Chainsaw Man

Spoilers soon.

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No, they aren't coming soon. Stop making useless threads.


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Why can shonenshit have permanent threads but not an interesting series like chainsawman?

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Because its not an interesting series

It’s amazing how fast the fanart came for CSM, while other manga that lasted years just have five djs and two fanarts. Not complaining just kinda happy for Chainsaw man.

Just don’t feed the shitposter.

Jump really helped to push it with the fan art contest.

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why is he being bullied so hard?
and what's Makima's endgame?

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I think Powerfags don't even bother reading the manga.

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>why is he being bullied so hard?
Fujimoto's MO: the more you're a good person, the more you'll suffer.

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I thought spoilers were tommorow. better not get spoiler text and images at 400+ replies

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>"You know, Denji, with great power comes great responsibility. Sawatari called it "The Hybrid's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Shadman looks directly at the camera.
>"The devils, the fiends, the devil hunters...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Hybrid is near, Denji. We'll have every devil in this city dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me trapped in the Infinity Devil's stomach this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the Yakuza."
What did Fujimoto mean by this?


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Did you know that Spider-chan breasts are actually her eggsacks?
She is flat just like Power and Angel

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Makima must really hate Aki

Fushi is alive lads, his 134 IQ won't let him die.

I have higher IQ than Fushi

Why make a thread so early?

SAme as always. Toc is out

Because we don't need permanent threads. Do you see Indians shitting in the street and wonder why you don't do the same?

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>Doesn't bathe
>Doesn't flush
>Pads breasts

Why do you love worst girl?

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Because she is

Why don't you love best girl?

generals are shit, they are killing this site and you should go back

Have you done your part?

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Hey user, who do you think is best girl?

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>power finally getting an upgrade
waiting for the inevitable blood giving scene that makes denji power up

Power's is higher, her is 5000.

y-you of course

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Makima is a guy.


please do not make this a general
we've all seen how shit those get on Yea Forums

I have no problem with CSM threads but people are trying to turn this into a general for some reason. I get that ToC just dropped and all but it’s obvious that we are not gonna get the spoiler pages on Wednesday considering it’s been like this for the last couple of chapters. I mean seriously, why make a thread so early when there’s nothing worth posting going on? All it’s gonna end up with is people just posting the same fanarts and asking the same asinine questions over again and again that we all know that it’s being posted because you want to keep the thread from dying.

Why would you want a permanent thread?
There is nothing to talk about, so there shouldn't be a thread. We aren't getting spoilers any time soon so what the hell is the point?