Dungeon Kashi anime announced

Dungeon Kashi anime announced

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Stomach status: hungry
Cock status: HARD

Where is the sauce user?


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What a colossal fuckup

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You better be baiting me, faggot.

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I can already tell from these images alone that the art direction for the entire season is going to come nowhere near as good as the manga's...

One of the best things about the manga is the art style too... It's so beautiful... but now we're getting this normie washed up shit...


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It's actually an animated CM for the next volume.

>no source

I hope you're not fucking with me.

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dwarf should do it
Netflix exclusive tho

JC Staff
PA Works
Silver Link

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>those legs
boner stop

Then just keep reading the manga.

>One chance for an adaptation
>This shit

Shut the fuck up, retard.

You're telling me you'd just go read a book when you're looking forward to a movie adaptation? Fucking buy a noose and get up on a chair, maybe you're bright enough to figure out the rest.

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>you're looking forward to a movie adaptation

So you're actually fucking telling me

you don't know what a metaphor is?

Fuck this shit... I'm sharing my time in a thread with someone like you? Holy fuck.

Good bye.

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Anime adaption means more porn.

Finally! Now only Kumo and Komi need to be confirmed for anime adaptation

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

An anime adaptation being bad just won't bother me as much as the manga itself being shit. I suppose those are just my priorities.

Fuck no. People will start to waifu Marcille and we can't allow that.

Cat nipples: still uncounted

Dungeon Meshi is already popular on r/anime, deal with it

That's the biggest tease ever

and how would you know, that, huh?

ears are too fat and slutty

who is this supposed to appeal to?

Why ? It's not like Dungeon Meshi has particularly intense actions scenes every chapter. If the animation isn't too choppy, the monsters aren't CGI, and most importantly if the music is good, then it's alright by me.

Thank God.

I haven't read since they introduced cat.


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kot is good

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I'm already waifuing her for over five years, newfag.

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So is it a full anime or what.

I fucking hope you are lying and telling the the truth, post sauce now

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30s cm

RIP. It was fun.

You need to go back.

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You should stay there.

The moment anime actually gets announced the threads will go to complete shit
Even manga somehow manages to attract unironic tumblroids


Got my hope up for nothing then. And it's september so there's not even a chapter to soothe the pain. Fuck.

>Shit retards say

Looks good, I'll watch it.

I don't want to believe they nailed the art style so perfect just to make it a 30s CM.

There is a real anime in the working I'm sure!

Wow! never heard about this series, but the anime looks SO good! Can't wait to watch it and also take party in the monthly manga threads! Please be nice to me!

backdoor pilot? I'll keep my hopes unreasonably and impractically high.

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Wasn't that announced like a year ago?

I know the right men for the job. They already did a medieval fantasy anime so they are capable.

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is that C2C or am I thinking of some other studio?

I like that I can tell this is fake - not because of no source being posted - but because it actually looks too good and too close to the source material.

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I think it brings in the self-fulfilling-prophecyfags who shit in every thread and believe they're no longer allowed to be good again.

Damn. It's ugly

>more isekai shit after a season already full of it

Where can I watch this OP

Dungeon Meshi is important beause it shows that elves can be ugly too!

How would you react if Laios was the same voice as Scooby Doo Fred Jones

It was on tv. They will probably upload it tomorrow.

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the colors are all wrong AGAIN goddamit

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colors look fine though?


Which colors?

Cool. Could you link the twitter posts you’re getting these from though?


They need some serious seiyuu to bring such well written characters to life.

twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=ダンジョン飯 filter%3Amedia&src=typd

Marcille voiced by

>Haruka Tomatsu

>those mushrooms
boner stop

Post your cast wishlist

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>JC Staff
yeah, fuck you too

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so it's not an anime after all for now

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None. Let it remain a manga.

damn that'd be fucking based

Even with more idiots flooding the threads, you will always be the dumbest.


I mean, they obviously wouldn't show all those scenes from the later parts for the anime announcment. It's usually the first 1-3 episodes.

Even if the adaption looked like this?

I don't know how you think anime work, but generally if a manga gets adapted into an anime, the manga actually continues after the announcement.

Another pointless anime adaptation.


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Aahh! Farlyn looks so fluffy and soft!

This post is dumb in a lot of ways

I can already smell the stench of Yea Forumsermins in this thread.

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Yeah I agree. Worst part of those screenshots.

I am also worried that this studio is taking more than it can chew as the art style is crucial to the success of the manga. The style makes the manga so good.

I also find that character confusing.

The style is perfect for the manga, I agree, but I think the real ingredient of the manga's success is the character interaction, which fortunately is very hard for an anime to mess up unless they're deleting scenes.

But since we're apparently talking about a commercial this will not be a concern.

Sad that´s is not an anime, it looks good.

I wouldnt wish an anime adaption even to my worst enemy. Anime adaptions just shit things up.

The worst part about anime adaptations are faggots like you whining about them.

>which fortunately is very hard for an anime to mess up
One shitty VA is enough to ruin the entire dynamic.

RIP Dungeon Meshi threads. You were comfy.

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Just like leave Yea Forums LMAO. Why do you let some random niggas on some chinese noodle making forum make you angry that much? All great manga deserve great adaptations, regardless of "the fanbase will get worse" or some other arbitrary bullshit reason.



