
Anyone reading this? Already in chapter 60

Also, next week it will get a redo of chapter 1 in WSM...with everybody naked

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Seo is a fucking madman

what is the name of the manga retard there are a billion mangas with hitman in the name

I rarely see it mentioned on Yea Forums so there mustn't have much drama, is Seo losing his touch?

I always wonder if Seo only stays afloat and gets always get another chance because of his nude and sex chapters after the series get axed.
Hitman not that hard to find, user
It's pretty much Bakuman from an editor's perspective with less romance than his previous works.

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Just Hitman, you idiot

It is getting tons of drama and romance desu. There has already been kissing and double NTR

>Double NTR
Intriguing. how does double NTR work?

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I can’t find 60 online anywhere.

>check author

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Does Seo draw genitalia for his characters or only breasts and nipples?

it won't have best girl, so I'm a little disappointed

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will Seo finally draw dicks?

Oh is Seo done with Fuuka?

pretty much. it's actually rather dull.
But then, so was Fuuka for much of its run and towards the end

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Wow, the translations are really behind.

60's out next week.
Raws are up to 59, but I think the translated chapters are at least 10 chapters behind

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>I always wonder if Seo only stays afloat and gets always get another chance because of his nude and sex chapters after the series get axed.
I was disappointed that the retard neighbour's recent-ish fantasy sex chapter didn't have any actual sex in it

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>bring it on
What am I bringing where?

So where is OP pic from?

Man I miss Kimi no Iru Machi.

Am i retarded or there only translation of 44 chapters?

I guess that's up to you
Seo's twitter

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>redo of chapter 1 in WSM...with everybody naked
Man why don't more manga do this

>Fuuka had a chapter just about the Kimi Machi cast
>Mangaka from Kimi Machi is a recurring character in Hitman
>Entire arc in Hitman about interviewing Kimi Machi Asuka and making a manga about I'm sorry I found a girl I like
I think Seo misses it, too.

Attached: Hey, you should read Kimi no Iru Machi!.png (906x1300, 281K)

No I miss the rage, drama and the NTR.

Not that I don't appreciate the cards being saved, but I really wish there was an archive for these games.

Fuuka ended over a year ago

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I was always a little disappointed that i seemed like the only person on Yea Forums that actually played it.
It's a pity too, that only some of the cards were saved as well

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>Man I miss Kimi no Iru Machi.
it had the best dumb drama and the best girls

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If I could, I would. Seo dating sim when?

Someone please tell me this is some Golgo 13 tribute manga.

>Does Seo draw genitalia for his characters or only breasts and nipples?
just breasts and nipples, sadly.

I'm curious to see how he'd draw dicks

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It was a little hard to sympathize with her "I'm quitting because people on the Internet said mean things" bit, but she's just so darn cute.

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Same guy that did Suzuka isn't it?

>Seo dating sim when?
shit, I remember I had some shitposts about this in mind, back in the day. I don't recall if I ever posted them, though.

Like, one of them was something along the lines of "it'll be a dating sim where instead of getting girls by giving them things, saying nice things about them and taking them to interesting places, you earn their affection by sulking and feeling sorry for yourself"

Also, on the character select the characters would be rated by difficulty and Mina Nagoshi'd be "Dante must die"

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Yeah, I wasn't quite feeling the drama.
The bit at the start of the recent chapter where she melodramatically showed up to save the main heroine was funny.

Easily the cutest character so far, too.
I hope if she eventually gets a sex chapter, Seo doesn't have a time-skip and age her up.

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>Mina Nagoshi'd be "Dante must die"
I'm now imagining everything being Sakamoto's multi-year keikaku to get with Nagoshi.

I was asking mainly because OP looks like he’s finally drawing the nether regions for both genders.

it was probably his longest-running series.
Though I've always thought of Suzuka as his definitive one

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With just his own characters or with others, Seo needs to do more one-off crossovers.

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>If I could, I would.
were you here in 2015?
Back then, in virtually every Seo-related thread I saw, I posted images from the game in the vain hope of getting people interested in it.

