"Sexual harassment is okay if it's done by a hot girl!!!!!!!!"

>"Sexual harassment is okay if it's done by a hot girl!!!!!!!!"

Nope... it isn't.

Attached: Raphi and Gab.gif (600x338, 762K)

Yes it is.

Yes, it is. Also I wish that were me.

Yes, it is. Especially if it's done to another hot girl.

It is
Only a fag would say it isn't

How many times are you going to make this thread?

Gabriel is a hot girl?

it all depends on the context

Yep. This is fine

Shut up. Hot girl can do that.

Yeah it is

No it's always hot

I found Raphi mildly obnoxious for how she got away with everything. Even one backfire would have been really satisfying.


>all these virgins who think it would be fun to have some obsessive psycho enter your life and try to tell you what you can and cant do
I dont know whether to envy your innocence or laugh at it.

>implying that's happened to you
Nobody is going to believe you're not a permavirgin


I want to pinch her meat and call her fat.

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It really isn't. I've quit 9/10 anime on account of female-on-male rape scenes that were played for laugh. Where the female characters never showed any remorse. Fuck that.

What about lesbians sexually harassing lolis?

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Reading comprehension fail. Nowhere did he imply that that was his experience, just that wanting that to happen to you is a huge fucking red flag that you're a desperate virgin who'll take it any way he can get it.

virginity doesnt have to do with it if a weird hambeast decides "this is the one" and attempts to convince you that all you have to do is shut up and just dedicate your life to making her happy

It is though. They have much more social capital and can thus get away with it. Cope with your inferiority

No, Satania is

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

Attached: Vampire Gabu Twintail.jpg (850x1202, 183K)

Does Raphiel do that with Satania?
I was with an incredibly clingy and controlling Borderline girl from 2015 to 2017. I prefer that to being single


It's the best.

>weird hambeast
>Moving the goalposts to the tumblr userbase when OP specifically states hot girls

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>still having a screenshot taken in 2009
That's pretty based user

Sorry, user. I just pulled them from a search engine.

Yeah, that's how it was in school.
>the hot girl and the cute girl get to harass anyone anytime
>other girls get to do it when the situation is somewhat appropriate and if they have the glint in their eyes
>the designated funny pervert guy gets to harass select girls at very certain times and with strict limitations on intensity
>everyone else is forbidden

Attached: gabu.jpg (576x512, 53K)

Some girl grabbed my ass back in high school multiple times. I didn't complain, I also didn't do anything because I had almost zero social skills
So I'd say it's okay.

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What tiers would Gabu, Vigne, Satania, and Raphi fall into?


>Raphi: Tier 1, Hot girl
>Gabu: Tier 1, Cute girl
>Satania: Tier 2, Other girl
>Vigne: Tier 4, Forbidden. She's kind of an uggo.

Hot girls are legally allowed to rape people uwu

It is.

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That feels awfully structured for school bullying. Sure it wasn't a reality show?

I'm surprised that nobody has contested OP's claim that Raphiel is hot.

Actually, yet it is.
It's also okay when done by a man too.

Isn't that what OP is doing though?
>no you can't sexually harass people
Sounds like an obsessive psycho entering my life and trying to tell me what I can and cant do

I would rape her right there

Why not?
It's not like women can be pedophiles or rapists.

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See: Halo Effect

Same here but she was a massive downie gorilla.

I want Vigne to sexual harrass me

Sucks, mine was actually like a 7/10

Pretty daring of you to put Vigne in 4th tier like that, user

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girls did it all the time to me, which is confusing because I'm ugly

Attached: 769.png (600x829, 677K)

change Vigne and Raph

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I want season 2.

Sexual harassment is always ok

based sofiposter

Excuse you, Vigne is very pretty.

Attached: __tsukinose_vignette_april_gabriel_dropout_drawn_by_itsuki_masa__85e66ba87574250e4f2ddbb5bcf91918.jp (2448x1376, 716K)

She's so vulgar

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>It's also okay when done by a man too.
Nah, girls are much aggressive to raping and violating women.


Imagine getting raped by gabu

>men think sexual harassment is okay if it's done by a hot girl
>they also believe women think sexual harassment is okay if it's done by a hot guy
When will virgin guys stop projecting so hard?

I really hate this trope.
I want the "male rapes/molests her until she cums" trope.

Had it happen to me too, they do it because they dared their friends to. The target is always the ugliest one around them. 3D will always be PD.

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but that is exactly my fetish

It isn't, but I wouldn't mind Raphi doing to me what she does to Gab, so it wouldn't be harassment in that case

What anime do you watch?