everything that’s happened so far, it ended up being pretty damn appropriate.

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Alluka/something was another character development arc for killua. As the series progressed, it's apparent that killua has shitloads more experience than gon. He was trained as an assassin, got to 200 in heavens arena when he was 6 , his family is psychopathic from the amount of wealth to the hired butlers and protocols for control, and it's assumed that before killua had met gon he had already learned alluka/somethings abilities before any of his family. Every flashback that shows killua witnessing a horrific event or killing pre-gon , he is colder and less phased than he currently. Every time he returns to the mansion he reverts to his old self in order to deal with his family, but his goals and priorities now involve people he deeply cares about . He threatens to use alluka to kill his mother, but deep down he knows this is just a bluff and he doesn't want to kill her at that moment. Illumi is one of the most straightforward characters in the show. He is a pure assassin, but unlike the others he is happy to kill outside of contracts. Unlike hisoka, he doesn't kill for fun or enjoyment, he kills to further his own goals, as well as what he perceives as the families interests. If he had to choose between the zoldycks or himself ,I think he would choose himself. As far as antagonists go, his actions are pretty easy to see and not as entertaining as hisokas, however his motivations are more interesting at times. Allukas power seemed like plot armor for gon, but i'm curious to see the repercussions of healing gon and killua protecting her.

Will we ever get to see Leorio ever again?

This chapter was basically a preview of how much esoteric kino Gyro arc will be. I think Kite, Koala, and Colt will be Gon’s new squad when he returns to the story.

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but netero is known for vastly underselling his statements . The fact that he says he is evenly matched with knov/morel doesn't make any sense as he clearly knows that's untrue, however he isn't lying about not being the strongest.

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Gon is gone, he's never coming back.

You need to read the manga, a second lecture with added knowledge will help to settle your thoughs. Also Togashi loves to break shonen tropes and end his arcs in anticlimax if you hadn't noticed.

Based Nencho will fill the void

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>Also Togashi loves to break shonen tropes

Chrollo cheated because he knew he would've lost in a real 1 on 1 fight against Hisoka.

If kite comes back into the story I think he will be top tier those ant genes are no joke

Chrollo limited hinself to only using 5 abilities against hisoka. He clearly didn't see him as a real threat.

We can only hope.

He stockpiles about 10 chapters before publishing the first of the batch.

He stockpiles about 10 chapters before publishing the first of the batch.

He said almost a year ago that the storyboards for 391-400 are already complete.

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Cheadle shouldn't even be president since according to article 8 another election should have been called after Pariston resigned. She should just be a placeholder until the next election is done, but nobody gave a shit. She's an usurper

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Ginta and the horse guy

It is known

It is known

I wish. Guy deserves a bone

Will Togashi ever top Chimera Ant arc?

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Based oc

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>Pitoufag still seething about his ant being male
Just embrace the boipussy

So what was it like rereading CA after finishing all these books?

you're an idiot if you think gon isn't coming back. alluka restored him to the perfect point to where he can learn nen again and get an entirely different power/powerup.

>If he had to choose between the zoldycks or himself ,I think he would choose himself
We saw during the Election arc what he'd do, he still prioritizes the family above all else.

what if i dont want to read a book? thats too many words and not enough pictures.

>he can learn nen again
He's an idiot but you're a bigger one.

>If he had to choose between the zoldycks or himself ,I think he would choose himself.
Not true, he was willing to die for the sake of it's family

>aura = nen
>you went back to "normal"
please dont be surprised in 10 years when we get a new training arc with gon

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It felt like being a butterfly spreading it's wings for the first time after reaching metamorphosis

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Hello brainlet. Aura isn't a synonym with Nen. Aura is the energy Nen uses that all living creatures have. Even before Gon had Nen he had an aura. The damage on his body was caused by the massive increase in aura (Nen baptism uses the same logic, while aura is life energy, too much aura can damage anyone). Alluka could heal the physical damage because it wasn't part of the restriction. Gon gave up the potential to ever use Nen again. Alluka couldn't return him his Nen because that was part of the pact, so, even if he has aura because he's still a living being, he can't use Nen. Togashi reconfirmed this in the chapter 381 color page.

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he couldn't use nen because he hadn't re learned it. he couldn't see his aura because he didn't have nen. everyone can learn nen, because everyone has aura. like i said, dont be surprised when gon gets a training arc

Manga reader

Wiki reader

Learn the difference, bros.

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>characters can't be wrong
maybe you should actually try reading the manga

Characters thoughts often used as exposition. If she's wrong what even the point

>thinking that multiple people telling us that Gon can't/shouldn't try and relearn nen isn't subtle hinting about Gon not just magically forgetting he sacrificed everything for petty revenge

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It is clown.

He can't even kill Chrollo

>shouldn't try and relearn nen
nice headcanon.

Can't Gon just make someone open his aura nodes? The same thing Wing-san did to him?