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please no

>DM animated
>the Giant Octopus, the Dragon, and the Chimera Imouto fights are horrendously cgi animated

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I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do. Once the secondaries get wind of this, it'll become the normalfag show du jour.

Is the cat fuckable?

a cat is fine too

Normalfags already like it retard

>I hope the manga I like doesn't get an anime because I don't want the normies invading muh secret club

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A cat is fine too.

Virtually nothing wrong with that statement.

Why should the Nip author/studio who actually publish the work give a crap what you think?

literal tumblrshit
author art is all tumblr


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Easy fake.
No anime studio these days would ever give a character more than one hair style.

Literally nothing wrong with Tumblr. Besides them banning porn, fuck that was tragic

Who the fuck asked for this????

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That's correct. what's the problem with not wanting normalfags to ruin another thing?

Yes, that's completely true. Furthermore, there's almost nothing whatsoever that an anime adaptation serves anymore. It will never be finished, because it's just an advertisement for the original source material; and it's just going to attract unwanted individuals who have no interest in the original source material but instead insist that talking about recent chapters is "spoilers".

If anime regularly got enough seasons to catch up to the source material (or at least got original endings), or secondaries started reading the original source material rather than insisting on being animeonly like fucking retards; then there'd be no problem.

Bitch, you can buy volumes of "Delicious in Dungeon" in your local fucking book store, and you're worried about the normies now?

>I wish my favorite manga to potentially get the KLANG treatment.
>I wish the fandom would have the wrong idea about my favorite manga
I'm happy for KUI, but fuck you niggers who fucked up Meshi threads in the past few months.

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I, for one, look forward to the upcoming "Cooking with Senshi" stop-motion shorts.


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Yes, and?

How do they "ruin" it, exactly? Are you that mentally fucked you can't enjoy something that some other people who you don't like also happen to enjoy? Pussy ass bitch.

But normalfags don't buy it. They wait for the anime, then whine about there being no season # afterwards.

Yes there is.

You should on principle never be against an anime adaptation because
1. It never affects the manga itself
2. It might actually be good for once

Who gives half a fuck about a dragon mosaic drawing imageboard Are you here for the anime & manga or the anons ? I'd let all the Dungeon Meshi threads burn to shitposting hell for a good Dungeon Meshi anime.

It affects the quality of discussion regarding the manga.

Your statement might be valid if animation weren't an inherently superior storytelling medium to print.

People with taste will ALWAYS prefer moving images with color, sound and voice acting.

I'm going to post pics of my ironic Marcille daki on Twitter, and there is nothing you can do about it. I might even include your desperate replies in the screencap.

Who gives a fuck?

Happily these discussions come seconds to the manga and potential anime.

>spending money "ironically"


This kind of animosity just leads to assholes spoiling things so that the anime watchers suffer.

It seems like you forgot to actually read his post

Any other voice wouldn't fit.

You're really doing a lot to keep the quality of discussion at the high water mark.

>spending money ironically

>Not having a separate account for "ironic" spending.

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No, it's female.
It's a real shame.

That's what my Patreon is for, silly.

Every time a manga I like gets an anime, it picks up too much attention and shitposting gets too bad.
Kaguya is a good recent example, the threads were passable before the anime but now they are straight up unusable.

Someone got bullied in high school

I can hear it

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You fuck up little details such as the VA and it throws off the whole thing.

Take Zelda BOTW english VA Zelda vs Japanese Zelda. Jap VA nailed it. The Eng VA just doesn't sound right at all. Gets everything wrong.

It's not normies that fuck things up you know, it's Yea Forums in general. The main reason manga only threads are fine is because 80% of the people who post here are functionally illiterate.

>Threads always decline in quality after an adaptation
Explain 5Toubun and Bokuben threads then

I thought it was a woman at the start.

I also still can't figure out the sex of pic.

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You mean pettable?
Though a cat is fine too.

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Yep. It's not like the mangaka will take any big cut of the money from the anime anyway, neither will the studio.

The profit from the anime will go straight to the pocket of Aniplex and co. If anyone with any brain want to support the author, buy the manga/merch instead.

Unless the anime turn into some phenomenon like One Piece or something, an anime adaptation is nothing more than an ads for the manga. You should've known this if you aren't a newfag.

>Are you here for the anime & manga or the anons?
If enjoying the source material on its own were enough, I wouldn't be here in the first place. I like to talk with people about things I enjoy, and things I hate. I don't think it's wrong to value that, or other anons.

You have a point about how this argument is putting the cart in front of the horse, but I've had far too many manga get dumped into "unable to discuss on Yea Forums" that I'm still itching to talk about to this day to earnestly wish for another anime adaptation.

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RIP comfy threads. you were nice, i enjoyed them, but good bye. i will remember you.

99% male but not 100% as the topless elf

It was mostly one guy forcing the racemixed Marcille meme

I've been watching anime for 24 years. You're just a grumpy faggot who doesn't like other people liking thing because you want to gatekeep.

There’s nothing confusing about a hot 2d brown boy

Dude, these threads can get kinda bad every now and then already.
Add in Yea Forums to the mix and you've got yourself one fuck of a fuck. And not the fun kind.

newfag. see you a month after the anime releases, you will eat your words and you will regret being so stupid

I agree with this statement unironically thanks to the horrendous treatment Berserk has gotten over and over again.

