Shingeki no Kyojin

since leakers are a bunch of bitches withholding the panels, piece together what happens in this chapter.

ESLshits and coping dykes will be smacked down into the burning fires of hell where they belong

>Grisha pre-GR1.0
>Doesn't want to destroy the world once he makes his new family
>Marley attacks while he's away
>Rushes to the hideout and begs them to stop the attack
>Sees a quick premonition of the future
>Kills all the royal kids when he realizes what Eren will do with the Founder
>Goes to Shiganshina
>Sees the destruction caused by Bert and Reiner
>Realizes he can't change the flow of time because they need to fight back or the world will wipe them out and comes to terms with what must happen
>Realizes Eldians will never be allowed to just live in peace as he tried to do with Carla and Eren
>We must secure a future for our children and the Eldian race ™
>Passes the Titans to Eren and tells him to avenge them all
It's his internal conflict playing out before us, essentially. It's him realizing that we must become whom we are

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why does Eren have a faceapp smile at the moment he got his slave following get parents getting slaughtered? This is a bit too twisted even for my tastes

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Where's Zeke during this panel? Is he frozen stiff from whatever he saw in the memories? Did Grisha diddle his heart strings just right?

>ESLshits and coping dykes will be smacked down into the burning fires of hell where they belong
Followed by coping EHcucks

>>Doesn't want to destroy the world once he makes his new family
>>Marley attacks while he's away
>>Rushes to the hideout and begs them to stop the attack
All the rest is bull.

did they fuck yet

What's being said here? I know the moonrunes are too small for any real translation because those fucking frogs are sitting on the scans but are there any guesses?

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He looks so creepy there.

>Zeke, you have to stop your brother and his bitch

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>why yes, I do think I'm tired of my people being literally brainwashed and used as cattle to kill each other for the benefit of a certain elite that gets away with all of it time after time by filling our heads with racial guilt by blaming us for colonialism, genocide, and all the rest of the world's ills as they use our military might to fight their wars with our young men on the frontlines and beset our race with the ire of all other races around the entire globe, and I fully intend on going nuclear to wipe them and all of their mindless race-traitor cuckslave shabbos goys right the fuck off the face of the Earth with my final solution to secure a future in which my children can live free
>why do you ask?

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Another cliffhanger. Fuck you, Isayama.

Wait until next month to we find out Eren's been controlling Kruger the whole time too

You children are fucking insane. OP is talking shit.

Serious answer: the compression is probably distorting the expression
Meme answer: keikaku doori


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I Love Seig.

ITT: EHfurries coping

Last for EH

>another month of seething discord trannies
It's so tiresome

>Isayama browses /snk/ confirmed

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I have supervision and I was reading the threads from my yacht, I translated part of a page

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What's with the surge of desperate EMwhales?

shippers deserve death.

Mods leave this thread up, let's not fool ourself every snk thread on Yea Forums is general whether it has meme 'Edition' in OP or not.

What’s Sieg clenching his teeth about? Seems pissed.

damn nice catch

Maybe Eren said something like "Brother, i have seen all of this before, you can not change my mind." with a smile on his face.

Zeke is the hero

A pro-natalist Zeke is the hero

so did he actually do anything wrong?

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This is probably the one thing I fucking hate about it. Brainlets are seething over muh time travel but we all know the only real problem is the constant cliffhanger blueballing

Based I can confirm this is accurate

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I am craving for EM scenes.

Zeke will survive ! :)

You at least will have one this chapter.

He hurt baby boy Zeke's feelings :(

Why can't we get raws like a normal fandom, who told leddit they could be in charge. I don't want to read their poxy translations anyway

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How many times do we need to do this dance, guys?
If he wants to board the Eldian ship he's welcome to join. But he will NOT be allowed near the levers of power, no matter how much he tries to convince us that he's changed. We DO NOT entrust the future of our children to someone who's spent almost their entire life as a race-traitor cuck. That's a job for strong, proud Eldian men and their dutiful wives.

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How will Zeke die? His purpose is almost over.

>wants to genocide an entire race via sterilization; thousands (1,000s) will be affected despite living peacefully
>is confirmed correct because of one (1) dude's actions
Interesting conclusion.

stop falseflagging faggot

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>tfw I never doubted
Who's with Eren since the beginning?

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His purpose is to raise his niece into the utopia brought about by the devil(Eren Yeager)

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This is my fucking thread, you dip. Take your worthless ass out of here right the fuck now and neck yourself, stupid double-digit dipshit dyke bitch.


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Monkiee will not die !

No LH again? Okay. At least it raises chances for their surviving till the end.

Been with him since ragetard day number 1 since the very beginning, just to be clear

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I'll be honest, why not just - you know - unleash the Rumbling? The entire world hates the Eldians: Even if you removed the power of the Titans, they'd still hate them, except now the Eldians are vulnerable.

If everyone wanted to genocide your race, the logical solution would be to nuke everyone else and inherit the earth.

Just a little while longer.

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Where are all the gabitards? I came back after a month just to laugh at them

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It doesn't look like Zeke was convinced at all lmao

>it was never about Eren and Zeke touching
>It was about Eren touching Ymir
>Zeke was the key to bring Eren into paths realm
Oh nononono Zekebros

Tell me he still got another plan!



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>I'm going to flatten the world Zeke. Finish this cycle of revenge by breaking the chain of retaliation.
>There can be no peace between us. Either we die or they do. I refuse to let it be our people who are exterminated, so...

>This is madness, this is too cruel.
>You can't mean this Eren!

>I do.

So how long does typesetting usually takes?


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He seems to have it, he looks awfully calm in the last page while Eren looks desperate to touch Ymir.