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Pitou is a girl, you have Kalluto and Alluka if you want a trap so damn much.

Will we ever see Don Freecs?

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Gon will get killed by Genthru before he ever has a chance of trying to reuse his nen.

>Will Togashi ever top Chimera Ant arc?
Already topped by YorkNew City arc.

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99 > 11

Why did the 99 anime make Hisoka so ugly?

Bluepilled. Gon saving Genthru was a parallel to Ging saving Razor, if anything they will be allies in the future.

Alluka exorcised Gon's vow like exorcists do, the hunters called one in exactly because they knew vows can be removed. She gave up because she admitted she is not powerful enough to bear the burden, she didn't say you can't exorcise his nen because he made a pact. Nanika was able to do it because a calamity is obviously powerful enough. And Ging's words are definitive proof that he only needs to reopen his pores and you literally have no way to challenge that since if Gon can't use his nen by just reopening his pores Ging's words make literally no sense whatsoever, as he's stating that with regard to nen Gon is back to normal. If he lost the ability to use nen he's not back because he has never been in that state before and he's not normal because a normal state in one in which you can learn how to use nen just by opening your pores. I'm yet to see one of you retards coming up with an explanation for Ging's words that refutes beyond appeal your dumb interpretation, nobody even manages to find a counter everytime I bring it up exposing you as speedreaders.


Top left is from the movie, not 2011.

Alluka only healed Gon's body. Ging's words are proof that even after Gon's healing he still is beholden to his own vow to sacrifice everything hence why he's even reset back to "normal" to begin with. There is nothing to say he can relearn nen and everything Ging says is basically "don't try, you're lucky to be alive" so I'm not sure who is speedreading here.

That guy is mentally ill, he was already exposed in previous threads and keeps insisting that his headcanon takes precedence over Togashi's word.

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Can you even understand english? Being normal cannot mean he can't use his nen anymore, that's not a normal state, the standard state in which almost all people are in is one in which they can learn nen just by training and opening their pores. Ging is talking about nen so that normal is confirmation that Gon can learn nen again. And he says "you're back" which again if you use your brain you'll realize that you can only be back in a certain state if you've already been in that state in the past, and Gon has NEVER been in state in which he can't learn how to use nen before, but he's been in one in which he only needs to open his pores, which is a double confirmation. You have no way of refuting this and you're speedreading over the meaning of a single cristal clear sentence that leaves no room to interpretation. In your theory Gon is not in a normal situation and he's not back to anything he was before with reference to nen, which is the subject of the discussion between him and Ging.

>Pitou is a girl
Sure, he is a girl(male)


Yes, what Pitou isn't

>Being normal cannot mean he can't use his nen anymore
He's not normal he's "normal" and still under his own convictions. Read the page as it's posted in this thread and tell me how Gon is somehow going to relearn nen? And remember that one of the first things Gon said after being healed is that he should have died so he didn't magically forget why he gave up everything in the first place.

Ging was clear, Gon should be happy to be alive and not worry about not having nen anymore. Ironically you have no way to refute this simple fact.

Nice black and white fallacy.
When he says he can't use Nen it isn't clearly implied that he is forever unable to use Nen again. For all we know, it could mean he just doesn't possess the same capabilities as before.

You didn't even try to counter my argument, because you can't, it always ends up like this with you retards. Him still being under the effects of the vow is not normal in any way as normal people can learn nen no problem, as I've already said the last two times and for two times you had nothing to say about it. There's only one normal state when it comes to nen and it's definitely not one in which you're unable to use it. Gon saying he should have died has nothing to do with what we're talking about since Nanika's intervention removed all that, Gon saying that proves nothing about his nen as of now, I don't why you even bring it up other than to move the goal post after realizing you have nothing to say. It doesn't matter that he didn't forget, nobody even questioned that, Nanika just removed the consequences of that vow regardless. And Ging telling Gon he should be happy to be alive, again, says nothing about Gon being unable to use nen, there's nothing to refute, brainlet. What you can't refute is that being normal means you can learn nen and being back means Gon was already like that at some point in the past, thus it can't mean he can't use nen because he has never been like that before. Looking forward to you ignoring these two irrefutable points for the third time in a row only to bring up more stuff that has nothing to do with anything.

>Gon you're back but not really since this is the first time you've been like this
>Gon you're normal but not really since this state is actually a peculiar one in which normal people never find themselves into
This is the brain of the retards who believe Gon can't never use nen again. Unironically two digit IQ brainlets who can't even read and understand the meaning of a simple sentence

>Nanika just removed the consequences of that vow regardless

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Genthru is on his way to Whale Island right now and he wants to make Gon bleed.

>can't never
Double negative. Stop clogging up the thread with your headcanon, mentally ill spic. No amount of bloated incoherent posts will convince anyone to believe you over Togashi himself. I'll keep posting this page and you can keep coping like the asshurt loser that you are.

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Get proven wrong by actual CANON, dog.

