Let's have a soul crushing NEET thread

Let's have a soul crushing NEET thread.

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>tfw graduated with an engineering degree
>too lazy/autsitic to find a real job
>rich family friend's friend offers me $3,000/month to be his personal tech support monkey
>work maybe 2 hours a week and get paid $3,000/month
I could be making three times as much if I found a real job but then I'd have to do real work.

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Post the other page.

Find some other paid work you could be doing during the week. Any sort of design work that you could do from your desk would be great

Who's that girl on the left? What services does she offer and how much are her rates?

>100 job apps
>college degree
b-b-ased user living the dream

I don't understand. You have a legit, non-meme degree. Don't engineers have to get together in groups and work with some company to put together a project for their senior capstone? Like, they are literally giving you the in on companies so that you can talk them up and get a job once you graduate. Are you from a small town or literally just lazy?
As for me
>English degree (lmao, i know, fuck you, shit was enlightening and my text analysis is useful for any other field where reading is required - in other words, everything)
>big town, but most people here only finish high school, and my degree is not profitable here
>only 3 months of work experience, tried working during college at the library, got turned down
>almost 2 uninterrupted years of NEETdom, vidya and anime don't do much for me anymore
>know I want to go back to school and get a Master's, unsure in what field though
>absolutely terrified of working a dead end job or just doing something I find monotonous and soul-crushing
>want to find my passion; before graduating, i told everyone i'd go to law school but the more i researched what i could do with a JD, the more i got discouraged, especially since most law firms value the quantity of work you do, rather than the quality (60-70 hour weeks are the norm for newbies)
>can't find a job here since everyone wants people with at least a year of experience even for starting positions - employees or prospect employees can't be entitled, but employers sure can
>don't have the money to move to a big city and find work there, neither does my family - and I am living off of savings since I am not autistic
It is hell.

i am literally just lazy

>neet around for 3 years after high school
>meme myself through degree with horrible gpa, cheated through most classes, almost never went to class and just paid people for the previous exams
>neet around for 6 months after college
>rich dad sets me up making 100k
Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and give a firm handshake, and be rich

I mean, if you really are autistic then maybe, otherwise I don't get why you'd put yourself through an engineering degree if you were that lazy. That would imply that you aren't very lazy. You'd do "real work," sure, but you'd easily make a bit more than double what you make currently. Aren't most engineering jobs starting at 70k a year?

>wants to become an engineer
>brainlet in math
>currently retaking calculus
How did you do it?

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Keep at it.
Took me more than that to land a job.
And it's a government research job which requires security clearance which means I need to wait a year to get clearance, and I might fail and lose everything FML

>get shit degree
>but I have nepotism!
>client refuses to answer my invoice emails
To stay on topic, what are some good NEET anime?
Yeah, let's get that out of the way.

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yosuga no sora has a neet as the main girl

I interned with the fbi and still can't get a job

Keep bothering the state department. They'll eventually have an opening.

>personal communication degree
>24 years old and zero practical experience
Funny my degree is so easy and I don’t remember what my degree is about

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Engineering majors have no life during undergraduate.

One of the majors with the heaviest workload. High burnout rates.

Some colleges publicly post the average GPA of each major and what year.

Where do colleges do that? Certainly not in the states. At my college, they didn't give a shit if you graduated or not. They already had your money.

it'll click with you eventually
if it doesn't honest to god go into a construction trade and you will do the exact same stuff just with less math

stop being retarded
engineering in all honesty wasn't hard. i graduated with a 3.7 without really trying


That is where all the nerds who just want to invent shit for the government, go to.

Boston Dynamics used to a be a joint venture with DARPA before it got sold to Google and then finally sold to Softbank.

Some of the former employees left to work at Toyota by the way.

This. Construction is basically the one industry that's never going to go away. Even if every worker is replaced by robots, they'll still need someone to manage them, do logistics, and do facilities manager shit.
Also study a trade. Electrical, plumbing, HVAC. Pick one and you're suddenly more valuable.

Don't get so dead set on something as high up as DARPA. Government jobs are basically "whatever we currently need to fill in a position for". Some politician needs data, go produce some data. Stuff like that.

Brainlet, they only need one manager for 100 robots. Construction is going away soon.


Berkeley posts average GPAs for all majors and years.

You can see how low the average GPA is for certain majors

>7 year NEET
>bachelor degree in hospitality management
>no jobs cause hotels and restaurants are already full and lying about their job listings

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I got rejected for a job and they put me on a "merit list", which basically means I'm good enough to hire in their eyes, but they don't have a job for me at the moment
About 3 months later I'd completely lost hope in that agency
Then they just called me and offered me a job with no extra interviews or anything, they just said "ok we've got a position for you now, welcome aboard".

Robots are dumb and they will stay dumb. Handlers will always be a thing.

>interview in Japan for international security company
>based af
>pass interview in Japanese
>offer me a job to be their rep at Toyota
>a week later they called and changed their minds/turns out they aren't going to hire anyone
>go back to America and am NEET

yeah bullshit
robots are not cost effective nor efficient for the amount of tasks and variables a construction crew has to work with

Keep trying, user.

The whole reason to go to collage is to make connections while in it. It's how the world works why the fuck would anyone take a chance on someone they don't know? Here's the answer. They won't. Want to get a good job? Have someone know who you are and have them tell the place you want to work at that you're cool.

You could go full weeb though like this 30 year old Mexican Weeb who chose Japan over San Francisco and Germany.


30 year old Mexican weeb from a shitty Mexican college gets a job in Japan working for Line Corp.

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And not to mention that robots are extremely literal and rigid in their learning. You can "train" a robot to do one job really really REALLY well, but throw in a single challenge and suddenly it shits the bed. You know why driverless cars will never be a thing outside of California? Snow. Robots can't see the lines on the road in heavy snow, and so freak out at something as simple as a stop sign that no human would ever be confused about - not even the newest of new drivers.

My visa ran out so I'm back in America which sucks, much harder to get a visa again than to renew.

But thanks user, I appreciate the encouragement.

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I got a final round interview with Amazon Tokyo
I'm kinda glad I didn't get the job in the end because I can't speak Japanese for shit and the charm probably would have worn off after a while
I hear they don't even have proper gyms there, just weird YMCA type places with yoga and cycles

We're all in the same boat.

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Same. The only thing that could motivate me would be making loli VR games. Sadly, I wouldn't be able to sell something like that anywhere.