>False memories fags btfo in 120
>Yeagerbros fags btfo in 121

>raising a rapekid from a sociopath and a cumslut


Cut it out, Four-Eyes!
I swear to FUCKING God if you don't st-

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Eren is gonna see Paradisians and Eldians working together and realise his belief that they can only be enemies is wrong isn't he

And it'll be too late because the rumbling will already begin

That's our The Mist ending

>attack titan got future time powers
>belonged to Ymir before she died
>"to you, 2000 from now"
So it really is a message from Ymir to Eren?

Gabi will get the CT, AT and FT combined before destroying Bitchren's boipucci

Don't forget
>Controlfags absolutely and unequivocally BTFO in chapter 121

Did you mean Paradisians and Marleyans?

And that'd be a fucking awful ending

Because Zeke probably thinks nothing will happen. Imagine if it turns out the AT is truly Ymir's will and she becomes free or some other shit like that

Member when Eren died for real?

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Oh it's the only correct move. It's that or get wiped out. Even if they didn't attack Liberio, the chips don't fall any other way. In other words, to put it more autistically, you could simulate the whole thing with a wargame and there'd be no way for Paradis to survive long-term without unleashing the rumbling thanks to all the pieces that Marley has put in place over the years

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Where is the "yeagerbros" retard who spammed this image last month? I want to laugh at him.

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These threads deserve to get nuked.

>Implying Cuckren won't be raped by the Brauns again

Zeke will eventually submit to Eren and then they will finally be true brothers.

You have to be a literal mongoloid to believe this would ever have a chance to happen

>The dark splotches on her clothes
That kid is so fucking creepy
Isayama's drawings might turn out sloppy but the guy's got a great eye for concepts and designs

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Yeagerbros are and always will be kino. Eren is just having a little tantrum.

So basically all the things we've known already. Fuck you Isayama
Also tfw no EH confirmed [\spoiler]

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No, Sieg will finally see how Eren really is and confront him

Don't embarrass yourself further

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Kill yourself tranny false flagger.

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Zeke loves his bro not matter what.

Because they forgot pic-related. Like Armong, who's abandoned his Gesumin development in favour of negotiating fairly with potential allies, they want to believe in the kindness of strangers.

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>tfw it's a message from Eren to the past

>Post yfw Zeke dies in the paths


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The day I watched this episode I felt what no bit of media had made me feel in ages

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He can’t die. He has to look after Ymir Frieda Carla Yeager-Reiss.

Right now I don't care how he dies as long as he does.

>EM confirmed

I really wish cringe superchatters hadn't soured him on the series before he got turned on to it by a friend of his or something. He would've loved it.

Mikasa is so cute

>No info about the father
Detective Hange is back on the menu, bros.

based and abepilled

Can you die in paths? Don’t know if it’s possible yet.

The Paths journey is not over. We still don't know who the fuck is Mehmet.

checked, but until one of them is dead and out of the story there's a 0.01% chance


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Eren will go back in time to create the Eldian empire.

>Mehmet identity will be left up to interpretation



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Mehmet will be just a random kid from a foreign country where Maid-chan was sent to study whn she was a kid, trust me, I'm Isayama's cousin

>Grisha discovers Eren is going to genocide all non-Eldians
>Feels inspired to continue his mission and deliver his titan to Eren

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he will also make the fake Marleyan genocide in the past a real one

He's gonna die even if the rapekid is born successfully

>Eren is a slave fags







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I swear to God if there's another reversal in October's chapter I will fucking lose it

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Curse will be broken! :)

I don't really care either way as long as I get the rumbling

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>The Uncle Zeke meme in the wreckage
>The Detective Hange meme rises like the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products called fire
Truly based

>t. Armongwhale waiting for Armong to save the day

I lost a bit respect for Grisha. I thought after Kruger pushed him up he was ready to pull the trigger but he still needed Eren.

Eren will actually finish the job unlike Hitler.

We don’t have the translation/full chapter yet? Hange isn’t going to be doing much detective work in a freezing cold river lugging around a disabled manlet on her back.

What about the next memory meme?

I'm sure he's secretly enjoying it.


Where did you get armin from? I’m a zekefag. Armin is shit and Erwin should’ve survived.

>I'm a Zekefag

Sounds like they need a grim reminder

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Hange is drowning in the river and manlet is getting hypothermia from the icy waters

EM is cute and canon :) EHcucks BTFO

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What's the literal meaning of "gesumin"?

seething! Zeke will survive!

>Chapter isn't out and we only have a few leaked pages
>Retards are already trying to resurrect dead memes

The memories are probably extending at least one more chapter, seem like the climax of the arc is here

Zekefags are funny at least better than most of the posters on these shit threads

>tfw isayama goes full genocide on non-eldians in ways that makes ww2 look petty
I don't know if im ready for this guys

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We know, Eren

>Should've listened to papa, Uncle. Instead you chose to be CRINGE

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If dubs EH is Canon.

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Kek. Mikasa's face.

Didn't Isayama in a interview stated and literally confirmed Eren became free after he seen the ocean?

They do it time and time again. They believe certain things are ‘confirmed’ from microscopic ant leaks with no context, Isayama will destroy all your shitty fanfics, every month.

I remember there was a paste that described the state of the threads to the full translated chapter. Please post it

This page by itself turned most people that were "still reading the series ironicaly" in real fans.

Never seen Yea Forums turn around on a series like this.

Every single time it's the same shit, EH BTFO meme being so loud only shows how triggered and desperate some are

>tfw niece out jews the jew and brings money to the family and nation while keeping non-eldians down

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I'm starting to think Historia's pregnancy is to create some kind of physical vessel for Ymir to be born into.

Cute and canon

If my post ends in 5 he mindjacked her to fuck the farmer himself for the sake of the plan and that's why she's miserable

How are Eldians going to pay for the 5 billion?

Me too, for her or Eren.

Me too, he will clean up the mess Eren and Historia created.

EMwhales continue to live in their own fantasy land of coping and delusions. Nothing you can do about their mental illness

Yeah there’s still a chance.

