What obscure hobby should get an anime next? My vote goes to amateur astronomy.
What obscure hobby should get an anime next? My vote goes to amateur astronomy
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Underwater basket weaving.
Then the stupid fuckers drown to death.
Hoshizora no Memoria adaptation when
The fine art of masterbation
Astronomy is stupid. I mean, you're just looking at light that's getting to your eyes from years ago, not the actual objects.
>amateur astronomy.
There's one coming in January 2020 by Doga Kobo
But isnt that just fantastic in its own right user?
Seeing is stupid. I mean, you're just looking at light that's getting to your eyes from 1x10^-whatever seconds age, not the actual objects.
how is that stupid thats part of what makes it so cool lol...
How new are you?
Makes us feel like the insignificant worms we are on this retarded hunk of space shit.
but sora no manimani already exists
Amazingly this opinion is common among zoomers and commies
They always say "don't spend for up there, when you should be focusing up here!"
t. Yea Forums's resident assistant astronomy professor
focusing down here*
The large-scale structure stuff is pretty cool.
Shit worms indeed
I had the same thing in mind, even an idea of a manga. But seeing I'm actually surprised there is one.
Is it any good?
does the coolness scale?
Japanese woodblock printmaking. And give Dave a cameo
Sora no Manimani
Even now when I look up at the stars, I think of that song
Being transported into another world
Aye, you can tell the author really cares about the subject
>Is it any good?
It's comfy.
It's all I need, then.
that already exists
Crawling around on a dirt layer filled with petrified dinosaur turds and decomposing prostitutes murdered by serial rapist/murderers. I don't understand why this world is such an uncaring fuckfest of mutilated baby fetuses mutated into commie chink normie mindslaves. Oh my Jesus! Send a fucking killrock to this writhing nightmare ruled by money crazed Jews and their flesh puppet factory workers.
That's just your anus, user.
Astronomy? Anime being deliciously perverted, they'll be using an amateur telescope to spot some spherical objects. Big, bouncing, mighty milk mounds.
>Big, bouncing, mighty milk mounds
Aquascaping and fishkeeping
Having watched the theater play Felix Starro last Saturday, faith healing could use a proper analysis. Many people focus too hard on the "healing" part as if it causes physical changes, but the real purpose is to boost the patient's mental confidence so that the despair of dying sooner than they like is whittled down (aka the faith is the part being healed).
You ruined it.
In awe of the size of that lad.
His Giga Drill broken anus.
Cock and ball torture.
Traditional Ukiyo-e printmaking. Each episode could be dedicated to a single print, and it could tell the story both through the characters making it, and the scenes and people depicted in the print.
Skateboarding it's a must, even more taking in count it's now an olympic sport.
How dare you say that on an underwater basket weaving forum
How about a bird watcher getting isekai'd
That band.
There is an Ukiyo-e manga now.
Wasnt Prince of Stride about parkour?
70s rock and roll.
Gunpla building, but without the battle aspect(or maybe with Idk) but a show that brings things down to earth and just showcases a small group of mecha otaku or just otaku in general, but their main thing is building plamo/gunpla.
The episodes could even have expository segments where the characters describe the process so you get a tutorial within the context of the episode.
Tonally and aesthetically it would be grounded in reality like Genshiken.
Even more cancerous than anything we've got here.
Let's forget that anime existed and get a good parkour anime.
Prince of Stride was hot garbage. I don't even think the most hardcore of fujoshi liked it.
A couple of tumblers did like it though.
Well shit, didn't think anyone out there would find joy in that inept series.
4girl with a dog walking arubeito or working at a rescue center
Surely convincing otaku to adopt pets isn't beyond Abe's schemes?
Cute girls curling club
imagine all the knot porn
PC building.
Plastic model making/calligraphy needs a season 2.
I'd fucking love this. It could even be about plamo in general if sunrise wants to be picky and I'd still be completely down.
I just want something realistic and informative in a fun way.
What is Serial Experiments Lain?
Rock climbing.
Kokou no Hito and the Yama no Susume OVA don't count.
Model Railroading, specifically rideable live steam
yes I want to see am another burning anime studio too
shortwave radio
>anime that appeals to train otakus
too soon
wait was the dude who burnt down kyoani also a trainhomo? god damnit what is it about trains that attracts such autists?
No, he wasn't, there was just a meme floating around about him being a train otaku.
solo deep sea yachting is also acceptable
it wouldnt surprise me eitherway. I cant walk 10 feet in my hobby without running into some Asperger addled manchild who writes down engine numbers and can tell a train from its horn.
I just wanna play with my little trains damnit
Being a vtuber.
So not the vtuber herself but the seiyuu portraying her? Could be interesting but probably a bit too "behind the curtain" for such a popular fad right now.
I was just literally thinking about Sora no Manimani the other day for no reason.
Tarantula-keeping. The OBT can be the tsundere.
