Jujutsu Kaisen

Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about this one? Supposedly it's very popular in nipland. I think outside of having some of the most jarring fucking pacing I've ever seen in shonenshit, it's surprisingly solid and well-written, and I fucking love the choreography and artwork.

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Because it went to shit after the first arc

The first arc was the worst part though. Mahito was where it got really good and every other arc was about the same level of quality or better.

The current arc is so fucking weird and badly paced I find it so hard to keep up with it
It's so hard to maintain an interest when you have really no idea what's happening or why something's suddenly happening

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Overshadowed by a better version

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I find I end up confised by a lot in this series, but I fixed it by reading slower. Unironically reading slower worked for me because I find it's kind of dense on the details (and reuses information often without reexplaining it to the audience, making it harder to keep track of week-to-week)

What's about it, nerd? Give me a short synopsis on why it is special.

It's pretty cool, but i have no idea what's happening anymore.

Flashback arcs are lame, or at least lame when they're done in a similar fashion to Jujutsu's flashback arc.
Flashbacks are better when they explain how characters ended up the way they are, when they reveal mysteries, and when they're tied heavily to things happening in an actual non-flashback arc.
But here, they introduce new stuff, drop on us new crazy stuff and explain it with heavy dialogue, and last but not least, it expects us to be invested in its plotline, and be engaged with its stakes, when we already know characters who matter already survived the events.
It's just not good, and I hope it ends soon.
The forst arc, while not that old, still holds the title of the best arc, and I really hope the story manages to return to shape.

it's good but I think that there are currently 2 issues.
Current arc is ch 0 tier, it's very good but it is too abrupt and without any introduction as points out. If it was published as a standalone story or a gaiden this effect would have been somewhat dampened.
As for , Akutami has not any previous work attracting the audience while Fujimoto's Chainsaw Man has the Fire Punch
crowd. This is what, in my opinion, causes Chainsaw Man to have more attention. Just think this, Denji gets a raw thread while Yuuji doesn't.
Morever, Jujutsu is a bit lacking on the comedy side when compared to Chainsaw.
There's also the fact that it gets published for free online regularly, so there's no build-up in interest due to the wait or scanlation attention.

The current arc is killing my interest in the manga because it's completely pointless in the grand scheme of things
How am I supposed to feel any tension when a dude gets stabbed when I know he's gonna be okay because he shows up later? It's fucking stupid

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There was nothing good about the first arc. Why do all you fags try so hard to fit in.

teens hunting demon/ghosts or wathever is a tired trope, why no Shonen Jump manga about space cops or mechas?

-likable main cast with good chemistry and solid supporting characters
-interesting monster and villain designs
-good fight scenes
-good artwork
-reminds me of comfy early bleach
it's pretty good. wish jamini didn't drop it because viz is kinda trash but whatever. really hope the author is set on itadori dying like they say he will but i doubt it since it is a shonen manga.

It's supposed to be the HxH of this generation but it just doesn't take off in the west. I hope it gets an anime soon. And a good adaptation hopefully.

dunno, but I like it

I've tried to get into it a couple of times. Apart from sometimes being difficult to follow I am just not that invested in the characters or plot

I do, it's actually in my top 3 when it comes to current WSJ desu.

While i was weirded out by how this arc came out of nowhere the last 5-6 chapters really changed my opinion about it.

>Jujutsu is a bit lacking on the comedy side when compared to Chainsaw.
Which is a shame cause chapters like the baseball match or about Yuuji's classmate were really funny imo at least.

It's an overall solid manga with some pretty good fights. There's just not anything about it that stands out too much.

>likable main cast with good chemistry and solid supporting characters
Was really surprised about this. Not saying that it's special but the characters aren't as trope-y as you'd usually expect in Jump, really enjoy watching them interact.

>I am just not that invested in the characters or plot
To be honest it took me a while but after Junpei's arc i started caring a lot about them, so if you have time try giving it another shot.

Because there's no hype whatsoever, it's an okay series that just quietly does its thing, kinda like Kekkaishi.

Oh, there was in interview with JK's editor, didn't know it got a new one (he was the editor of BC before).

>Team JUMP: Are there any major differences between being the editor on Black Clover and being the editor on Jujutsu Kaisen?
>Tatsuhiko Katayama: Let’s see… For Black Clover, the main work is coming up with story ideas together with Tabata Sensei. Oh, though once the idea is decided, everything is super smooth. With Jujutsu Kaisen, all the ideas are already there, so it’s more about deciding the direction. With Black Clover, we have the direction; it’s just about coming up with the ideas on how to get there. I think that’s the biggest difference.