Do you guys think the anime-onlys and the normies will hate Eren when this gets animated? seeing him kill innocents will probably trigger their npc programming into "killing is bad" mode and they will hate him wont they ?

even if uncle Zeke happens(hope it does) I still love the memes from it.

The best thing I've taken away from the past 12 hours, other than the scans, is that Eren probably "traveled the Earth" to understand the world and his enemy, met all sorts of people, and decided to go forward with the rumbling. It'd be the final nail in the coffin of globohomo peacefags who would otherwise just screech endlessly about how
Really hope Mehmet and a host of other characters fill this role

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This couple will destroy the world for their child.

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Ultimate pleb filter.

>Eren does not have the power to travel to the past, the Attack Titan grants you a connection to the future through paths. Grisha is the one connecting them in that moment, and is overwhelmed when he does.
>Eren implies he is acting according to a future he has seen already with the power

From leaker

They are already going to hate him after Grim Reminder 2.0

>To you 2000 years from now is Eren speaking to future Eldians living in peace after he genocides the world

ohnono erenbros


Me too bro

>it's another paths bullshit chapter
Wake me up next month

Paths shit ruined the manga, it's retarded and inconsistent

If not repeating digits EH will never happen.

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>Founding Titan chains you to the sins of the father and lets you see the past
>Attack Titan, always moving forwards, shows you the results of your successes and lets you see the future

>did you rike it?

It's actually very consistent, if he plays the plotholes right.

Fucking this. And to top it off he has some time seeing power nonsense now which ruins it even more.

>Eren feels bad for the founder
>Makes her into a real human, freeing her from the paths
>Historia and Eren name their child Ymir
>"You are free"


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Rolling for this with my 4

>>Eren implies he is acting according to a future he has seen already with the power
So in the end Eren was truly a slave

He was right

>Seeing that if you go through with your plan you will win and then going through with it makes you a slave

he probably just kid Eren meet when he left paradise.

except his head got blasted off. I'm sure he'll find a way to get a message to her though

Not really. I remember when Grim reminder 2 happened and tumblr/reddit were cheering for "our guys" because they were attacking Nazi Marley. So many of them failed to see the grey themes. I even saw post of people wanting Jean to kill Falco.
Anime onlies will only hate Eren when 112 gets animated.

>Could of had cool decisions based on the characters interpreting memories from people of the past who wielded their titans
>lol no its all memory manipulation that is the super secret power of the Attack titan
Where did it all go so wrong?

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But I don't believe you, user


Based Isayama filtering the plebs right before our eyes

>It use to be that the thread actually attempted to talk about the series during spoilers at least
>Now the shipping cancer has gotten so bad that they can't even control their delusions during spoilerweek
Mods, just put these threads out of their misery t b h

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What a trainwreck

Having a family initially warmed his heart and softened him. At the same time, it also pushed him to take action when the walls were breached. When he lost it all, he realized the cycle wouldn't break if he just kept running away, and that he needed to fight back. It seems redundant at first but it's a great summary of an all-too-familiar phenomenon in the real world
>Oh they condemned everything I loved before I was even born
>I'm going to fight back and I'll change everything
>Oh they killed everyone I love
>It's my fault for thinking I could fix everything, I'm going to run away and make my gay little paradise on my gay little farm where I'll live a peaceful gay little life and no one will find me
>Oh they found me and killed all my loved ones anyway
>Fuck it, we need to fight back and even if I can't see this through till the end myself, my descendants will carry on the fight after I'm gone
I think Grisha's arc is quickly becoming my favorite in the entire series, which is crazy because that boomer died in the very beginning

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"Connection to the future" actually makes sense compared to the timetravel bullshit. And it is also in line with his "moving forward" theme and the paths in general.

>isayama is a great writer who knows what he’s doing with his characters/story! The SNK conclusion will be satisfactory and kino(right??)

>brainlets getting exposed

>>Eren does not have the power to travel to the past, the Attack Titan grants you a connection to the future through paths. Grisha is the one connecting them in that moment, and is overwhelmed when he does.
I don't get it.

Only if he doesn't rush it.

The basement reveal was a mistake.

He's certainly taking his time.

RtS was a mistake

Just wait for the full chapter, user

SnK was a mistake

He is fine in the paths, meaning he is also fine IRL. You have to remember that the things that are made inside the paths are very real.

>Yet another chapter without LH

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Attack Titan lets you connect to future holders of it.
Grisha in that scene hooks into Eren in Paths and is pushed to go through with his plan to eat the Reiss clan.
Eren has seen some vision from the future that convinced him of his plan.
First Eren probably hooked into current Eren when mentioning Mikasa/Armin too.

Eren isn't timetravelling he just can read the minds of future shifters and have his read by past ones.

Nobody gives a shit.

You were a mistake.
t. Your dad.


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Gas all shippers.

>schrodingers LH
Do you want them dead user?


I miss them too but at least it raises our chances to see them alive in the end.

No u

>nothing is resolved again
Isayama, please.

these are always fake.

He probably seen some weird stuff when fucked Hisu.

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>Eren implies he is acting according to a future he has seen already with the power
Please tell me this is bullshit. I really like his word in that talk with Falco.

Annie next chapter for sure!

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This is such a great arc

The biggest SnK mistake was making Armong and Dogkasa non-characters when they were supposed to be main trio together with Eren.
Armong should've died, making big impact on Eren character and Mikasa should've detached herself from Eren earlier and find something else in life besides 'muh ereh'.

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Stop false flagging.

Fuck Dany, I'm a Loufag

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>Zeke is filled with despair when he finds out Grisha wanted to quit and just live a peaceful life because of his guilt over his past. It totally destroys his perception of him.
>He is horrified when Eren convinces him to continue knowing what it all leads to. Thinks Eren is rejecting the chance for what he'd dreamed of, a happy family.
>He tells Ymir to run from Eren because he's a monster

F to yeagerbros

all shipping faggots can go kill themselves. eren clearly doesnt love either mikasa or historia. he literally has no need sex and love because of his superior jaw and neck genes.

