By far the worst Jojo part. I expected a well made story, but instead I got non-stop action. I literally mean non-stop action. During the entire part (except for some chapter focusing on DIO) characters do nothing but fight. And the Fights are the worst in all of JoJo. They were boring and almost never advanced the story. Main cast are fun and interesting but don't get much spotlight. Pucci was not very interesting, as he doesn't have his own goal and relies on luck way too much. Good thing about this part is that it felt most JoJo because it is very bizarre.
Stone Ocean
Other urls found in this thread:
i want to make her babies
Why part 5 is weak:
>MC is a background character, JoBros take forefront
Why part 6 is weak:
>MC takes the forefront, 'JoBros' almost non-existent
>By far the worst Jojo part
Ah, so I see you've never read Phantom Blood.
Part 6 felt like a masterpiece after Part 5.
i liked up until they leave the prision,after that i hated the anansui and weather parts,and the sons of dio makes no sense, i give up reading at that point, and never read jojo again,i really should sit down and read part 7 and 8 ,but i just dont have the strentgh to do it anymore
>wanting to fuck femJotaro
phantom blood really made me laugh bvack them, but im sure that was not the expected reaction,i started reading jojo in an ironic way,and now i love it
7 and 8 are worth it
>no wanting to fuck regular jotaro
no but jokes aside jolyne is great,no as great as FF but still she is pretty cool
part 3 is worse
part 8 seems like such a crazy ride,i really want to get into that,but i promised myself i was not going to skip any part,and that i was not going to read part 7 until i finished part 6,i always finish what i started
The last 5ish arcs of part 6 are great too.
really?thanks user,you have given me hope,you have given me the strentgh i need to go and finish part 6 and finally start reading jojo again,im going out there now, and im going to finish it!
shill me on not skipping part 6
If Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap is D4C, how come Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price isn't FAAARP
Part 3 is the best part.
>expected well made story
Surprised you fucking made it past Part 1.
Jojo is literally just for memes, cool scenes and references. Nothing else.
If you expect a gripping or interesting story you picked the wrong manga.
Fuck off with this reddit shit.
>caring about "part skipping"
I did 1>3>2>4>6>5>7. Haven't read 8 yet, going to wait for part 9 so I can read it before part 8.
Bad Routines After Accessible Payment
>Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
i will never get over that,they are just making fun of us at this point
Forgot shitty pseudointellectual YouTube videos "analyzing" the "genius" of JoJo "villains" or "characters" that get few millions of views for some reason.
Zipper Man didn't tip you off?
i didnt watch part 5,i actually dont watch jojo the anime i just read the manga
>Pissdrinking chinaman drowns the only character that cannot be drowned.
What the fuck was Araki thinking?
Is part 6 the most skippable part?
Technically 5 and 6 are equally skippable.
Not even close, it finishes off the whole sage. The objectively most skippable part is 5, 4 at least had koichi reappear in another part
Part 2 is pretty useless.
Phantom Blood is better than Shit Ocean
4 introduces the arrows, so it has that going for it.
I suppose.
Anything that happens in Part 5 has no relevance whatsoever to anything in the story of other Parts so it's by definition the most skippable.
Part 5 is non-canon filler. Nothing that happens in it is ever connected to anything else and SO outright contradicts it.
>it finishes off the whole sage
The ending of Part 6 is that Part 6 never happened and Parts 1-5 stay the same. It doesn't finish off anything.
I like the story of Jojo.
Do you not find it gripping?
>4 is fanfiction SoL
>5 is literally filler
>6 canonically never even happened
A reminder to you all that Jojo peaked in parts 1-3.
Araki redeemed himself with SBR though, and Jojolion is shaping up to be quite good as well.
t. doesn't understand what SoL is
DiU factually has the most soul of any part.
>SoL is
slice of life,part 4 is esentially one of those cute girls doing cute girl shows but with stands,nothing interesting happens until kira appears
>nothing interesting happens
Josuke and Okuyasu doing stupid shit is incredibly entertaining though.
shigechi alone has more soul than any other character
>and SO outright contradicts it.
How? I forget.
Part 4 could have been so good if Kira wasn't a late addition.
Does anyone come even close to Shigechi as a character?
Early part 4 is still better than your faveourite part
Steely Dan
>Steely Dan
6 is the ending to the original Joestar/Brando conflict so no
5 is literally nothing happens the part
>6 is the ending to the original Joestar/Brando conflict
That's part 3.
I disagree. Part 4 letting the audience become more accustomed to Morioh before delving into the thick of the plot was a nice change of pace. It also let you enjoy the antics of the characters before everything went super serious.
6 still deals with the remnants of DIO's supporters and talks about his endgame and beliefs. Irene is a metaphor for Jolyne being freed from the Joestar curse, they are completely free from DIO's influence.
Reminder that part 1-5 are set in the ireneverse
They should have just skipped 5 and go straight to 6
Nothing redeemable about part 5
Imagine believing this unironically
Part 6 is a masterpiece before the final of part 5
This, even if it have a lot of flaws
>Muh Kira
Fuck off, Part 4 still have a lot of good arcs besides Kira
>Caring about canon in Jojo
DIO in Part 3 was a mistake
Weather, Annasui, FF, Hermes and Emporio are among the best joBros tf are you smoking
You forgot Giorno-kun
Only Highway Star
And both final boss stands are retarded
Part 4 has some of the most ridiculous hilarious shit and I don't understand how people can't like it outside of Kira
>The lottery ticket with Shigechi
>Super Fly fight
>Highway Star and those fucking sniffing feet
>Pearl Jam
>Josuke and Rohan gambling with weird alien nigger as the dice
Who cares about 1-6 since they never even happened anymore.