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I didn't pick up Kimi Machi until December of that year. Sorry, user.

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nah, that's OK, it can't be helped. it feels more like you missed out because you do seem to have been interested

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sadly, no. Seo doesn't seem totally oblivious to classic manga, i recall Suzuka had a nod to Hentai kamen in it

So who won in fuuka?

>makes a supernatural ecchi issue series
>has no tentacle rape
Goddammit Seo!

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Fuuka2, unsurprisingly

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>Fuuka1 comes back as a ghost to give them her blessing
I'm not even mad.

He will never draw male genitalia, it's censored and he's not drawing hentai. And the censorship is a blessing in disguise because the dicks nips draw look like turds

When did he start drawing male nipples then?

ages ago, but I'm not sure if you've misunderstood that guy's post, or are just taking it the wrong way for a laugh

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Somehow I feel like Seo's becoming desperate to get attention for Hitman. I mean he even had to bring back both the Kimi Machi cast AND Blue Wells. Is it really doing THAT poorly?

>blessing in disguise because the dicks nips draw look like turds
how dare you

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well, he does cameos of his older series in everything he makes

I'll admit, I normally like seeing his older characters again(though I still want to run Haruto over with a steamroller)

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he needs to do cross-over porn between his own work where the various heroes fuck each others girlfriends/wives

This is the single most rage inducing page in the history of fiction

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even worse that trucking Fuuka?

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It's the main reason I read his stuff, but even I feel like he needs to get on with it.

Even worse than Eba's?

which Eba page?

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Kimi Machi had a lot of rage-inducing scenes throughout its run, but the Asuka-dumping scene's probably the apex

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Both Haruto and Eba are horrible, but at least Haruto had the decency to dump Asuka in person rather than going no contact which Eba did.

>he needs to get on with it.
How do you mean, "get on with it?"

Seo needs to make a yuri manga. It will boost his popularity again.

This is when I realised this book was going to end in shit.

it's not something he's ever really went-in for

It wasn't the best choice of words, but I meant he should try to avoid stuff like the "make a manga about something that happened in Kimi Machi" arc. Much as I like to see them again, the special chapters for the Hitman tanks probably shouldn't be about Kimi Machi characters, either.

I dunno, i think the fact it's about a manga editor means that Seo's previous works provide resonable fodder for stories.

The kiss

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And the "double NTR" I don't know who is the girl with Kenzaki (I think a childhoold friend), but after the kiss, Tsubasa saw them in a bar, with the girl kissing Kenzaki in the cheek, so minunderstanding happened and Tsubasa is pretty jealous

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>MC suddenly gets 200% more handsome

>mfw isekai protags can return to their home worlds

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Fucking based. Also Tsubasa a best.

The legend lives on.

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Seo should write isekai.

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I still think he shouldn't have killed her

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>no 1.0 and 2.0 threesome
Explain this

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>tfw no 1.0 isekai yet

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You wouldn't fuck a ghost.

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damn. ace attorney phoenix never looked better

Fuuka 1 needs to keep her halo on during it

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Isn't Fukka 1 in isekailand?

she pops back from time to time for ghostly help

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>it's not something he's ever really went-in for

Well seems it's considering since Yuri is getting more popular now. It's time to jump in the bandwagon for now.

I know, but in previous cases it seemed to be more like fan service. This time it seems like an attempt to boost interest. Even the Japanese don't seem to care so much about the manga, which is kind of ironic for a manga called "Hitman".

>Even the Japanese don't seem to care so much about the manga
how do you know that?

well, he did have that one lesbian in Kimi machi, but he phased her out pretty quickly

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I think they're a bigger part of Hitman because there's more of a legit reason to make them part of the story, whereas there wasn't really much reason to make the earlier characters do anything other than cameo in his other manga

I've been lurking Japanese sites and there isn't much talk about it at all. Also if I recall correctly the sales aren't so good either.

Why isn't a based user translating this?

>next week it will get a redo of chapter 1 in WSM...with everybody naked

>You wouldn't fuck a ghost.