Attached: chadeager.png (320x160, 86K)

Remember when "leaker" said Armin was crying before based Hist2096(slut) cleared it out?

>blueballing and keep ending his chapters in cliffhangers for THREE FUCKING CHAPTER
Truly the second coming of Togashi.

Oh, okay then.


>Zeke sterilizes everyone anyway

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>based and Hist in one sentence

what's in Grisha's DNA that creates so powerful sons?


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Think of it this way: It’s another chapter that doesn’t confirm them being doomed.

Fucking christ zeke is having his heart crushed like the losing heroine in a romance manga

I love it

>By touching Historia during this ceremony Eren didn’t only have access to past informations , but seems like he had access to some informations regarding the recent events in the paths too



One of the leakers

It's Hist

Are you retarded? He is fighting to change that fate.


Wait so let me get this straight, Eren and Zeke did not travel to the past but instead Grisha is the one who sees into the future and that they can still interact with each other?

What if Eren did knock up Historia but it was purely to get as much direct skin contact as possible so he could have visions

Just imagine her writhing under his rock hard abs as he mechanically plows her while gazing into the the paths without giving a shit about whats happening

>Eren tempted Grisha to kill the whole Reiss family

yes. That also explains how Kruger knew about Armin and Mikasa

She's French.

Yes. FT leds them watch the past in PATHS and AT lets Grisha connect to Eren through PATHS to have a convo.

>tfw we will finally know if any ships will be endgame cause time travel now
>we can finally btfo shippers before the end of the manga

So you tell me Eren had future memories since he kissed Historia's hand 4 years ago and nobody noticed anything about him?

What the fuck does that even mean


Now you combined your rape fantasies with the actual plot.

anyone know what it says here?

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Eren saw the future when he kissed Historia’s hand

why's it gotta be rape you weirdo

Zeke, i love you

Grisha is saying "I love you" in the first panel I think.

Yes, she. She's a girly girl. Her favorite characters are Armin and Historia. Do you really have any doubt she's a girl?

Is Ymir not gonna have a real personality? Isayama is such a hack

Then how the fuck can Grisha interact with Eren and Zeke when it is not even a time travel but more of a precognition
>inb4 IT'S PATHS

Zeke is being mindbroken

"I love you, Zeke. I wish I spent more time with you(as in playing with you, not indocrinating you)".
My japanese is bad, but it's something like that.


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>I love you-
>I'm so sorry I failed you as a father
>If I could turn back time and give you the peaceful childhood you deserved....

Holy shit, fucking dropped

because the founder and a royal are with them

>I rabu you Jiiku
>I wish I'd played more with you

Why do you hate friendships so much, user?

is zeke angry in the last panel or is he having an orgasm

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>Grisha can see them in paths
>They can see him in it too

What is there to not get?

Translation somebody?

You can watch the sex scence in 《munich》

>Killing is bad

No, killing innocents is bad

to expand on this, royal blood seems to be able to unlock new abilities in a titan that weren't there before, and shouldn't be in a titan that isn't the founder. Previous beast titans didn't have the power to transform Eldians into titans.





What were you doing when SnK jumped the shark?


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>Not Dumping
Fucking reddit

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>Zeke, I love you
I wanted EZ hug but this is fine too.


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>Ksaver told Zeke that his parents hated him
>Grisha tells him he loves him
Zeke is going to commit sudoku

Oh, yes, of course, one "I love you" is enough to make Grysha a good father and lovely person. No, Isayama, fuck you. You have been disappointing last few chapters.

we need a translation asap

>Zeke, I love you.
>I wish we could have more time together.

Who cares about all those retarded shipping fags.
We are getting Grisha/Eren/Zeke interation, includying a moment where Eren advises Grisha to murder the whole race traitor royal lineage. How can the Yeager lineage be more based? Oh yes, when Eren genocides his enemies and free kid Ymir from the paths

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This one is correct.

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god i fucking hate this "artist"

Eren confirming he knows the outcome of his actions and has no doubt in his heart because of his connection (physical?) with Historia giving him PATH visions

He wants to rumble the world because its the only way to ever find peace for Eldians

Attached: gFqT6zP_d.jpg (640x799, 58K)

Eren saw a memory from himself in the future. The last line on this page is "That view...". Perhaps he saw the Rumblin and it's effects?


>hehe, look at me Zeke-san, I'm so evil >:3

What the fuck is his problem?

Full chapter when?

Attached: illust_69235940_20190804_132129.jpg (1600x1800, 220K)

Final chapter of the manga starts with Zeke, Reiner, and Mikasa topping themselves in turn with the same pistol

that's not what that says

I feel you. Her artstyle is awful.

>kill them Grisha. Kill them all.

>Eren confirming he knows the outcome of his actions
>Eren is a slave to his own fate
Bravo Isayama

It's what's going on. He's clearly alluding to seeing the future and being certain of his actions, and he then talks about doing the rumbling to get peace next page

Thoughts = EH BTFO.

Can someone explain this meme to me? Do EHtards just not get Mikasa's relationship with Eren at all?

Eren was annoyed with Mikasa not just because she followed him around, it's because she followed him around and told him what to do (even doing it by force) while making him look pathetic because of her Ackerhax. This could not be any more apparent if you actually watched the show.

Eren literally admits this in the Season 3 part 1 Finale that he was jelly of Mikasa's superiority and had an inferiority complex about her. How can you even breath to leave if you're this fucking dumb.