Another thing:
Anime studios do great standalone shows.
Their manga adaptations tend to suck, mainly because it's not the studio's character. In a manga adaptation, you can't nip and tuck the character while you animate it or else it strays from the original manga version.

With an original show, you can nip and tuck the character. That probably stimulates a greater animation effort by the artists, who probably feels like they're contributing a significant aspect to the character and therefore adding more to the creation of the show. You probably don't get that satisfaction with a manga adaptation.

What is this weird non-sequitur obsession with Yea Forums?
What the flying fuck does Yea Forums have to do with anime?

Misurn was always a guy and we established that months ago. Kui is good enough at anatomy that you can see it in the pic.


Yea Forums doesn't even watch anime. Most anime screenshot threads you see on Yea Forums are likely Yea Forumsnons raiding the board and trying to force their favorite seasonal girls.

Yea Forums, normalfag, reddit, a spade by any other name.

>I'll prove it to you! The threads will go to shit, even if I have to post 200 shitposts in every thread to prove it to you!

Shut the fuck up you cynical faggots

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Still fine too regardless.
God even male elves are lewd.

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People like to pretend Yea Forums isn't largely responsible for all its garbage because for most people it's their only social outlet, and thus better than [blank]

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My taste is superior to everyone elses.
That is fact.

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If people just ignored animeonlys who joined a thread just to shitpost instead of making a drama out of it they'd just go away, but nope, gotta flood the thread with complaints about shitposts, that will totally work and not incentivate shitposters

Yes, but there have barely been any news since the last pv

It reminds me that I have to buy vol 6. Quite happy that the serie will eventually have an adapation

Femanons dislike games.
Strange though.. I thought everyone here was a little girl.
Shouldn't we all automatically hate Yea Forums?

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Explains this pic 2bh.

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>What the flying fuck does Yea Forums have to do with anime?
We've been trying to explain that, but Yea Forums won't listen.

Literally rent-free

You're either complete newfags or you're retarded.
Barely anything popular is good, and NOT A SINGLE POPULAR THING has a good audience or discussion. At worst it becomes a "fandom" that taints the whole thing.
Name a SINGLE popular thing with a good fanbase.

>ignore it
this has been experienced through times and times, oncee a shitpost wave start it will never stop going back to the way it was before. You are either newfag or a crossboarder. Better to just abandon thread forever.

Ladies and gentlemen, we found him.

So far they are the least lewd next to gnomes and dwarves, but Namari has a thing for humans. Humans are the lewdest.

Dragonball super

Yea Forums as aboard is the biggest example of this.

Plural of vermin is vermin

Thats because Yea Forums has just as many shitposters as any other toilet here, we just have more mods so it's not as apparent

Ouch man, I hope you aren't being serious. This is some next-tier autism.

>Barely anything popular is good
What a stupid opinion.
Are you saying that once something gains popularity, it automatically becomes shit? No matter how good you thought it was before?

Funny how this works. Dungeon Meshi threads are normally comfy. Here we have a thread with the mere HINT of a possible anime adaptation, and manga readers tumble over each other to make it uncomfy by accusing everyone, including each other, of being the cancer that will ruin the eventual anime threads. gg

No, it's because one or two idiots got all spooked about an anime "ruining" their series' discussion threads and it ended up being a self fulfilling prophecy as others made fun of them for being so paranoid.

>Dungeon Meshi threads are normally comfy
threads have been shit since the previous 2-3 chapters. Where have you been?

Tengoku daimakyou did the same thing but there are no anime in making as far as I know.


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The only comfy threads are the new chapters thread which only last for half of the threads then it dumped down to fancanon faggotry.
Other exterior threads always start with your usual, 'lol lewd elf,' accompanied with shitposting about fancanon and arguing about off topic stuffs about waifu. Actual discussions about the story are shortlive.

This is true for virtually any series on Yea Forums.

>not a single thing mentioned
You guys are mentally challenged, you can't even mention one series but you still go on about how it's somehow great that things are becoming popular.

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>Actual discussions about the story are shortlive.
I wonder why I still come here

Houseki did the same.
Another example to what happens with anime adaptions. Threads went from nonexistent to a shitshow template

I just go to good boards to discuss it instead

Is neon genesis evangelion a bad series?

>you can't even mention one series
This series for one? It’s popular and it’s good.
You know what I think I’m being baited

Link or it didn't happen.

what if the dungeon meshi anime is 3D too...


If it done by the same studio (Studio Orange) then I wouldn't mind at all.

Oh yea you're definitely correct, everyone knows the household name Dungeon Meshi.
I don't think you're baiting, normalniggers seem to believe that popular=good notpopular=incel.
Go watch the walking dead or bazinga and the simpsons and please never give your opinion on anything ever again.

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Removing access to the original larger resolution images too.

I think that reading this post gave me cancer

Quality post, fellow meshiposter. Thank you for upholding our board's long tradition of high level discourse.

But Dungeon Meshi is popular.

user is just jealous that he isn't popular.

That only works if they're in the minority. Anime brings in a huge number of people who shitpost with each other. If it airs then there's no going back.


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It happened to the Vinland Saga threads now.

normalfags and animeshitters assemble!

