Just started this. What am I in for? Did old Yea Forums like it?

Just started this. What am I in for? Did old Yea Forums like it?

Attached: HareGuu_Cover.jpg (264x377, 36K)

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You might get a laugh or two or be mad that Guu doesn't show off the goods more. I bet the second happens to you first.

Manga or anime?

Anime. Is the manga better?

Watch it in the worst quality you can find and you'll be just like us old-fags!

Not at all. Avoid it.
The anime is solid.

>Guu doesn't show off the goods more

Honestly, I saw the manga first, read like a chapter, and then figured the anime might be quicker. Didn't even know what I was getting into at first, but I'm pleasantly surprised at the "old surreal anime" vibes it's giving me.

Should I watch it in Eng dub or sub?
I just watched the first episode and the dubs aren't too bad.


I don't get it. does she have cool super powers that never uses?


There you go.

Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you

God really. He's a reject.

Oh yeah, the OP's an absolute jam, too.
I feel this series would've been big had it come out a few years earlier or later.

It was fairly big at the time even, but despite that it didn't seem to have staying power since it's kind of collectively forgotten.

Only knows this exists because of a certain doujin.

It's cute, you'll get a few chuckles out of it.

If it aired today people would probably be foaming at the mouth about how they never reveal anything about Guu

Best girl.

Attached: 1553967955877.png (720x867, 474K)

>suddenly, the amount of leechers and seeders increase by 1
ok bros let's do this

This is one of the first anime I ever saw. In 2002 a girl that liked me invited me to her house and put this on to watch. It was awkward and I didn't know what anime was; she was full on weeb, so she sperged out on me about anime and how she was learning Japanese and going to become a mangaka. She also forced me to watch Naruto before it aired outside Japan that year and told me the dub was going to suck.

Interestingly enough she actually kinda did it - graduated with a degree in animation, now lives in Japan and works in animation. A rare weeb success story. Maybe the only one in existence?


>A rare weeb success story. Maybe the only one in existence?
It happens, but is rare. Have a friend who teaches in Japan. Last I heard from him he was trying to get out of teaching and in to business translation since it's way less work. I do know he blows almost all of his money fucking collage girls who think he is exotic when really the dude is totally a "56%" face... I envy him.

Nah, this is by one of the artists of Katawa Shoujo.

Attached: D92yGQRUEAAbwrV.jpg (2048x2048, 570K)

>Every time Dama showed up
Elderly sexual predator was too fucking good.

>asking for dub
Kill yourself. Media are always intended to be watched with original voice acting. Dubbing is always a fake and dumb experience.

How close-minded can you get?
Some jokes work better in dub due to pacing.

>dubfag is saying something about being close minded
Holy fuck. You're adorable.

>What am I in for?

Stay away from Yea Forums.

>some Japanese jokes have better pacing in English

Did you even watch the dub?

Hopefully not.

Then don't fr*cking act like you have an idea about dubs.

Don't bother trying to argue with Yea Forums, they're vehement sub only fags. If you want to know whether you should watch a sub or dub, just watch the first episode in both and decide which one you like more.