>main character inherits radio kit from grandfather
>diy radio electronics-chan from her school takes extreme interest in the vintage tech even though mc doesn't know anything about it
>gets mc to get her licence
>also meet baofeng-chan,
>and marine-chan
>the school ham club goes on activities like marine-chan's yachting,
>high-speed telegraphy tournaments,
>high-altitude ballooning,
>ELF monitoring,
>radio astronomy,
>satellite telemetry,
>and maybe some form of radio geohashing
If it wasn't a slice of life you could also go the mystery route, which would be tracking down an anomalous radio signal (probably in russia), which is either the commies or aliens. Perhaps it starts with debris of a satellite containing some form of information. Again, yachting.
Sora no Manimani and Hoshizora Kiseki
Can high schoolers even get a ham license in Japan, let alone one that lets them do HF? I've heard licensing is a PITA compared to the US.
>pirate radio
It can be a Shinkai movie if he continues to make these sappy romance stories.
>What obscure hobby should get an anime next?
My top three "unironically SUPER interesting hobbies that sound gay/boring" are:
-Bug Catching
^ Any one of these hobbies you could treat with autistic detail or obsession and you'd still produce an incredibly popular anime. If I had to pick one, though, I'd go with fishing because it's the more visually interesting one and has a lot to offer in terms of FISH AUTISM and excellent scenery.
There was a fishing cgdct anime announced recently.
I fuckin' loved Tsuritama.
Both for the fishing AND the gayness.
Is there an hunting anime?
I want to see cute girls flay a deer carcass
painting garden gnomes
Amateur radio
Shooting sports in general
Neither of which would be viable in a Japanese setting except maybe a show about Olympic 10m air gun autism which would be mega gay.
Golden Kamuy is the closest I can think of off the top of my head, but the hunting is ultimately a secondary aspect to the series.
Skydiving, but the first episode start with jumping from space balloon and it'll only go crazier from there.
Do Japanese people do much hunting? Are they even allowed to hunt? I'd watch the shit out of a hunting anime where they stalk, hunt, shoot, butcher, and eat wild game. I'd actually be super interested to see how it's done over there in modern Japan.
Probably nothing but boar and deer I'd imagine though.
Harder than a driver's licence?
He might already have a hardon for it since he jammed one into Children Who Chase etc, not to mention the slightly engineery part of The Place Promised etc.
But I don't think he's autistic enough to go full ham.
amplitude shift keying > qam
>another radio fan
fuck we need this
Any manga or LN/WN that can quench me? Also I think the sole mention of shortwave as a decentralised communication method in E7 was what started me on this shit.
>shooting sports
Pretty sure there's a manga of that called "I love my rifle" or some shit.
Combat robotics
>Are they even allowed to hunt?
Regulation is through the roof, they're pretty much only allowed shotguns unless they happen to be Abe's personal knob polisher, and it'd all be boring as shit ambush hunting (treestands) or birds/waterfowl, but yes. There are a tiny minority of hunters in Japan.
Yeah, I could see a beetle catching/battling anime being a big success if you market it at kids. Battle Bugs.
Watch Sabagebu ep 7
>implying it would be anywhere near technical enough to appease the mechatronics crowd
just look at how robotics;notes worked out
fuckn monopoles falling from the sky
SoL set in an art museum where the MC lives through the moments portrayed inside the paintings
Also anime about bowling
Botany and maybe some herbology or other related crafting to occasionally go with it.
>Cute people tending plants: the anime
This. But gnomes can speak because the mc has bad habit of consuming drugs
The best astronomical anime.
>Harder than a driver's licence?
I don't know, but highschoolers in Japan can't get that either apparently.
That's not Sailor Moon
bouldering maybe
first rock climbing in 2020 right makes sense to put my money on that.
There's a time lag in everything!
wait then what's the deal with bakuon and that one car anime that's airing
What other obscure hobbies can we push clueless otakus into so that they accidentally kill themselves or destroy their surroundings? We already had Yuru Camp and that dude in Mexico who started a forest fire.
Except that you are not looking at light. You still look at objects. You just need light in order to see those objects
>accidentally kill themselves
>watering plants
U wot
>by Doga Kobo
>accidentally kill themselves
Maybe if you're taking care of a manchineel.
>What other obscure hobbies can we push clueless otakus into so that they accidentally kill themselves or destroy their surroundings?
Mushroom picking.
Amateur alchemy
Civil War reenacting.
Fiction man, all fiction.
Whittling, the only time I've seen it even in a manga was Vagabond.
Scuba diving
Ingesting poisonous plants in lethal quantities because ancient Chinese wisdom says it cures erectile dysfunction.
Or like says, mushrooms.
Collecting priceless paintings
This is funny because mushroom pickers are fucking insane, they are super secretive about their spots and obsess about traveling and finding various species just to look and take pictures.
watch more anime
Now thats what I call based
cute girls doing christian things
Competitive math like AIME and Putnam
birdhunting can be fun
There was this comic where the kid had an astronomer/ham radio/inventor grandpa and he tried to contact aliens and the kid secretly send a "send nudes" message to space because he had trouble with girls and then 20 years later they abduct him to get him laid, hijinks ensue.
