>his favorite villain doesn't have the moral high ground
His favorite villain doesn't have the moral high ground
*spins to death*
>muh napkin
>muh dead daddy
>muh country
I'm convinced anybody who thinks Valentine was "justified" is a /pol/tard. not gonna lie, Valentine is my favorite villain, but jfc even Kira was more moral than him.
Pic unrelated.
Valentine is literally the worst JoJo villain yet.
His plan fails and what does he do? Entrusts everything to one of the shadiest people he knows, Diego, except not even the Diego from his world whose character he can judge at least, and who isn't even American. The cherry on the shit villain cake.
Valentine was a sadistic and manipulative rapist if you seriously believe that valentine is not evil you are a brainlet who deserves to get taken advantage of IRL
t. American who actually believed his little song and dance
>not realizing everything he spouts are all lies
He a fucking politician you doofuses
Kira at the very least knew what he was doing was wrong, he just resigned himself to his nature. Depending on who you ask that may be worse, but all the same.
>needing false moral authority
What are you, a Boomer?
yes he does
Yeah, I was surprised once I read SBR about Valentine being considered the villain sided with justice. Then I remembered that I read about him in here, a nest filled with burger vermin. Of course they'd eat all his propaganda.
Based Johnny for shooting him and Diego for slicing and dicing him.
Still best villain tho.
My favorite villain isn't even a villain
>His villain doesn't have a over-the-top laugh
a-any more of pic related?
>Have everything in the bag, protagonist has agreed to help you
>Betray and try to kill him for no raisin
>Eat shit
Not only does Valentine not have the moral high ground, he lacks the mental high ground as well.
>lying piece of shit
>high moral ground
>gives the corpse to a bong purely to fuck Johnny over out of spite
>moral highground
JoJo villains suck.
Wtf his head is a rokakaka fruit
Moustache-twirling villains who openly admit they're evil are way more fun than boring morally grey villains.
>wants to push all suffering and misfortune in the US onto other innocent people because "muh nationalism!!!!"
valentines plan was pathetic and pure tribalist "my people are better than yours because reasons!!!" irresponsible nonsense
Only if they revel in it. "Serious" evil is boring.
>reflects all the misfortune in America
>Naples now has steel ball school shootings
Valentine being justified is just a stupid jojo meme. Only idiots actually believe it.
>Believing and trusting Valentine
Look at his track record of people who agreed to help him
>Magent Magent
Stuck in the bottom of a river until his brain stopped
>Axl RO
>AU Diego
Reduced to nothing
>Boom Boom Family
>Dr. Ferdinand
Trusting or agreeing to help Valentine led to a lot of deaths and even caused the deaths of Hot Pants and Wekapipo
Don't trust this man
You're not supposed to agree with him. It just shows how gullible you are to hollow patriotic rhetoric if you think Valentine was remotely justified. His whole plan was to spread all misfortune away from the USA and to the rest of the world to deal with. Valentine's character is intended as a criticism of American politics and its effect on the rest of the world.
Only Boipucci is even remotely justifiable.
I don't think the point was that Valentine was justified, only that he appeared to have more "just" motives than Johnny
>sit down and talk with either of his siblings about Domenico/Wes/Weather's circumstances
None of that matters once HEAVEN is achieved.
>part 7 niggers will unironically defend this part to the end
>objectively one of the worst parts
>shitty villan
fuck part fucking 1 is better than this "muh napkin" "muh kuntree" garbage. seethe harder you stupid 7niggers.
ok, this is based
>solving things painfully face to face like a human being when the option to have someone else handle it in a harmful, unproductive, confusing, but utltimately hands-off way exists
nobody does this
how was he supposed to know they were wizard detectives?
>Objectively the worst part
It’s still top 3 at worst.
>Shitty villain
You’re right about that. The only one who’s worse in my book is Kira for going full retard for no reason
is it me or is part 8 boring
I agree. The mystery isn't really that interesting and it doesn't really feel like it's going anywhere.