Those were always destined to attract shounenshitters. Dungeon Meshi appeals to a very different crowd.

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>Dungeon Meshi appeals to a very different crowd.
What kind of crowd?


It will attract isekai fags and threads will be filled with 'native isekai' shitposts.

Would watch even if for the moment it's just a commercial

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That's amazing. I hope there is more.

> It happened to the Vinland Saga threads now.
Sorry, user, but VS threads turned to cancer about the time prologue ended and people suddenly weren't able to handle that it won't be always about chopping off heads.

That's just a manga commercial too

It kinda looks cheaply animated

You don’t even know what the animation looks like

user those are images, not gifs or webms. They are not animated at all.
Unless you mean to say the art looks cheap.

> cheaply animated
> animated
Fantastic insight for judging motion based on stills (not even ones from a single sequence). Any other brilliant ideas?

Remind me why we don't have a /ln/ board specifically to contain isekaifags ?

/tg/tards and isekaifags who love the game mechanics crap

because Yea Forums will be empty then

Better to have an empty house than one full of shit.

It's not his fault he's not popular.

Don't look down on /tg/, they consistently have actual discussion.
Yea Forums needs to slow down to discuss smaller series.

Fa/tg/uys are quality posters, and isekaifags will give up after a few episodes because they can't handle the slice of life stuff.


ok retard

there goes the threads

That's the spirit!

There goes his post. Look at it go!

>all these newfaggots thinking it will ve different this time
nope, you might not know it, but it happens 100% of the time, all the time.
i have seen it happen again and again, over and over and this will be no exception.
RIP threads.

Read the thread before all posting the same shit, retards. Its a manga commercial.

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Saying it doesn't make it true. Most anime adaptations fall flat.

Junji Ito Collection says hi

Its especially true for DM because it had some of the best threads even now without an anime retard cross boarders come and shit up threads because there hasn't been a new chapter fast enough for their ADD
Just imagine it turning into something like bocchi threads which consist of nothing but posts about which character anons would fuck ever since the anime

Studios aren't a good way to measure how good a adaptations will be. Madhouse made One punch man and overlord, which are vastly different in their technical quality.

Fact: All the doomposters ITT are one person, and he doesn't read DM. He does this literally every time a manga gets an anime adaptation. Prove me wrong.

Seems to check out.

>Dungeon Kashi
>Dagashi Meshi

80 posters in 250 posts, all somehow missing that we figured out it wasn't for an anime in the first 10 minutes? Yeah, that's a shitposter.

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Those don't exist anymore, not since they introduced the elf squad. Every single thread since has been arguing about the captain's gender or half elf marcille shitposting. If anything, animeonlys would improve the state of discussion.

Newfag, this happens every time any good manga gets hints of an adaptation. It's a natural response from people who have seen this happen time and time again.

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I have the hots for captain!

Elves are the lewdest.

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I had flashbacks of a certain fansubber.

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Needs a dress though.

>I enjoy this manga.
>Therefore, I like the author.
>Therefore, I would like the author to be successful in life and make lots of money to ensure they continue the manga.
>Therefore, I recognize that the best way for this to happen is for the manga to receive an anime adaptation, which would only serve to boost the sales and thus support the author.
Do you agree with this?

no one likes you faggot

Chilchack a CUTE! A CUTE! Giving him a wife was a fucking mistake.

Attached: EDo_OSJUwAA9V0J.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

No, the manga is already successful. It's not getting a sudden axe.

Epic memery, but you don't read this manga and no fantasy in general.
You can expect more of these kinds of exchanges with an anime. More dumb off-topic meme spouting about general fantasy things.

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anime doesn't always help

signed: Kumamiko

>Therefore, I like the author

Ah yes, Dungeon Meshi threads would suddenly be filled with people saying they want to fuck elves. What a sudden change. If we're extremely unlucky, maybe half the images will just be edits making Marcille talk about sex.


She already is successful.

Don't you want Kui to get even more money though, as a way to thank her for Dungeon Meshi?

Captain on the cover next volume I guess?


Attached: Asebi.jpg (257x438, 49K)

Christ, you're pathetic.

Mental gymnastics
Anime have chance being good, so this is all reason what you need for anime, worst case scenario you still have original to enjoy.
But mangafags on Yea Forums anime more than weeb stuff hating autists from Yea Forums or Yea Forums

So we'll get 6 episodes, end it on a cliffhanger, and then maybe get an OVA while they do 3 more seasons of NonNonBiyori.

No thank you.

I feel an animation wouldn't hurt the series as it's got a great reputation as a manga (which is why people still care about berserk regardless of it's adaptations).

I just want moar marcille 2bh.

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Live action Dungeon Meshi when?

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i want to fill this hungry fat elfs mouth with my hot smelly monster meat

How so? It's not as if you're actually buying the volumes or supporting Kui in anyway. Instead, you are actually going against her by arguing against a Dungeon Meshi anime, simply because it'd "invite normies to the threads." So not only are not benefiting the author of the series you supposedly enjoy and care about, but you actually want to strip her of any potential monetary gains, purely out of your own selfish elitist desire to restrict others from ruining your sekrit klub.