Most people on Yea Forums don't know about this but Las Vegas's most powerful lobbyists have been traveling to Japan to lobby for legalized gambling.


You know in Asia, the only casinos are in Macau but due to American-Chinese relations, it feels risky to invest in Macau.

So Las Vegas's bigshots are thinking Japan is a much safer bet.

So you could have a future in Japan working in a future casino...

Gambling will NEVER be legalized in Japan.

If I could go back in time, I would have chosen another college major.

It would have saved me much mental stress and sadness instead of trying to enter medical school like everybody else...

If you haven't you should luck at Rakuten, if you were trying for Amazon. A lot of them are converting their companies to English so you should be ok.
They have some Golds Gyms and some good gyms, but they are really expensive, especially in cities like Osaka or Tokyo.
I lived in the countryside for 3 years and the closest gym had literally 11 dumbbells. Once I got my car I could drive to this rundown shack that sucked, but at least it had enough free weights and a squat rack.

wait don't they have a ton of pachinko machines?
do those not give cash rewards?

>Meanwhile pachinko parlours all over Japan are filled with salarymen all night every night
On a side note, I'm a fan of the Zatoichi movies.
In those they're always playing a game that seems to be essentially just an even or odds dice roll game.
Do yakuza really play that?

Robots and construction could work but MATERIALS SCIENCE has to catch up.

Like in the end, we still need to deal with Concrete and Rebar and still arguing over which Concrete Blend is best.

Everyone still loves Ancient Roman Concrete compared to Modern Concrete...

And we still need something better than concrete to be invented.

Otherwise Space Elevators will never exist.

did you at least make it?
I always thought of being a doctor and helping people but didn't think I could handle all of the schooling and stress of having someone's life in my hands daily

But that's exactly it. If they legalized slot machines or roulette or whatever, then all those fancy pachinko machines everyone is addicted to will:
A. Go down the toilet.
B. Out-compete the new gambling machines.
So what's the point? Really, those Las Vegas types should figure out ways to make casinos within Japan's existing cultural norms than try to dump American gambling where it is currently illegal.

You get tokens that you can exchange for prizes.
OR you go behind the place to a lady in a kiosk and hand her the coins and she hands you money, but you can't say anything to verbally acknowledge the trade because that would be illegal.

nothing wrong with materials science right now, our materials rock and concrete is cheap as shit and works for it's applications
robots in construction need artificial intelligence to work and not programming

Artificial intelligence will never catch up to humans, we literally have billions of years of evolution in spacial awareness and problem solving AI can never be programmed to have.

No, you get some sort of interim reward that you have to take to another spot, usually next door, and THEN you get cashed out.

Did you try Lexus?

If you are set on Japanese autos, try Mazda

There has been a lot of Mazda Toyota synergy lately.

There's also the fact Jap automakers might be setting up new factories in America. Maybe they need someone who speaks Jap.

General AI is gong to surpass humans the moment someone figures out how to make it
Which is never

That is why Las Vegas lobbyists are in Japan right now.

If casinos are allowed, it would be a game changer.

yeah don't know if we'll ever get close to making that leap in our lifetime, but if we take the servitor approach from warhammer and use the human brain as a building block for drones then we might be on to something

He's a weeb though. He doesn't seem to want to live in Alabama or Texas but work for Toyota in Japan.

I've heard that kind of talk, build AI based on human brain neurons. The problem is we don't understand that either. I say that we let robots be robots, and let humans be humans. Get the best out of both, don't try to force robots to act like humans or force humans to act like robots.

>single dad
>Masters in musical theory
Yea, I know, lol music.
>Basically give like 7 piano lessons a week

Sometimes I've played weddings and restaurants/bars but it's so frustrating dealing with people for me now. I'd literally be Satou if I didn't have a kid.

There are no such thing as meme degree, only meme job

Stepping stones, user. Stepping stones.

Master's in Chemical Engineering. Aside from two courses with intense old school recursive math solving (by hand), it was a breeze. I should have gone applied math and statistics like my father, but supposedly you don't get to see an actual number until you're a sophomore as a math major.
Now doing PhD in Biomedical Engineering. Please kill me. Never EVER do a PhD. Publish or perish is worse than a steady daily grind.

Are there any NEETs left on Yea Forums? This thread is full of normalfags.

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mannn but I want my dystopian future
you never let us have any fun

graduated in may in structural engineering, have applied to about 70 different places so far, interviewed at 6. I finally got an offer a few weeks ago from a construction management firm that went all the way to a second interview for a 71k paying position. In the end they chose a friend that i had just graduated with. felt really crushed and drained. not a neet yet but if this keeps going on for a few months I feel like my motivation will plummet. i'm blessed to live with parents that don't hate me in a big city but i feel like im not appreciative enough of them.

The former Dominoes CEO really enjoyed living in Japan.

It's not just Amazon Japan, guys.

Fast food companies exist in Japan too.

They even have Costcos in Japan although I am unsure of wages.

Don't be a fool user. You should spend your productive years being productive. Once you get in retirement age and can't do things as well as you used to you will have plenty of time to be a neet.

I will look into those companies, but what I was doing was more international security, related more to that than cars desu

you tried applying outside city?
cities are mostly just diversity parades when it comes to hiring
you can make big bucks and have a steady job if you go further out

Figures are expensive

You can go there, /r9k/ has been a normalfag board for years.

Just graduated, too lazy to find a job, maybe next year senpaitachi

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>anons that can't find jobs
>not NEETS

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This place belong to normalfags now, NEET btfo

lmao you're kidding, concrete science is fine, the issue is paying for certain materials. you want to build a huge concrete structure to hold back a ton of water? you need to invest in tons and tons of fly ash and admixtures that make the concrete more resistant to water.
concrete too heavy? make lightweight concrete with poraver, glass bubbles, air entrainment...
self-healing concrete/biocretes are on the way, so if you're talking about that, sure.
i agree that we want something better than concrete for a compressive mold material eventually.

What? You gonna let someone else pay your bills? You have a disability, like mental retardness or missing a leg?

You weak piece of shit.

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Careful about if he drops support and/or dies

>What? You gonna let someone else pay your bills?
B-But muh comfy NEET life.
Having rich parents is always so comfy.
Gonna take it easy this year and travel to Japan with my family.
I can always find a job later, it's not like i'm starving and about to get kick out of by landlord

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Maybe you should consider Japan or a country with constant building going on.

Asia, in general, always has more development going on than America and Europe, especially Europe.