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I hope Wing and Zushi are reintroduced for the new Gon subplot.

based cheadle

Again, this proves nothing. Gon can't use Nen because he needs to open his nodes. It doesn't clearly state he will *never* be able to use Nen again. I don't know why you believe that such frail evidence and that your theories are beyond reasonable doubt, so I'm not sure if you're just a monkey or baiting.
Personally, it's not hard to envision that there could be a small arc where Gon tried to recover his Nen through unconventional means. Time will tell. Retard

why did netero make them mutilate themselves?

Where's Leorio?

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The only problem I have with this is that it looks like Killua could instant kill everyone besides Halkenburg's group.

which one could have defeated Meruem?

It is known

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Physically they probably all lose, but one them might have a power like Knov's that could kill him. Of what's been shown, nobody.


1 millie per volume. Cope, shounenshitter.

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Are there versions of the other characters?


Easily. Nanika is a DC Calamity while Meruem isn't.

Leorio would be the first victim if he was in the Succession War arc. A dumb hothead like him wouldn’t make it.

>She's an usurper
Who the fuck cares?

Oda's favorite HxH characters are Morel, Hisoka, Netero, Chrollo, Beyond and Hisoka.

All the previous voyages to the DC where done by nenless militia right?
Which means that this will be the first time hundreds of nen users will collaborate together in exploring the DC. This expedition will not result in a disaster like the others.

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Because Togashi and reasons

Illumi is light

He didn't.

Gon couldn't use nen before he was taught how, you have proven nothing.

Leorio will put an end to the succession war

Does it say that in the text or did you make that up?

They have no answer.

This. I would get burned out.

They way the story presents it there have been 6 trips to the DC since the V5 established the inviolability treaty. Beyond was on one of them with the Kukan'yu kingdom's expedition along with at least 1 hunter so that trip had nen users.
Netero made two trips to the DC, 1 undocumented and 1 that was probablay another of the unofficial trips. The undocumented one is the one that included Zigg Zoldyck and Linnet so that's where they probably met the Ai.
The remaining 4-5 undocumented trips are up in the air. But since Netero specifically used Beyond's trip as a catalyst to have the V5 make trips to the DC taboo for the Hunter's association it's more than likely that the V5 did contract hunters on previous unofficial trips.

>Nanika just removed the consequences of that vow regardless
Still waiting on any proof for this one? The only thing healed was his body, he was still suicidal after being healed and if he had no consequences he wouldn't have lost the ability to use nen to begin with.

In light of the news of GUST announcing a Fairy Tail game, I was looking back at the genesis of this question back in 2016 when Gust put out a survey on potential anime collaborations...

1. Fairy Tail
2. HxH
3. One Punch Man

God damn it, we were so close!

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Its a girl Stop believing everything you hear on this site

>That filename
Explain yourself. NOW!

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What proof do you have to call him a girl?

any kind of furry are /trash/ here, remember?

okay homo

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I love how HunterxHunter fans pretend they're reading high literature, when it's literally just comics. Comics about little kids fighting monsters, it doesn't really get any more anti-intellectual than that. At least all the other shounen babies have come to accept that what they read is mere entertainment and not something to be taken seriously.
But "Hunterchads" are the only ones who actually delude themselves into thinking what they read is insightful. You're a group of children who really don't know better about the world, I highly recommend you all open an actual book for once in your lives. Any will do, because comic books about superheroes is not a substitute for actual enriching stories that humanity has written throughout the ages.

What proof do you have to call Pitou a him ? The bad manga translations to the point that the translator apologized for calling Pitou "him" ? The truth is that Pitou's gender is still not 100% verified but the way it was protrayed by Togashi is obviously pointing to Pitou being a "she".

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You're the newfag.

>Replying to falseflag
You're the only newfag here.

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Ox Rat Dog


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Well they had nen and were pretty much unscathed which proves my point.

Zygg Zoldyck forced to bring Ai back by the gatekeeper as a penalty.

>The bad manga translations to the point that the translator apologized for calling Pitou "him"
This is a lie, the VIZ translator was only in doubt of his gender after people started asking about it. And even then, at the end of the interview she still called him a he.

Why didn't his nen linger after death?

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For what purpose?

Because he was literally disintegrated...
Nen after death requires atleast a target and a dead body, there was nothing left after the explosion, not even a body capable of producing a curse using residual Nen.

yeah but that's standard procedure, the gatekeeper always brings you back with a calamity

>Nen after death requires atleast a target and a dead body
Where was this stated?
Did you forget the Royal Guards were still alive and kicking everyones ass?

Do we even know who the gatekeeper is? Is it a person? How is the known world blocked by entering DC?

They stated some of the zodiac members changed their physical appearance in respect to their role.

Useless bunny only good for sex

no body = no aura
no aura = no nen

Because he didn't have any real grudge against Mereum, he really did enjoy his fight and he doesn't seem the type to hate anyone like that. Plus he was probably sure the rose would finish the job if he couldn't

That's literally what emission is.


