Shingeki no Kyojin

>have sex

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Zeke: you are free from your shitty parents. won't even tell you they ever existed

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>Grisha learns Eren will destroy the world so he is killing all the Reiss (he didn't know Historia existed)

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>Why'd Grisha give Eren the Titans?
To avenge his wife and all of Eldia once he saw the aftermath of the attack, probably. I'm guessing it was the moment where he "got it" and understood why it would go down the way it was going to. What's his alternative? Try to reach out to all the powers of the world and explain to them that he can see the memories of the past and the future? It's kind of like when you get redpilled on the past and realize what the future is going to hold in store but the forces acting upon it are so massive (a threat to your entire race) that there's no point in going against the tide. You just fight for what matters to you. The whole thing just speaks to the inevitability of the whole situation.

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>Doesn't want to destroy the world once he makes his new family
>Marley attacks while he's away
>Rushes to the hideout and begs them to stop the attack
>Kills them all when he realizes what Eren will do with the Founder
>Goes to Shiganshina
>Sees the destruction
>Realizes he can't change the flow of time because they need to fight back or the world will wipe them out and comes to terms with what must happen
>Passes the Titans to Eren
It's his internal conflict playing out before us, essentially. It's him realizing that we must become whom we are

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>PATHS is about to end
>still no pic related


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all you had to do was stop having sex. now the whole worlds about to be destroyed by a genocidal maniac

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Say something nice to enemies of humanity.

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Eren is free

>confirmed enemies of humanity

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>Historia mentioned nowhere in this chapter
>EHcucks still believe this is happening
The level of delusion is high

if dubs, Eren and Hisu will fuck like rabbits to repopulate the world that they just destroyed

Unironically at 80% chance of being the real end.

Let's pray anons.

>It's kind of like when you get redpilled on the past and realize what the future is going to hold in store but the forces acting upon it are so massive (a threat to your entire race) that there's no point in going against the tide. You just fight for what matters to you. The whole thing just speaks to the inevitability of the whole situation.
i had this exact same thought almost down to the letter. i wonder how many other people out there have too.

That reminds me, SNK is based on the book "The Eternal Champion", and the characters seem to have references to characters in the book in this way:

Erekose (Protagonist) = Eren (They both swore "kill them all", and they are gonna die soon for a curse, they want be normal guys)

Iolinda (Human princess) = Mikasa (They are both very jealous and both accuse the protagonist of sympathizing with the enemy, remember Annie)

Ermizhad (Eldren princess... yeah her race is called Eldren and The Eternal Lover) = Historia (They are both blondes and have blue eyes, both had a sibling who had the key to unlock the ancient power of the Eldren people, remember Frieda)

Erekose reincarnates to be the savior of mankind and has dreams in which he can see his past and future lives (as the user of the coordinate can see his previous and future users). In addition he is stuck in a battle between two sides, humanity and the Eldren.
The Eldren have an old power that almost destroyed the world and its ruler has decided not to use it even if that means the extinction of its species -the 145th king-

He is destined to commit genocide of some kind, and at some point says "I swear I would kill them all"

Erekose sounds like Eren
Erekose loves Ermizhad, an Eldren princess who is described as a blond woman with blue eyes.
John Daker/Erekose carries the burden of remembering every incarnation he has ever had/ the coordinate.
Prince Arjavh is a stand in for both the 145th king and Zeke

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>so...this is the power of the paths..

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>>Historia mentioned nowhere in this chapter
Ya say something, nigger?

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We're getting good revelations.

There is nothing confirmed about Historia in this chapter

>forced Hisu to take farmer cock so Zeke would make it
Why is Eren such a cunt?


>psycho EMAfag spends 8 months shitposting about Eren being controlled by Grisha/Kruger/theSNK
>Eren ends up being the one controlling everyone

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the manga is better than the anime they said

It was literally easier to make Historia a titan

>EHfags falling for badly drawn fake art
As expected

>EMcels about to LITERALLY nuke themselves

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Go take a fat cock erehis

>>"You will spare none?"
>"None! None! I want it to be over. And the only way I can finish it is to kill them all. Then it will be over—only then!"
>"You swear this? You swear it?"
>"I swear it. And when the last non-Eldian dies, when the whole world is ours, then I will bring it to you and we shall be married."

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>EHchads are few chapters ahead with their accurate predictions
>trannies can't grasp story beyond chapter 100
Absolute state of discord.

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Who's the real villain?

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>can't recognize fakefag's art
Does anyone have his AA pic?

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According to paradox path it wasn't.

still in this level of denial? sad

nobody was expecting them to be the actual real bad guys though

This reminds me of Pan's Labyrinth ending where they adopt the son of the dictator
>dictator: please tell my baby who I was
>person: he won't even know your name
And then dictator dies

Alright we are almost at the end of the manga and Isayama still won't show us the EH talk. Like why keep it hidden so much if Eren isn't the father? It won't affect the plot much. I just want Isayama to end this months long waiting for any info on Hisu.

I want to fuck Mikasa

Post your theories and vote for the most likely.

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You for wasting trips on ant picture.

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>accurate predictions
>detective hongo
>detective nile
>zeke will see EHsex
Kek. EHcucks are subhuman


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>nobody was expecting them to be the actual real bad guys though
We were speculating Eren will be bad guy and were unclear about Historia place in all of this.

I'm going to be called EHfag but EHfags wanting EH to happen makes sense, YHfags treating and insulting Historia like a slut is sad to see

Holy based

>le fascism is bad ending
I don't think you realize what fucking series you've been reading, whore

>OP’s post literally has Historia in it
And if that one guy is correct and Eren’s saying he’s all smiles glad Grisha killed the Reiss while thinking of her.

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It's because he will reveal Eren raped Historia.

the ants

>Like why keep it hidden so much if Eren isn't the father?
Because he isn't

>detective hongo
>detective nile
I'm the second one and I don't care about EH but keep harassing posters, YHcuck, you made me really dislike your character

>Isayama was preparing us for this all along
Holy shit.

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EHfags wanting Eren to rape Historia are awful

that smile has nothing peaceful about it
it's fucking disturbing

The only one who wanted that was you dyke.

Calm down erehis. Just because nobody wants to stick his fat cock inside you doesn't mean EH is happening.

>"You will spare none?"
>"None! None! I want it to be over. And the only way I can finish it is to kill them all. Then it will be over—only then!"
I want Eren to say something like that.

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>>detective hongo
Still not resolved, could happen.
>>detective nile
Delusional shitposting.
>>zeke will see EHsex
Literally shitposting.

