This man is now the lead director and brand-new executive producer of post-arson Kyoto Animation.
Say something nice to him, Yea Forums.
This man is now the lead director and brand-new executive producer of post-arson Kyoto Animation
And ching chong nip nong to you, young man
Ishihara and Yamada are still very much alive and as well as Fujita who may start taking more directing roles
Ishidate is getting better, I'm hopeful he will learn from his shortcomings through directing more projects
Fujita is literally Ishidate's apprentice. That's the whole point of having her involved in VEG as a series director and having her debut as a full director on the VEG gaiden movie with Ishidate as the supervising director. The unfortunate irony in all of this is that she'll end up picking up the seat Takemoto emptied, God rest his soul.
With that said Ishihara needs to get his shit together. He's the oldfag of the remaining directors and just got outskilled by a director that debuted in 2013.
Fujita is Yamada's protege and Ishidate is talentless hack. Ishihara and Takemoto were the only good tv anime directors at Kyoani since Yamada became a movie director.
You only landed your position because everyone else burned to death
Shin Godzilla
Evolution in a nutshell.
So in a couple thousand years we will have fire-resistant animators?
No, but we'll have a more fire-safe building for animators.
>Fujita is Yamada's protege
>that's why she's been Ishidate's shadow since 2015ish
Congratulations on your promotion, you sure earned it.
>t. butthurt yamadafag
He Looks like Kojima
he did the arson and pinned it on the scapegoat, all to get a promotion
this but unironically
And Yamada framed Yamakan with sexual harassment. All Kyoani's directors are backstabbing bastards.
Just look how happy he is
Pic is from 2017.
I really hope they're able to band together and make something again. It's the only way that the killer can't win.
Long live the king. May he make 2 more seasons of Bioretto Ebaagaaden.
i want violet to be my husband
>the original VEGfag is taking over the studio
It's over.
How many survivors do you think will leave KyoAni?
get fucked jap
I don't know it barely feels like people really give a fuck about Kyoto Animation anymore so that's nice I guess. All the buzz is always for whatever A-1 Pictures and it's affiliates are doing or failing that whatever shows have the most memes, but that's usually just A-1 and co. stuff anyway.
I didn't even know they apparently had another two series since Violet Evergarden cause I never heard anybody talk about them so yeah it's pretty crazy. I was never a huge fan but I definitely remember when everybody would just rave about and buy all the shows they put out almost as rule and whatever they were doing was just guaranteed to be the most talked about and highly acclaimed thing among otaku.
It seemed like it was going to go on forever, and then Aniplex/A-1 came and Bakemonogatari, Madoka, Fate, SAO and all the various other stuff they've cranked out since 2009 that's been insanely popular seems to have effectively buried the Kyoani brand in otaku circles long before the arson attack. It also effectively shifted the conversation from being one about individual studios with strong in house staff efforts, often in spite of mediocre script material, to one about big production outfits cranking out large amounts of generic mass appeal stuff using whatever studios are available and being able to pull strings to get the absolute most popular and/or trendy talent of the moment to work on stuff for them and yet the scripts are still somehow mediocre and forgettable no matter how awesome the writer is according to fans.
Now like the Kyoani dominated era it seems like this current one that's been utterly dominated by Aniplex/Sony productions is never going to end and they've been at the peak of popular otaku shit much longer than Kyoani was. Kyoani's heyday was probably from about 2006-2010, but Aniplex's has been basically this entire decade since. It even seems like they've started poaching former Kyoto Animation staff like Yukiko Horiguchi too.
In case you haven't realized KyoAni has been making an effort to distance itself from otaku and close the gap with the mainstream.
Their projects are also from literal whos when compared to adaptations of already popular LN or manga so no shit they don't generate much hype. Unless it's Violet Evergarden of course, Violet Evergarden doesn't give a fuck about rules and gets hyped to oblivion and lands itself 10k BD sales despite being a streaming giant.
But exception aside that's just how things work.
yeah 2 Billion yen raised really shows how little everyone cares
Not even worth a (you)
Do it for Takemoto.
inb4 everyone at Kyoani becomes incredible tryhards and suffer from extreme survivor's guilt.
No doubt there will be some artists at the studio who will suffer from extreme depression and wonder if they can keep up the integrity of the studio by themselves while thinking about their seniors who died before them who were more skilled than them.
>why did it have to be me that survived?
Money laundering
||It would be a shame if he were to|| die in a fire.
>discord refugee
absolute state of Yea Forums
go back
Ishihara directing summer pocket soon.