Attached: mikasa.gif (500x230, 1017K)

>everyone is a slave of something
Based Kenny dropping the truth bomb.

that's not what that says. It says Eren has a child waiting for him

Definitely his art sucks but it's one of the few "art" depicting Grisha with his 2 sons as grown-ups. Hopefully after 121 we will have more based art

Holy kek, Eren used Kruger's word in this scene.

Attached: p088.jpg (1200x7306, 3.94M)

Once the lazy whores at reddit are done translating, so tomorrow. Maybe based gooks will drop the thing earlier.

Amazing panel

so eren saw whats currently happening back then?

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The chinese leaker cut out 70% of the historia content.
He's bamboozling you all. I'm working on it right now.

If dubs, Grisha sent a memory to Eren telling him to breed the blonde queen

Every single fucking time these non translated pages come out there are people making shit up. SHUT THE FUCK UP

So who was Eren talking to in front of the mirror in prison after the time skip?

>You started this story didn't you?


This is incredibly stupid.

It's true, they skipped EH's sex scene.

Then what is the Historia content?

EH dies really.

That's what was said about last chapter until official translation came out.

>Eren literally admits this in the Season 3 part 1 Finale that he was jelly of Mikasa's superiority and had an inferiority complex about her. How can you even breath to leave if you're this fucking dumb.
>EMwhale makes everything about EM
Retard as usual. I was talking about Mikasa character not Eren you dog. She's the problem not what Eren feels about her actions.

Cute Zeke.

Here the RAW from 88.

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He was reliving his current memory of him telling Grisha to fight, mirrors seem to connect him to Frieda's memories too.

He didn't say that in that panel, though.

Is there a bigger hack in the industry?

Drat I was hoping that would be the one he used

The cave scene, the hand kiss and Eren's departure where Historia cries.

ESL EHfag, get out.

Probably Mikasa to kill the kidnapper or himself when he lifted the boulder to seal the wall

Those were the only instances in which Eren said fight fight over and over

So it seems that this is not time-travel/time-loop, just a form of future vision. At least I hope so. I don't think it explains "to you, 2000 years from now" though, so this time-fuckery isn't over yet.

I wonder how the visions of the future work. Does he see the absolute, unchanging future, or does the attack titan only show you possible, malleable futures?

Zeke's expression. It fits so well.

>Kill them all, daddy

Attached: EBiOIkVUcAIDhul.png (900x900, 432K)

This is just pathetic



>obvious bait is obvious

Let me have some fun.

Boku no Hero Academia is actually better than Snk and HxH

Cringe, you can tell a virgin wrote this.


That is all in this chapter?

>Eren sees himself starting the rumbling while zeke sobs and begs him to stop
>Proceeds to roleplay like he's gonna do it until that scene happens then drops the act and says his past vision is fulfilled and the real plan begins now


>How can you even breath to leave
seeing ESL monkeys trying to emulate english is adorable

This panel is so great.

Attached: 1462402622938.jpg (346x284, 44K)

>I was talking about Mikasa character not Eren >She's the problem not what Eren feels about her actions.
What's your fucking argument here dumb ESL?

So Steins Gate?

>fucked her to obtain all memories
Oh nonono EH and EM bros wtf

So that finally explains Kruger knowing of Armin and Mikasa


You were off by a few panels. He pulled the "Even if we die, even after we die" one.
Pretty sure he'll say the rest after that but still, don't try to make shit up and make yourself into a fool.

The point is he isn't an unrepentent cunt like Zeke thought and did love him and regret the trratment.

Not that he's a good dad to him.

>can't handle little edit
Poor fags, better go back to your tumblrina cave and tell your tranny friends how rude anons raped you here.

Eren look really unhinged. The man isn't doing it for anybody, he is just insane.

>EH moment had nothing to do with EH


Attached: 1567473822283.jpg (1251x1256, 1.19M)

lmao cope harder cuck

>Zeke not falling for the talk-no-jutsu and staying true to his ideals.

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Oh I'm not that guy I was just happy to think he was right

>All those Zekefags who thought last chapter that he had outsmarted Eren

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I really hate how every mainstream manga/anime thread here are filled with crossposters from reddit.

Reminder that every single hero in western history would have resorted to genocide if there was no other choice.

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I typed breath to live, I remember very clearly. Apparently Yea Forums has some gay auto-correct.

But yea go after that instead of having to refute the argument cause we all know you can't.

Cope, shippercuck

I was with Eren since I saw him

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What if Eren is the one who crystallized her because he needs her for something in the future?

He's just a Yeager

>dumb ESL
>everyone who I disagree with is ESL now
Can you get more pathetic than that?
>What's your fucking argument
Read my first post you mong.

Maybe you should go back to tumblr since you like mentioning it so much and you’re so obsessed with shipping shit

Holy shit. Nice observation

>my head hurts
>let's attack liberio again even though we just did that
what did manlet mean by this?

Attached: 1544145387050.jpg (653x657, 354K)

crystallized Annie*

So Eren confirmed for the true villain?

I can't wait for this manga to end with no ships confirmed for eren, levi, mikasa, annie, or historia and for everyone to act like that is a problem

I don't like this "Eren already knows the future since four years ago" shit, bros.

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>Eren contacted Zeke because he saw himself contacting Zeke in the future
Woah, that's some titanic writing.

He didn't want to regret his choices, he doesn't know how to cope with his failures and the fact that every choice he made was the wrong one

>yet another chapter with PATHS fuckery and more question than answer

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Do you actually you wrote good english here Pedro?
>I was talking about Mikasa character
Read your post again it's fucking nonsense

Is Eren the asspull king?

shut the fuck up capeshittard

>Ahg, so this is how it feels...

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It would explain why he knew that Pieck wouldn't shoot.


No. For Paradis he's their hero.

I miss that Eren.

Attached: 1567273353684.jpg (1828x1057, 766K)

the chapter isn't even out yet shut the fuck up


What is Zeke's command to Ymir?