Makes sense how discordtrannies can't see diffrence between actual theorycrafting and shitposting to trigger them.

Reminder that it can still happen

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>eren was the one in chains
>now historia is the one in chains
I hate Eren

It looks like a faceapp edit kek
I don't get it

Also, I made this thread and the user who made the other thread seemed like a fucking jagoff but I still feel bad for him. Better luck next time, faggot. Maybe don't try to drag Annie into your shipfaggotry next time.

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>by the way, I had a doctor cut your balls off
>we can't risk another generation, so I decided to be proactive

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Why are EHcucks so obvious?

>Insulting Nilebros
You are disgusting you know that?

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>No Manlet and Hans fucking in their love cave again

Just end me.

Its fake user

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>accurate predictions
>detective Nile
>detective Nail
>detective Hange
>father reveal on Eren's birthday
>father reveal on the exhibition
>muh anime contract, reveal next chapter
>Eren convincing Zeke with EH memory
ok I even got insulted for saying the cave scene or Carla's death is next and not EH

>our cute couple are mass murderers
>their smiles were paid for in the blood of billions
I... am... unsure of how to process this.

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Nigger, we literally have Eren breaking off the chainz this chapter

Patience user

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Welp, so much for uncle Zeke, it was a nice thought, but I guess Zeke and Eren’s differences aren’t reconcilable.

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Considering the handkiss made him see the cave scene, the relation to that panel probably rather relies there

Based EHcumslut. I want a husbando like Eren too!!

Real talk. How involved is Historia in Eren's true plan? This panel indicates that she knows about what he is trying to do. What happened here? Did she try to stop him? If she did then why didn't she tell everyone about what Eren's plan is?

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Checkem btw

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Ha says the /pol/tards LMAO we are SO contrarians xDD you don't even like LH, you started that shit because muh gay is baaad and you started the detective shit along the nilecucks and Shitmin because apparently EH is the new trend to be contrarian



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Anybody who believed in the uncle Zeke meme is a subhuman brainlet

Who cares. Now's not the time faggot

I've been saying this for a while now. Never bank on a shitlib, even if it's a reformed one.

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"Future memory"

Grisha tries to kill the underground Frida, but conscience gives up

Ellen who materialized it all eats in the meantime

The advance giant's ability is foreseeing the future and time travel to the past and the future.

Ellen has long been looking at the future and the current situation.

Ellen who eats Glisha

Angry Sieg orders the founder to ruin

Check those seconds and milliseconds. Hot dang.

So we are going for the mist ending, huh.

>mfw it's the euthanasia plan


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Everyone who thought this would happen is a brainlet

I wanted it because having been in Zeke's circumstances nothing would make me more satisfied than to see him find happiness since I can't

Who cares

I feel like such a brainlet does anyone understand what Eren's motives are? He constantly contradicts himself or takes the option that make life more difficult for himself. Did only just now understand what he wanted to do? He could literally have done this years ago,

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Cute and canon.

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Why are they so insecure?

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Jesus christ how can a shitpost affects you this much

Isayama why can't you draw?

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you guys keep repeating this, but from the images it seems that Grisha was defeatist and Eren told him to man the fuck up and kill them

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You're back in my threads again, shitheel. Take your ESL, STD-ridden, faggot-reamed third world ass out of here right fucking now and chuck it off a fucking cliff. You worthless sack of horse shit.

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go back and stay there

He wants to use FT power to destroy his enemies but he doesn't want to sacrifice Historia so he went to another royal, Zeke.

Notice Eren giving Grisha the Mikasa stare.

>Did only just now understand what he wanted to do?

So Eren changed the past? What the fuck Isayama.

based and upboated

It's minutes and seconds user but that's ok

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>l*eddit user
Who would've suscpected?

Just ignore him user

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>Ellen who materialized it all eats in the meantime
What does he eat

T-that's the joke!

>EM and EH moment this chapter
What did they mean by this?

Technically it happened already, he didn't change anything, he was always supposed to do it.
You have to think in 4 dimensions.

It's just the scenes we've already seen, you retarded shipfag

>Eren is going to marry both to repopulate the world
Based Isayama.

And they're both platonic moments. Why do you fucking shipfags have to ruin everything?

t. erwlfujo

So far EHfags are just shitposting to trigger whales knowing EH will never happen.

Is any of this legible?

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What about time paradox?

Reminder Mikasa's memory shard was the biggest while Carla got a small panel. This obviously means he loves Mikasa more then his mom.

There is no time paradox

What is happening there?

I swear to God the moment pregant Historia showed up for the first time these threads were doomed to eternal cancer.

>Is any of this legible?
hahahaha no
Low size AND shit quality, a real winner.

Araragi vs the Snakes

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>marrying Mikasa
No thanks, Eren is loyal only to HISTORIA. Nothing more to add

So Eren is trapped on a loop full of bad endings
>If Grisha didn't kill the Reiss the world would have raped and genocided Paradis

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Why does lolimir seem so big?

have you ever tried to see a list of devil runes? google it and then see if you can distinguish anything there

>we’re bringing time travel into this shitshow now
Utterly and totally fucking dropped

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Or like these two.

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To Eren, Mikasa >>> Carla

>Look at you in that habit all prim and proper
>So pure and clean
>Or maybe self-conscious about your scars huh
>Take that habit off or I'll rip it off you myself
>I'm going to make you dirty tonight, clean-freak

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Yeah, I'm still not sold on that order of events. At that point, Grisha was probably still soft. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I don't recall him doing anything brutal for his resistance organization. He wasn't a soldier either.

It's normal that he'd balk at slaughtering a whole family with his own hands, women and children included. Might have had a crisis of faith thinking back to his sister's murder.

Pedos are going to go big with the edits in this one, aren't they? Fucking hell.

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It has always happened.
The flow of time is immovable.

>Eren can see the future now
>He killed Frieda and not his dad somehow

Is there EH romance in this chapter? I'm super hyped

>warui, I lost my dick in the explosion


It's more like an internal conflict playing out inside Grisha than Eren intervening in any big way. It's an admittedly over-the-top dramatized way of bringing conflict to the fore, so I'm guessing turboautists will bitch about it. But I don't think it bricks anything.
It's not as bad as the Hodor shit from GoT, for instance.

Nah, but we get confirmation that Eren wants to do the rumbling.

Fuck off


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That means the time is looped.

That's like getting confirmation of Marcel being dead

Hell he was a doctor killing an entire family is about as far removed from his usual life as he could get no wonder he would freeze up.

Source on that pic? Also what's the source on the "I love mikasa's ass" image I keep seeing posted here? I know it's some doujin but what's the source?