It’s you.
But Kira's character IS being full retard?
Part 7 contains the best characters in Jojo and the best characters of all time. Gyro qualifies for the latter. He's hilarious, but he also has a tragic backstory that offers him plenty of motivation while keeping him a mystery. Diego is a unique spin on Dio from Part 1, and his Stand Scary Monsters is awesome. Lucy and Steven are a great duo. Steven is barely in the story, but he's a well written and unique supporting character. While Lucy doesn't come into play until the finale, she is still compelling. Wekapipo is one of the finest side protagonists and works well as a foil to Gyro. Part 7 also contains my favorite side villain, Ringo, and though his time spent in the story is brief it is arguably the pinnacle of of the entire series. As for the Jojo and main villain, they're unquestionably the best of the best. Johnny is a tragic lightning rod of Shakespearean proportions. It's not only impossible to not root for him; it is immoral. He possesses one of the greatest and most significant character arcs I've ever experienced, and his Stand Tusk is awesome to boot. He is my favorite Jojo bar none, despite being one of the most depraved ones. Johnny is immoral and sinful and honestly can be considered the villain of Part 7, but he is still a compelling force of nature. Valentine can be considered the hero to an extent and is one of the most sympathetic villains to grace manga. In fact, it's no secret Valentine is my favorite antagonist ever. He's like an improved version of Ozymandias from Watchmen who takes pride in his actions rather than cry in secret. A true patriot, Valentine will stop at nothing to make America great again. As said by the man himself, his "heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They represent those of JUSTICE.". D4C also has one of the most insane and unique powers of any Stand and makes for a more than satisfying final fight.
>I'm convinced anybody who thinks Valentine was "justified" is a /pol/tard
Never in my life have I heard a more reddit stance
>Then I remembered that I read about him in here, a nest filled with burger vermin. Of course they'd eat all his propaganda.
>Patriotism cannot be genuinely, and can only be fathomed, understood and condoned by the people who are part of the national the fictional character in a fictional world exists.
It's absolute brainlet fujoshit faggots like you that cause ironic shitposters to turn unironic - if you actually spent some time in this board, you'd know that frequenters are inherently contrarian and will do everything in their feasible capacity to piss manlets like you off. So basically, you're the one creating these people - literally reciting what you detest just to piss you off and create the impression you're retarded, when you're proving them exactly right by thinking people unironically believe Valentine dindu nuffin
Fucking nu/a/ is so cancer, it's actually making me sick. Please fuck off and die.
>American gets upset when someone points out that only an American could be dumb enough to love Valentine
u mad bro?
Stay Mcmad, burger
>DURR kira is supposed to be retarded
Worst defense ever.
It does make me wonder who is the most retarded jojo villain so far. Who do you have in mind, anons? Doesn't even have to be the big ones, even minor dickbags like Ciocolatta can qualify.
Definitely Diavolo, the whole annonymous thing makes zero sense
Kira, because every single time he got caught was because of his own dumbass outing himself
RPS kid
I don't get the hate he gets. It was fun to watch Rohan punching him.
>hurr if your character isn't "all according to keikaku" he's dumb
Diavolo. Absolutely nothing he did made any sense.
What happened to him?
Biggie: Kira
Minor: 1/3 of part 3's
>Antagonist had a much better motivation and nobler goal than the protagonist that Araki had to make him a rapist to make people remember that he's supposed to be the villain.
He shot a guy he hired and left him to bleed out before he tried to rape a little girl
The transmission tower hermit was pretty fucking retarded
>Live on a transmission tower to escape society
>Get bribed to rejoin society, something he doesn't want to do.
>Instantly regret it.
the door ate him
Dio is the best villian in JoJo.
From his perspective he was fucking his wife, or somebody who is impersonating her. And he's a good enough husband to know her kinks
He knew it wasn't his wife. He didn't give a shit.
Okuyasu for minor.