We've seen the last page though

Both Yeager brothers are.

Haha what


You were probably the same tranny faggot that was complaining last chapter about all the fake out of context translation and how bad the chapter was and then you became real silent when the official translations were posted.

>We are supposed to hate Eren now
>All he's done is what he said he would do
I am so confused.

Based Flochbro

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If he knew what happens why is Historia pregnant, Isayama doing cheap drama

>Do you actually you wrote good english here Pedro?
I don't take ESL insult seriously from person who just wrote that sentence you mongoloid ESL.

>Read your post again it's fucking nonsense
Which part your retarded fujo brain can't comprehend?

Post yfw Kwisatz Haderach Eren is confirmed

What asspull will Isayama create to hinder Eren's plans?

What's grim reminder 1.0?


None of this makes sense. Stop believing out of context pages without translations.

He's already created numerous asspulls just so Eren's plan can succeed.

Cope harder faggot, keep making up cheap strawman your retarded mind.

And Levi got blown up because of him too

can eren even change the future?


Bort breaking the wall.

Alright, I dropped a word there
>Do you actually think you wrote good english here Pedro?
Better now?
>Which part your retarded fujo brain can't comprehend?
>Everybody who hates my ship is a fujo

It doesn't look like he could see everything and Sasha deserved to die for cutting her hair


Because they had an accident? Why do you faggots think children cannot be loved? You are fucked in the head

If true I hate him

What is even Eren's plan at this point?


Eren doesn't care about Trashlet

To save his race.

Falseflag warriorcuck.

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There is also no drama at all regarding this you gigantic piece of trash.
The only drama is the one shipperfaggots create.

I'm starting to think that too. Maybe he's loosing his marbles while his inner ragetard is having a field day and with this his actions and plans start to get less cohesive and more messy.

Yes, that's why he had a good chuckle when it happened.

So that's why he looked so comatoze in Sasha chapters.

He's improvising

Being an omicidal maniac, or at least that what the translator here are telling us.

I asked you which part of my earlier post you don't comprehend. Either provide it so other anons can judge if it's incomprehensible or shut your nigger mouth.

Asspull his way to victory.

Cope some more EMtrash


Attached: Sl3m2G6hjMu88p8vsAeTYYjqQpzMTC6p9KwMY8SUZ4M.jpg (1066x1600, 589K)

Destroy his enemies and save his people

Clawing his way into the King of Asspull.



>Fucking a pure M*rleyan
She had it coming

We already knew it. Manlet was supposed to die I think. Eren should have known Zeke would escape manlet only by killing him. Also Floch had order to kill him. Sasha's death was "accidental", Eren didn't plan to kill her.


hange is too old for him

Zeke is still trying to sterilize everyone. He no longer cares about convincing Eren. Eren is trying to stop him.


Maybe, but that shit ruined one of my favorite moments

EH canon in october.

Save his wife and unborn child

Erenfags WILL defend this.

foreshadowed in chapter 88 (heil hitler) retard

This is now canon until proven otherwise

it was literally foreshadowed chapter 1 and in the Kruger flashback

This was implied years ago, user.

All of it. Beginning with "Retard as usual" which is actually supposed to be "Retarded as usual" in proper english. It's clear you're a dumb ESL just give it up already.

EH died.

If Eren was encouraging Grisha to kill the Reiss, wouldn't that fuck Historia and destroy her life?


>He subconsciously knew everything the entire time

Attached: 0050-020.jpg (1066x1600, 457K)

We don't know the extent of what Eren knew regarding the future, it could just be a vision of X Y event, not necessarily a whole timeline. Please stop making dumb assumptions.


>Eren knew shitlet would get blown up by Zeke.

He also saw the shit in the PATHS that is happening right now iirc.

>couldn't predict getting gabbed in the back
That's some shitty clairvoyance.

>Hanji saved Manlet
>Hanji is literally fighting fate

So this chapter finally killed EH? I'm so glad.

Eren is a slave to his own memories.


>"Retard as usual"
No, you dumb ESL. I was calling you retard specifically because I recognize your reddit spacing and I know who you are.
>I was talking about Mikasa character not Eren you dog
Nothing wrong here.
>She's the problem not what Eren feels about her actions.
Nothing wrong here either.

>just give it up already.
B-better g-give up, b-because I look s-stupid now!

He only got access to memories 4 years ago you dumb retards.


Attached: tumblr_mxxcqvqK7X1so2qilo2_250.gif (245x250, 831K)

Same. Doesn't help that he went through the same path I did as well. From an idealist ENFJ refusing to conform to absolute subhumans and their mediocrity to the point of being angered because his expectations of others were much too high and noble, still unsettled enough to question things that didn't seem relate to his very difuse goal, instead of being a follower of the military (like wondering what was the hand to hand training for), someone who was lacking a purpose, going through a weary young adulthood due to his experience as well as gaining knowledge about the truth of the world and his 'enemies', an elite that hates him and his own and wants to use them as cattle or slaves for eternity until they are no longer useful and they can be genocided, realizing that he had used his dreams as fuel all along and didn't care about them or had any passion harbored for those; they only were a way to fill his vessel when he lacked a purpose, freedom and stimulation enclosed in the walls, all to the summum of a driven and unstoppable INFJ after gaining something that he would destroy the entire world for. Chapter 90 made me self-reflect for an entire month and changed my entire being. Grim reminder was only a foregone conclusion after that

Attached: until my purpose is created.png (1436x1144, 2.4M)

Eren is kind of forgot about Gabi killing Sasha

Does nobody care about this translation?

Nice blogpost faggot

Not really. Until we get the full details of who the baby is at the end and some kind of resolution for Historia herself the father could be potentially anyone.

All this did was show the bow and hand touch was meaningful for shit besides shipping and give her a great reason to hate him if she finds out everything

that's why she's doing it

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Jesus, do you think somebody will read your wall of shit?