If this is true then i'm dropping this shit
>Eren materialized Grisha's concience and then eat them
Fucking fanfiction-tier, Goddamn.

>two panels of hand kissing in one chapter
Is it the new Ymir and Marcel?

Why do the reddits whores always keep the chapter hostage? It was so much better when raws were released, this is the only fandom doing this shit

The anime made it obvious back in season 1 you retard

Not really.
It means it's infinite.

This page is odd, I think it’s Grisha watching the past alongside Eren and Zeke.
Just the way Grisha’s turns to nervously look at Eren, and at the bottom he conversing with Frieda like nothing happened.

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In just last month genocidefags were called more delusional than EMfags in these threads so not exactly.

Its better this way so Yea Forums can suffer

for what purpose

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Because we have to read their typesets 15 hours before the official translation is out for some fucking reason

Is there EH in this chapter? Still waiting

I stopped reading shit and resorted to just reading the wiki after the reiner and eren rematch. Only started following it again when gabi hit the scene

Epic blogpost, no one cares.

How? If anything it means the fate is determined. Nothing can be determined in the infinity.

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>ymircuck trying this hard
>will reply to her own post one minute later

Rumblefags will still get called delusional, it'll just be posts about how Eren has to be killed because he's the villain or something equally tiresome.

So is there even any scene between Eren and Hisu or do we only get the hand kiss flashback?


i came

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>Eren controlled Grisha so he fucks Carla and make baby Eren
Isayama is so fucked up

>Literally Zero Escape 3

How is time being infinite contradict everything being predetermined?

>Kill them all, Eren!

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So wait, instead of getting a nice chapter where Zeke learns that Grisha loved him all this time, we get Eren being revealed as the mastermind behind the Reiss family massacre?
What is this level of trolling?

>Check again, I put in a good word for some founder magic with our kids, the King and Queen!

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We got both things

why the fuck would kruger pass the titan to grishas son if it would destroy everything?

Where are all the fags that said Eren would ABEpill Zeke? I want to LAUGH at you.

Ah damn, when did the spoilers drop? I want to go back to the thread where they were posted.

What did EH do in this chapter? I'm confused af

Since the memories travel has stopped. That means we still have a chance, detectivebros.

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wrong face

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Will EH pajeet ever stop making shit up with zero evidence?

Nothing, just another flashback of Eren activating memories by kissing Hisu's hand

>Abort the child
What, and let those massive milkers get cancer cells? Fuck no. I want 'em healthy and ripe.

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>Eren and Historia will be executed for their crimes
>Zeke will save baby Ymir and raise her as his own
>final panel after the enemies of humanity are defeated Zeke holds Ymir and says "You are free."

Ahem, TWO flashbacks.

Nothing, we just get what Eren saw when he kissed her hand.

Eren controls titan in the past.



>Eren should've been aborted
>Hisu should've been murdered by Kenny
wtf Zeke is right all this time

>still no mehmet memory
Next volume will also be paths

This shit confuses me, so Eren is evil hut not evil enough to sacrifice Historia (who for some reason won't be affected by genocide) and Grisha can see the future but Kruger can't see he is helping the guy who will have a kid who will destroy everything outside of Paradis in the future? Is this what happens when you change the plot every month like the editor interview suggested? Why would Eren act all mad suddenly in front of Zeke? He was okay in 120

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We are not seeing anyone else in PATHS, doubtful.

You don't understand what infinite time means. It means ANYTHING will happen or already happened. If something is determined it kills some possible outcomes.

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A child born at the cost of billions will be cursed to see the entire world as cringe until the day she dies.
This is the price you pay for your crimes.

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It's gonna be words of hate

>45 pages of nothing happen and more question than answer
Bravo Isayama

Grisha and Kruger didn’t get to boink a royal whilst possessing the founder.

those people are so dumb

fck off scrub

Why are people this fucking retarded? Literally just read one of the first posts in the thread dipshit He hesitated. Then saw the destruction caused by Bert and Reiner and came back around. The Attack Titan was always going to nuke everyone no matter how many of the other Titans fell to enemy forces. Kruger was probably on board with this. Grisha obviously developed some reservations that he seemingly overcame. Eren, thankfully, never had any such problems of his own. That's it.

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There are a lot of people who still deny that Eren wants genocide.

>Constantly blue balling your readers
>all because you want to hurt them

U are dumber than them

We don't know how much Kruger knew or how the memory shit works. If he only saw parts of Grisha's memories, he wouldn't necessarily grasp Eren's endgame. Alternately, Kruger was an absolute moral relativist and worldwide extermination was something he was okay with.

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What do you think the goal of the Attack Titan (devil) is?

Could Eren access the Paths without the FT? If not it creates a time paradox.

I hope you are being ironic, for your own mental health user

Can't wait for the EHredditors in here to praise this chapter and give it a 10/10 like they did with 120.

>It means ANYTHING will happen or already happened

As a simple thought experiment pretend you have a fair coin. 50/50 chance to get heads or tails. No matter how many times you flip the coin you are never guaranteed to get a heads.

Infinity produces tendencies, never guarantees.

user, there is a EM moment even if EM isn't canon. It's the fist fucking ant leak.

Kill yourself underage

I really would've liked a redo of Eren and Falco's chat. I'd have liked to have seen Falco understand what Eren was doing and realize that it was for the sake of securing a future for kids like him and Gabi.

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Will they really after repeatedly claiming that Eren would show Zeke memories about him and Hisu?

>wasting another chapter on boring wushu mushu spirit shit instead of whats happening to the characters that actually matter outside of this sand dimension

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>literally n-no u!
Jesus Christ

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He's such a fucking madman kek. I can't wait for the genocide

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It's another hostage situation. I fucking hate these faggots.

>today's LMAOing EMsperg was just the ErwLfujo in disguise
shoulda guessed

>Eren was doing and realize that it was for the sake of securing a future for kids
If he goes full rumbling I don't know.

>Eren is evil
From Eren's perspective, the sand people are evil.
>but not evil enough to sacrifice Historia (who for some reason won't be affected by genocide)
Rumbling kills everyone outside Paradis, not the island's inhabitants.
>and Grisha can see the future but Kruger can't see he is helping the guy who will have a kid who will destroy everything outside
That's the mysterious part.

Might be the STUPIDEST fucking post on this board right now

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All the characters who matter are inside the paths

>dude killing billions to save a couple of thousand

nothings happening. as expected of someone that would dislike this, you missed the part where everything happens in an instant in paths realm. it exists outside of the regular bondaries of time and space.