That was a pretty fun one.
free climbing, base jumping, hang gliding, pyrotechnics, eating fugufish, also street racing I guess
Also I want sandboarding just so we can get a moe version of this
alchemy ? sure you dont mean something else there elric?
Please tell that it's already a thing
Urban Exploring
Ghost hunting
I want a proper Generation Kill tier military anime other than gate
Fuck that, wood elf. Make it welding, milling, and lathe work.
Exploring abandoned buildings? (i.e. birdy the mighty but without birdy the mighty)
Ethnic Cleansing
Occult Academy
>Ethnic Cleansing
What, like those mexican ladies who go into the hotel rooms every morning?
I fucking hate how hobby anime is always filled with gearfags
Fixing up old cars to use in races/derby's
>Special Education
like with actual retards. Can you imagine that? imagine the fucking voice acting
Yes it's a battle shounen
fund it
I'd watch it.
Regular voice acting would do.
Anime VA is already beyond retarded.
Shitposting on Yea Forums
we really need the autist train anime we deserve
Like modern day sailing
>but skateboarding isn't obscure
Lolis on Skateboards
>it's a skin cancer episode
I'm sure many VN's already had astronomy themed plot. I'm surprised none seems to be adapted to anime.
This. We need OMK adaptation already.
I wish that shaft was still alive and they adapted it. It would've been kino.
There's like 20+ VNs focusing on astronomy club alone
Funnily enough I find both astronomy and VNs extremely boring
When will nips use dobsonians instead of shitty refractors?
>Cute people tending plants
Nourin already exists.
You can't just post that without the title.
I was genuinely excited for Glasslip before it aired, what a disappointment.
there was already an episode of mountain friends for that
Brynhildr in the Darkness has a bit of amateur astronomy.
Floss spokon
AOTD has it
Gundam build fighters?
When I'll get my hnefatabl anime?
Time wasting.
it is my dream. Closest I've found that really scratches that itch would be Genocidal Organ, and maybe a few select scenes from Gal Force.
Trading Card Games (ideally MtG)
With no fantasy or sci-fi elements whatsoever
Just a show about some guy playing a card game, going from a caual player to winning worldwide competitions, with a major focus on deckbuilding and the metagame.
You're just jelly you're too poor for a telescope. I still remember how shocked I was when I looked through one to see the Moon for real for the first time. It's like your eyes have been lying to you all along.
Calm down Mister Misanthrope
Just for you I researched for half an hour and picked apart my rotting brain.
Turns out the whole story is a bit different and its less of a one shot and more part of the 90's underground comic series "Platinum Grit" by Trudy Cooper (oglaf.com) and some dude. Which was great, shame I completely forgot about it.
Also the whole series is dead since 10 years and ends on a huge cliffhanger, so there's that too. And if that wasn't enough, the archive is available online but in Shockwave file format. That's right, not even Flash but the thing before that. Use the MSI installer on Adobe's page if you are curious. The story I remember was beginning on book 1, chapter 4.
BF was great, but the show was more about the tournament and fighting.
It definitely went i to some detail about the hobby, but after episode 8 it goes full tournament anime.
Skateboarding with maids
Recreational drug use.
Brynhildr has a bit of absolutely everything, that's the trouble with it.
Please for the love of god this
Cute Japanese middle school girls play black metal.
They try to be edgelords and constantly try to top the hijinks that happened in Norway 30 years ago but their Japanese town is full of senile old people who think they're kids being cute and the girls constantly fail at being edgelords (arson/animal sacrifices/attempted murder) and end up unintentionally doing good things
And townsgoers joke that they're cute panda bears.
And they play really bad basement black metal in a school talent show.
Gliders making, or Rockets.
Something normal students can't do but they can because of the school they are enrolled.
City building
alright It's official
My big sister can't possibly be in the JGSDF!
I wonder if this manga will have some astronomy eventually?
Oh man.
why is all the art just cute girls tho
can't they just animate marginal operation
Obviously chess
10/10 would watch
There hasn't been a Woodworking or Carpentry Anime
geocaching, but actually interesting.
Cave Exploring
Auction Houses?
Bug collecting
MOBA e-sports
shh no chess only shogi
stalking idols
we need more shows about government conspiracies and operating, perhaps one where a woman language specialist is embedded with a team of seasoned CAG guys in Afghanistan. Antics and operating ensue.
Offroading, you could basically make Yuru Camp + Initial D
A loli ojousama being taught to skateboard by her maids, after seeing it on TV.
Actual hypnotism, nothing supernatural.
I think the Nisekoi author made a one-shot about e-sports before
the doujins would write themselves
battle harem with jigsaw puzzles
What a nice person.
Not the other user but this looks interesting,thanks
Have you seen jupiter too, almost Satan?
Literally Pokemon
/tg/ stuff.
I would watch this, an SoL about highschool boys with their daily lives that turns into an epic fantasy story when they roleplay
That's chuunibyou
Have all the characters be maids and we have a deal.