>Team JUMP: What would you say to encourage a new reader to check out Jujutsu Kaisen?
>Tatsuhiko Katayama: Let’s see… What I usually say is, it’s a shonen manga for adults or a more mature manga for kids. Meaning, adults will be reminded of how they felt when they were younger, and kids can read it and feel like they’re growing up. They get to see a glimpse of a cool, adult world. So basically, it’s a series that anyone can enjoy! That’s the basic sales pitch that I came up with. But to be more specific, the dialogue is really sharp. All the characters are really unique and speak as if they are real people. That’s what sets it apart from other series. Also, the plot is really dire. Like the main character almost dies immediately, and there’s some really grotesque stuff in it. But the themes of the story require that. It’s not just thrown in there without reason. How will the characters develop under these cruel conditions? It’s serious, but it touches your heart. That’s the kind of manga it is. Sorry that was so long.

That's all they say about Jujutsu, in case anyone wanted to read about it.

Space and mecha era are end in 2000

It's about the how. How Getou changed to become who he is, and how Gojo ended up surviving that day. I thought that much was clear. Tension isn't just "does he die or not".

this, even if right now I'm more interested in whether the Star Plasma Vessel is dead for good or if there is a super extra keikaku to save her

Also got some info on Tengen and how the school works.

I had this same issue early on but I ended up really loving chars and plot at around the Goodwill Event arc.

>all the ideas are already there
Certainly. I think this is one of those series that just gets better and better on rereads. Akutami is surprisingly solid with foreshadowing, setup, and weaving threads together, even in its earliest chapters. I guess after reading enough Kimetsu no Yaiba I've started to really miss those things, though

>reveal mysteries
Master Tengen and Megumi's dad both had threads of intrigue set up prior to this arc, though. Their existences are hardly crazy new.
>how characters ended up the way they are
Getou is the main antagonist currently. Is wanting to know what lead to that not enough?
>be engaged with its stakes when we already know characters who matter already survived
As the others have said, there's more to stakes and keeping interest besides "do they live?"

I think the transition into the arc could have been better at least, so it was like Gojo recounting stories in the present or sonething, instead of an abrupt "oh we're in the past now". The actual contents of the arc, however, are fine.

Let's be real user. Regardless if whether it's good or bad, there is simply an over saturation of shounen battle series being touted as The Next Big Thing™️

I've been enjoying it a lot, the way the cast interacts with each other is a lot of fun and Yuuji is a good protagonist but I wish the story would move a bit faster too. 70 chapters in and Yuuji hasn't shown any signs of learning Sukunas or his own technique, and we're currently in the middle of a flashback that came out of nowhere.

>or his own technique
Divergent Fist is his own, Toudou even helped him practise with it.

Divergent fist isn't a technique it's just lagging magic energy.

I took Jujutsu in my teens, we never user hammer and nails though.

I always thought that was his technique but i'm skimming through the earlier chapters and you're right. I should probably go for a re-read.


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The pacing is honestly my only issue. Power system is interesting, battles are great, characters are fun and engaging, worldbuilding has only really got better and better, arcs have enough scenarios so as to not be too repetitive and the villains don't suck. It's the fact that the early few arcs were breakneck and then this sudden shift to a flashback arc that throws me off. Otherwise it feels above solid and I hope an anime adaptation does it justice.

I wonder if the abrupt slowdown of the pacing coincides with the change of editor. Can't be bothered to check since, personally, i don't really mind it.

the date chapter was better

You mean, it's like that?!

>Getou is the main antagonist currently. Is wanting to know what lead to that not enough?
It doesn't feel like they're going to show what made him switch sides in this arc, but maybe I'm wrong because it would definitely be better that way.
>As the others have said, there's more to stakes and keeping interest besides "do they live?"
But that's exactly what this manga expects me to be interested in. A shocking development like a main character getting "killed" is treated like a big happenstance when we already know he survived, the arc sadly is not teasing the how which would've been better, but also requires the arc to be set over a longer period of time in the story.

>It doesn't feel like they're going to show what made him switch sides in this arc, but maybe I'm wrong because it would definitely be better that way.
Doesn't Getou keep repeating about how all the "Monkeys that can't even use curse energy should die" or something in the prequel? I'd say Fushidad is at least the trigger for Getou's fall (if not outright the sole reason).