If they're going to start translating now that's better than usual, we usually don't get the chapter until over a day after the tiny leaks surface

i don't think what he's saying there is meant to be interpreted as true moral relativism. i think he's describing an uncomfortable reality of human nature and the human experience.

>time travel is so interesting, eren was behind it all from the begining
Woopdie fucking doo

Don't worry, manlet, as long as your fingers are oka-

Ah, I fucked up the Star Wars joke. Should be the Jedi are evil.

Yes? All of the people Eren loves are on Paradis, and the rest of the world is an existential threat to them.

Is this bait?

>psychopath smile is moment for mankasacucks

It took 2 months actually

The plot is becoming a mess with all this time travel shit. I'm scared.

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just calm down, get something else to do

So instead of using shit like diplomacy we just kill everyone
>no guys trust us, we’re not devils

Fuck you and fuck niggers that pull globohomo shit when it's convenient

Oh, bitching about the time travel, now. What happened to crying and shitting your pants over muh relevant characters outside paths, you fucking homo autist? Did your parents name you Turbo? Fucking dip.

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>oh nonono he is scared


Historia got impregnated by the father only because her lover Yumiru's ghost told her this is the only way of stopping Eren's genocide.


When it's Us vs Them, do the numbers matter?

>having the whole chapter in your possession and not just releasing it

So how many chapters will it take til the PATHS arc is gone?

>this would justify all of Eren's actions
>he was just doing his best and what's necessary to avoid the bad ending
>he literally knew what's best for everyone
Talk about a gary stu

Attached: giphy.gif (250x250, 992K)

We absolutely are devils and we're about to push your shit in while you faggots cry about diplomacy. Yes.

Attached: 1565270920903.png (640x350, 201K)

SnK will be remembered as the manga with the worse ending in shonen history and literally no one will be satisfied with it. Screencap this.

she could have stopped him by just ratting him out to the MPs

Historia knows about the plan. She's an accomplice.

Do we have all of the ant pages?

After the rumbling, no one will call eldians devils anymore.

Attached: happy.jpg (214x324, 43K)

>using shit like diplomacy
Hey you retarded speedreader, they tried that already.

>Top left

Not only did EH get BTFO, EM cute moment

Honestly i wouldn’t be surprised, the moment you start messing with time travel and ‘I was xx all along!’ bullshit it becomes too convoluted and unsatisfactory.

>it's another "/pol/tard self-insert into dindu nuffin eldian" episode again
It's all so tiresome

EMfags still exist?


I think now would be a good time to do a cut away actually.

EM a cute
EH a shit

I don’t think so, it seems like some pages are missing. It could just be isayama’s pacing though

if you make enough posts like this eventually you'll be right. that's what youre trying to do i assume.

You're not that far user, time travel is shit.



Not sure how I feel about the time travel. Literally anything can happen at this point and be justified by P A T H S

What a bunch of fucking niggers. Their English is always broken too. How fucking hard can it be to hire someone who knows how to speak the single most widely spoken language on the internet? Just one goddamn person who can review what you wrote and go "oh this part doesn't really make any sense, Chang, I think it'd sound better if you phrased it this way"
Fuck's sake.
Anybody remember the fucking mess that was the panel of Zeke explaining how he "rendered" the vow? A literal fragment. A goddamn sentence fragment. There earliest edition of MS Word was capable of fishing out and autocorrecting sentence fragments. Fucking illiterate homos, I swear.

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there is no transition between scenes. we seem to be missing a lot of pages in-between.. EM confirmed

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>these fucking acronyms for ships filling the thread
It's EL this EB that BSDFBSD BSDFHK KB how the fuck can you guys stand this fucking garbage? Get a fucking grip on your lives you disgusting, pathetic cunts.

For homo demons like you, absolutely it'll be the worst.
For loving Mama's, it'll be the greatest of all time.

Attached: PicsArt_09-04-02.31.25.jpg (685x531, 45K)

Time to go back


Eren is not scared of memories.
Actually he's having the time of his life manipulating/torturing people

The thing is the time travel trope can be used well but you have to plan your story around the eventual time travel reveal/sequence I feel like this whole time travel thing hasn’t been planned by isayama that well even if he’s thought about implementing it for quite a while.

>After this pic EH #suicidewatchparty
Mikasa is the most important person for Eren

please dont post that ugly mongoloid next to cute Gabi.

read what you write before clicking Post

This manga can't be legendary anymore. Not like that.

>oy vey we’ve been oppressed, now everyone but us deserves to die

I'm sad the comfy ZE ended so soon

Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass and think for once in your life? Maybe, just maybe, people dislike this poorly-implemented time travel bullshit rather than you genocidal fantasy coming true?

Titan magic was fine.

Where is Armin in Eren's memory PATHS? Why Mikasa only?

Did you really expect Eren's plan to be talking things out? He usually favours direct action--Armin is the smooth negotiator. Besides, they already tried diplomacy: remember the envoys they sent out? No one was willing to treat with them except Hizuru, and Hizuru wasn't powerful enough to protect them.

Ideally, after a few decades of peace and lucrative trading, other nations would have come around. But Marley is storming the city right now. Even if they defeat Marley, all of its allies are coming for Eldian scalps after Willy Tybur's declaration of war. Eren and his friends and family quite literally are out of time.

That rapebaby looks retarded. How hard did Eren yank Historia's blonde hair till her holes are broken and sore?

Eren does all of this for the future of his child, speadreader. This is the theme of the manga.

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Didn’t isayama’s editor talk about him changing the plot every other month? SNK conclusion will be a shit show.

Everything can be solved by O MY PATH, even the course of history

So Zeke wanted to see all Grisha's memories
>When he had Eren
>When he adopted Eren's sister
>When he killed the Reiss
I just don't want everything to be "Eren made me do it", it has been like this ever since Paradis cast appeared, I miss Marley.

Fuck, was meant for . I'm tired as fuck but I'm so glad I stayed up for the spoilers.

You have no idea user. I still remember the first time I came here and called manlet "Levi" and got about a dozen posts telling me I was a lesbian hamplanet. We all come around and understand why this shit is necessary, eventually. The dykes and fujos see to that. You could be the chillest, most relaxed shipperfag of all like the ErAnshippers and these fat cat lady holes will shit out posts at you faster than a gatling gun shoots out bullets because they feel threatened by how much you don't seem bothered by ErenXHistoria. That's the level of psychosis we're talking.
When I read the manga after finishing Season 2 and thinking Mikasa and Eren were going to end up together the whole time that I watched the show, and realized Eren and Historia was the direction in which the show was headed because it fit the story and the narrative, I didn't have a fucking meltdown over it. But these threads are something else.