For example, skyscrapers and Europe just don't mix together. What does that mean for you? It means Europe just wants people to maintain old ass buildings and they won't be needing a lot of steel and glass for that.

nope. mom is finally making me pay rent

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We're getting old, user.

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i just got my driver's license, so maybe that could work. no car though since my dad needs the family one for work every day. i would need to look into how to finance a car, the companies that require travel that I've seen don't help with that.

also im weak and attached to my city

>Robits will take all jobs!
Person who works with robots here, there are so many factors that can fuck up automation that unless you control 100% of the work environment you'll always need people making sure the robot doesn't fuck shit up, and then again wear is a thing

Why would you willingly have children?

An engineering 4th year project doesn't necessarily have to work with a company, it can be research done directly with the university. Even then a lot of the projects aren't exactly groundbreaking, a few of them are bum projects which have been repeated for years.

>a problem and a solution

The "taking care of work" role, in your opinion, will it be construction industry folks trained to operate the tech, or tech folks?

if you have money saved up and find a job way out then it's always an option to move out away from home and lease a car
it's really scary to do it the first time but it's a big step in life and teaches you a lot about yourself and being independent

>Will it be the construction industry folks trained to use excavators, or the tech folks?
This is how you sound.

Why not JAXA? Rockets and missiles sound like international security major related more than Toyota cars.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is the Japanese national aerospace and space agency.

I admit it is the first time I heard of an international securities major.


I don't know what your interests are, I do know a lot of foreign banks operate in Japan as well.

In 40-50 years maybe.
Automation is very finicky unless you have full control of the environment all day everyday.
For now it will only SLOWLY taking over low-level job.
Even complicate job like art, AI can only replica or fill in color that you have to pin point value first, even then it fucked up 99% of the time.

Neet isn't a thing anymore. It's too darn expensive.

7 year hikkiNEET here. I have never worked a day in my life.

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Constructionfags of course, techfags will only design the teach.

Music degrees is cool.

I honestly wish I could go back in time and tell my 5 year old self to start playing the violin or piano.

This is just from a personal observation but while I was dead and lacking sleep in college, I honestly thought the music and film majors on campus were the happiest students in the entire school population.

I see people carry their big musical cases and it felt like they had their own inner clique going without having to join a frat or sports team...

Maybe I just watched too much Nodame Cantibelle

i never went to college and instead worked in a call centre for 2.5 years before quitting due to being completely and utterly burned out. i've been unemployed for 8 months now, have applied for at least 100-150 jobs and i've had nothing. still live with my parents, turn 22 in just over a week. i have absolutely no fucking clue where my life is going. sorry for the blog

The planet is being poisoned. No one's made a depopulation bomb yet. Catastropic storm.systems are gonna become the norm as the planet heats up. Shitty jobs that still require BAs and Masters for shittier pay. Imminent race war. Why the fuck should I do anything but enjoy myself until shit hits the fan and society collapses? I didn't ask to come here.

The music industry is highly unstable user.
Especially the west where connection is everything

you try going for a trade?

What is this doing in Yea Forums?
Fuck off wannabe normalfags.


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not really. i've applied for a few warehouse jobs and had nothing. most of the shit i've applied for is administrative/clerk based roles, since i have an apprenticeship in business administraiton. i've also applied for bar staff and retail work. nothing.

I don't really understand your question, but if it's anything similar to machining then construction. The robot will be more like a giant hammer that can do feats you with your little hammer couldn't do in a week, but even if the robot can be more efficient it can't judge the result because it doesn't have experience, just a series of examples or guides it can use to compare situation at most. There's a reason you still need years of experience even to just stand next to the robot, and tech people have experience only with the tool and not the result, I don't know if I explained myself well

is this why religionfags exist

With your body?

>All these people who have everything provided for them for nothing
>Every want satisfied on a whim
>Meanwhile you have been struggling all your life just to get where you are currently.

Never knew how bitter I could be but i think I've just surpassed my limits.

Cool. I was a hikkineet for two years until my brother came back and bullied me into being productive. I miss being a waste of air and playing video games and watching anime all day

>tfw rich family but my Dad won't give me my inheritance unless I get married
He's probably just bluffing but I don't want to find out.

Become a youtuber.

If you have a good speaking voice, analyze music from anime or video games.

This guy from Mexico did and got a lot of views.




Go to an employment agency. They'll find you a job

>bust my ass off for finance degree after fucking up previous major
>find job at bank
>business is to jew people as hard as possible
>quit after seeing how this works
>works at call center
>jew people once more
>parents call me a failure
You know, anime made it look like people look out for each other all the time. I cc'd ant say I like people but I consider myself too honest to solicit or lie to folks who clearly shouldnt be buying certain shit. I guess ill die poor with noncash value integrity.

Life is unfair, cry me a river.
If this is enough to make you bitter, i think you will kill yourself how many rich second generation' is there in China

i'm in the UK and the jobcentre is pretty useless for genuine jobseekers. it's mainly an institution to bully unemployment benefit claimants out of their benefits, actual jobseeking comes secondary

if it's not working out it might be something to consider as long as you can handle some degree of physical labor
you obviously want to work and if you have that ethic you'll be fine and always have jobs lined up, but that's something you need to consider
the business administration would be awesome if you ever wanted to be a foreman

Youtube is increasingly not paying out anymore, the algorithm is discriminating against anyone who uses the secret bad word of the day (try saying "died" in the context of a video game, and watch what happens to your ad revenue); and furthermore unless you started out years ago, you'll never get a following in the first place.

Today's sponsor is Nord VPN. Better get used to saying that!

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Tbdesu I wish I didn't have such a privileged life because it just made me lazy and entitled. My Dad lived in a 3rd World country, came here, worked everyday, got rich, married a pretty American woman, had me and my siblings. I wish I could do that.

inb4 nigger mod deletes the thread and bans all the posters in it for being "off topic" while allowing festering reddit shit to thrive 24/7

>Average ugly user on Yea Forums become a Ytuber
You at least need to be 8/10 to become a e-cleb whore

I know "people that don't work for what they have can't appreciate" sounds like something you tell yourself to make you feel better, but it's true, money is useless for someone with no drive or motivation

if you experience the same stimuli as someone who has it made, you get greater enjoyment and more dopamine from what they take for granted
not saying it's fair but hang in there

the algorithm YT have now will break you unless you have the mentality to upload video everyday.
It's not a upload once a week big buck industry anymore

I'd do it virtual youtuber style with one of those MMD models.