>The Attack Titan can see into the memories of future successors
>In other words, it's possible to know the future


Based retard

No, in this page he said
>I saw my future memories
>That scenery...
He saw something more than what's happening right now.

How did the shifters of the AT ever not succeed if it can see the future?

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I wish I'd been here for it. I stopped reading it around the chapter where the kids get back from the attack on fort slava because I didn't want to wait every month. Fuck me, I wish I hadn't stopped then.

>I was calling you retard specifically
That's not how english works you fucking retard, you don't even know how to conjugate nouns. What a fucking a tool.
>B-better g-give up, b-because I look s-stupid now!
Yes you should before you embarrass yourself any further


>We only know nothing
>If we accept the world's anger
>It will end in the death of us Eldians
>The Attack Titan can see into the memories of future successors
>In other words, it's possible to know the future
>For the restorationists
>For Dina
>For Kruger
>In order to pay them back, keep moving forward
>Even if you die
>Even after you die
>I love you
>I should have spent more time with you...
>I saw that 4 years ago...
>From my father's memories
>I saw my future self's memories
>That view... [very iffy here since I don't have the context]
>Founder Ymir!!
>Take away the ability to reproduce from all subjects of Ymir!!

It was a very long plan.

Wtf bros i thought Kruger and Xaver were gonna appear

it was all part of the plan, the attack titan has a master keikaku

We don’t have actual translations yet, but just use your brain.
Just because you can see a moment in time before it happens, doesn’t mean you can see and remember everything that lead up to that moment

if isayama pulls that off, it will be the biggest asspull in the entire series and ruin the story for me
paths on its own is already very vague explained and asspullish

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Best wife

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how do we know they weren't all successful

Eren got all the shifters together for one last P A T H S

I love how isayama thinks he’s a master writer. Lol

wait why is eren saying that all of a sudden?

Holy fucking shit Eren

Fucking BASED

Attached: 38b05685fc54e4047318ab99b5f88e21.png (1364x1436, 1.69M)

>the last thirty chapters are just eren spiraling out of control because keeps forgetting who gabi is meant to kill and when and it keeps fucking up his originally peaceful plan to the point he decides to rumble just to save face

>>Take away the ability to reproduce from all subjects of Ymir!!
Zeke is so fucking dead.

Lol two chapters spent on a talk no jutsu only for it to fizzle. At least the uncle Zeke memes will die now.


The first and the second doesn't seems right

It's Zeke, Eren is still chained in the last panel. The very last page from the leak shows him running to Ymir before she reaches Yggdrasil.

Zeke is such a cuck

At least he got to hug his dad.

foreshadowed since chapter 1

Yeah he's a pretty shit writer. But at least he's not you :)

>tfw this was a shitpost but actually got everything 100% correct

How does Isayama keep doing it?

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>>>Founder Ymir!!
>>Take away the ability to reproduce from all subjects of Ymir!!
What a cuck

canon soon.

holy kek zeke is so JUST

Slit your fucking wrists, dyke bitch and get the fuck out of my thread.


Why didn't the 145th King just take a race wide vow of celibacy?

The next line will be

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I am not clicking some faggot reddit link



Eren is about to touch Ymir and next chapter is the volume end. Rumbling soon bros.


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Eren wakes up crying from a dream he feels is real, also it's titled "To you, 2000 years from now"

>I said the thing! Am I an oldfag now?

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why didn't he just gradually introduce a constitutional monarchy with an elected house of commons for parliament and a new constitution guarenteeing rights to non-eldians while transitioning to peaceful co-existence under threat of titan chomping any noble eldian who tried stop him?

>Three chapters of nothing happening

the title retard, besides Kruger knew about Armong and Mankasa

Should've changed that into

Attached: Spoiler_Image.jpg (1172x1020, 384K)

No one is an oldfag.

I've been here for 7 years and I'm still a newfag.

He's going to see Ymir's past

>the title
Vague as fuck and doesn mean shit, could've been time loop, could've been tine travel
>Besides Kruger knew about Armong and Mankasa
So not chapter one then?

This. Unless you were here before 2005 you're not an oldfag.

t. 2008fag

>Kruger saw a flashforward of Armin and Mikasa
>Grisha saw a flashforward of the rumbling
>Eren saw a flashforward of ???
So it's just premonitions/prophecies that don't change the past. It's basically just the Attack Titan having a vision for the future and advancing toward it at all costs. This is based and does not derail the series the way time travel to the past would've fucked everything up. Bullet dodged.

Attached: 1567065375039.png (730x1500, 356K)

Literally first page of the series

They were waiting until this precise moment

It's bait, just ignore.

None even exist anymore and who fucking cares anyway? They just bitch about the changes taking place while being too weak to stop it.

the reddit thing came after cancerfags, I think at the late oldfag/early newfag era it was gaia

>Four chapter of shitty cliffhanger

>tfw you've been here for 10 years and are still new
I want out of this ride

Since the timeskip he's basically had 3 cliffhangers in a row then some big event in the 4th chapter in a cycle

@192788976 @192788996 @192789035
t. subhumans

> Zeke didnt change his lifelong convictions over a 5 minute talk with Grisha.
> Thats somewhow a surprise


Even shipfaggotry stopped. That's how kino it was.

I just want one fucking Reiner page is that asking for too much Izayama?

>blogtard this mad
Why does reddit get their feefees hurt so easily?

>Zeke I love you
Is that Grisha talking?

That's really good fuck Nardo, fuck the cycle of violence, fuck it's about muh family.

>tfw I've been here for 13 years
>tfw I've been here since I was 13
>tfw I've been here half of my life
>tfw still feel new compared to the true oldfags
Just... let me sleep...

>tfw Grisha gets to mind break Zeke two times and you never will

Of course not. Zeke is just really self absorbed. Even when his father is hugging him he can't help but exclaim how much he loves himself.