>Secret plan is to put all your dead kids into the genesis device so your surviving kid will inherit their power or whatever
>Make it so that if one of your kids escapes, they're instakilled with no way to recover their body

Sasuga king of not-China

>Did you forget the Royal Guards were still alive and kicking everyones ass?
No, did you forget that part never really happend?

Kakin Psycho

>the worst series won

Zero arguments and no counter about Ging's irrefutable words. Just name calling and buzzwords. As usual. That page says nothing we didn't know already, it proves nothing
Kek, you found out that people with pores closed cannot see aura? Bravo. Next you'll tell me normal people cannot learn nen because they can't see their aura? Absolute retard
>Still waiting on any proof for this one?
What about my explanation of the double confirmation that comes from Ging's "you're back to normal" that you and all the others who keep replying with irrelevant shit keep ignoring and avoiding to discuss, every single time I bring it up, in every single post? Those words prove that he is just in a state in which his pores are closed like before Wing shocked him. That and the exorcist the hunters bring in who says that she just doesn't have enough power and not that removing the vow cannot be done in principle, thus implying Nanika, who clearly has enough power, was able to do it. Being reset to a pre pores opening state is the way Nanika left him. And he was not suicidal he just knew that he should have died to the vow, but Nanika saved him, it doesn't mean he's suicidal, and it doesn't even matter in regards to him having his nen back or not. Again, Ging's words are the proof and all of you are accepting it by continuously avoiding to touch that argument, because there's nothing you can say against it. I've brought it up 4 times in this thread alone and not a single person was able to refute it or even just address it. And the same thing happened all the times I've brought it up in the past. You on the other hand have no proof that only his body was healed, even not counting Ging's words that openly contradict you

I do because it doesn't really make sense that she's allowed to be chairman without having won an election, that violates the bylaws but for some reason nobody cared. Pariston resigned just like Netero did, Cheadle doesn't get to be a full powered chairman just because she was appointed vice

How much time has Togashi spent playing Dragon Quest XI?

Cheadle was directly appointed by Pariston, and the chairman doesn't have to follow the bylaws so it is legit.

2019 and Hisokakeks still can't accept that their boy lost. Embarrassing.

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Cheadle is chairman so deal with it.

Will Chrollo survive the boat trip and maybe the Dark Continent?

Kuroro will kill el payaso

>Leave that mass-murdering hatsu thief to me.

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>Leave that blind girl to me.

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>Leave Cheadle's pussy to me.

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more time than he's ever spent on hxh


>What about my explanation of the double confirmation
Irrelevant because you contradicted yourself. You said Nanika removed the consequences of the vow, yet Gon is still afflicted with some of the consequences from his vow post-healing. If he had no other problems thanks to Nanika, why did he lose his nen at all? If her healing was perfect shouldn't his aura nodes still be open if she removed any negative side effects of his vow? Something isn't adding up with your so called double confirmation.

Why did Togashi add a Dr.Stone reference in pic related? Is Dr.Stone Togashi approved?

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Yes it is

The ant who killed Ponzu, what the fuck was wrong with him?

You're making shit up, the chairman cannot ignore the bylaws, where the fuck did you take that from you fucking idiot, maybe in the third world shit hole where you come from people can just ignore the law but the whole point is that you have to abide to them no matter what. And it doesn't mean shit that Pariston appointed her as vice, so did Netero with Pariston but he had to go through an election to become chairman. You're one of the many anime only speedreaders who didn't even know that the bylaws existed

>anime only speedreaders

Kek so yet another time you fail to address the point that proves you wrong beyond doubt, it's fucking hilarious at this point. I'm not contradicting shit, the fact that to heal Gon Alluka had to reset his nen doesn't negate him being able to use nen again, it's just the way the exorcism went and you still have no argument against it, I never said the exorcism is perfect or whatever, even if it has a lasting effect in Gon having to re open his pores, Ging's words make still perfect sense and they cannot be interpreted in any other way. Now try explain how Ging's words even make any sense assuming you're right and Gon can't use nen for real. But you won't because you can't and that's why you and all the idiots like you simply decide to not argue that point, every sigle fucking time it's brought up.

Le poopoe poopy pants

People who only started reading the manga after the anime ended and didn't bother reading what came before that, thus not knowing all the shit that was not included in the anime like the bylaws that Madhouse didn't show in full. They are not used to read, they believe anime filler being canon, they speedread the new chapters and come up with dumb theories like Velereinte is Hisoka because he used a heart and the chairman is above the law because fuck it

This is the brain of people who Gon can't use nen anymore and can't understand the meaning of a short sentence. No arguments and once they're exposed they revert to toddler's mental capabilities

Kekerino retard u

Ah okay.

reminder that there are cimera ants on the ship that pariston wants to use to create calamity human hybrids

*Chimera-human hybrid

Nah we've seen Ging is holding him off on the 5000 ants and preventing him from messing with them. My theory is somehow Gyro will end up leading them and using them as an army to take over the world, taking advantage of the shift in power balance resulting from the V6 and hunter association focusing men and resources on the DC expedition

5000 Chimera-human hybrid

>the fact that to heal Gon Alluka had to reset his nen
Prove this is the case and him losing his nen isn't related to his vow. I'm still waiting. You won't get anything else from me until I have actual proof and not your suppositions.

