What's the appeal of this worthless sack of ashes...

What's the appeal of this worthless sack of ashes? Why do western anime "fans" flock some much to Mexican/Korean soap operas utilizing cheap instagram and Adobe Aftereffects filters? Why do people support the lack of expression, the refusal to utilize animation for its strengths, the inability to construct a multilayered narrative with lasting impact?

Nothing this studio makes is worth the paper it was drawn on. So how come redditors, Mexicans, North Americans, people who hate animation and all the newfags flock so much to it? Is there a live-action equivalent for this phenomenon? Even capeshitters watch products that make use of the mediums strengths by illustrating gigantic battles of genetic freaks going up against aliens.

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Did you cringe?

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2/10, too obvious

They have some all around good works, but nowadays it's just praise for the pretty visuals.

check em

But there's nothing pretty about them. That's the point.

What's your favourite anime OP?

i'm lowering your bait to a 1/10
please, is it so hard to have a shred of creativity?

>unable to defend his own preferences
>wah wah let me divert attention

Can't wait for this trash tier bait to get 348 replies.

you're certainly not helping

>unable to explain
As expected.

I'll personally admit I haven't watched any new KyoAni show for many years now but 1)there's a niche they fill that is very successful and they satisfy that niche well and 2)their working conditions are probably the most you could say are 'good' so considering that they manage to consistently put out high quality animation, obviously people would flock to it as 'the best'

Also you realize the studio's been around for almost 2 decades right? That will obviously pick up fans.

He says, while bumping the thread.

>there's a niche they fill
There isn't. There are plenty of terrible soap operas on television
>their working conditions are probably the most you could say are 'good'
People only say this because they have no clue what the working ocnditions at other studios even look like. Take Toei as an example. Their offices are paradise compared to Kyoto Animations death traps. Why don't you hear anyone talk about it? Becuase the studio doesn't have an obsessive fanbase of Mexicans.
>consistently put out high quality animation
There's nothing high quality about making virtually no use of the medium. A singel Science Saru movie has more artistic merit than Kyoto Animations entire catalogue combined.

oh dear, you've had to revive your own godawful bait from the brink of death. don't worry, i'm sure you'll learn the art one day.

heh amateur

>reddit tier username
>no arguments
I disagreed with OP, but now that I see that KyoAni fans are newfags I agree with him.

Arguing with obvious trolls gives them what they want, user. That shit is elementary.

How is he a troll? He listed some good points, why don't you try to refute them? Doesn't it just make your platform look worse? Or are you deflecting by saying you're too good to argue? So does this mean that all KyoAni fans are actually narcissistic delusional retarded newfags with no basis as to why the studio is actually good?

I feel sorry for you if you can't recognise bottom-of-the-barrel bait like this one. Hint: anyone who flails their arms about Reddit and Mexicans to make a point isn't looking to actually debate you, they're looking for (You)s.

>is it so hard to have a shred of creativity?
Ask Kyoani

I don't need any fucking hints. If you don't like his arguments then tell him that and not me. Stop acting so holier than thou, you're on an anonymous forum. Besides the ad hominems he actually listed some pretty good points. KyoAni works were boring(at least in my opinion), and the love the studio receives is (again in my opinion) not worth it. Some people say it's the BEST. Now, if anything that's fucking bait. KyoAni, best? Let alone good? In your words, that "must be bait" because that opinion is literally too stupid to be true. And regarding your "flailing arms" point, I actually agree with him. I mean, one of the people in this thread literally reply to every post OP makes with the tripname "i r8 your b8". If anything, you're outing yourself as the r*ddit archetype.

>Besides the ad hominems
This is exactly it, though. If he wanted to actually talk about KyoAni, he wouldn't call them a "worthless sack of ashes" or litter his post with hyperbole. Instead he'd just state his points in the way you have. As it stands it's painfully obvious that he wants to bait people.

>worthless sack of ashes
I mean, is he wrong though..?

>call them a "worthless sack of ashes"
Given the amount of people who died, I am sure they'd manage to fill up a sack. And given the lack of value they had to the industry or the artform itself, it seems reasonable to call them worthless.


Here's a (You)

Why did you make this thread? Do you honestly have nothing better to do? Go get a job or something.

This is a fucking imageboard, a fast one at that, not reddit. If you hold your punches your thread gets archived after 3 replies. The sad state of this userbase is that unless you bait them, they'd rather go shitpost in shounenshit/moeshit not-generals. I don't agree with all points of the OP (although I'm not a huge fan of KyoAni either) but I definitely agree with their methods, that is just what this hellhole has grown to deserve.

And so you'd rather people appeased said userbase rather than call this bullshit out for what it is? We'll have to disagree then.

Get a life OP

Old Kyoani was good.
Nu-Kusoani (2012-2019) was cancer incarnate. Hopefully the arson killed for good the KA Bunko scam and their attempts at being a publisher, responsable for the trash teenage melodrama LNs they animated lately. But unfortunately the director of the only 2 good shows they made in these last 7 years is dead as well.

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No, appeasing userbase is what you do on reddit. If you have an unpopular opinion your thread gets downvoted. That's the difference between there and here, you can post unpopular opinions on Yea Forums. Getting anyone to challenge your viewpoints is the hard part, since that requires mental capacity and if you just clalmly state your points, people will keep shitposting and ignore you. That's why we need a containment board for generals, if actual opinion/discussion threads didn't immediately sink in garbage people would not have to get down to this level in order to attract any discussion. Banning generals doesn't help if no one (including the jannies) gives a fuck and they post them anyway.

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The isekai one is pretty good.

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It had great potential. Shame about repeating Isekai.

2000s KyoAni is good so fuck you

Jeez we get it user you suck dick and get gangbanged by 5 black dudes on a daily basis

Trip over and hit your head hard on concrete.

Do they pay their writers? It’s amazing that these graphics are wasted on such shitty writing

>thread falls to page 10 three times
>OP tries to revive it three times
Just move on.

I loved chunnibyo but I had no idea that Dekimori and the I love sleep girls were thrown in by Kyoani... It really made me wonder what the show would be like without them. Would it be better or worse if they hadn't tampered with it?


Shit bait boomer.

You should remember to sage, zoomer.

>Why do western anime "fans" flock some much to Mexican/Korean soap operas utilizing cheap instagram and Adobe Aftereffects filters?
You are retarded if you think KyoAni is more popular in the west than in Japan.