How old are you and how do you do it? NEETbucks?

That guy is not Mexican unless he is a major memer pretending to be a Spaniard.

if they do it's usually just a few temp day ban, worth it to try to help people out with their life
your dad wanted you to have that life and worked hard to give it to you so that you could start at a further stepping stone than he did
try to think of it that way and use that as your motivation in life

what's your sleep schedule like?

Having no worry about money will you make you more depress about other stuffs.
At least you get a dopamine rush when you get your paycheck.

I have no idea. Might need to check his About Page.

it's insanity that people still use youtube as a platform. it's like all this talk about cimate change. all talk, blah blah blah this needs to change that needs to change but nobody actually fucking does anything

You can still do that.

you're probably right, ive just always imagined doing that after a few years working near my support system, not before. ill think about it more

This. I don't care about money, I just want to be useful to someone.

people are trying to get bit chute up and running, but it's hard to beat a monopoly

This, I couldn't stay a NEET living with my parents on my income from a part time job forever. My collection got too big so I started needing a house of my own.

I just want a real girl that love me like anime girls do...
That will motivate me to become a better person and go find a job like Nagisa is to Tomoya

One problem solved will just have another take it's place. You may feel entitled and have money but youll instead have another subset of problems in your life. I wouldnt wish you to have a poorer lifestyle as you probably have other shit going on in your life.

No because my Dad ruined it for me. He gave me too much.

Not to mention YT itself is running at a massive loss, the only value it has is roping people into Google's data gathering scam.

work in nonprofits or charities,soup kitchen, anything that has you in face to face contact with whoever's life you're enriching. you will feel very good about what you do.

>this needs to change that needs to change but nobody actually fucking does anything
Climate is a hard thing to tackle because human doesn't build to solve problems far away in the future.
Our mentality doesn't work like that, people will only start panicking when the water rise to their waist

you gotta be useful to yourself and have the confidence that you are a good person
then you can start helping others and forming relationships
it would be good to make a safety net of funds in your bank account while living with your folks but that isn't always the option, so you'll just have to see where life takes you
but just know wherever it does take you, you'll be fine and make it through any hardships you encounter

24, inherited some property in a neighborhood that later became very expensive.
Now I'm a small time millionaire trying to stretch out what he's got for as long as he can.

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That will never happen. Find your own motivation and move towards a goal.

Sometimes I wish my parents had started a family business. I would have loved to inherit it since I am someone who doesn't really know what job to do in life.

I imagine myself riding a tractor with my dad since childhood for example.

I guess it is true when they say Ignorance is Bliss.

Just send me back in time to ancient society so I would just be born into a job instead of having to think of anything else

Spent almost all of my 20s as a NEET but once grandma moved out it was over. I've had the same job for a year and a half now and it's almost daily that I think back to the NEET times and sigh.

I don't even get any of the perks of "contributing to society" I just drive 30 miles to sit in my dirty little office and then go home.

Nice, I've found the life advice thread.
Cellist in grad school. What are my prospects for making it into a Japanese orchestra? Not that good, I know

>That will never happen.

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you still have your assets in property?
be careful man we might be getting close to another bubble pop

They'll never hire you because they're looking to be a uniformly Jap orchestra and not a world orchestra.


1) Don't use your dad's money and try acomplishing the same thing he did.

2) Use your better starting point to reach even higher grounds than what your dad reached.

My father started his business 3 years ago and it gave me something to look forward to later on. Sucks user. Maybe you can convince your father to start a business if he's in a trade?

Can't you just live off interest?

being a NEET sucks. but i'm too lazy to work. i'm stuck in an endless loop of despair and hopelessness.
at least i have anime

I love to run a small family bakery and live a comfy live but that is just a dream.
Even buying a place to have a shop is enough to fuck me in the ass

Interesting to see where this goes. The casino lobby is a mafia, but the pachinko business is also mostly run by the Yakuza and I very much doubt they want new competitors on their turf.

learn software engineer, It's mostly have nothing to do with math (unless you want to make AI), focus on programming language like Java or C#, Jap love them. Then go to Nipland and make your dream come true.

Soon not even the anime will be enough. Trust me, start working on something as a hobby - learn to get up early and work through the day - then either turn that hobby into something marketable or get a job you won't hate. TRUST ME. NEET life is pain and suffering when you get old.

Jap generally won't hire foreigners, you will need to learn their language and cultures, even then, why should they hire a white pig when they can hire someone like them?

>implying a girl like this could ever be a NEET
A female NEET would have to be soul crushingly ugly.

based and virtue pilled

You can find a girl, but never like what you just said. And love runs out, living for someome else's sake/having no reason to live other than another person is a very crappy way to live.

What manga?

Baking is a hard business.

I remember watching Gochi Usa and thinking, man running a coffee shop at daytime and a bar at night in an European style town sounds really comfy.

get ready for your 1k

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It's not your fault. Love doesn't exist. True love like in anime is an entirely fictional thing. You have to live life for yourself, a girl is only there for some fun.

Japanese yakuza is in a decline according to Japanese news.

I won't be surprised if Abe increases more police powers and squash the yakuza for good.

No, sold a while ago and it's all just sitting around now. I lucked out that I was too young to make any poor decisions during the first housing crisis.
Banks give out shit for interest rates these days, my man. I'm too afraid of taking a risk in any other endeavor and possibly fucking it up.

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>mfw my parents started from nothing to running a shop selling construction shit, own 1 house with some lands on the side.
>mfw i'm just a failure that will work as a salaryman with an average salary
I know they disappointed in me.

Went into uni to get a degree in moonrunes, do JET, etc. Burnt out hard three years in, dropped half my courses in my first semester of junior year and unofficially dropped out two months into the second. Been a NEET since February, trying to join the navy so I can have something actually decent to list on my resume but at the last stretch I'm being held up by my shitty eyes; waiver should be easy to get but I gotta wait for MEPS to schedule an eye doc consul appointment.

I'm fortunate to have loving parents that've put up with my shit, but student loan payments first start in a few weeks and it feels like I'm on a countdown to make something of myself or resign to a life of wageslavery. If nothing else I need to overcome my shitty chronic procrastination.

If she just became someone's wife she could do all that and not have to feel bad about it. I don't get why women want to work.