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>they even animate Kensuke

LOL This boring ass piece of garbage is getting an anime? Woopdee fucking doo.

what hideous ears

I want to cuddle this elf and talk to her about intimate shit while in bed and then go to sleep with her in my arms

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My comment had nothing to do with the rest of the thread. I do buy the manga and support the author but your comment was just sad. I'm not going to suck her dick just because I like her work.

More money can come from a future Baldur's Gate manga.


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Epic, upvoted.

Probably never.

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Yes. Not fat enough.

Attached: elfs_ears_arent_fat.png (465x523, 293K)


CGI for that Berserk was done by studio Gemba

fuck off, normalfag

We do. And so do they, too. It's kind of their thing

He's annoying cunt, of course he's unpopular and it's his fault.

>x is y
>I want to z
Those are completely different statements, please activate your brain. Elves are not lewd. Some are, some aren't. Your braindead meme has no basis in this manga. But the slut-edits are indeed cancer, I agree with you here.




I was worried for a second that this wouldn't be appropriate for a blue board, but fortunately I can see it is censored.

Sugita as Laios
Yuki Kaji as Chilchack
Otsuka Akio as Senshi
HanaKana as Falin

Atleast it's not...
Beastars the 3d anime.
Poor thing

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>Yuki Kaji as Chilchack
Also am I the only one who imagines he has the likeness of an actual kid’s voice? I feel like a female seiyuu would fit him.

My Wife Farlyn is so cute!

It was a commercial.

kinema citrus (made in abyss, shield hero)

I want to pinch Marcille’s fat ears!

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elves are NOT for lewd

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>scans never

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When you put it that way I agree, I don't want manga to get anime.


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it actually looks good

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Weren't Laius and his sister supposed to have light brown hair?

have you seen dr stone threads after the anime came out, as opposed to before?

One of the mods is a huge Marcille fag and bans anyone that post edits of her. It might actually purge Yea Forums a bit

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>he thinks Yea Forums is a secret club
>after GG
>after 2016 election
>after 4channel
Sorry anons you have to go to infinitychan just to talk to the FBI now.
Also Dungeon Meshi threads are usually shit, you guys make like anime kills discussion but for several fucking years retarded anons would try to kill anyone pointing out that Marcille is clearly older than 20 (60-100) or endless back n' forth sperg outs at lewd elf posters. I don't even like half-elf theories but cross-race relationships in DM are interesting enough to explore as we do see signs that they can happen.

get in here faggots

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The most detailed part of its the food and theres plenty of studios that do that right

What the fuck, its kino.

Cross-race relationships but the half elf poster is retarded. You don't seem to understand just how much worse threads become when animefags flood in.

Just because it's not action focused doesn't mean it doesn't deserve god-tier animation.

Cross-race relationships discussion is fine*

Looks on point to me.

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I'll take a serving now please

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That is fucking sick

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I can't believe how well this synced.

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>there will never be a dungeon meshi game with combat like DD and a robust cooking system
It hurts.

>that quality when Laius and company started luring the red dragon
I like it though, shame I couldn't listen the party's voices

What the fuck I love mods now
Nipplemod should be banned for being an absolute faggot though

Great, more people to complain about the quality of the eventual adaptation when the full TV adaptation isn't the same quality as the 2 minute commercial.

it’s a human that got mixed with a cat in a transporter accident like in The Fly so it’s ok because you’re fucking a human girl who wants to uncat herself but can’t
also when she got the weird mind control thing and kept sneaking into chilchak’s futon because it was the softest he probably could have slipped her the short one without her noticing it
If a cat doesn’t want to wake up you can slide it across a waxed floor like a hockey puck so the little guy could probably bilbo her in the baggins pretty easily especially if he put his hand on her back right above her tail


"you are gonna eat the monsters"

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>Marcille discovers what the Talmud says about “the ear goys”

Yeah, basically.

Why? Why would you do that?
Don't get my hopes and exitement up for a moment only to crush them, you fucking faggot.

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Cool, I was going to read it but I guess I'l watch it instead. Luckily I dropped Overlord so I have time now.

>manga commercial


They do it occasionally. Houseki no Kuni had one too. It's meant to be a cool commercial and have a short anime clip for fans of the manga and that might attract new people.

You could read the thread instead and realize it's not an anime.

That looks good, but there's no way it would keep that quality for the whole show depending on studio

Just want to be clear this is just an ad for the manga

It's pretty common

You'd be surprised at the amount of people that think a full TV series should have the same quality as a 30 second commercial. Go look at Houseki no Kuni threads.

>'tis weak to fire
>and also skyfish dumpling familiars

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It's only temporary, see Houseki no Kuni threads.

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Delicious in Dangan

To promote the manga, duh

That's really good

Did they ever get bad though?

Actually, stupid American pig-dog, in the magical land of Nippon budget and animation quality have no correlation. If they hired good enough animators they wouldn't even need a budget at all, and it would look better than the best Ghibli movie.

I thought Laius had blue eyes.

Yeah they look really blue in the first manga cover

yeah, Yugami-kun had one or two of these too iirc.

english name should have been Dungeons & Dinner or Dungeons & Dining

I think there was a couple of colored drawings in Kui's blog that had him with yellow/amber eyes, which fits his wolf/dog motify.

Notably, the only foods they show are japanese ones. I don't seem to remember senshi ever doing onigiri either? Am I forgetting?

