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Can't be worse than Shitkai.

>template thread starter
>low quality post

sasuga neo nu Yea Forums

but why?
>FEB 15th, 2019

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fuck, its real.

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Please no

Go back.

>Marc Webb
Eh, could be worse.

Crawl back to Yea Forums and never post on Yea Forums again.
You too, frogposter.

Get Raimi for the redpill drops or don't even bother.

they're playing this in the dub on the TV in australia right now as I am typing this post (SBS) and it's very cringe

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why is this allowed

if they wanted to adapt multiculturism, they should have used a japanese college transfer adapting to life on a texas ranch VS a somalian working on wall street as a fresh intern.

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Only Shinkai can make this BS work
I even doubted him from the trailers

>Animated property: exists
>American directors: Let's make a live action remake in order to make it look less childish, but also make it objectively inferior meaning it's in effect more childish

>Jew Jew Abrahams
>Native American woman and a young man who's almost certainly a KANG
>Completely ignoring how deeply the original is rooted in Japanese culture and folklore

Even the worst dub is at the very least still the original, rather than a mutilated mongrel that barely resembles the original.

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But I thought Freaky Friday already exist there?
Are they so creatively bankrupt that they have to copy from outside Hollywood?

you guys ready for multiculturalism?boy i'm sure as hell am

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Time to post this on Yea Forums

no the original is Ill mare a Korean movie which was remade as the lakehouse

>muh diversity
>protagonist still a white male

>Are they so creatively bankrupt
Have you seen what Hollywood pumps out for the last 10-15 years
It's all remakes, reboots, unnecessry sequels

Already a thing.


>young man from Chicago
>white male
chose one

>last update: 2016

Why is this legal?

oyy veyy better ruin another wholesome IP for the goyim heheheh

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Because Shitkai only cares about money

>>Remaking a film whose entire schtick is scenery porn and soft music.
What do they hope to accomplish? It won't even make that much money

Fuck no! We all know that 99.9% of these adaptations fail miserably. This is not good news. Not at all. Fuck this shit!

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99.9% of Hollywood movies (or any other murricunt "entertainment") is atrocious trash, so why do you care what they make?


if it wasn't already legal, the capitalists would make it legal


Nice normie text meme, faggot

There's also a 99.9% chance that the movie will mention something about "male privilege" and how easy it is being a man and how hard it is being a woman.


I kind of missed these.

>Feb 15th
You're a little late

Ill play doubles advocate for this. All the recent blackwashing of characters aside this is an American adaptation, you cant honestly expect an American adaptation to cast Japanese people and set the movie in Japan. When a country/culture does an adaptation of a work from another country/culture they, well, adapt it into their own so its accessible to their audience. When Bollywood does knockoffs of American films they cast Indian actors in an Indian setting and no one is up in arms. When that butchering of Ghost in the Shell came out I was honestly peeved but not because they cast an American actress but because they tried to have their cake and eat it with this chimera of her being an American but still having the Japanese name etc. when what they should have done is set the story in America, make all the characters American with American names while still retaining all the recognizable characteristics. See Edge of Tomorrow, no one cared about the characters nationality being changed because they actually made a good movie and I think the nationality of the characters for this adaptation dont really weigh in as to the quality of the adaptation itself (although it probably will be shit anyway).

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Isn't this like a year old movie? Why? Do burgers really need to be sheltered from other cultures this much?

Why is Hollywood literally incapable of coming up with an original story?

regardless of this shit, what did you guys think of the film?

Needed assurance that she's a virgin.

who asked for this?

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>doubles advocate
ESL please

Coming up with a completely new and original plot requires taking a lot of risk. We never hear about it, but companies and filmmakers who try this routinely go bankrupt over it. On the other hand adapting someone you already know everyone loves -even if done badly- requires little effort for guaranteed profit.

This is why it's surprising that Sóylo is the first Star Wars movie to run negative profit. You could fucking sell a jar of mayonaise with the Star Wars logo slapped on it and make a return on investments.

>Yea Forumsermin OP
>it's real
Fucking dammit.

There's a 500 days of Summer reference in Tenki no Ko because of him.

I really liked it. Well directed and sincere. A lot more subtle than your typical feelgood lovestory. Still don't get why they didn't look at the dates on their phones tho. You'd think that 3 years of difference would be easier to notice

Because you idiots especially Disney dicksuckers will watch anything, case in point Captain Marvel and Transformers films

this bothered me as well, how did they not notice the date? did we miss something?

500 days of summer sounds like it's describing Yea Forums.

I can assure you I am not with the Electronic Sports League, just referencing that one pasta.

When did this cancer become a thing?