I dropped out of high school at fifteen because of a really severe anxiety disorder. It took a few years and appropriate meds to combat the panic attacks, but last year I finally got my GED. Now I'm just working up the courage to get a job or go to college. Still a NEET, but a little bit better now, I think.

to be fair I hardly even watch anime that much. i just spend most my days idly browing Yea Forums and Yea Forums in particular. my only real hobby is music and in todays saturated market i'd never get anywhere with that. i totally believe your last point and it scares me greatly. i've only been a neet for 8 months and already i feel borderline suicidal

Financial independence. That's literally it. They don't want their spending - for good or ill - to be dictated to them, so they focus on getting a job first. Then they decide they don't want to have kids, because that will get in the way of a job; then decide they don't want to get married and just get a dog to fill the loneliness hole.

>Burnt out hard three years in, dropped half my courses in my first semester of junior year and unofficially dropped out two months into the second
Uni has to be the most comfy and relax time of my life.
Is Uni in the west that stressful?

She doesn't want to work thats the whole point of the manga. Her mother understands all this and tries to groom her to pawn off on some husband.

Real women just want to fuck as many Chads as possible and working a job makes it a little easier.

I literally had to work to feed my gacha addiction, it's a fucking vicious cycle and I wish to kill myself every day.

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To whoever want to made your weeb dream come true but don't want to become English teacher. Go learn programming and Japanese (N3 is a must). Tokyo is hard mode, but other places like Hokkaido, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukouka...you can easily land an IT job. Field of work range from monitoring server (low skill) to programming system (high skill).
T. IT dude with 20 weeb friends who currently work in Japan.

Just join the at army. You got till you turn 39 now. Best case you get job and steady income, maybe you get fucked up and live on disability. Worst case you die in a war or something. Still a win.

Women don't even want to fuck chads anymore. Sex is down across the board.

declining population and they literally don't have enough people to fill jobs.

>try to join army
>rejected because underweight and take meds for ADHD

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So I just gotta be Japanese enough. I already read nicomanga, bow on instinct and talk in circles without getting to the point
The Tokyo Symphony Orchestra has three non-Japanese members in it, so I can't help but dream

I don't think you should ask Yea Forums for music jobs but I think you guys are overly harsh when it comes to the music world.

The music world is a bit more international than you think.

Orchestras around the world accept foreigners even if you may not speak Japanese, natively.

If you go to the websites of Japanese orchestras, they have English pages and career pages all in English.

what did he mean by this


>Just join the at army
It's a very toxic environment, the army is not like in the past or what you see in the movie.
Most of the people that join the army is either faggots that want to kill people or degenerates that can't fit in normal society


They are in huge decline, I could go into detail but I met a bunch of posers while I was there and I told one guy puffing his chest telling me he's yakuza to fuck off and he looked like a deer in the headlights and didn't do shit most won't do shit.

No, you misunderstand. Younger female generation is undersexed, statistically speaking. No interest.

to be honest i'm just completely fed up of it all. this world is just so god damn fucking stupid. i can't wait until the inevitable societal collapse this century

If you have NEET tendencies, Navy is a bad choice.

Air Force is the most friendly toward NEETs with the best dorms out of all the branches.

Also, unlike the Navy where more than 30 people have to share the same toilet, less than 30 people share the same toilet in the Air Force.

>friends in high school
can't relate

Women fell for the empowerment meme. They have to prove they can do what men can or else they’ll be seen as some 1950s wife

Keep going user, we believe in you.


I wouldnt call it virtue. Im just appeasing my ego and working under the assumption of empathy. "If I was the person sitting across the desk, would I be okay not being told I dont actually need this and im being set up with a potential liability?"
I get told don't care about others but that vicious train of thought would be against the morals that makes me who I am.

You're wrong though. There has been a slight increase in female celibacy with an enormous pump in male celibacy.

good for you man, congrats on making it
what are your plans right now? something low risk?

>dude trust me

it's funny because women have became exponentially more unhappy ever since they entered the workforce

They still have that racist mentality.
People in my country go to Japan for works and most of them either doesn't come home or come home in jars.
Japan work laws is still shit and big company can still fuck foreigner in the ass

I didn't say 'celibacy', I said 'lack of sex' and 'disinterest'.


The Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra welcomes all interested & talented musicians to audition for the positions of Cello.

Cello Players (Vorspieler, Tutti)

Excellent music skills and good health are required to perform as a regular member in the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. The candidate is requested to be available to start working for the Philharmonic by September 1, 2020. This date, however, is negotiable. Applicants will be selected regardless of their age and nationality.

>good health
Translation: Must be Nippon.

Women are having more sex than ever. Men aged 18-30 are experiencing a sex decline. Like 25% are incels

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It's because Chad's and normalfags are increasingly living at home because wages are down, necessary expenses have increased (laptop, smartphone are basically expected), rent has increased etc so if you don't have financial independence few stacys will sleep with you

Uni in Vietnam is very comfy.
Study 3 days a week with almost no homeworks.
I'm in IT.

Yes, a disinterest for any man that isn't at least 6'3"

what's the move for finding a good wife i didn't invest in any growing up

ive noticed the more mainstream anime gets the more attractive people are getting in the circles i hang out with

is a weeb gf that's not depressive/psychotic attainable

This is true but if you are educated you can get a good job. If you work factory or low wage job it is very shitty, you are right.

>tfw highschool dropout, former neet hikki
>learned to code, made projects and got hired as a software engineer at a top tech company
>stressful but pays 200k
Learn to code

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>all this /r9k/ talk
And I'm the one being accused of this shit.

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No shit, nobody's ever been happy to work as much as we do now. There just used to be a goal, a reason to do so. Now it all just seems pointless, husband and wife both work but have the same amount of money because wages halved.

Japan has Blue Collar Jobs, not just White Collar Jobs.

This white man from Texas named Peter couldn't make a living, selling hand made glass in America, so he moves to Japan to start a hand made glass making business which has been running for the past 17 years.


According to the video, his business is in Toyoma and he bought his house in Japan for only ten thousand US dollars.

So that is pretty cool in a way. Like to make glass in Texas but nobody wants to buy hand made glass in Texas so moves to Japan and Japanese people buy your glass instead. Profit.

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I didn't do it right. Was mostly fed up with gen eds/"academia" in general, but I basically turned into a hikki from sophomore year on. Moved out of the college dorms to a one bedroom shared apartment because it was cheaper, but I didn't make any friends or try to reach out to people. I was always in my room, didn't do anything when I wasn't on campus for classes or work.

The worst part is that I fucked off all the way to Hawai'i because it's the best place to learn nip outside of Japan, and I was doing some volunteer work for NOAA thanks to my professors. I threw it all the fuck away.