Because anime-only fags deserve nothing more than that.

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I liked the senpai/kouhai one because they gave both MCs the perfect voices. Kiryu kazuma voicing a dense bear is a perfect fit.

to be fair most TV anime are commericals to sell the manga anyways
anime onlys are fucking secondaries

It's not gay if it's an elf.

At least post a link so I can buy too.

There never is. All we can hope is they do something wacky for an adaptation. But It would be a commercial, so no luck.

>All great manga deserve great adaptations
Except nowadays there are no great adaptations, it's all cgi shit or cutting costs with shit animation

So long, quality threads

I was being sarcastic but yeah, there are.

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Kabru is cute

Citrus spent 90% of its budget on changing Yuzu's hairstyle in every scene and it was worth it

is it over bros....?

Senshi is way too good for this gay Earth.

>You're telling me you'd just go read a book when you're looking forward to a movie adaptation?

Yes absolutely. Even more so than with a manga to anime adaptation. Book to movie adaptations are shit 90% of the time. Manga to anime adaptations miss the mark less often, but adaptations still can rarely measure up to whatever it is the source material does best.

I hope her plane crashes.

The commercial is, hopefully this'll be enough for anime fags so we can carry on with things as usual, also I need the new chapter, can't wait until next month

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What's the song from? Sounds familiar.

>Love lab was 6 years ago

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Looks old-school cool.

Dragon's Dogma

That explains it, only played it for a bit one time.

Hopefully deen gets it and skips some chapters.
Retards that only want art quality over animation or directing need to go back to Yea Forums

Sorry, but there is another knife ear adaptation we must get first.

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>implying adaptations generally have good animation
>implying directors don't typically butcher shit for the anime
People who hope and look forward to adaptations are the equivalent of beaten housewives. The only good things to come with adaptations generally (though it varies) are the openings and endings.

>muh 1:1 adaptation
When they do that you still bitch.

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>At the end you can see the Lauis chopsticks immediately grabbing the mushroom foot first
>The Marcille chopsticks only grab vegetables, picking around the mushroom until the very end.
Fun ad.

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Most adaptations people claim are 1:1 really aren't. And there's a difference between a director modifying things and them being completely pants on head retarded with how they do it.

I'm almost certain that guy was baiting. Overlord was cancelled.

It's a very unhealthy behavior, isn't it?

Is cabron turning into a shroom?

>a few threads a month
>muh secret club will destroy us

It's healthy for a body to react to disease.

What if they use CGI for every monster like how Golden Kamuy did that for every animal

Is this toriko but with dungeons?

Occasional comfy threads with friendly discussion >>>>>>> daily generals that become so devoid of discussion, they devolves into a 24 hour a day discord tripfag circlejerk

Nice Angry Video Game Nerd frown

>Read the thread before all posting
Bruh, you think newfags even lurk before posting?

>What if they use CGI for every monster like how Golden Kamuy did that for every animal

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There are tons of these, some are great, like this one or Chainsaw Man's or the Ethics Teacher's one.

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Most recent adaptations have been good to great though

they migrate to my threads and make them a general
they ruined so many manga threads, there was a point where kaguya threads were the best thing in Yea Forums and we had 3 waves of normal faggs, first the reddit faggots, second that tl drama that made us the only place to read it and after that the anime
i just want a separated board, animefags only bring shitposters and the worst of all forced fanbase wars, thy every thread about anime needs to be about which fanbase has the smaller dick??

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>and make them a general
This is the real problem, generals are cancer.

they were shit brom the beggining, source: i was there from the start

>we want an anime adaptations
>but we want it to be better animated than 99% of anime
Why do so many manga fans act like this?

Yes, the fried mandrake tempura, grilled kraken parasite and onigiri with Shuro's party all happened in the manga. I assume they chose to only show the japanese looking food because it's stuff the audience would recognize.

I believe he made some to appeal to lonely samurai's entourage.

I wonder ((who)) is behind this post
go back

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Anime-onlies are truly worse than sin.

>it's not as if you're actually buying the volumes or supporting Kui in anyway
Speak for yoursel faggot

>did they ever get bad though
Did you miss the time when there was a near-constant general with more gay erp and cult-of-personality shit then actual discussion of the manga?

JJK also had an actually animated PV

80% of anime is animated like shit

That means you watch 3 anime a year, now fuck of Yea Forumseddit

>hardly any discussion
>just meta posting about thread quality
yea real quality fuckin threads huh

But Japanese likes Western food too, sandwiches, omelette and such.

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anime is shit, I only read manga

She's so soft and fluffy looking, it's not fair!

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>spoil chimera Farlyn in the PV

I'd recommend giving it another shot. It's a very flawed game sometimes, but it's probably my favourite game of all time.
I mean, rabble rabble, fuck Yea Forums something something tourists.

Stop deleting my shit mang

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Why do you have to lie about this? I mean really? What do you get out of it?

I only found out about it a few weeks after the anime aired, upon which time I watched it in a day and turned up at the threads, where I didn't notice anything terribly bad. Then I watched it again the next day.

It's aimed at readers of the manga. Like how LoGH OVA episodes had spoilers in the next-episode previews, except it makes more sense because it's literally an ad for the next manga volume.

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You mean Sora Amamiya.