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What is going on here? What did i miss in the last 7 hours?

From the ant leaks it looks like Eren pushed Grisha to take action and get the founder? Why is everyone saying Eren still wants to rumble the world? I dont see anything in the ant leaks that speak for or against it

>future for jewish children and a country too, remember the walls goyim

That would explain why we went from Eren checking Zeke's reactions to HAHA ZEKE LOOK AT ME I'M EVIL I MAKE EVIL FACES. We might not even get the Mehmeth story

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probably because it seems to be the only answer now.
The world is still advancing on them.
Only alternative would be maybe he activates them but all the titans stop before stomping on civilizations, just standing in front as a deterrent

It's just shit posting user. As always we won't know shit till good scans come out.

>Attack titans power is moving forward towards freedom
>It can time travel back to the past

Because Isayama really cares about piss-stinking spinsters. He really wants you to know that your self-insert is the bestest girl and Eren has always loved her. He wants you to know that you won't die alone from mental illness. That's why.

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Can we aggree now this is Eren talking to himself trough Grisha?
>>No EH father bullshit
>>No zeke uncle bullshit
>> No EM child (wait wut)

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Get the fuck out newfag

Just when you think it cant get worse the hack brings in a bigger shark to jump

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Because those are Grisha's memories

>Eren destroys the royals
>EHcucks still think he's the father

Isn’t being able to time travel/change the past completely contradict ‘I have to move forward’ theme?

I have faith because of that exactly. he goes through a lot of ideas and manuscripts. hell, gabi and co werent even originally supposed to be children, the final decision was better.
just like when he droppedZeke being Erwin's father

For Eren: his child > the lives of millions of other Eldian children

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what the fuck does "kino" mean? i only just started coming to Yea Forums again after forcing myself to take a break from Yea Forums for a few years

No that's Zeke saving his niece

Calm down erehis

It's Yea Forums-speak for good

calm your tits. there are only 14 images there.

Yes, EHcucks BTFO. The baby is Eren just as we EMYHchads predicted at the start.

His child?
Eren's a virgin.

EHcucks are so much in denial. I will like to pose a question. Which Eren did we see convincing Grisha to kill the royals? The Eren before he knew Historia or the Eren after he has supposedly impregnated ? You guys are dumb, I swear

Historia understood what Grisha did and if Grisha didn't kill them they would be Marley's bitches by now

Let me fix that for you
>oy vey we’ve been oppressed, now every nation must be subverted and serve us as cattle
But that has nothing to do with the justified defense of Paradis.

I don't think he will show up. We are seeing Grisha's memories right now.

>Expecting isayama to be consistent with his theming/narrative.

Until you make the most based and comfy threads for weeks, you fucking landwhale dyke bitch, you can take your raggedy, used-up cocksleeve hole and fling it onto the nearest set of train tracks during rush hour. You worthless mewling waste of a post. Get the fuck out of my threads.

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This place taught me to be more relaxed, actually. I can easily ignore haters and their bait and just participate in normal discussions. I still call Levi by his name just for fun. Use it as a learning experience to become more chill.

>Zeke see Eren smile for the first time

**The readers too**

Attached: Eren smile.png (102x101, 17K)

I wouldnt call killing 99 percent of people on the planet defence

could still see him though, Grishas realization on Eren bringing his first friend home.

That would be very kino.

It means based. Pretty brave of you to out yourself like this, boomer.

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Could be. But it could also be half the remaining male cast too.

>by his name just for fun

Would you quit taking the kike's bait already?

Ehcucks should answer me

>Eldias problems can be solved peacefully

I dont think he lied here. Everything he told Armin and Mikasa in chapter 112 had truths mixed with lies to them and i am pretty sure once we know more about Erens motives, this conversation will make much more sense. It feels like he was trying to convey a message without making it to obvious.

Attached: 0112-017.jpg (1066x1600, 440K)

Watch rush (2013), before the start of the final race in the rain as lauda and hunt wave to eachother
That is the pinnacle of kino

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Seriously when was the last time Eren showed some form of happy emotion?

These two chapters will be like half an episode I think people will forget.

Kinda respect him having the head popping scene and then doing fuck all for 2 chapters, mad man.

is posts are retarded as hell!!!
There is literally no proof that eren tricked everyone in the paths, all we have are some random page of a 40 pages chapter in a very bad resolution.
Stop with this retarded theories!!!!

>Grisha: Zeke, stop Eren and his bitch

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Historia's ceremonial as the queen


I'd laugh if it turns out Eren somehow masterminded both Mikasa's and Historia's family massacres

its self-defence.

>>EH got sunk after this chapter

>AT's powers is time travelling
You mean the FT's, don't you? Zeke is the one who brought them there.
Eren just used the occasion to talk to Grisha.

>Eren, father was right...I can’t let you destroy the world!

I mean, it's pretty obvious he's telling Armin to not bother crossing him.

If Eren could see the future all along, why did he let the entire corps die in Shiganshina?

yaaaaaas grisha hugging zeke and apologizing

Eren has nothing to do with both families! Just stfu and have sex

This but unironically. Reminder that the leakers cherrypick images to create confussion.

Learn English, you dip

I hope zeke is just standing there listlessly and tearing up while grisha delivers that fatherly hug. I always wanted them to reconcile ;-;

Are you nervous, user?

I dont think you know what that means

you need to go back.

he didnt see shit until he started touching historia more and more

the hand kissing scene at the ceremony was the start of it all

You could say he's moving forward in his linear chronological existence while travelling through time. More importantly, he's still moving the plot forward rather than rewriting past canon, which is what I was afraid Isayama was going to do if he introduced time travel.

How does the royal killing matter to EH? Literally Historia herself told Eren it had to be done.

And why should I be????? Excuse me faggot

It's funny how people have theorizing that Grisha killed Mikasa parents and that will make their relationship toxic, meanwhile, they never knew that Eren was the one that masterminded Historia whole family bloodline massacre. And they are currently wanting him to be the father cause the relationship will be healthy as hell. Double standards everywhere. FOOLS, MORONS. I'm still reserving myself though till Eren is fully revealed not to be the father. This thread will be unbearable for EHmorons

>the whole world wants to kill you
its self-defence

Based Horsebo propelling the plot forward

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Only thing this chapter makes me feel is that Zeke was right all along.

Attached: ddfelwew.jpg (533x547, 189K)

Historia accepted Grisha killing her family. It was that it being killed by Marley

EH ledditor is trying keep up his mentally ill charade for as long as he can cause he's hard in denial.
>B-But da SJW's don't like muh ship t-that makes it good!!
They deserve to be gassed along with the SJWs and GSfags.