The chairman can make new bylaws, modify existing bylaws or remove existing bylaws. In practice bylaws don't affect him.

Belerainte being Hisoka is perfectly possible angry man.

Let's analyze this
Hunter bylaw 9(Part 1):
>The authority to decide on a method to select new members is given to the chairman.
But the chairman left without deciding ever deciding a method to follow.

Now let's take a look at other bylaws
Hunter bylaw 8:
>When the position of chairman is vacated, deputy power is given to the vice-chairman in the meantime(aka Cheadle).
Hunter bylaw 9(Part 2):
>However, to significantly change the existing methods requires the confidence of a majority of colleagues(Cheadle has this).
Hunter bylaw 10:
>Any matter not mentioned here will be decided in a cabinet consisting of the chairman, vice-chairman and staff advisers(aka Cheadle friends).

You should easily see that with this three alone Cheadle would have enough means to appoint herself as the new chairman.

rereading the chrollo vs hisoka fight, there's so much stuff I missed first time around
do you often reread arcs?

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I reread from chapter 340 everytime new chapters come because by then i've forgotten most of the things that happened.

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Or maybe the election happened off-screen and Togashi didn't waste time with that you idiots.

I don't have to prove it because there's no way to and you can't prove the opposite either, the only certainty are Ging's words that prove that Gon is back to normal and needs to only open his pores, that being because of Nanika or his own vow is irrelevant. And you're ignoring that point and trying to move the goal post all day because you know you can't come up with anything to refute it.

Headcanon, nothing like that is ever stated and it doesn't make any sense with regards to a statutory system, you're like a two year old trying to figure out politics and believing a chairman is some kind of God above the laws that can change them as he sees fit. That's not how the world works. And Cheadle is not even the chairman after Pariston resigned, she just had deputy power until the new chairman is elected. The last official chairman was Pariston and all he did was make Cheadle vice and resign, he didn't change shit

Shut the fuck up

does hisoka use his gum as butt pads?

Great argument idiot

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Can't Gon's conviction be exorcised by a nen exorcist?

My post was “who the fuck cares?” You called me a idiot without a good reason, you rude monkey.


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>shut the fuck up
>don't be rude, you monkey!



>The chief executive must earn the confidence of a majority of his colleagues
You have to be elected by majority, Cheadle didn't. Only article 10 gives her power to do stuff without a majority but only for matters not included in the other artciel, which is not the case with the procedure to become chairman, since there's the prerequisite of obtaining the majority of the consensus already in the previous dispositions

>Any plot hole or error doesn't exists because I say it was resolved off screen even tho it's never mentioned

It isn't a plot-hole, it is never stated that Cheadle became chairman wihout an election. Any normal person would assume that the normal procedure that Togashi introduced was followed, but you want to feel smart by noticing a plot-hole that doesn't exist.

Zodiacs are furfag shit.
Another reason i've dropped this furfag shit.

London bookstore café


>and you can't prove the opposite either
Let's see.
>gon says he's giving up everything to beat pitou
>pitou states that Gon has given up his nen in order to reach that power
>Gon gets healed
>still can't use nen
>calls his dad
>ging reminds Gon of his vow about giving away everything
So if I weren't a complete brainlet like you I'd understand that Gon getting healed didn't remove the convictions he had about sacrificing everything. So him not being able to use nen isn't because of Nanika, it's because as Ging reminds him/the reader Gon gave it all up. And since nen literally means "mind force" it's no wonder that believing you can't use something anymore results in you not being able to use that thing anymore.

Meanwhile you cannot provide any justification about how Nanika is the one to close Gon's aura nodes because the story is obvious with how unconnected those things are.

Sure thing speedreader, because he used a heart even tho the color is actually wrong and doesn't match Hisoka's, and despite countless characters doing the same during the manga and in this same arc as well. And somehow Biscuit and Kurapika don't recognize him by his voice and Biscuit who could tell he was lying in GI is clueless having a zombie Hisoka in his same quarters for days. Read slower instead of coming up with braindead theories and getting butthurt once you're exposed

Will Gon sleep with Palm?

Chrollo has no dignity

No, Gon will sleep with Noko.

An entire arc was spent on showing how the election took place but not even a single word mentioning another massive event like that took place again and saw Cheadle elected. Not a single word in all the text filled chapters that came after that. You're just assuming another election took place without a single word to base that on, it's just your headcanon and yes that's exactly what you're doing, there's no explanation but you just assumed it exists off panel to try and cover it up. It's just dumb

If anything Togashi sees Pitou as a girl but keeps leaving the pronouns neutral to be a troll.