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look at how fluffy farlyn is

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holy shit it looks beautiful

Damn, I want an anime now.

I can't choose between her fur, feathers and scales!

should've gone with bones

Even with previous threads at the slight chance somebody mentions anime adaption it would become a doomposters vs hopeposters discussion, just like now.
I just pray everything would be fine now and the discussions would remain the same

It isn't even an anime so we still have hope.

Like the HnK season 2 discussions?

i think the ideal way to do an animated adaptation would be a collection of short ova series. 4-6 episodes with relatively high budget focusing on a particular chunk of the story and formatted to be enjoyable on it's own, with a beginning and an ending, but fitting into the overall timeline.
First would be everything up to and including eating the basilisk omelettes to introduce everything, second would be living armor through to kelpie, etc.

Welcome to modern manga adaptations.
If this shit gets ruined by a mainstream release it'd be well animated for two episodes and then become the berserk 3d remake all over again.

Low budget adaptations have been a thing for as long as anime.

Big fat elf ears

Looks awesome

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Yes, but there's a difference between low budget and low quality

>he probably could have slipped her the short one without her noticing it
Faithful, virtuous husbands would never do such a thing.



Dungeon foodies had a good run

Oh no now Yea Forums will hate it.

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yes, that is they flawless theory
Yea Forumsnons are that austist

My first thoughts.


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Yea Forums stole a get from them once, and now Yea Forums is eternally seething.

fuck off speedreader while it is a manga about food and cooking the details about the floor level environment, monsters and scenes are more fleshed out. Sucks that the anime is just going to be some bland dark backgrounds in hallways I just know it

It's kind of an absurd amount of loving detail

Nice ruse, faggot.

They have to make it more obvious since even we have manga readers dent her half-elven heritage.

I still remember when the latest chapter was TL-ed, shipper fags went into overdrive and almost started an all out war between hetero-fags and /u/-fags.

Sorry, but there is no evidence.

Honestly the manga should go full Amanchu on their ass to end this autism all at once.

There is but I'm fed up of explaining it to idiots.

CGI is always good is it's done by James Cameron
I want an anime original ending where the imouto gets saved for real and happy end marriaged to the samurai.

>Sucks that the anime is just going to be some bland dark backgrounds in hallways
And yet, this is what anons are clamoring that they want

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You do know this manga is very popular already in Japan right?

>muh fat ears
Yeah, great evidence. This was always just dumb speculation, especially now that we know that Marcille is much older than she looks. Almost like she is an elf.

>shipper fags went into overdrive and almost started an all out war between hetero-fags and /u/-fags.
This is particularly stupid because everyone knows in the end, both of the Thorden siblings will bang the elf, probably at the same time.

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>especially now that we know that Marcille is much older than she looks.
Proved my point that you people can't think straight. Of course she's long-lived like pure elves because how else is she going to see her human dad die of old age while still being a kid?

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Not him, but even if I agree with you, why must you do this?

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>die of old age
user, did you even read the page you just posted?
And because I already know what you will argue: no, the monster in her dream does not kill exclusively via old age, because as it says right there it also "ate" Farlyn. That is no evidence that her father died of old age, at all. It is however shown killing via old age because Marcille fears all of her non-elven friends dying before her time. Because she is an elf with an elven lifespan.
Furtheremore every setting with half-elves has them with shortened lifespans compared to pure elves. Except Tolkien, where they either choose elven immortality or a human lifespan. And we don't even know if half-elves exists in Dungeon Meshi.

There is neither evidence nor logic in your post. The page you posted contradicts your statement. The manga continues to call her an elf, because that's what she is.

looks promising
but still pictures tell you shit about animation, as long they won't show movement and cinematography you should be foking worried

oh well, see you. The threads on Yea Forums were comfy while it lasted.

The nightmare monster is just 'death'. It's attacks aged Laius because that's a major cause of death in her perspective but that doesn't mean it's exclusively natural causes.

don't you think it's a little odd that her mother picks that time to talk to Marcille about the mortality of other races, just after her father's funeral, talking to her as a child? Why would the author do that?

As for all that drivel about elves. She obviously looks like one and is long lived, so she's going to be called an elf by other characters unless told otherwise. That line of argument is as dumb as the people who used Laius' "your father died young?" statement like he was making a statement.

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>at father's funeral
>mother pulls her aside
>"Marcille, my daughter, you run at a different pace than everyone else. From now on, you will have to watch many others pass from the world before you."
>"Of course, although I am telling you this at his funeral, it really has nothing at all to do with your father's death as he was an elf who ran at the same pace as us and could have lived happily for many, many more years. Really, this was an unnatural tragedy."
>"So what I'm saying here is be prepared for your loved ones to die before their time in cruel and random ways, like being devoured alive by a dragon or some shit. I guess you're just bad luck?"
>"Anyway, buck up kiddo."

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>He can even name VA's

As pathetic as celebrity worship on Yea Forums

is this yuri

I mean, they do eat box if that's what you're asking.