I've got friends from middle school in the navy, and I think I'll be fine with the lifestyle. I enjoy being with other people well enough, but I'm introverted and when left to my own devices I give in to my self-destructive shortsightedness. What lurking on Yea Forums for the better part of my life has taught me is that I do my best and feel my bestre with/for other people, even if I'll never meet them in the flesh.

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>come home in jars

He won't win, but I want to believe.

Cremation jars

How'd he work the visa thing out though?

That's hilarious

Goddamn it all to pieces, I'm in grad school for two more years.
Openings are rare, I'm so mad.
I wonder if it's worth leaving before finishing my master's for, though I doubt they'd accept someone without a master's anyway

how do you make learning code fun, how do you drive the ship forward every day

no matter what language i learned over the years, my mind stops functioning around the part of the course where you learn about pointers, classes etc.

am i just dumb

Anons, I recommend living as sardines with some other anons. Doing it right now with three others and I live max comfy only working at most 20hr/week. You can find a nice multi bedroom home in burgerland that is slightly better than rural nowhere. That or just wait 5-10 years for automation to displace a fuckload of jobs praying that UBI becomes a thing.

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Air Force has the most weebs from what I heard.

You know military isn't the only option. There are other government agencies too that involve foreign travel like what some people have said state department.

this. it boggles my mind that people find coding enjoyable

How good at math do I have to be?

Right now, nothing. I say I'll get around to it then another year passes.
It's hard to get motivated from non-imminent doom when I can't even see myself alive 20 years from now.

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Not him but become a tester if you hate coding, it's alright even though the pay is shit

>tfw lost all motivation to keep up at uni
I don't want to become a neet!

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These threads make me want to die.


I'm not sure if wikipedia has the entire list of Japanese orchestras so don't give up hope.

Just take a look at current group photos of Japanese orchestras. If there is a lot of senior citizens, they will eventually retire.

Just check how much grey hair is in an orchestra group photo.

This is why post apocalyptic anime. Working sucks and forcibly being NEETs sounds comfy.

I'm sorry user, I hope you can find happiness and purpose
maybe pick up a simple hobby that can get you outdoors, that helps me get motivated when I feel trapped in my room

How bad will society get in the next few decades? Even normies are realizing it’s all pointless

I never joined the military but this is my basic observation.

Taiwan will have a US military base in the future.

Taiwan will buy all those jet fighter planes and other defense equipment from America.

There will be a need for American Air Force people to live and work on the Taiwan US military base and teach Taiwanese soldiers how to fly and use the shit they bought or maintain that shit.

Of course this is just my point of view of the future. It may never occur in reality.

You're getting paid, you're technically employed, and therefore not a NEET.

And I don't want to come to go to work.
Life is like that, at least for not-winners.
Sometimes you can get a small win if you try really hard, though.

>oh my, you had an episode of treatment-resistant thrombocytopenia
>we don't want our soldiers to bleed out before they even see battle, sorry kiddo

>Living in third world so the interest is high enough that i can live comfy with interest alone
Now i just need to work long enough and save my money, the family financial is good too so when that inheritance come it will help me alot

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Congrats user, life will get better for you as you continue to do great!

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I imagine we'll start killing each other in a massive purge. The streets slick with blood and fat until everyone loses interest. Then the cycle repeats.

I have no idea. His full name is Peter Ivy according to the youtube video.

It isn't actually like a documentary

But if you google Peter Ivy glass, you can come across blogs.


Seems some Danish students interned at his glass studio

I'm willing to pay ten bucks. Maybe more if the content is good.

Normalfags will be livid when AI start replacing alot of jobs but that won't come until a few more decades.
Third world is safe

I fucking loved going to work on JET, I loved my kiddos so much. Everyday I looked forward to going to school, and felt like I was really making a difference. I was in the countryside so pretty close with some of my students.

Now that I'm home I just want to go back. It's a dead end job, but I'm worried I'll never find anything that comfy again.

>tfw having a comfy well paying job and actually a great life and yet still feel frustrated because i desperately trying to be a bass player in a succesful band

Before Japan's bubble economy popped after signing the Plaza Accord Act, there were tons of foreigners working in Japan.

This was in the era when everyone thought Japan was going to rule the world, especially in America.

Hollywood responded by inventing Japanese villains for series like Robocop, Aliens, etc with Japanese companies being the ones who were responsible for the monsters in science fiction movies.

You guys don't know how much money flowed in Japan during the Bubble Era. Even Silicon Valley now doesn't come close to what the Japanese Bubble Era was like.

I guess if you listen to some City Pop songs and close your eyes...

>but that won't come until a few more decades.
user, I...
It's here right now. I give it max 10 years for common jobs to be completely BTFO. We have the ability to replace right now, we just need to tweak with more data and be better than the average human to kill all those jobs. Profits have to be made goy

Step one is to have a knack of some sort for math, or logic, chess, etc. That sort of brain. You can learn to code without it but I doubt it'd be very enjoyable.

Step two is to have an interest, with some relation to programming.
If it's music, there are music-related programming languages I did ChucK, which basically taught me code
If it's highly-obscure Japanese erogames, there are learning opportunities out there somewhere for me it's era games, which run on eraBasic

That's the human condition user, happiness is only temporary.

how is life in the countryside compared to the big cities?

Just keep applying. I did my degree in Civil Engineering and I had to send out over 100 applications before my first interview and about 200 before getting my first job. And that's with good grades from a good school. There must have been something in your application that was worth looking at so now it's just a matter of trying until you get lucky.

WW3 when?

Oy vey, I wonder who is behind this post?

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I actually do machine learning stuff for my job and keep a finger on the AI pulse for my hobbies.

AI is WAY overhyped. The most recent gains are more due to increases in computing power allowing more brute force approaches than any real breakthrough in the field. Also, don't underestimate the sheer inertia of bureaucratic laziness and inefficiency.

Sounds like you've found what makes you happy and just need to get it.

What? Taiwan already buys american equipment and gets american training

>ywn be Neeko's succesful and Shouko manga tier handsome younger brother who works abroad and always try to get intimate and all incestuous with her everytime you come home and persuade your parents to bring her to live with you so you could enjoy her all by yourself

>AI is WAY overhyped
I agree in some ways. Despite Wattson and Radiologist bots being a thing, i don't think doctors are suddenly going to be BTFO. The thing I'm definitely certain of are dumb menial tasks. These big companies have vast more amount of data than we can possibly imagine, they have a clear advantage with that. They would also like to run 24/7 while also not paying workers. You say to not underestimate the sheer inertia of bureaucratic laziness and inefficiency, but I'd say to not underestimate the hunger of extra profits for these fuckers.