I don't know what this means.

hahahahahah, anime is shit anyway so kinda deserve it even more hahahahah

And Mark Webb made the best Spider-Man movies, there is no issue.

Yea Forums

If Hollywood directors were allowed to take risks and movies were 90% terrible failures and 10% gems, I'd take that a million times over the current trend of them being 100% overly calculated bland trash.

But I guess the fault is with those who watch that shit, not the business itself. Thank god there's anime.

The best capeshit is still capeshit.

if they stopped throwing millions and millions of dollars at every project they could easily tank nine bombs for every hit

he didn't make Enter the Spider-verse, Italian Spider-Man, or Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge

Nevermind the date
I'm not familiar with iPhone, but how did Mitsuha not realize that she's using an iPhone model she hasn't even heard of?

Deport beaners
Kill niggers
Rape whores
And most importantly
Gas kikes

>such as filming a scene from fewer angles than Lucasfilm expected, thereby reducing the options available in editing.
Modern film making is retarded. Why is 330 million dollars profit a box office bomb?
God, they perfected the art of shitting out garbage for the masses.

and what's your opinion on the jannies?


>caring about live action

Check my advocacy

Also, why have people started using that term here? A pair of years ago no one was that retarded

fuck em


he was awoken

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>If Hollywood directors were allowed to take risks
Cinema isn't the only platform for them to do so right now. They could hop on to Netflix and throw whatever that they have.


Pray to God for it to fail spectacularly. Maybe because no one will want to touch JJ after Star Wars 9 comes out.
If it turns out to be a success it will truly open the floodgates. It won't just end at even more shitty adaptation, but it will affect the state of the industry too.

>One Piece
>Cowboy Bebop
The floodgates are wide open

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anglo domination of the world

Edgy cringe

Is this different from Ghost in the Shell, which was a pathetic failure?

Nothing is sacred for these kikes.
It was only a matter of time before they started making trash adaptations.
They want to destroy the only media they don't control.

First post best post.

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I seen worse

How many hollywood movies have the plot of
>muh boi and gurl swap bodies
It's gonna be bad, like who in this side of the world is gonna swallow the whole meteorite plot
Also its gonna look like shit
Half of the success of this film was because how a feast was for your eyes

The problem with these, except Cowboy Bebop, is that they are all shounen. Children main characters. Capeshit managed to pull-through, but the characters there have always been actual adults. The only one that has had high school years being spider-man.
This is why Dragon Ball and Death Note failed big time. Because they know adults won't take it seriously anyway they try to pander even harder to teens and end up being even more cringy.
Your Name is very popular, including among normalfags, plus the story is easy to adapt to a bit older characters, as they obviously did.

Let's see:

>One Piece
Probably Netflix
>Cowboy Bebop
Might as well be dead
Could be dead if they haven't found a replacement
Development hell
Eh, probably dead already

And Netflix anime adaptations are so terrible it's become a meme. They change everything that makes the source material great. They're most likely going to tackle Berserk next of The Witcher is a success.

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Death Note was an easy adaptation that could've been a big hit.
It failed because Netflix is composed of a bunch of retards.

lmaoooo westerns always ruining everything, fucking wh*toids


my poor...poor terminator...what have they done to you...

Keit-ai isn't even anything like Your Name. Fuck off.

Don't forget about how much hard being a native american is.
Poor oppressed minority girl wants to experience how is it being a privileged white boy.
Jesus christ, this shit writes itself!

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>Remake of a remake

Ask JJ.



I. I asked for this.

I can't even imagine how you would make One Piece live action.

Who the fuck asked for this? Also The Lake House already did anything better than Kimi no na wa.

I think it's part of a studio deal or something
Along the lines of
>You can fuck off to this studio even before your contract ends with us, but do an adaptation of this movie first and make sure it earns shitton of cash to compensate for you leaving here

>The Lake House
Holy fuck we came full circle.

Marc Webb has directed other things than "The Amazing Spiderman"

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Is that a Keit-ai reference?

When will Fate get the movie it deserves

anime is officially mainstream. we are normies now

>young man from Chicago

His name? Kanye West.


it came out a few years ago, why the fuck is it getting a remake already
hell it doesnt fucking need a remake

Well at least nuMitsuba won't be an asian. They should've make her a cumskin though.

Fucking whitey need to go. Can't wait till niggers, spics, and muslims finish the job. All whitey need to die.

>trailer song is this

>young man from chicago


>native american
they still exist?

>JJ Abrams
Can't they just link this clown to Epstein already?

I still want them to attempt it. The train wreck might put america off getting their grubby mitts on anime/manga for a while longer and it would be funny as fuck.