Skeeter Rabbit

Now that this loliyuri has been axed what will Uran do?

Attached: Skeeter Rabbit - Vol.2 Ch.19 - Ona-chuu [END] - 14.png (1133x1600, 1021K)

Cake manga.

A loli nudist manga. Loli is straight and has an adult boyfriend

I think Uran said it's going to be another loli manga

Go back to drawing concealed dicks. Then it's going to get axed and he'll once again blame olimpics instead of himself for being shitty same-face one-trick-pony mangaka.

Manga with different kinda eyes and faces.

pretty sure he's doing that island dating sex manga

Good riddance

Ona-chuu, what did Uran mean by this?


user, I...

So what is Uran's hentai pen name? I need it for... research purposes.

>Yuri OL Cake manga

he's a girl? i admit i never actually bother looking up mangakas cause i could care less about them.

He is a guy. Says so on all of his social media. Don't listen to retards.

He had it coming.

Are you retarded?

Die of starvation because of the 2020 Olympics

Uran is male retards. There's other artists with that name and one of them is female. For fucks sake he was even one of the voice actors in the MnR OVA where you can literally hear his voice

I wish he drew some martial arts action manga.

With little girls.

To the tune of Nanoha Vivid or closer to Vivid Strike in "martial" part?

Man I'm waiting for Sekiya Asami to make something new. Their previous loli manga is pretty damn cute with this utterly bratty daughter. Usually loli daughter manga makes the kid waay to nice. This little brat is pretty "realistic".

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Also there's a picture of him (with his face covered) on his blog.

Sen to Man? It was brilliant.

Like i said, i don't care. But keep following and obsessing over fucking mangakas, studios and voice actors you pathetic waste of air

for the record, if anyone is looking for female loli mangaka, sekiya asami is there. also mikami mika.

Okada Kou too right? Though I don't like the direction he's taking.

I know right? Shima is such a brat, but she's probably a good kid.

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Another pool end?

Loved it.

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Reminder that Uran like most loli artists uses pizza for reference material

Maybe he should try concealing them inside the girls next time.

What's the point of this story. Half of the time it's about half naked girls.

For the love of god go back to hentai.

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Hopefully it's time for JY yuri.
I've still got no idea why the loli crackdown only seems to be affecting him and no-one else.

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From all his posts it looks more self imposed than anything. Both the end chapter post about the mujaki and the one available online about Skeeter rabbit.

Maybe it's the publisher he works with?

> Loli is straight and has an adult boyfriend

what a waste, her girlfriend should be her onee-chan.

Just give me some porn in a magazine with low censoring

His manga getting delisted on Amazon probably affected him financially quite a bit.

That same magazine has a JS ecchi series about a 30 year old guy in the body of a loli. If it was due to the publisher's attitude to loli I'd assume that would've been axed first.

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I don't know how far that other one goes, but maybe he just gets frustrated that things he wants to include in his manga keep getting denied because they are ever better than they already have.

Back to porn

Maybe he could just do manga within those limits and release additional art on pixiv to supplement it, a bit like Itou8 did with this series.

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It probably the Amazon delisting and whatever restrictions from police that he is talking about

Attached: Mujaki no Rakuen - Vol.12 Ch.78 - Paradise of Innocence [END] - 31.jpg (1133x1600, 408K)

More manga artists need to do that, but I don't know how often they don't because of any contracts they might have.

source on that?

I assume some get that included in their contracts but looking at the sort of art Kuroba U does while still being published in Kirara it feels like more could do it, especially the ones that do ecchi series.

The Tsugumomo mangaka has the perfect solution, I think. He livestreams the digital drawing process, and draws detailed genitalia and nipples that can be screencapped before he censors them as the pages are getting more complete. He also releases official lewds of his characters on Pixiv, but the normal Japanese rules on censorship apply there.

I thought Olympics censorship was a meme for the most part

>got axed

The one for Gate also has a few images that don't get censored because the genitalia detail isn't explicit enough. It would still be nice to get some censored like Tsugumomo if the content was similar to some of his pixiv art.

He has writing credits on this cow tits series.

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>Original Olympics used to have naked men running around
>Now they even censor drawings of naked bodies

In fact, the very first Olympic winner of the stadion race in 776 BC was called Koroibos, a baker from Elis. His name combines the words kore, "young girl, daughter", and oibos, a dialectal variant of oiphos, "enterer", which was (Attic) Greek slang for "fucker, copulator". I assume it's a nickname given later in life, instead of his mother prophetically naming him a "kiddy-diddler" right after he was born.
>ITT: things your Classical History teacher didn't tell you in school

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>advertising replaceable covers for the volumes so friends and family won't see them
100% chance this guy has a cp stash

It's just he was the only one who fucked little girls instead boys there.

*instead of

what the fuck is with the title of this shit anyway, doesn’t skeet mean to jizz?

>translator fell for the Olympics meme
Yeah, that must be why it got axed. The totally not imaginary loli crackdown. Not that it was a lackluster manga with bad sales.

I was expecting this to end with sex between the main dykes, I was disappointed.

Meme or not, uran himself is apprehensive about Olympics. See his post about mujaki

I think they're worrying too much then. Things will tighten up a bit by then and during, and lax back down after. And I remain confident while saying it had nothing to do with Skeeter Rabbit getting canned.

At least it had some breast feeding.

Yuri shouldn't have been the focus if it was going to be included.

The government's actions during the two weeks of the Olympics isn't the worrisome thing, it's all the hit pieces Western journalists will make during and after it. Hundreds of ideological crusaders who think drawings are real people with feelings will write drivel about Japan's lax regulations on manga pornography. Its clear that topics like Japan's "objectification of women", "fetishization of youth" and "hidden rape statistics" will be constantly aired by Western media, just like coverage of Rio 16 focused on Brazil's social inequality, and that of Beijing 08 on China's authoritarian government.
Think of the crazy BBC3 lady who attacked Girls und Panzer and Yuyushiki, and was banned from Japan for harassing passers-by? Now imagine a hundred of them. The real danger to art and free speech comes from the aftermath of the Games, when Japan will be demanded by international organizations to ban "abusive" content.

Of course, every church-going red-blooded conservative moralist will agree that such things should be banned, even if their reasoning might be a little different.

This. And modern Japan doesn't have big enough ball to ignore the west, unlike the CCP/Bolsonaro.