Attached: based isayama.jpg (1048x246, 131K)

The attack titan…its true ability breaks the rules. Even the devil is no match for this. After all/As expected, the main culprit of this tragedy is ○○, OMAE?!!! The sudden reversal of good and evil makes my chest heat with excitement.

Another Version

The Attack Titan… its true ability is against the law. Even the devil won’t do it. The cause of the tragedy is yes, you! ! ! Right and wrong will be inverted.

Detailed summary

「Memory of the future」

Grisha tries to kill the underground Frida’s families, but his conscience gives up.
The materialized Eren inspires Grisha and feeds everyone.
The attack titan’s abilities are “future prediction” and “time travel to the past and future”.
Eren has been watching the future and the present situation for quite some time.
Eren eats Grisha.
Angry Zeke orders the founder titan to ruin.

>That's all we have so far, right?

STFU Faggot. Eren is the father of HISTORIA'S BABY CHILD

>Implying autistic girls selfinserting as Mankasa read

If 60% of the nations are currently mustering their armies to come kill you, I'd say the other 39% might be acceptable collateral damage for someone like Eren.

Baby child KEK

Truly the biggest cuckfilter and plebfilter chapter thus far

>which is what I was afraid Isayama was going to do
Why, so far he is doing it well.


rEHdditor lacking the brain capacity to have self-awareness? What else is new.

All shipperfags should be gassed

We have shitty scans that tell us a whole lot more than just that so I think we're a bit past it user

Attached: 4d705ecc75c55050b5edb8e45b228806.jpg (793x991, 86K)

so this shit isn't even an Yea Forums meme? why is this the only board i've ever seen anyone use it on?? i don't fucking watch western shows for shit anymore. is this really what we've become while i was gone????

Attached: gsdf.png (286x258, 137K)

I can't wait to see Zeke's reaction to Eren fucking Hisu in every room of the palace in every position imaginable.

Master of Foreshadowing, all these retard fujos literally had the Rumbling ending spelled out for them and still thought Eren would be a virgin peacecuck like AMJC

She accepted caused it was Eren's dad. How would she feel if she knows it's Eren himself. As a matter of fact the 19 year old Eren who did it. The one that supposedly impregnated her

>Eren Eats Grisha

kino = cinema in german

It's also applied to anime that's why

Let's post YH pics to trigger their fragile masculinity. EH is pathetic.

I think you'll have to wait a little more, like eternally kind of more.

Jesus you are so obsessed with EH. How does any of this matter to Eren's relationship with Historia? He suddenly hates her? She hates him? She didn't give a fuck about her family besides Frieda and even then she told Eren his father didn't do anything wrong in killing them.



Maybe watch something else than cartoons friend

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>The attack titan…its true ability breaks the rules. Even the devil is no match for this. After all/As expected, the main culprit of this tragedy is ○○, OMAE?!!! The sudden reversal of good and evil makes my chest heat with excitement.
>Another Version
>The Attack Titan… its true ability is against the law. Even the devil won’t do it. The cause of the tragedy is yes, you! ! ! Right and wrong will be inverted.
>Detailed summary
>「Memory of the future」
>Grisha tries to kill the underground Frida’s families, but his conscience gives up.
>The materialized Eren inspires Grisha and feeds everyone.
>The attack titan’s abilities are “future prediction” and “time travel to the past and future”.
>Eren has been watching the future and the present situation for quite some time.
>Eren eats Grisha.
>Angry Zeke orders the founder titan to ruin.
>>That's all we have so far, right?
The first paragraph makes this all sound like b8


Attached: ZEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKEEEEE.png (778x994, 566K)

The fag saying Eren only smiles for Historia will finally shut up

What did Eren say in the second panel? Zeke seems to be triggered by it.

You must have blinded yourself on purpose if you don't see how it matters

*All non-eldians

Every word he says there is true if you apply it to internal conflict. He would have had no need to fight his friends or his government if they had handed Zeke over peacefully. I do think he was trying to send Armin and Mikasa some kind of message, but I'm not sure it happened here.

And she killed her dad because it had to be done. And they would have died if Reiss family survived

I don't fucking know, I don't use any other boards or any other threads. It's just internet speak for non-normies, like "based". That retard who said it was just a Yea Forums thing is fucking retarded. That place is the septic tank connected to reddit's anus, which is about as far as you can get from the organic tastemaking spots on the internet. It's like saying that /pol/ is where edgy discussions happen when we all know it's nothing more than as much of a fed honeypot as ate tchan.

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Attached: TooManyCalories.jpg (800x577, 146K)

I already said that before but no one listened.

Zeke doesn't even hate the manlet. I'm mad we didn't get more of them and instead we got all that Sasha drama shit

Attached: 1551941160990.jpg (1066x1600, 528K)

>in german
In the most European languages.

>Ideally, after a few decades of peace and lucrative trading, other nations would have come around. But Marley is storming the city right now.
Yup, Marley wants resources of the island NOW and it wants to kill all Eldians soonish, it's too little too late for negotiations, maybe they could have succeeded in peace talks few decades ago, but not anymore.

Same. People told me I was just coping

>misgendering me puts me at risk of literal suicide and homicide
>i'm going to talk about triggering anyone
ok retard

Attached: 1567431765940.png (655x395, 9K)

"I am free"

I was concerned for a minute there. Thought you posted a screencap of that Chernobyl show implying that it was anything better than a pile of radioactive shit.


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As far as I can tell, he's not rewriting canon. Eren isn't resetting his life to relive it and correct his mistakes. He's operating in a closed loop where these events always took place in his timeline.

Nah, too short.

I think you tagged the wrong post user

keep seething

Oof user thats going to be a yikes from my dawg

nooo Grishenka don't cry I love you

Few things to keep in mind:
>Grisha hugged Zeke after killing the Reiss.
>after that Grisha immediately went to 10 year old Eren to give him the shifter powers
>after recalling a memory about kissing Historia's hand Eren broke free of the chains and is running towards Ymir

This time travel shit sucks and allows Isayama to do anything he wants. Eren can go back in time, fuck his grandma and give birth to Grisha and it would still somehow make sense in the context of the story.

Having sex is never wrong

>The materialized Eren inspires Grisha and feeds everyone

Feeder Eren, oh my.

Truly, Zeke did nothing wrong.

EHcucks self-insering Historia anywhere Mikasa is mentioned

Attached: EH mentality.jpg (491x140, 17K)

>The scarf will never be brought up again!

I don't understand why disliking EH means I hate to like trash that EM is for whales like Eremikahaven like yourself.