For major probably Kira because he could have easily skipped town
He really like Morioh. Telling him to skip town is the same as telling him to stop murdering women.
I always believed that pasta was about AU Diego
Lucy's pheromones are serious shit
Jiren was True Strength
Jiren was Justice
Trust and guts still beat him
>villain has moral high ground
Nah, that pasta was about God himself
The point is that Valentine was sincere in his drive to safeguard America's prosperity going into the future at all costs. You're not supposed to like him but at the end of the day he did everything he did with his countries best interests at heart including ensuring that in the event he died someone else would finish the mission. Only thing Valentine would change about the situation was that he wanted to be alive to lead his country into that future he envisioned.
Yes he is a scumbag. yes he lied, cheated and stole what he could. Yes he tried to play Johnny like a fiddle and got shot for his troubles. But between him and Johnny's motives Valentine was fighting for something and Johnny was fighting for himself.
>Steven Steel warns Lucy’s dad that she’s the most fuckable thing to roam the planet
>Doesn’t even touch her because he’s that much of a chad
But yeah, that girl’s body is some dangerous shit.
>A guy who murders innocents because it makes him hard is more moral than the president who poured gazillions of dollars into his nation's economy and wanted to deflect the bad shit away from Murricans
>The point is that Valentine was sincere in his drive to safeguard America's prosperity going into the future at all costs.
>Yes he tried to play Johnny like a fiddle and got shot for his troubles.
If he sincerely meant the former he would not have tried to do the latter.
>no Johnny you don’t understand. I wasn’t trying to rape her for any selfish reason, the cunny belong to all Americans!
He literally tried to rape a teenager, fuck him.
Johnny might have reneged later and even still his infinite rotation poses a threat to Valentine as the only thing that beats love train. Valentine made a bad call on the timing but getting rid of Johnny makes sense.
this was based though
If all the villains fought who'd win? My money's on DIO. Pucci only survived due to pure luck half the time. While Diavolo can delete ten seconds of time, he can't instakill a vampire. Kira is too stupid. Kars could probably kill him due to being the perfect organism.
Of course. But kill him AFTER you have achieved your goals.
None of the main villains can kill Kars. Maybe Kira.
what about Valentine bringing him to AU kars?
Man, I first saw him in some ASB video before reading the manga and thought he was gonna be some entertaining over-the-top patriot jumping between dimensions with the American flag he carries around randomly but turns out he's yet another villain that does almost nothing throughout the whole story till the end. Why does nu-Araki hate fun?
>But kill him AFTER you have achieved
No I agree with that. Having the gun on him wad stupid
Forgot about that.
Speaking of powerlevels, couldn't cars regenerate from body parts?
Valentine didn't have the moral high ground. He may have been motivated by patriotism and duty but he was an underhanded traitorous piece of shit and literally all he ever does the WHOLE PART is callously use and trick and kill people to get his way.
Also keep in mind that instead of just working with Johnny to get what he wants, he decides to throw his life away and entrust the corpse to an actual madman just because he thinks it'll fuck Johnny over the most. Valentine is petty.
Johnny meanwhile is motivated entirely by selfishness but only kills in self defense situations and maintains honesty and decency the whole time. He was even willing to help the president until Valentine's autism caused a quick draw duel instead.
But of course the contrast between these two's actions and motivations was intentional, they're almost complete foils to one another down to one having a dead dad who loved him and the other having a living dad who hates him.
>all these people posting color versions
gross, Parts 7 and 8 are for black and white only
I'm pretty sure Made in Heaven Pucci can kick his ass
>His whole plan was to spread all misfortune away from the USA and to the rest of the world to deal with
that's a great plan because I live in the USA
there would be no body parts left if kars met himself from other universe
>I don't trust this terrorist!
>gonna use the gun he just gave me though lmao
He could strategically rip toe off before an engagement and regenerate.
His heart and actions were unclouded by rational thought.
