Hello Yea Forums

Hello Yea Forums

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Recently got myself a CRT TV again but it makes me feel like I'm going to pass out if I leave it on for a few hours. I really don't remember them being THIS headache inducing.

This thread is the new comfy kingdom.

Based. /vr/ got me back into CRTs and it's a lot of fun to watch pre-HD 4:3 anime on them.

Don't get a shitty CRT lmao

>Moved into a new place last winter
>Big CRT
>Connect it up and screen cuts in half after 10 mins and eventually just displays a line

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it's easy to repair if you have soldering iron

greetings, /vr/-kun

I am what my peers call a "zoomer". I have never touched a power tool other than a drill and I'm scared of old electronics because they're hazard as fuck.
So I compromise and tilt it and it delays enough to watch one episode.

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No, that's just plainly wrong, you are supposed to watch mongolian neoclassical frescos with this specified software I use that only requiries two months to setup.

same, watch one of these for an hour now and my eyes start hurting, and I grew up with the damn things

You'll never see energy blasts like you will on a CRT.

Anyone still have old anime tapes? Recently came across my Adult Swim VHS that mommy would record for me

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I am a zoomer too but I solder a lot, and I adjusted the insides of my crt multiple times while it was on. There the issue you have is vertical or horizontal collapse you can find in the web every step how repair his. It's really easy user, you would have to be really special to kill yourself while doing that, also learning new skills is useful.

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I am literally housewife tier when it comes to technology, could you watch modern anime from your computer to an old tv?

sorry for typos my keyboard is fucked

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I have a few but I don't really have love for VHS like I do for CRT. If it's about emulating the experience of the original broadcast, VHS will introduce artifacts that weren't there initially. I'm partial to a DVD 480i Component solution.

The easiest way would be to have a dvd player with a USB slot so you can stick a memory stick in your computer, drag the anime and then put it on the DVD player.

It is possible but it's pain in the ass to set up. Some old graphic cards had "Tv out", you could wire them up with s-video cable to crt.
Also this:

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>downloading spic compressed (((blu-ray))) rip with DNR out the ass

nu male the thread

the fact you are actually doing this is sad please kill yourself newfaggot and never come back

Absolutely seething.

absolutely s o y.

Nothing is more onions then caring how someone intends to display their anime.

filter was actually correct for once.
Nothing more soi then unironically posting in this thread. kill yourself

What size CRT should I get if I were to buy one?

Depends on what you have room for. CRTs are absolute monsters as they scale up in size. Unless you are going for enthusiast grade equipment (looking at 600+ dollars) it's best to aim around 20 inches. Avoid HDCRTs if you plan to play retro games on them, they fuck with the scaling and input lag. Any specific question can be answered by

Go back there and stop posting your cringey crt pictures with old anime.
>Woah this looks so aesthetic this alarm clock and old tv and my coffee mug with epic old animes

keep crying noCRT nigger.

Lord, take me back.

There was nothing that great about these bulky pieces of shit, kill yourselves fucking zoomers and 3rd worlders, you are what killed the industry.

Original display technology. Cry about it.

go back faggot.

Please be careful when working on CRTs. The capacitors in them can hold a charge for a long time after being disconnected from power and can cause serious injury or even death if you accidentally discharge them.

Imagine unironically taking a picture like this

How would you make it better?

By making it not obvious that a nu male took it

Why not use a modern TV like a normal person

because he wants to share these pictures of it on twitter and other places because hes a faggot

It's not the same experience as it was originally intended and broadcast. The particular GLOW of a CRT isn't something that can be replicated with current display technology.

>turn on basement dwelling old sony tv
>better color and contrast than my flat panel

Unironically only in the last two years have modern TVs caught up to the contrast ratio of CRT. OLED broke that barrier.

your tv looks too small

Hello 80'!

t. zoom zoom

CRTs can kill you. Just buy another one at a yard sale or Craigslist for $20.

>zoom zoom
go back


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Fuck off, old shart