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>implying his armor wouldn't stop it
>implying he doesn't have shields in place for this
>implying he wouldn't clairvoyance his way into understanding the NP
>implying he'd use EA on a fucking human

Bazett > Gil confirmed
Gilkeks BTFO once again

>using Ea against Bazett

>uses any of his np

It wouldn't activate Fragarach

Wait a second.
Gil should have this sword so why not use it against saber? Would it be just a ball or what?

Gil would need to use Ea on her to trigger Fragarach, which is unlikely as he would just swordspam her to death.
Bazett is conceptually weak against him and Hercules with little to none chances to win. In fact, she couldn't kill Medea with it too. And Lancer. Even Redman is under question as we can't for sure say what is his ultimate attack.

it only works against the "trumpcard"
hence ea you fucking secondary

what is a secondary exactly

But she used it on berserk anyway so.

Someone who hasn't actually read the story that's being discussed, like FATE/HOLLOW ATARAXIA.

I just want to stir this great debate. This post had flawed logic from the beginning anyway.

And btw we are talking about a scenario where gil uses ea for god knows why.
Now that i think about it he probably used it that against bazzet at some point.

Godhand is an always active Trump Card in a way.
Then wouldn't it trigger for Enkidu, his most trusted weapon, instead of big blasty meme spinny club sword?

secondary idiot

She did kill Lancer with it though

Bazzet and Lancer as a team would've stomped everyone except Illya.

No because Enkidu is not a trump card, it's just a reliable tool.
Fucking hell those are literal opposites, your most trusted weapon is not your trump card by definition. Your trump card is something you only pull out in times of need.

Berserker's trump card is always active God Hand so Fragarach can be activated at any time against him. Gil and Medea are specifically in the list of servants Fragarach would be ineffective against because they attack most of the time without using their trump cards.

Yeah, but she dies against gae bolg anyway so Fragarach is "ineffective" against Lancer since it's main function is to kill enemy with them failing to kill Bazett.

But this is king autism Gilgamesh, who will just randomly whip out Ea to fuck about with and Enkidu is the greatest trump card against the divine.

Most trusted in this case means "if I use it, I'll definitely win"
You think he just uses it on anyone?

>redman/Shirou traces Frag
>Instagibs Gil when they overwhelm his gay babalon and he desperately reaches for Ea

This makes more sense by the second. Lets say that bazett or avenger say something along the lines of:
>muh we can beat your np no problem bitch boy
and then gil is gonna be like
I totally see that happening. Or maybe he would just kill them i dunno.

If they have infinite tries like in F/HA, they might find way to provoke him into using Ea. But normally in 99.9% of situations they die to stray sword launched from GoB.

And with this first post is now legitimate.

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You say that, but Alcides didn't get Gil to draw Ea with that exact goading. Despite being a black hole of arrogance, he's not easy to manipulate.

reminder bazett was only able todo anything in HA because she had literaly infinite tries
in the HGW caster/kuzuki would stomp

Not with Lancer.
Kuzuki is weak to Fragarach due to Snake Style, even if he can beat Lancer.

But it's just style of fighting. Can it in itself be counted as trump card?

VN discussion belongs on

Can Tsubame Gaeshi?

It probably counts.

I don't think he has it since it's god forged or something.

cute! CUTE!

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Baz is for snuggles.

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I have heart attacks whenever I see a qt baz pic.

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>successfully summon your mythological husbando
Being Irish is suffering.


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>trusting a priest
You had it coming

Bazett is ugly and a man.

Has it been confirmed that bazzet is actually his descendant?

The problem with Gil is that he is too strong for any average servant or master. So much that he suffers from Extreme case of worf effect