Is Fate/Zero no longer their magnum opus?

Is Fate/Zero no longer their magnum opus?

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It still is. Fuck demonshit.

It's still Kara no Kyoukai.


Now it's F/SN HF II

Their best works are those that predate fate though

F/Z or Knk still are their best works unfortunatly,and the only ones worth watching.


It's either FZ or FHF for me. I didn't really like KnK

its still Yuri seijin

*muffled clapping noise in the distance*

KnK is shit if you aren't a TM fag.

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Meant to add the text.
>It never was.

Yes they surpassed it years before with futakoi alternative

it is very well animated, and the kalafina music is an absolute treat.
if you're an edgefaggot you'll still love all the rape and murder even if you don't care or understand the nonchronological plot.

*clears throat*

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>HF 1
>Emiya cooking show
>HF 2
>Kino no Yaiba
>fuck taxes
Yes, I think they are back.

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It'll be Spring song regardless of whatever projects they take on the future if they don't fuck it up.

Has watching Fate inspired you enough to workout? Or are you still a skinny-fat user?

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Fate/stay night: Unlimited blade works is their best work.


Good post.

Kind of

Overrated shit.

>no more kalafina
>no more origa
>no more boom boom sattelites
somebody please save anime from idoltrash


If HF gets the normal ending then yes. Otherwise nope.