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Good taste.

treebeard is cool
I like him a lot

It's honestly too smart for the average user. I don't even mean that ironically. It requires you to make inferences based on small things that seem unimportant. It also has really quick pacing, the flashback arc came out of nowhere and has been going on for a really long time with no point, and the art is really scratchy which isn't as popular as clean art.

I enjoy it because of how smart the characters are. Sukuna mainly is quite intimidating of a mc-possessing demon, compared to something similar from another manga like naruto or bleach.

Viz did the 3 chapter "Jump Start" for it then ignored it until they switched models releasing chapters 4-6 and skipping to 40 (at the time most recent) and still 9 months later nothing for chapters 7-39. They licensed it for a physical release although I think volume 1 stops with chapter 7 so potentially there's a lot of people who just gave up after waiting a year for 1 or 2 chapters.

In addition there were virtually no scans for months.
And when it came out it was irregularly.

Its incredibly unengaging despite all the cool concepts it has. Battles are riddled with too much expository dialogue and the terms upon terms that get introduced and re-introduced get repetitive.

I agree with pretty much all of this, the pacing doesn't even particularly bother me that much most of the time, this flashback arc is the only time I felt like it was a really sudden switch. The battles are definitely my favorite part, they all flow really well and have great choreography. The fact that the MC's only real special power is a really good punch yet I'm still the most excited for when he shows up to fight is a testament to how well the hand to hand stuff is done in this series.

>The fact that the MC's only real special power is a really good punch yet I'm still the most excited for when he shows up to fight is a testament to how well the hand to hand stuff is done in this series.
I'd say it's one of the rare cases that I don't mind any of the characters getting the spotlight (either for a fight or more SoL-ish stuff), they're all fun desu.

Overrated shit

Can any Jujutsufags help me on this? What exactly was meant when Megumi came to this conclusion in this arc? Are Sukuna's fingers awakening cursed spirits? I thought Yuji already knew people might get hurt for as long as Sukuna's fingers were around (back in the chapter with the principal), so what exactly is the revelation here?

I find this series really expects me to keep track of a lot of minor shit, which I think is a nice strength because it shows it's been really plotted out, but also I'm dense as fuck

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Pretty much, but what "activated" the rest of the fingers (which started to attract spirits) was when Yuuji ate the finger in the first chapter. It's why Megumi told Nobara not to mention anything to Yuuji, cause he'd probably start blaming himself.


Is Nobara one of best Shonen Jump girls?

Don't people here like Hunter x Hunter? Expository dialogue should be par for the course.

Easily. My only thing so far is that she hasn't had any meaningful character conflicts like Yuji and Megumi. She plays the role of competent straight girl, but she at least plays it damn well, in a way that isn't boring.

It's not like there's a lot of competition desu.

HxH also gets slammed for that shit the only difference is that basis to how the system works is understandable its just the individual abilities that's convoluted. Jujutsu just throws everything out without explaining the basics so while intricate its hard to be hyped when you don't even know how a character came up with the solution to win. I can see why most battle shounen don't even bother having systems because they detract too much for the fun of reading.

yeah, she's pretty damn good
though there isn't much competition
>inb4 some animeonly faggot goes b-b-but my bamboo muncher

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blind butterfly > bamboo muncher

>Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about this one?
Yea Forums only really gave a shit because it was initially looking to be another pillar but its subside when nothing interesting was happening in the series itself and that Nips only really liked it due to its aesthetics.
>Female character does one cool thing

Everytime and I like Nobara too.

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nobara does lots of cool things though

This. It doesn't matter how interesting your battle system is if I don't even know how shit even works. Bleach at its peak was hype because there was only a few things to memorize so when a character used their "Bankai" there was a reason to get excited by with this its hard to really tell.

>Jobbed in her first mission
>Lost to Maki's sister
No? That was pretty much the only cool thing she's done since the manga started.

>only fights matter
She's an enjoyable character in general, has great chemistry with the rest of the cast (both her teammates and Maki/Panda) and marrying the MC isn't one of her goals.