>These big companies have vast more amount of data than we can possibly imagine
Most of which is completely unusable unless we hire a bunch of people to go through the dumb menial task of labeling and tagging it all.

AI doesn't really get rid of menial labor, it just shifts where the labor goes.

I think of you guys as friends even though you like to call me a retard and faggot alot...

I won't give up hope, thanks.
Although the details for auditioning at this orchestra have me worried. If this is the standard (all live auditions), I'll need to move to Japan and make a living first before thinking about auditioning to orchestras.

Does that really sound like a good idea? I assume there wouldn't be many opportunities for advancement and working for Nip companies sounds soul crushing.

>i don't think doctors are suddenly going to be BTFO.
Doctors have a very powerful lobby in American so you can expect anything threatening their jobs to be blocked indefinitely.

>NEET for a few years
>eventually decide to do a degree since at the very least it'll let me live away from home for a while
>do a politics degree
>hit the final year and realise i have very little interest in working in/around politics, that the main thing it demonstrates to an employer is basic literacy skills, and that most jobs are probably gained by nepotism.
i'm convinced i'll be NEET again in a few months. sometimes i think about looking at something STEM to boost my chances of getting a job, but I'm terrible at math and I always want to study very general fields when the best option seems to be to pick something highly specific.

Go to QA. Even a monkey could do it.
t. qa

Can confirmed, even though most codefags are asshole that keep denying their bugs make me want to shoot them with a shotgun

>working for gacha
Yeah, you should kys

It's better than being a NEET for sure. Gotta experience all the thing you always want to like going on hot spring in winter, visit comiket, get in line for the newest event, eat spicy ramen.... The hardship is there but after my first spring under the sakura tree, it's worth it.
Remember you are not a Jap, so they have to treat you differently. Also you can throw away everything and come back to your country.

I was super countryside, honestly outside of school it was boring as shit. 0 nightlife, no young people, especially not young people of the opposite sex. Lots of racism.

That said, my coworkers were all extremely kind, I never had to dress up for school, and school was extremely lax. They let me participate in any and all clubs, including help coaching basketball at one of my schools. They let me try knew activities and I had a lot of input. I was really close with some of my students, walk home after school or festivals with them etc.

If I could just move the town a bit closer to the city I would have been happy.

For the nerdy people in this thread, look up Riken University


Riken (理研) is a large scientific research institute in Japan. Founded in 1917, it now has about 3,000 scientists on seven campuses across Japan, including the main site at Wakō, Saitama Prefecture, just outside Tokyo. Riken is a Designated National Research and Development Institute,[1] and was formerly an Independent Administrative Institution. "Riken" is a contraction of the formal name Rikagaku Kenkyūjo (理化学研究所), and its full name in Japanese is Kokuritsu Kenkyū Kaihatsu Hōjin Rikagaku Kenkyūsho (国立研究開発法人理化学研究所) and in English is the National Institute of Physical and Chemical Research.

Riken conducts research in many areas of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, genomics, medical science, engineering, high-performance computing and computational science, and ranging from basic research to practical applications with 485 partners worldwide.[2] It is almost entirely funded by the Japanese government, and its annual budget is about ¥88 billion (US$790 million)


It is not just Tokyo University, you know.

Also, if you plan on going grad school in Japan.

Here's some links that may provide useful information.



Be warned that these online blogs are from the early 2000s so they may not accurately reflect what Japanese graduate school is like in 2019 but if you read these blogs, you may at least get some kind of idea about Japanese college

>Going to some no name uni instead of Tokyo U where you promised your childhood friend you'd go

lmao he has a bottle that says "cum"

>$3000 a month for basically nothing at all you wouldn't be doing anyways
>soul crushing

For people in this thread who want good Japanese language programs in Japanese colleges, Ritsumeikan University and Doshisha University have better Japanese language programs compared to some more well known public colleges in Japan.

As private universities, they have way more money and it is easier for them to spend their money without too much bureaucratic hurdles.



Also, don't get stuck too much on college ranking so much in Japan.

It's the quality of the program not the school ranking.

School ranking only matters in Japan if you want to run for Japanese Prime Minister or marry into some huge Japanese Banking Family.

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>working for gacha
holy shit user hold on! Wish you the best.

I've been NEET for 1-2 years at a time a few times and also worked various jobs in between due to necessity and random bouts of inspiration that made me do it. It all sucks ass. Being NEET with no money sucks ass and working also sucks ass because there's no time to do anything even if you have money. Now I'm working part time at a pretty nice cafe again(worked here before but quit due to circumstances) and just trying to enjoy the free time that I have while I can have a job that isn't so despairing. There is no time other than now probably to enjoy my life. I can only get more bitter and enjoy things less when I get older, because there is simply no path at this time to make it rich and then retire in a timely manner. In the mean time, I have a place where I can do honest work, make small chat with okay people, and have a free meal and free drinks. I've come to see that money is necessary, but it doesn't really make me any happier. I just want to be able to have a roof over my head in a relatively nice neighborhood and be able to have enough time to enjoy living.

3 grand a month for doing nothing, fuck I am jelly

There's time to do stuff, user
It's called "the weekend"
And if it's something small like watching anime there's a time you can do it called "after work"

Riken isn't a no name university in Japan.



It is more nerdy than Tokyo University.

Riken Scientists got the honor of naming a new chemical element for the Periodic Table.

>Chose a college far from home to feel free.
>Realize how sheltered I was, fail to adapt and stop going to class after 3 months.
>Lie to everyone for 5 years, telling them that I finished school but I don't plan on getting the degree.
>At first everyone believes it, after all "I was the smart kid" in the family.
>Years later, after years of me having done nothing but waste time on the internet I decide to leave my room and go to the family reunion for a change.
>Everyone's talking about my younger cousins, those little kids that I took care of when their parents went on vacation are now about to get their n degrees, one of them, the talk of the reunion, just bought his mother a brand new car while my family struggles to put food on the table because of my sister's unwanted pregnancy and bother's break off after she pushed all of her and her baby's expenses onto him since her boyfriend told her to fuck off and my dad's been lost ever since getting laid off with the government change.
>I used to feel guilty about these situations, but now I simply give out a faint laugh, head back home and go to bed hoping that I'll die in my sleep.

