How the hell did this garbage get an anime?
How the hell did this garbage get an anime?
I dunno man but this was cute.
I stopped following this after the KyoAni incident. Looks like I made the right choice, going by its recent reception.
wait normies don't like it anymore?
Come to think of it, I only see everyone talking about Kimetsu
>everyone drops the anime at the same point everyone dropped the manga years ago
real life kino
fuck you I like it
it was so awful compared to soul eater I had to drop it after finishing the first chapter.
does it get any better?
what point is that?
When the different fire services start infighting.
is it worth reading up until that point?
I'd love to like this as the art style's one of my favorites, but this fucking stupid shit sure as hell ain't even close to Soul Eater.
If you like okubo's way of panelling and style than it's worth it on that alone.
I'm not sure either. It's has to be to boost it's sales. What I'm concerned about is why it has 52 episodes. That makes no sense
They don't expect to profit from BDs like most of the otaku market, anime adaptations of long running shonen manga are all about advertising money and promoting manga sales.
It has 48
Normies got mad when the fanservice girl got introduced
user, almost no anime intends to profit by itself. Especially in the current environment.
It's existing exclusively on Soul Eater's name.
Honestly it's pretty hilarious, absolutely every piece of advertisement for it has big fat text akin to "By the genius author of Soul Eater" on it. There's an early magazine cover where the Soul Eater text is straight up bigger than the actual title.
>There's an early magazine cover where the Soul Eater text is straight up bigger than the actual title.
I don’t think I have EVER seen this series brought up (outside of Yea Forums) without Soul Eater. It’s a shame since the art style is great, but the manga was boring as hell and I haven’t bothered with the anime
I'm still enjoying it
Unfortunately, this. It's a great looking manga and a great looking anime, but you couldn't turn me off any faster with that limp-dick premise, characters and plot.
What's so bad about it i read up to when they beat the brown lady and it didn't seem bad just mediocre.
It’s not bad, it’s just meh
Girl has potential but she is only used for shitty fan service. That sucks
>I don’t think I have EVER seen this series brought up (outside of Yea Forums) without Soul Eater
Literally nobody cared about this series before the anime and to be honest, even that's started to fade. "By the same creator as Soul Eater" was mainly all it had going for it. When Samurai 8 gets an anime, Expect to see a fuckton of "By the creator of Naruto" everywhere even more than advertising the manga.
Thats were I dropped it... I dont know why. It's curious that a lot of people dropped the manga at that point and people are dropping the anime at almost the same point of the story
Good style. It’s the main reason I enjoyed SE and it’s the same here.
"Meh" is worse than bad. Bad means you have enough investment to have any kind of emotion toward it. Meh means you couldn't care about it's existence at all.
I dropped it right after inkas arc.
God I genuinely hate that bitch so much.
I hope she dies the most boring and and uneventful death ever.
Adult Swim censored her and people got mad
based fanservice filtering the normies
>Adult Swim censored her
Only way you can say this is if you never actually watched a bad show.
The hierarchy goes something like this:
>So bad it's good
>So bad you drop it a few episodes in
No an actual bad show is offensive to the senses.
You can at least stomach watching a meh show.
>an actual bad show is offensive to the senses
That's why you drop it a few episodes in.
>You can at least stomach watching a meh show
The result is that you keep waiting for it to get good, but it never does.
That is your own fault.
You could have dropped the meh show at anytime.
>I can q-quit anytime I want!
The cry of a million otaku halfway into every season.
Meh shows prolong suffering. At least bad shows have the good grace to make you WANT to drop them.
Why are the poses they're doing look similar to that Big Bang Theory image that keeps getting posted in Dr Stone threads?
If anything I'm usually more inclined to continue bad shows just to see how bad they can get.
While with mediocre shows I just forget to watch the next episode.
What's so bad about it? I've watched all 8 episodes and so far it seems to be quite decent. Animation is good, the characters are fun, main duo is two chuuni retards and other people call them out on it.
Better than other shonen running this season. I just hope this shwo doesn't get it's own
Nothing is really bad about it
Shinra sounds like an indian name, is that fire cause of curry?
Instead it has
I loved Soul Eater and just don't like Fire Force as much. It's not that's it's bad, I just don't think it's anything that original or engaging. When it comes to series I'm watching this season I'd rather watch an episode of Dr. Stone or Vinland Saga.
Non-manga reader here. Seriously, their fire powers come from Hell? Does that make it more interesting, or does it become a Blue Exorcist rip off? I knew I should've been suspicious when there was a powerful church involved
This show made me realize how important direction is, I mean I always 'knew' it but had never really noticed till I saw this, everything feels off
Those normies must be smart as fuck then to drop a show that's unironically fairy tail tier.
By me.
It is great wtf
It doesn't fit the genre, it's an action series not a Shinkai romantic drama
So basically you have ADHD?
>It doesn't fit the genre
Genre should just be a framework. There is no such thing as not fitting a genre.
It's alright.
And that's all it takes to get an anime these days.
Okay it doesn't fit the show then
It definitely fits the show.
Censored how? Have a link?
cringe force
David Production loved animating Sex Pistols too much to stop.
>There is no such thing as not fitting a genre.
Cat Soup, by Makoto Shinkai.
Hokuto no Ken, by Naoko Yamada.
NGE, by Sanrio.
K-On, by Masaaki Yuasa.
Sailor Moon, by Satoshi Kon.
Soul eater was really good
Nothing to see. No repaints.
They just cut the shots out entirely
>NGE, by Sanrio.
>evangelion but without garbage writing
Sounds amazing
I don't see how your post makes sense as a response to mine, unless you mean that Yuasa would be unable to direct a slice of life show.
I'm saying directors have their own style, and not every style fits every genre. Yuasa could do slice of life just fine, as long as it's not moe.
I love the show. That said... I havent watched a episode since ep 3.
I'm just flakky with anime tho,
is dr.stone any good I like the premise but the mc seems to be makishimi tier levels of autism
>not every style fits every genre
This might have been true if NGE was the only mecha show or Sailor Moon was the only magical girl show. But that simply isn't true.
There are plenty of mecha and magical girl shows with widely different direction style.
>Yuasa could do slice of life just fine, as long as it's not moe
Moe isn't a genre, but even then Yuasa can definitely do moe.
A Yuasa moe series would probably be AOTY.