Adult tomboys are the best!

Adult tomboys are the best!

Attached: bestoko.jpg (412x473, 294K)

To bad they rarely exist in real life.

who cares about real life?

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She's a robot and a slut.

Is that jaden yuki


Attached: annoytoko.jpg (170x216, 37K)


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>implying shes just not a man in a female model shell


quit spreading retarded myths

Wouldn't they be tom-men?

t. reverse-trap fag

Attached: Jack.gif (500x376, 1.13M)

Ok, just slut then.

Was she implied to be under 15 or under 18 at the start of the OVA?

Attached: iria2.gif (500x369, 746K)

it's a prequel to the live-action I think so maybe

they do they're called lesbians

Is he one?

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sexiest .gif in all of anime right there


But only because Gainax censored Noriko's bush

not even half as sexy as Kei

Wish there was a bush scene of both. Tool little of that in mainstream anime.

Attached: I like Dirty Pair Flash fite me.png (720x524, 538K)