Holy shit they are so scared

I wonder what’s next for Zeke now?

desperate EHcucks

>he's not rewriting canon
And that's a good thing.
It's not really time travel per se either.


Attached: zeke4.jpg (500x725, 74K)

Where? Isn't that guy complaining about recycling scenes? Is this what madness does to you?


Cope!!. It has more chances of being brought up than Eren being the father..LMAO

I guess it’s time ‘manipulation’ because he’s manipulating people from the past by showing himself to them and then convincing them to change something(?) he’s not actually there though he just appears to them so not technically time travel

Even the zekehaters will see the light after this chapter

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Yeah. I'm feeling optimistic about how it'll turn out.

Shup up ESL cuck

So this chapter shows us an example of how PATHS carry the will to act?
Seriously, I just want to talk about the manga. Why do you guys more interested in talking about muh xfags all the time?

Attached: p074.jpg (1200x1800, 776K)

I was told the threads are a tad better than usual during leaks

*why are

Holy shit how low has /snk/ sunk that (You)'s to l*eddit screencap are something else than "go back"?
Fucking newfag niggers, get back to .

>>Eren smiles when seeing his memory with Mikasa

I love Zeke so much I hope he survives and raises his niece. But that’s probably less likely now seeing as Eren is going off the rails.

To Clean up the mess that Eren and Historia started.

>Wake up
I wasn't expecting anything til tomorrow or friday


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Why is Eren smiling at the moment he marked Mikasa as his slave? Didn't he hate her for being one?

They usually are, but as you can see right now we got trannies from reddit samefagging. Just ignore them wait for them to commit suicide like they all end up doing


Holy shit

This year is great

First EH gets destroyed by EM

Now EH gets officially sunk by Grisha and Hisu

Next year Drumpf will be stumped by Warren

>not wanting euthanasia
Fake and gay Zekefag.

We have no idea if that's actually how it works. It could be that the only past lives he can directly influence are former Attack Titan users. He might not be physically present either, like described.

Stop talking nonsense.

Zeke Was The Good Guy All Along.

Why can't Isayama make him consistent? One chapter he is a chad, the next he is scared, the nest he is cold and manipulative, the nest he is a ragetard again. And all of this happened in the spam of less than an hour in universe.

It's a pocket dimension outside of time that lets the founder influence on some events if he wants to.
Maybe the vow is that too, it doesn't let the Fritz's influence the past nor the future anymore.

I hope Historia has a miscarriage and both the farmer and Eren die so you all shut up about the ducking father reveal. I hate you all.

This is how things are when you're on the #1 ship.
All the shitposters target you. It's an Yea Forumsncient tradition.

Attached: 1566530656119.jpg (249x211, 34K)

It's almost as if he's supposed to be a multi-dimensional human being with a range of emotions

Don't start now to say EH got destroyed by EM. EH destroyed themselves with their spamming. I want EH to be destroyed completely before raising any topic of EM. Flawless victory

At least two of those replies are the same person who posted that cap, for what it's worth. They shat up the last few threads with similar stuff.

It's like he's not one dimensional!

dubs confrimed

That wouldn’t shut them up, they would still continue arguing like the little faggots they are.

You're right. I'm new to Yea Forums and I was heavily disappointed when I saw EHfags spamming the hell out of every thread with little resistance or non

>oh this part doesn't really make any sense, Chang, I think it'd sound better if you phrased it this way
Translators are French, if I'm not mistaken.

He is when all this emotions are neatly self contained in each chapter, as if Isayama can't make a cohesive progression of the story.

t. Picrelated

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I want to suck Zeke’s cock. Poor guy.

because it was all according to keikeu

>spoilers out
>lol lol lol EH BTFO
>a full chapter out
>more EH hints
Every fucking month.

Attached: 1566871817050.png (864x1129, 852K)

Eh-Chads are not distraught, we will keep moving forward until all lesser shippers are destroyed

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you're going to have to deal with shipping wars no matter where you go, kid. it's just the nature of anime and manga.

Fucking great. Stinking frog-eating pieces of shit.

Made me really sad/happy to see him hugging grisha, I wonder if he agrees with him about stopping eren’s plan now that he’s shown him love?

Go back.

unironically kill yourself in minecraft

Why do all anime fans have such a deep, unhealthy focus on the relationships within a manga? Have you looked at Yea Forums threads? They're all shipfaggotry, it's insane.

No, I'm in many forums. Don't try to lecture me. I'm not your kid. Like I said, I'm in many forums and by far this is the worst. I can't even open this thread in a public space, lots of indecent fanart. Pure rubbish

EM was destroyed years ago though

So, we all know its Reiner holding Eren's baby in final page right?
we can agree that this i what Isayama would write, right?

Attached: Reiner_contemplates_suicide.png (1004x1584, 2.05M)

>someone saved my edit

Attached: 1566973261447.jpg (241x158, 33K)

you can hide threads if you're really that triggered

Just leave you fucking nigger. You clearly don't belong here.

He looks like Zeke

Hasn’t it been a whole year since the pregnancy?

Then FOH, nigger

Wow y’all deadass are crazy

Reiner isn’t going to do shit. His character is really irrelevant now and I don’t know what isayama is going to do with him(though isayama doesn’t know what to do with a lot of his characters)

Even if EH isn't confirmed, omnicidal Eren is a massive ship sinker.

Niggers need to get out

yeah, I know body type doesnt match. more of a shitpost than anything. but with how Isayama loves to make Reiner suffer, I could see him like the idea of the only way he would end with Historia would be as a cuck stepfather

Do you mean homicidal? I think you mean genocidal.

>No, I'm in many forums
you mean reddit?
>Don't try to lecture me. I'm not your kid.
you sure sound like one
>I'm in many forums and by far this is the worst.
gee we haven't heard that before
>I can't even open this thread in a public space, lots of indecent fanart
the fact that you said this just revealed everything we needed to know about who you are, and we'd just like to let you know that it would be better for the both of us if you'd just fuck off

>No, I'm in many forums. Don't try to lecture me. I'm not your kid. Like I said, I'm in many forums and by far this is the worst. I can't even open this thread in a public space, lots of indecent fanart. Pure rubbish
Epic blogpost, retweeted, shared on my tumblr, reposted on reddit and told my discord buddies about it.
Shut the fuck up, your entire post is pure cringe. Don't like it? No one holds you here, in fact one newfag less is gonna make everybody happy.

People think that it's a blond because the hair is uncoloured. But it's only a sketch. The characters hair could be light or dark.

Fuck off back to wherever you came from nigger.