All that babbling you wrote and you just keep repeating is disproved by a simple sentence "it just means you went back to normal". You're hilariously avoiding to argue that sentence in every single post coming up with ways to ignore it because you can't say anything against it. It's pathetic. What's the reason why you won't talk about it in your next post? Come on try something new this time

Of course i assumed it happened since it's the logical thing and what would make sense. You on the other hand assume that it didn't happen and i can't really undertand why.

Yes he did. That's why it's called "malice". Malice implicates a grudge, hatred and butthurt, and he showed serious asshurt with the ants in general on many occasions.

>is disproved by a simple sentence
Nope. Because right after that ging explains more of what that means but your dumb ass ignores it.
>you'd be ungrateful if you asked for more
>be happy about it
With the obvious meaning that Gon losing his nen is because of his own will. But you think this means Gon is no longer held to his own vows despite having no proof of how Nanika even factors into this.


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That chapter had references to a bunch of manga as part of WSJ anniversary, they were removed in the volume release though.

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this is togepi user, a dude who loves traps
nothing it's assured

That's why Alluka and Kalluto exist, they are there to satisfy Togashi's trap boner so he can continue making normal females without the urge to make a trap.

so would people actually be mad if gon re learns nen? i mean, he could just make killua ask nanika to restore his nen

The malice you're talking about is a collective one. The malice of the human race, not only of Netero.
If anything, Netero died being grateful for finding and fighting such an opponent. He got his wish.

and pitou doesn't fit the criteria because?

She's an actual girl

and dead


Attached: pitou survived.jpg (160x454, 105K)

Pitou is male. Show me actual proof that says it's female. And interpretation of what's not said doesn't count.

You can't show any actual proof that Pitou is male, and no that databook isn't canon.

Munky, chicken, rat, cow, snake

none of the chimera ants have genitalia, therefore you are not straight or gay if you were to have consensual fellatio with any of them. :)

>so would people actually be mad if gon re learns nen?
It would retroactively make me hate Alluka/Nanika. I'm fine with a wish granting character healing Gon, I'm less OK with Kite being alive because that's a legitimate asspull. And if Gon just gets back his nen it would really cheapen the whole arc he had. Which isn't to say he shouldn't be locked out of nen forever, but he should only be able to get it back of he can overcome his own mental state since his vow is tied to it. Maybe one day after he's grown up he can move on and start training again, and I'd expect him to have a far more typical nen education if his sacrificed potential is still a factor.

nanika is already an annoying asspull. O MY NATURAL CALAMITY THAT CAN WISH ANYTHING AT ALL and then written out of the manga immediately

Saccho, no doubt

>nanika is already an annoying asspull
I'm fine with her personally, a new concept like the calamities was just the right kind of bizarre to make the dark continent.

Oito has developed romantic feelings for Kurapika.

Oito is just using Kurapika to survive the succession war.

Oi oito

While there's no conclusive proof, there are more hints about Pitou being a girly boy than a girl. You're just in denial like

This basically

Welfin & Ikaglo

Oy vey

Pathetic dog. Cope.

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There have more hints at Pitou being female like when Killua compared her toa other cat protecting her kittens and of course the manga cover where she's deciphered as the Virgin Mary.

Only at first, but in this moment she was smitten.

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No, Welfin & Hina

What about them?

Honestly what did Togashi mean by these pages? Will they really become a couple?

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they are fucking

Of course Pitou has "girly" symbolism, what the fuck you expect a trap to have? manly symbolism?

No they are not.

Who and why did they adapted Hunter x Hunter back in the 90s? And why some of the fillers?

But Hina is a whore, she would let even Bizeff to fuck her.

I hope when Welfin becomes the protagonist of the Gyro arc, he uses his former name Zaikahal. Also why would Welfin fuck Hina?

Nobuto Sakamoto did some of his best work as art director on HxH 99. coupled with industry legend takayuki Goto (the G of production IG) as designer, animation director & Kazuhiro furuhashi (Kenshin ova)'s strong layouts make hxh 99 a sight to behold.

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Did the director thought that Kurapika was a girl or something? How would he handle the Chimera Ants arc?

Yikes and dilate.

Why do some people have issue with Pitou being a girl? Pitou looks like a girl anyway so it would be better if Pitou was female. Fucking Trapashi

The director said he would've had the CA arc more censored than the 2011 anime censored it.

And also yes he thought Kurapika was a girl and shipped him with Leorio.

Based director, how is he doing anyway?

Hunter hunting for their dreams

>How would he handle the Chimera Ants arc?
This unanswered question keeps me awake at nights. fml.

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1999 Kurapika’s character design is goddamn beautiful

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Leorio will be the new protagonist and face of HxH.

He directed Dororo.

The former hopefully but the latter not so much (I hope)

I don't care anymore...