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Do not worry. He will return.

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It's being translated by Fallen Angel Scans, but they're way way behind.

He'll will jump in regardless if he's lesbians getting dicked card. I would want him work on a full yuri series.

I doubt he could do that without an arc where one of them cheats on the other with a guy.

It's really a shame, too. Despite the mountain range of flaws his stuff has, I really enjoy it. Hope he finds a direction that works soon or bites the bullet and makes a Kimi Machi spin-off.

Seo's twitter

>or bites the bullet and makes a Kimi Machi spin-off.
I'd want a reboot/alternate world version of the early college Kimi Machi era, throwing in characters from his other series, and it being about them all getting dicked in college

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I'd settle for just what was happening with the other characters. A good chunk of them do end up getting hitched, after all.

I might enjoy that, but then I remember my revulsion at how Nanami ended up and with who

It could have been worse. Imagine if she stuck with Haruto.

Nipples are allowed in manga, cocks aren't allowed unless you censor it with a huge black bar or white beam, unless he wants to turn his work into a H-manga and just publish it on hentai magazines

Haruto sucks, but people at least need to get to know him before he can disappoint them

Yuri NTR or reverse would be his best work at best. I think yuri would do good for him down the road if he does this.

it's been too long since the last, "SEEOOOOOOOO"

It's not that he hasn't had maddening stuff lately, it's just that few people seem invested enough to care.

Kind of surprised that Seo hasn't given personal data for any of the Hitman characters yet, unlike with his previous manga where even the minor characters got birthdays and blood types.

Not that those numbers ever make sense, but you'd think that'd go hand in hand with a nude chapter.

I remember always wishing he'd do more with the established supporting cast in Kimi Machi. There's be like 20 chapters between them showing up(and when they did, what Seo did with them would often make you wish he hadn't bothered).
According to the popularity polls, they were still some of the most popular characters throughout, so the series would probably do better if he used them more. and it's not like they couldn't be used to generate plotlines and stories

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So maybe when that nude Chapter 1 or whatever comes out?

I dunno, I don't think any of the drama in Hitman really matches up to the stronger Kimi Machi/Suzuka/Fuuka rage-points

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I don't think there's been much drama in Hitman thus far?

Also, did you anons know that Fuuka 2.0 was based on Eir Aoi?

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I think he's a bit sporadic with his profiles.
IIRC Suzuka & Fuuka took a surpirsing time to include profiles, whereas Kimi Machi & Princess Lucia got them in the earliest tankobons.

Who was the most minor character to get a profile, would you say?
My money;s either on Nanami's slutty friend or the Tennis circle playboy guy.
(characters who only appear in the guidebook probably shouldn't count).

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there's been drama in Hitman, but it's been pretty weak for Seo

Even if it's just one-off's like Rin's bonus chapters or Miyu's gag chapters, I think it'd work. While I understand that it is his story, I found it a little annoying that he always had to bring everything back to Haruto, despite having such a strong cast.

Maybe, IIRC with Fuuka we only got profiles for the main cast at first and we didn't profiles for everyone else until around the time the anime was airing.

Was she? Ah well
The one thing I really thought about Fuuka 2.0 was that she got progressively less-hot as the series progressed

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I saw it on the Japanese Wikipedia article for the series, apparently Seo mentioned it in a guidebook or interview.

>with everybody naked
to be honest, I don't think it'll be all that satisfying.
Seo's best fanservice moments tend to be when things are depicted from certain angles, or things get sexual.
Regular sort of panels, but with nudity, don't seem like they'd be all that alluring.

When I first heard about this, I could've sworn it was announced as a bonus chapter for the Tankobon.
The only reason I can think of for him to do it in the main magazine instead, is to draw more attention to the series.

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Personally, I don't find Seo's art that alluring even when he tries, but, yeah, it seems like "these pages, but nude" would lack the proper positioning for it to be erotic.

Princess Lucia was the best Seo manga by a wide margin

I dare you to fucking prove me wrong

Half&Half exists. So does Half&Half.


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