Reiner losing to Connie/Jean last chapter was absolutely pathetic lol

But that looks like a beard too




But you’re not a man eating giant, you don’t even qualify as a pure german. You’re just argentinian.

>Reiner being pathetic
It’s one of his main character traits.

cant wait for the HoAD that will be EH confirmed

Who even uses that word anymore? What is it 1812??? Suck dick. It’s good for you bitch

No, I mean omnicidal, as in omni (all) - cide (killin'). "Genocide" implies there one specific ethnicity (genos) being targeted.

Attached: omnicidal_-_Google_Search_-_2019-09-04_05.10.08.png (540x106, 5K)

All evidence points to no.

kek, go back.

Ok back your soggy mom’s pussy I go

So Annie will save us all confirmed.

>your mom insults

Ok back to riding your dad’s dick :P

>normie newfags itt
i didn't think it could get worse but here we are

Could very well be. I wasn't trying to prove or disprove Reiner.

At least niggers know eh will never be canon KEK

Somehow, evey single new /snk/ thread has manage to reach a new low.

>Mikasacuck still worried

Don’t try to explain to these raw chicken brainlets. Waste of time.

Sorry, I was late and wtf is happening? We got leaks this early? Also, why everyone is saying that EH sank?

do you even know where you are, nigger? get out of your bubble you ledditor faggot. when people don't have to be nice for fear of repercussions you can actually hear what they really believe and how they really think. you have no idea what people are really like because everyone on leddit caters every post towards the goal of whoring for karma and sucking moderator cock. don't just leave this board, please kill yourself while you're at it.

Attached: a pimp.jpg (876x667, 298K)

Leaks usually always start first wednesday of the month.

it's literally one person spamming the thread like an absolute lunatic

Based RationalWiki YHshipper.

Tecnically no, reiner's major weakness are the thunderspears. I like if in pokemon you have a strong one with a really good attack stats but 0 special defense and the foe strike you with a supereffactive special move (example: hitting a leaf/steel like" kartana" with a special fire move like "fire blast" will literally oneshot it)

So please give me rundown of what's happening.

Mostly "muh uncle Zeke memory this chapter" and "Eren only smiling for Historia" shitposters were btfo

What if the reason Eren is so protective of Historia is because he doesn't want her to be affected by PATHs?

Didn't the anime confirm she already is?

>hating uncle Zeke meme
Fuck off

>EM wins
Eren is literally dead and he literally kick off mikasa from his life (even if probably he don't hate her).
>YH wins
Ymir is dead even more than eren, plus whoever is the father, that doens't change the fact that hisu got the D.
>EH loses
We have no proof yet, just speculations. For what we know he can be canon , or maibe no, who knows ?(isayama probably)

>What is it 1812
I wish. But I digress. Now get out, chimp. Watch the anime and twerk to the based scenes like this bitch

Attached: 1567406573172.jpg (910x541, 99K)

someone who
>types like...this!! LMAO EHfurries EHpedos EHfujos LMAO
in broken English is apparently mad about EH's small bump in popularity here and has set out on a one woman crusade to teach anyone who likes it a lesson. Just garden variety autism, but she's dedicated

Based non-retarded user. But he isn't killing Paradis (and maybe Hizuru we don't know)

how are these emotions and characteristics inconsistent? All of that is a typical edgy American.

Attached: 1544639409444.jpg (1024x384, 124K)

Fair. To be honest, I just didn't want to use genocide and there's no word that fits any more closely.

Well I'm getting that hate for EH, what's new in that. I'm asking about the spoilers? Did we got Historia on this chapter? Why the heck EMfags are celebrating victory?

Genocide is closer since he's going to kill all non-eldians

Paradis would be colonized and caged as slaves, the Reiss family would be forced to breed and used as military weapons, and very likely brainwashed, blackmailed even raped.

Of course with only one royal currently alive and not near death like Zeke on the island, Historia would get all these. Either way Historia would be forced to breed and changed into either a pure titan or a shifter, have her offsprings eat her or devour eachother, no matter which side she's on. Siding with Paradis just give her the privilege to maybe choose her spouse and see her friends saved.

Either way Historia couldn't be saved, and we all know Eren's incredible waifufaggotry when it comes to Historia. So the only way to save Paradis and Hustoria at the same time, with his own left lifespan....yeah seems logical to get the whole damn world rumbled. Isayama did say that after learning the truth of the world, Eren tends to think about "I've been a plan of all of these shinanigans my whole life, then why not start being selfish and focus on my self interest from now on?" So he's whole ass selfish here.

Really wonder how Eren persuade Historia with all these mess. She seems to be the person who would've rather sacrificed herself for the 50 years plan over genocide to the whole world. Maybe Eren used her mother instinct about her unborn child's future to persuade her?

More like as recently as 50 yrs ago in the 60s. Go back bitch

Here's the entirety of the spoilers.

Yeah I'm surprised there isn't a word for it to be honest

I mean you could put the same spin on "omnicide"

>epic gamer moment with Grisha and Eren slaughtering a entire family
>all shipping cucks care is about 2 frames of Eren and Mikasa

Neck yourselves

But they are.

Non-Eldians aren't a single race though. Maybe the word extermination works too, since he's wiping out all but a handful humans. Full rumbling exterminatus.

Kiyomi meeting.

>non eldians aren't a single race
I mean I suppose you could say they are all different variety of pigs but thats not really a relevant distinction.

>having your own son tell you to fucking man up
Grisha is not the Chad we thought he was

>Also, why everyone is saying that EH sank?
They've been saying that every month for a year. You should be used to it by now.

Every time there are fake spoilers or ant images people spam "EH DEAD"

>Paradis would be colonized and caged as slaves...

To add to everything you said here, Eldians are becoming obsolete in Marley thanks to advances in non-Titan weaponry and aircraft. So Marley could started culling the Eldian population within the lifetime of Historia's children. They're not even guaranteed a future as slaves.

>Really wonder how Eren persuade Historia with all these mess.
That's what I want to find out the most after these spoilers. If EH is going to be cannon, I'm very curious how much she knows and if that crying reaction is relevant.


Shit bait. Discuss the leaks.

You gaggots have been saying "EH conformed soon!111!!1!" for the past year too

Shippors ar 2 cringey most git bacc 2 reat there skul live pederastful animez

t. samefag

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>every other website sucks exept for this one because reasons

Check em

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wait, you're actually still here and still whining? don't you have anything better to do?


But she's right.

Last for best nose.

Attached: d3468bffa11378c1aa08fb393c24e830.jpg (960x1441, 132K)

at least post some official art

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