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There is nothing odd about this. Her father "passing away quite young" was likely the first time Marcille was faced with a serious case of death of a loved one. Her mother then was forced to have a serious talk about this entire death thing and had to tell her, who grows up in a land where elves like her are a minority, that she will see a lot of her friends die before her. Even if they don't get killed or die of sickness, old age will still catch up to them. That's why the monster is shown killing via old age. This is entirely in line with her being a normal elf.
>She obviously looks like one and is long lived
Because she is an elf.
>so she's going to be called an elf by other characters unless told otherwise
Which is still a better argument for her to be a normal elf than being a half-elf. This really doesn't disprove the canon fact that she is an elf, at all.

Marcille is an elf. There is no convincing evidence that shows that she is a half-elf. The best you can make up is assumptions. Speculating is fine, but anything more is at this point just dumb.

Que? Would you rather they use a vtuber to promote the manga?

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So your whole argument is "yeah, nah"

Well, there is no evidence.

His argument is just "nah,nah". Everything we've seen points towards her just being an elf. The nightmare monster is demonstrated to not only age people since it also turn Farlyn into a doll. Laius believes her dad died young and she confirmed leaving atleast the strong implication hes just an elf who died young.

So does that mean her moms not an elf?

There's no evidence that's she a pure elf either, so the circumstances raise some flags.

>Laius believes her dad died young
Laius knows bugger all about her and her family history.

She is, but Marcille is from a secret bloodline of ancient elves so she will live for 1,000 years. This is why she studies ancient magic, to bring the rest of her race back to their former glory.

Both her mom and dad are not elves, she is just long-lived and eared due to sheer luck.

Rounded ears

I know what you're doing.

Is this shit really about cooking or are the tags lying to me

What else would it be about?

Cooking, cute girls and suffering.

Laius didn't even think for a second that her father could have been a human. He automatically assumes that he died young and Marcille confirmed it by not objecting his assumption. It gets even better, because Kui put that deliberately in there. It isn't even a really natural thing for Laius to say. But Kui wanted to tell us something. And the mangaka and the characters themselves have much more authority on this matter than some random anons speculating. Everyone calling her an elf has much more weight than some asshole on the internet ranting about fat ears.

Yes, it's only 100% confirmed that she is an elf when we see her father. But there is nothing at all that 100% confirms that she is a half-elf either. And until then it's much much much more logical to call her an elf. Her backstory, age, her peers, the manga itself, they all point at her being an elf. It's the logical thing.

She affirmed it, the evidence shes pure is shes never identified as anything other than an elf and only treated humanity as apart from herself and frequently has the same biological/cultural misunderstandings that the races have with eachother.

Senshi kinda starts phoning it in and makes dumplings a bunch of times on the lower levels, but thankfully he got something interesting to cook recently.

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Big if true

Stop taking LSD before reading manga.

>Dungeon Kashi

dagashi meshi

Fuck yes.

Nobody can fight on an empty stomach, user

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Laius assumes both her parents are elves because she looks like one. Characters in stories aren't omniscient like some people here seem to believe. Kid Marcille didn't object because she's scared shitless and didn't reply to most of his other questions too. It's a dumb argument.

As you said, the author is authority here. Things happen in the story for a reason and that's why the crossbreed theory exists. Because would be just silly.

We don't even know if crossbreeds can exist.

Or that they can't.

Nothing what you said is any proof that she is a half-elf. Meanwhile the entire backstory works the best with Marcille being a normal elf. That's the entire point of this chapter: Marcille is an elf living among non-elves, fearing to outlive them because of her elven lifespan. So far half-elves might not even exist.
There is still no argument that she is a half-elf. Marcille remains a pure elf so far.

stop giving him (you)s already he shits up every thread

So many words and yet saying nothing at all.

Yeah, there really isn't much to add. Marcille is an elf. Period.

Despite all the flags raised, she's an elf because "SHE JUST IS".

Really reminds me of the retards behind the "Marcille was double joking" interpretation when she called Chil a child at 29.

user they're literally nothing

There are no flags. She is an elf because she is called an elf in and out of character, because she has the lifespan of an elf, the backstory of an elf, the race-swap mushrooms turned her into full-races, even the argument that she looks less "refined", "homely" doesn't work, because we saw with the canaries that they can look very diverse. We also saw other elves with fat elves. Calling her an elf is the obvious and logical thing. Sorry user, but you are not smart.

Attached: orc a cute.png (331x413, 69K)

is this manga good? my only experience with this series is that guro doujin where they eat a mermaid.

>There are no flags
Burying your heads in the sand, as I said from the beginning. Hopefully a confirmation of it being true or not isn't too far off with the characters backstories being explored and other elves joining in.

It's really solid writing and art, has a good balance of seriousness and comedy and does some creative things with monsters and magic.

It's wholesome fun, cast is nice and there aren't any glaring flaws with the writing.

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You failed to produce a single piece of evidence. Marcille remains an elf like the manga says. Marcille being an elf is the hard-canon fact so far.

Remember academia? Remember OPM and attack on titans? Secondaries are the cancer killing anime and manga, this series discussion is fucking doomed here.

At least i'm happy for the artist, as she deserve every single money from this

my god why do you have to shit up every fucking thread?
We get it, you think she's a half elf. Nobody else does.
You will convince nobody of your headcanon and nobody will convince you of the contrary.
Why the fuck do you have to turn every DM thread into you autistically ranting? Go take walk or a wank or just hang yourself.

I have, you just didn't acknowledge it and resorted to just yelling your point over and over.