We are getting chapters in mid october, Togashi told me in a dream.

I think im in love with Shizuku

Next volume will consist of 10 chapters of Rihan and Saccho outsmarting eachother.

I hope you're ready for her to get CLOWNED

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Beyond Netero

Calm down Kalluto!

There's no reason to keep putting Gon as the face when his story is done and that he will never come back except for the end of the entire story. (if that ever comes)

But Gon could easily arrive at the DC through Knov


Ging, kurapika, leorio, imagine actually caring about the other zodiacs. We don't even know their powers...

imagine caring abour leorio.

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We prolly won't, our kids will tho

Because not even a word was spent on it while we have continuous text dumps and lengthy explanations for trivial things in comparison. I'm assuming it didn't happen because it's not mentioned and it's a big event. As I've already said, according to your reasoning plot holes don't exist because you assume a reasonable explanation exists but it happened off panel. Even the most glaring error can be justified by simply saying "here's the explanation, it's not mentioned anywhere whatsoever but I'll just assume it happened off panel". It doesn't make sense

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Pitou is male, in that fanart Gon can see his penis.

None of the zodiacs have great designs except for Rat, Rabbit, and Boar.

The worst one are Tiger, Dragon, and especially the fucking Horse.



Cheadle was only just there to be elected.

Dark Continent:

>Sachu/Monkey guy


>Bojack Horseman
>Cobra Baroness

I don't remember their names because all of them besides Pariston, Ging, and Mizaistom all fucking suck. Except for Horse guy or Horseradish or Bojack Horseman.

has anyone listened to the english dub of gon transformation scene? it’s hilariously bad.

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I did not, Hisoka's voice is fucking retarded and they destroyed Netero's character in the exam arc. Watching that after watching the sub is torture.

HxH is a shonen in name only, it has transcended the genre a long time ago

It is now a shoujo manga.

It is known

Stop posting this to reddit

Kurapika Paladinknight

no, Kurapika Hui Guo Rou and Leorio Hui Guo Rou


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I accept your concession

Machi Morrow


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I hated Mizaistom at first, but he has grown on me after he lost it. Now he is my favorite.

I hope the other Zodiacs also look cooler when they take some accesories off, but Saccho seems unsalvageable.


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This lesbian fucked Amane.

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Genthru killed Gon off screen during the Succession War arc.

I hope

Genthru doesn't hate Gon though, he probably likes him after he used angel's breath on him after he was defeated

what does it do?

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Keep watching & stop shitposting

i mean, when the time is over.

chester cheetah brutaly sodomizes you while eating chili cheese freetos. it's canon !

Rooster and Snake are also good.
And Tiger isn't bad.

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Ging > Pariston > Mizai > Cheadle > Botobai > Pyon > Gel > Kanzai > Cluck > Ginta > Saiyu > Saccho


Chrollo won't be making it off the boat alive

It is known


I geniunely can't wait for HXH to return. The best part about the chapters is seeing the entire board lose their shit over the major stuff. IE. Kacho dying, Tse's king crimson powers, rihan page, etc.

The last batch was legendary, next 20 chapters will need Hisoka to top it.

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who makes these hisoka edits

the anonymous hacker known as Yea Forums(nel)

Hisoka will achieve immortality

I got a lot of (You)s for this and it only took 5 seconds to make

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next 20 chapters are gonna be insane. screencap my post. unbelievable kino will unfold

Pitou is currently on the boat

HxH hiatus is killing me, I need my 10 chapters per year HxH dose!

good list but you're definitely underestimating saiyu though, he is a member of beyond's squad.

Hunterbros, today new AoT chapter came out and it's absolute shit. I'm so sad

How dare you.

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Ging > Pariston > Mizai > Pyon > Kanzai > Cheadle > Botobai > Saccho > Cluck > Saiyu > Ginta

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Because Cheadle is boring.

Cheadle has been fucking Leorio raw the entire boat trip.

surprisingly the nose isn't as defining as I thought it was

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It is known.

Same amount of time you spent on Yea Forums

What does her armpit smell like?

Tiger is over-designed.
Its an eye sore watching him.

Snake did improve but that's not saying much. She's like the mom from the Adam's family. Rooster is okay but like Tiger she feels over-designed.

>but he has grown on me after he lost it.
Lost what?
He's not bad just not that great.

I'm fine with Gon relearning nen as long as it won't be as easy as the first time.

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he would kill himself before becoming immortal

i wish i knew

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Machi and Hisoka are getting married.


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Kek based fellow casualtie bro.

Why what


Will Kurapika be a main character in the Dark Continent or will it be Leorio focused?

If you think Kurapika will be a main character in the DC then you are either a speedreader or a dumbass, his abilities are based on information gathering and revenge, not surviving harsh nature.
It's going to be Ging and Leorio.

