You guys like Minky Momo right? Please say yes. I need this.
You guys like Minky Momo right? Please say yes. I need this
I had high expectations for it but so far the subbed episodes have been pretty bad
Three episode rule? There's something like 60 episodes of this show aren't there?
WILD question but I'm desperate
where can I go if I need someone to very quickly and urgently translate some japanese into english for me? Google translate is not doing the job
Sounds like you're fucked. There aren't really subtitle groups that would sub something for a buck like there use to be.
its got nothing to do with anime, it's a business thing I've not visited Yea Forums in like a decade, thanks anyway
I don't remember, it was the almighty truck-san right.
>Jonu Media
Why did she grow up to be such a crazy bitch?
I got a shlomo in my dome-o
And her name is Minky Momo
Minky Momo!
Miiiinky Momo!
Cute and funny.
Okay. Yes, we like Minky Momo.
She actually survived the crash, but it messed her up mentally, that along side the deaths of her mother, older sister, getting dumped by char, shit happens.
Uh oh! You have been hit by the toy truck of cancellation.
Say jobu jobu daijobu or your city will be struck by a devastating earthquake.
good riddance
So fucking Yeeeeeeessss.
Oh this is that anime takeshi shudo did where she fucking DIES
Yes, Momo is cute.
She's got something for you this time, ya bastard.
Did you people only watch the first time a Minky Momo was hit by a truck?
I don't know. It's before my time, even though I'm in my mid-30ies.
>It's before my time
Shame there's no way you can go back and watch something.
It doesn't get good until she dies and gets better
>and gets better
She never gets better.
All Momos are Momo, but Momo =/= Momo =/= Momo.
OG Momo is a dream ghost that doesn't age up like reborn momo, who is shown as an adult in the music videos in some futuristic city.
I downloaded the OVA/Movies a few months back but they sit unwatched on my hard drive to this day.