Pucci was not part of the original Joestar/Brando conflict.
Do not reply yo my shigechi posts with that worthless faggot
The MC of VA is the one with the most screentime and relevance, what are you on?
>He didn’t liked Aqua Necklace
>He didn’t like Bad Company
>He didn’t liked Love Deluxe
>He didn’t like Harvest
>He didn’t liked Heaven’s Door
>He didn’t liked Boy II Man
>He didn’t liked Superfly
>He didn’t liked Pearl Jam
Wrong, user
This except the Josuke scam
People say Bruno is the MC of part 5 for a reason
he is a follower of dio though
I can’t believe Sex Pistols is the best Jojo
>He didn’t liked Love Deluxe
>He didn’t like Harvest
>He didn’t liked Boy II Man
>He didn’t liked Superfly
>He didn’t liked Pearl Jam
>He didn’t liked Aqua Necklace
>He didn’t like Bad Company
>He didn’t liked Heaven’s Door
A follower who was not introduced until Part 6 started
The reason is that they wan't to deflect poeple who say Giorno is shit. Bruno has way less fights and isn't the main focus of the stroy. You'd have to be retarded to think that it's correct just because people say it
Shitting on Pear Jam is tantamount to openly proclaiming your retardation.
He's the leader of the group and has more conflict with Diavolo than Giorno, Giorno seriously rides in the backseat of his own part.
Except for the finale and introduction. Just because giorno has shit motivation and character does not mean he isn't the main character.
Did anyone feel like stone ocean was also incredibly short? Not even a speed reader it just felt like it was over almost immediately and not much was actually shown
Fuck no. Parts of it were a massive slog and I seriously thought of dropping it at parts.
the narrative does feel short, between fights you have tons of timeskips and lack of character interactions. part 5 also suffers from this
Part 6 is the best part, though.
There's literally no minuses to it.
Part 6 is actual dog shit and I'm going to tell you why.
The art is garbage. Female anatomy is all over the place. Jolyne's hips and limbs are constantly the worst thing I've seen with my two eyes.
Jolyne is a terrible Jojo. Her entire character is based on daddy issues. And that's it. First it was I hate my father and then drastically into I have to do this for my father despite my feeligns 10 minutes ago.
Her supporting cast is not good. Not one of them. The only decent character is Weather Report and he's a memoryless sister banging faggot.
My biggest problem with six is that it's gross. And not body horror gross it's because they made everything unnecessarily sexual because Jolyne is a girl. The first chapter is Jolyne masturbating. And the next couple is her rolling around naked. None of the boys have ever been written like that. None of the boys talk about masturbating. None of the boys are ever really seen outside their uniforms. Just Jolyne. Just the girls are like this and it's disgusting and gross. And it's only done because most of the cast is female. Jolyne in crisis talking about how she's jealous about how snails can fuck anything. Hermes actually saying "dries up like a maxi pad," are you fucking kidding me?
I'm glad you all love part six because the tits make your dick hard but to defend this shit is ridiculous. It's the weakest most poorly written part by far and reading it was agony.
The only thing that saved this part, if you could call it saved, is Pucci. Pucci is good and I'm glad he reset the universe so none of this god awful part ever technically happened.
Okay, this is based.
>By far the worst Jojo part
I reecently caught up with both the manga and the anime, both from scratch...and while Part 6 is has nothing on Part 4 in terms of how bad it is. Part 4 is vomit inducingly bad.
Pucci is cute
>'JoBros' almost non-existent
you are insane my man.
FF died too soon, fucking araki.
Jotaro wouldn't act all aloof like this.
Still a follower.
I cared more about FF's death than most jojo characters' deaths and she barely lasted anything in the series, might as well be part 6's shigechi.
A follower who was not connected to the Joestar/Brando conflict.
So have you not seen or read part 3? The non-stop action is way worse there
Part 3 has way more downtime between fights.
It was so that the rest of the fight could happen. He didn't know that F.F. couldn't be drowned; so he attacked her just like any other target.
Dragon's Dream is just an incredibly busted ability.
>Dragon's Dream is just an incredibly busted ability.
It's also an incredibly boring ability that requires a lot of exposition to explain what visually amounts to a fistfight.
I love how everyone is looking at Jolyne like, "You bitch," for spoiling the program.
That's a strange way to spell Battle Tendency
Part 6 gets too much shit. Its definitely weak but lets be honest, all JoJo parts are. Especially the stand ones. The finale was great though, might even be the best.
>Its definitely weak but lets be honest, all JoJo parts are.
Is this really the best defense you can come up with?
>Its definitely weak but lets be honest, all JoJo parts are.
That is the worst fucking defense you can make, and even if it were true that would still mean nothing. Part 6 would just be the worst of a bad lot.
>battle tendency
>ywn get to smell jolyene feet
Why even live bro