Relax, fellow hunterchad, I was just asking people's opinions, no need to get confrontational

There is no confrontation, it's just a bad question, at this point in time including Kurapika in the DC would make Togashi a hack who's in need of his MCs to save the story, Kurapika's abilities aren't suited for it, and neither are his end goals, he has no business exploring it.

Even though he's a Zodiac now? Isn't there a chance he would be needed when it comes to Beyond?

He's only temporarily a Zodiac until they reach the Dark Continent, in exchange for the information by Mizai, he helped them with the Hunter's exam and preparation for the DC, and even if he makes it to the DC and let's say Togashi writes a decent reason for Kurapika to go there, he won't be in any shape to explore it, 5 years shaven of his life span so far and much more to come, too much physical and mental stress, Kurapika is slowly but surely paying the price for seeking revenge, by the end of the SW he will have suffered some great penalties if not death.

I finally figured it out:
Hunter x Hunter is a reference to the two main characters in this series. The first was Gon, his story is told, he will never appear again (along with Killua). The other one is Kurapika. From now until Togashi dies (so probably 40 chapters left) Kurapika will be the main character, transforming the franchise into a detective story.
I literally tip my fedora, well played to destroy the shonen manga that destroyed shonen manga with his own work. A genius.

>canonically walked sailor moon home

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No he just wanted a manga about Hunters and called it Hunter Hunter based on a comedy show he was watching where they repeat words twice, the x is a multiplication sign, unlike other mangaka he'd rather focus on the actual story instead of some stupid "roll the credits" reference to the show's title 200 chapters in, looking at you Shingeki no Kyojin...

were the hell are you togashi, you cant just leave us dry like this.
how about 1 chapter per month, just the tip bro please

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Mizaistom (although I might be biased, his character is the most developed one out of all the Zodiacs because he appears the most out of all of them in the DC arc)
Tie between Kanzai and Piyon (the former is likeable because of his simplicity, the latter because of her looks).

Saccho, hands down.

No chapter this year

>the 99fag is a redditor
Why am I not surprised.

Palm Freecss?

I always thought Hunter x Hunter meant hunter hunting a hunter.

Leorio will end the war

Tiger guy is kinda ugly cute.

Attached: kanzai_.jpg (563x604, 50K)

Dilate, tranny.

Kurapika will eat the nitro-rice, cope.

Reminder that he is playing animal crossing while guarding Beyond.

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Are you stupid? Killua & Kurapika are the smart ones. Gon & Leorio are the dumb ones. Killua can survive DC.

He will eat shit and nothing more, seeth.

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This reminds me of Nevada-tan. I miss Nevada-tan. Shes probably out now, what happened to her?

What happened to Nevada-tan or Yuka?

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Sorry Noko. Gon only likes cougars.

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Gon is more the type who would survive the DC.

Why is he such a slut?

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Punished Hisoka

A clown denied his...

El payaso renacido...

Hisoka morirá de vejez.

Kuroro matara Hisoka.

>Why is he such a CHAD?

El Danchou

You know what? Fuck this shit and fuck the haitus, i’m gonna reread HxH and ASOIAF again. I finished Odyssey.

Chrollo "El Diablo Ladrón" vs Hisoka "El Payaso Renacido"...

Both bec they're part of the Zodiacs now and they'll have to be in DC with the others.

Wrong, reread the dark continent expedition arc.

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Kurapika agreed to join the DC expedition in exchange for information on the Kurta eyes. Read chapter 343.

Yes I know. How does that contradict my statement of Kurapika being on DC?

okay say i reread the manga, what would i find that tells me Kurapika won't be important in the DC but Leorio will?

The fact that he dies after the succession war.

Attached: kurapika whaa.png (710x867, 949K)

Why are you lying?

Oh just your prediction. Thought we were talking facts here. Never mind.

Can't lie about something that hasn't happened yet, learn what words mean before using them retard.

Well, technicaly speaking you are right. Unless he dies during the succesion war.

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It is a fact.

Why do you keep lying?

What's his endgame?

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Serve his future King, obey his orders and rise through the ranks.

Se sabe

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The ant Queen did nothing wrong.

She did, mixing human dna in the ants was a mistake.

It is known.

Thank god I'm not from the NGL. Bunch of retards getting themselves tortured, killed and eaten.

She has human DNA mixed in aswell, that's why she's mutated and around the size of a human.

But it wasn't? Mixing human dna made them smarter and stronger.

and the reason why they failed

Not really, the positives from mixing human DNA overwrote the identity issues they had, the ants would have failed one way or the other, simply because humans are technologicaly advanced and were around for much longer than the giant mutated ants who only began to develop.

Attached: 1561737553771.png (1334x750, 2.13M)

Moon is god, woman wife of sun.

Hisoka r*ped Gin in the summer of 92'

What will the next thread be about?

any bait nobodys used yet?

Hisoka is going to rape and kill Gon when he finds out he can't use his nen because he has no interest in broken toys.


NGL & east-Gorteau BTFO!!

Just make a question in the OP so it gets a lot of yous