Diavolo no question. Something weird in Part 5 is that part 5 outright repeats major aspects of Part 4, Diavolo in particular is just Kira but with nothing interesting about him and no development.
M-MUH IDENTITY!!!! But Diavolo's identity means nothing? Is it because he's the mob boss? But the mob are nearly all powerful in Part 5 and even own the police. So why the concern? Also who the fuck was gonna take Trish Una's DNA and fucking test it with every individual man in Italy to see who her father was? Who even fucking CARES?
At least Kira's identity made sense because he had an established character of being protective of his quiet lifestyle, and because he was a serial killer who collected women's hands. He'd be fucked if he got caught.
doesn't alternate things attract each other when they're close like corpse parts do?
well Kars is THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM and by himself renders DIO and Diavalo nearly completely irrelevant from the fight.
the only ones that can stand up to Kars are Kira, Pucci and Valentine. Valentine's simple, he would need to collide two different Kars together to have them destroy each other. Or if he's desperate just yeet Kars into another dimension so he's some other world's problem.
For Kira he'd need to trigger Bites The Dust on Kars to kill him. Bites The Dust is so OP it's probably capable of winning the whole fight, remember it literally changes the destiny of anyone who explodes when he goes back in time to be that they'll die with no effort on his part when he gets back.
Pucci could probably take Kars' memory disc and render his body useless. It'd be indestructible still but he could probably destroy the memory disc or put it in a nearby animal and kill it or something. Also Whitesnake's illusions would work wonders, Kars was once tricked by a burning scarf when he didn't even take his eyes off his opponent, something with possibly unlimited illusion power would be very easily able to trick him and get an advantage.
Out of these 3 options Kira has the best chance in my opinion, if he BITES ZA DUSTO everyone they'll all die.
Pucci could easily beat Kars but it requires Whitesnake, and Whitesnake wouldn't be too helpful against most of the other's Stands, at least not all at once. C-Moon and Made In Heaven would do really good against the others but wouldn't do shit against Kars.
Valentine would have the hardest time, he'd have to get close or find a way to sandwich Kars between something and drag him to another world without dying himself. Valentine isn't one of the world's greatest martial artists like Joseph was, no way he'll be able to dodge shit from Kars.
Even the big GOD rapes Lucy, you can’t blame Valentine there
>So why the concern?
To protect himself from assassination attempts obviously. Even someone like Cioccolata who had no personal beef with the boss and was one of the highest ranking members in the gang wanted to take over his position.
But if Kars rips of a toenail and throws it in the ocean and then get killed in an alternate universe, then the toe in the original universe should be able to regenerate.
>yfw time and gravity are interlinked
>yfw Gyro's perfect spin affects time and ages up Valentine
>yfw Johnny's perfect spin affects gravity and roots him infinitely to the same place
>yfw if Gyro hit a full double golden rectangle on Valentine it probably would have aged him straight into a skeleton
JoJo villain morality scale, from least evil to most evil
Why the fuck is he a mafia boss in the first place if he's so concerned with that shit? Why does he let Polpo hand out stands like candy to literal randos and doesn't keep track of what powers they get if it will pose an instant threat to him? He doesn't even do anything with the power and money he supposedly has, just sits around in hotels. He and his organization make no damn sense at all.
Diavolo didn't have a real reason, he was just batshit insane.
both Giorno and Diavolo are just bad retreads of Josuke and Kira.
Josuke and Giorno both based their lives off of being helped as a child by a ruffian. In Josuke's case some JD with a badass haircut and in Giorno's case an actual gang member. Difference is Josuke was given a personality and character development while Giorno wasn't.
Diavolo as you said is just Kira's MUH IDENTITY but with none of the development or personality that Kira got.
I really feel like Part 5 really phoned the lead characters in aside from Bruno who is actually somewhat interesting. It's like Araki put all his effort into making the fights amazing and the minor villains entertaining and forgot about everything else.
>Mountain Tim died for this piece of ass
Damn is she really 14?