I don't think it's whether or not Gojo lives or dies, but rather that now we know he's not completely invulnerable which could make stakes higher on future arcs (since previously the moment Gojo shows up it's all over for the enemy right away), and like other user said, Getou hates non jujutsu users and dad can't use jujutsu

I love Nobara but honestly Noelle and Yonagi are up there as well

Fuck off BCfag

Jujutsu has been easy as fuck to understand though, only reason you wouldn't get it is if you were speedreading. While I wouldn't even blame you for speedreading because of the way this series is paced, it's really not very confusing at all. Gojo explains the basics directly to Yuji, and they've applied to just about every fight.
>Cursed power is the amount of power you have - you can control its flow through your body
>Cursed technique are abilities related to your cursed power
>Cursed tools let you fight curses and are imbued with cursed power
>Everyone's unique abilities (Nobara's dolls, Megumi's shadows, Todo's Boogie Woogie, Nanami's linesegment thingy) are examples of techniques
>Area/Territorial Expansion is when you channel all your cursed energy into making a field that buffs you

This is all legit explained in less than 20 chapters - any other abilities are shown to just be another form of cursed technique (like Mechamaru being a guy controlling a robot, Geto's curse control, or Kamo's blood thing). After that the series adds onto things in a fairly straightforward manner.
>If you delay your body's cursed power as close to your strikes as possible, you distort space and do double damage
>You can buff the effectiveness of your techniques by explaining their function to the enemy first

The only thing we don't actually know about which is too vague to be comprehensible is the exact nature of "Contracts" - the main contract used was recently named as "Heavenly Restriction" (where you explain your powers for a buff), but we see for example Nanami has one called Overtime which buffs him if he drags a fight out long enough.

Contracts aside, I don't really understand where the confusion comes from. I'm guessing the issue is that you're more caught up on the specifics of certain powers - all that really needs to be known about Gojo is that he warps space and blows things up. It's just another type of technique.

>Jujutsu has been easy as fuck to understand though,
No it does not. That;'s actually a consist complaint about the series is how the system handwaves a lot of shit hence why people have a hard time getting what's going on.

>Jujutsu has been easy as fuck to understand though
>long winded post explaining the system

Here's Bleach system in comparison
>Kido - Spells
>Shikai-Initial state of your weapon
>Bankai-Full release


Gash Bell


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take your Yea Forums-tier reaction image and fuck off outta here

Gojo literally explains the core of it in chapter 12. Whenever a new character pops up, they straight up say that their abilities are cursed technique. Every ability in the series is a form of cursed technique, with the exception of Yuji's, which is just powerlag (which is also explained). What exactly is confusing about it?

Anyone can do that though.
>Technique - abilities
>Power - ki
>Tools - tools with ki
>Territory Expansion - area buff

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>>Territory Expansion - area buff
it's a bit more than that

>Bankai-Full release
And then you have Bankai ranging from simple shit like Byakuya's to the whole theater of Shunsui's or whatever the hell Shinji's is from the novels.

>dome out of ki that makes you never miss, huh

it's not about the abilities, it's about how they're explained
every cursed technique is explained over multiple pages with convoluted wording
Mahito for example has the ability to change people's exterior looks and control them by reshaping their core, but the author chooses to explain it over several chapters for some reason, let alone characters like Gojo.

Did Fushiguro's dad just straight up ice a high school girl?

I'll give you Gojo (in part because the specifics behind his power are genuinely abstract and confusing) but Mahito only really clearly and plainly says "i can modify the shape of the soul, and people die if i fuck with it too much". He does ramble to Junpei and Nanami, but it's more about his philosophy rather than his power.

I do understand what you mean though - sometimes the series doesn't need to explain stuff too deeply but does so anyway, which ends up being a pacebreaker at the absolute least.

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Yes he did and it's why I love him. You got all that crazy supernatural stuff going on and he just shot her, he's surprisingly efficient.

Gojo's infinity is kinda like Zeno's tortoise paradox I think, the rest is normal spatial manipulation.

Never forgetti

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Idk guys, I just want to get my balls nailed to a wall by Nobara


I hope that many people will like JJK after becoming an anime.
I'm waiting one step ahead!

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Do you realize where you are? People will shit on it months before it arrives, and when it does, the only threads we'll get will be animeonlies and shitposters

Chainsawman > This shit

>How Getou changed to become who he is
Shit, I had all but forgotten about him. I could swear Getou hadn't been in the manga before the flashback.

I really like it, but I wish they worked this flashback into the story a bit more smoothly. Either its because its been a few weeks, or my memory is shit, but I completely forgot what was happening before and I feel like we were just thrust into this out of no where.

I enjoy both the best

If you're talking about what's going on in the present, currently nothing. The last chapter before the flashback was a cute filler chapter dedicated to Yuji's old friend wanting to hook up with him.

>there's already 6 volumes of the manga
>i have to wait until December just to get the first one
fuck i'm dying