Kek, you mad faggot?

Enfj's are fucking weak bitches in their ideals anyway, infp/enfp masterrace.



>Stopping Eren somehow means sterilizing all Eldians
Is Zeke really an 11/10?

What the fuck is even happening?

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Nah, not at all. If you had the reading capacity to go through a single paragraph of text with barely 200 words that ubermensch like me can type in two minutes while you would shit yourself and fry your NPC brain trying to even understand them you would had grasped that I no longer get angry or even register twitter tier subhuman drones used as slaves by the jews, just as Eren developed and doesn't. Just await the genocide warmly

Attached: NPChan.jpg (221x228, 5K)

what the FUCK did he mean by this?

Fuck off homo

This guy gets it

Attached: there's water.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

vote faggots

Attached: 1565551344627.jpg (1256x1278, 662K)

I've been making millions of subhumans like you angry being able to write more than two lines per post since I've arrived here ten years ago, don't let it get to your NPC head, sweetie. It's your genetics. Some people have a soul and the capacity for self-reflection. Your hivemind doesn't

Agreed. That shit is retarded.

There has truly never been a manga as based as this.

>Zeke: Eren, stop this, I have the high ground

I think if Eren succeeds the manga will be banned in my country for promoting genocide

If only we could get rid of that one kike that won't, after months of everyone having moved on and accepted that the Eldians are the nationalist Japs and Whites, keeps trying to make the "Jews are the real good guys" meme happen... If only...
They just can't help it, can they?

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>since I've arrived here ten years ago
>don't let it get to your NPC head, sweetie
You are a master baiter.


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IF Eren succeeds in committing genocide the internet is gonna be flooded with "Attack on Titan makes stand in for Jews commit genocide" articles. You thought the Attack on Titan is fascist articles a few months ago were bad? You haven't seen nothing yet.

It's not genocide if it's the entire world

thereby redpilling millions in the west, freeing them from their inherited guilt. Isayama the absolute madman.

Why do people want to make "accurate" connections to the real world and this manga so badly? Is it that hard to enjoy something without self inserting?

Kek, even I got one (You) from plebbit retard

I can't stop self inserting as the most Chad character in a series

I hate this

Attached: Screenshot.png (1049x318, 528K)

He's redpilled and based

Eren doesn't know sasha will die, brainlet.
And sasha is not that important for the future of paradis.

Not self inserting means you are a cuckhold

That's definitely Zeke screaming that right? The square speech box with jagged edges looks totally different from Eren's round and clean speech bubble. Eren looks totally calm too.

So you don‘t hate erwin and zeke? They did the same as eren lol.

Yep. Eren is a slave

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So the reason why Eren brought is whole friend to Liberio is because he has probably seen a future where they survived. Maybe he missed on Sasha's death. At least, let the theory that he did it for Historia be debunked from now

Yes, it's Zeke. Why would Eren even say those words? He's against the euthanization of Eldians and Ymir will never listen to him because he does not have royal blood

Literally foreshadowed in chapter 1, dumbass nigger

Manlet himself chose not to follow the orders, dickhead.

>All the dips relying to this
Niggers I literally explained it in the first fucking post

Attached: 1566241409710.png (400x400, 232K)

This. Actual foreshadowing unlike the hxh "having nen means i can do whatever i want if i die" asspull.

@192789873 (Nobody)
from the*. Keep up at it and you will be able to promote from subhuman to infrahuman and write a whole sentence despite lacking a soul and awareness, golem

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Fucking based


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This. Probably he can only see the outcome of his actions as a shard of moments, he clearly can't know what happens "during", lile he didn't prevent reiner's surprise attack (so the future itself is changeble and there isn't just a canon route)

Cool foreshadowing you got there

Attached: ShingekiNoAsspul.jpg (764x808, 411K)

What a fucking soiguzzling bugman faggot you are

Yup, the gaslighting and gatekeeping will be off the charts. They'll do anything to keep people from realizing what it's actually about.

China? Any Eastern Europe country? Israel?

All foreshadowed


You can tell this is an actual player character because all the bots tried to demoralize him instantly for showing an identity. Keep up the fight, brother.

hallo fellow german

No one cares about fuckin medias.

>They'll do anything to keep people from realizing what it's actually about.
They're wrong about what Attack on TItan is but you're wrong too. SnK is not some redpilled work extolling racial supremacy like /pol/ likes to think it is. Its literally the exact opposite. It promotes the human rights of every single human from the moment they were born. That what "because I was born into this world" means.

>extolling racial supremacy
Speed reader.

>SnK is not some redpilled work extolling racial supremacy like /pol/ likes to think it is
yeah but it promotes action against those that threaten the existence and the freedom of your race

Hello, I'm half german

Eren confirmed hating Historia.

Wait, If Eren knew the future and he is trying to push Armin and Mikasa away from him. What does the future hold for him??

>It promotes the human rights of every single human from the moment they were born
And that's exactly what goes against the current society values, since (((they))) introduced capital and liberalism

Attached: NPJew.png (499x583, 157K)

i believe historia is more of a plot device than a character

>"look into my memories zeke... watch the exact moment I impregnate historia... the exact moment I rupture her hymen and cum inside her tight virgin pussy... watch as the blood mixed with cum drips between my half flaccid cock and her pinky vagina... yeah zeke... it was beautiful"

On the contrary he's yandere for her. He killed her entire family so that Rod would have no choice but to spare her from execution by the MPs.

That gets memed here but Eren doesn't really care about his race as much as he cares about the people close to him. If he's willing to use the rumbling that means he's prepared to sacrifice every Eldian outside of Paradis after all. And he didn't really give much of a shit about the Eldians suffering in Liberio either.

>And he didn't really give much of a shit about the Eldians suffering in Liberio either.
he called one of the titans coming from them a comrade though