Sounds like the plot of a M/S doujin

Generally I naturally tend to use weekends as rest periods to recover from working the rest of the time. It also applies that the period after work, I have to do other things like personal maintenance(cooking, cleaning, etc.) that cuts too much into the free time if there is any, which makes it insignificant. This is unless of course, you strive to become a master of yourself and time manage yourself to be as productive as possible. But, I am not such a person. I would like to be a NEET with lots of money if possible.

For the weebs in this thread, you may be able to stand out from a lot of weebs in resumes if you passed some Kanji Kentei aka Japan Kanji Aptitude Tests


Like I said most weebs don't know Japan Kanji Aptitude Tests exist since Japanese-Language Proficiency Test has better marketing in the world and therefore more awareness the test exists, but if you are a legit Japanese nerd, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Test may make you stand out from the rest of the pack.


Sounds like you found your calling? What stopping you from going back?

The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test (日本漢字能力検定 Nihon Kanji Nōryoku Kentei) evaluates one's knowledge of kanji. The test is more commonly known as the Kanji Kentei (漢字検定), or the shorter Kanken (漢検). The test is administered by the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation (日本漢字能力検定協会 Nihon Kanji Nōryoku Kentei Kyōkai).[1]

There are 12 levels (levels 10 through 3, pre-2, 2, pre-1 and 1) with level 10 being the easiest and level 1 the most difficult. The test examines not only one's ability to read and write kanji, but also one's ability to understand their meanings, to use them correctly in sentences, and to identify their correct stroke order. Although the test was originally developed for native Japanese speakers, non-native speakers may also take the tests.

Native speakers pass levels 10 through 7 at better than an 80% rate, whereas level 1 is so difficult that fewer than two thousand people take it each time it is offered, and fewer than 20% of those pass.

For levels 10 through 8, the test is 40 minutes long; for levels 7 through 1, it is 60 minutes long. A minimal score of 70% is required to pass levels 7 through pre-2, and a score of 80% is required for levels 10 through 8, 2, pre-1, and 1.

Levels 10 through 4 are primarily taken by kindergarten to elementary school age (up to 12 years old) children. Levels 3 and above are typically taken by high school students and adults.

Level 2 is as high as many Japanese, even those with higher education degrees, tend to go. Passing level 2 can be used as leverage when applying for jobs, etc. Passing levels pre-1 and 1 is especially rare even among native speakers.

Plenty of us are literal shut-ins living off the bux, but blogposting is for failed normies

3 Year NEET here. I want to die and the only thing keeping me going is my waifu

>finally find dream job
>keep thinking I don't deserve it

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I got really sick and was in the hospital for a long time, I'm looking for jobs but I still feel shitty sometimes from my illness.

NEET since graduating from IT studies around Christmas 2012. Currently en route to retire before my 30s starting next year, through disability pension after 4 years of seeing doctors and psychs about anxiety.

What do you guys use when looking for a job. Is it really just applying to whatever job posting is online and hoping for a response that is them not saying they decided on a better candidate?

I hope none of you are going into crippling debt studying of all things. If they don't pay you to study, then it's not worth it.

I always imagined being a farmer. Now I know farming can be a very hard life and even harder depending on the crop.

But after watching a couple youtube videos about wasabi farms in Japan, I find it very comfy.

And unlike some crops that require constant sunlight, the wasabi plant requires cool water and shade so you don't need to worry about heat exhaustion when it comes to farming wasabi.





I guess I played too many Harvest Moon games.

Why can't living be easy? I didn't ask to be born

>Thinking that man made climate change is real.
I wonder what it is like being this gullible.

But you chose to win life's greatest race, you're just struggling in the 2nd heat but I believe you can make a comeback user!

What are you doing here Trump?

as far as retail i only apply to places which a. have online forms and b. don't require resumes or cover letters because i don't really have any on-paper experience or skills. most scummy places are happy to hire male workers between 18 and 35 no questions asked. janitorial work is nice and solitary, though good luck finding openings online. supermarkets are good, food service is okay as long as it's not a chain and not too big (being a diner busboy is alright if you literally don't give a shit about anything but the money). as for low-level career-type jobs, most manual labor is literally just showing up on the job site and taking shit until you learn enough to hold onto one, make connections and use them for the next project. as for engineering or software jobs, either start 15 years ago when you didn't have any competition from chinks or pajeets and now can stamp "senior" on the front of your job title or yeah, literally just pray. it helps to have connections but i'm assuming you don't because otherwise you wouldn't be asking for help

Life being easy is the reason why life itself is suffering.

>Drop out of high school because of anxiety and pariah status
>Spend three years as a NEET
>Eventually get a GED and manage to get into a community college
>Get accepted into engineering program at a decent university and transfer there
>Drop out after the first year due to burnout and social isolation
>Become a NEET again for the past three years
When will this end anons?

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Yeah, sometimes I feel like that too. I think my parents would have been happier with just my sister.

Or I wonder why I couldn't be as Chad as my dad. I thought children are suppose to inherit the personality of their parents but that isn't true at all unlike anime or manga.

My dad has the gift of gab while I just prefer to listen to people talk so I struggle to keep up an interesting conversation. I just find myself more interested in listening and absorbing what people say than say anything myself.

Thank for the info, If I have N3 which test level should I applied for user?

I used to work like five and a half years ago but once i got fired i just said fuck it, every here and there crippling depression and the though of suicide pop up, but after a while it goes away.

Well engineering is a hard major. Did you really like engineering?

I can understand why a former NEET burned out from pursuing a degree in engineering.

You obviously don't, but life is not fair, so all is well.

Well, lifetime employment does not exist anymore in America. Companies used to make employees even sing official company songs.

I can't imagine working at the same company for the rest of my life, though. Of course, this is in reference to the private sector.

I'm not smart enough for lifetime employment in the good public sector jobs like official government astronomer

I want to work in the govt specifically because I want lifetime employment.
How am I supposed to raise kids if I don't know if I'll have a job in 2 years?
I don't care if I'm crushed under bureaucracy, as long as it's near impossible to get fired

>be an immigrant to the USA
>be technically undocumented (not for long)
>fled from home country because we got threatened
>have math awards in olympiads and stuff
>be poor as hell
>not SSN
>only possibility to get an education is getting into some T20 via Questbridge
>it's literally MIT/Ivy or nothing because family can't pay the ridiculously expensive Florida universities
>moreover, don't know what to study, nor what do I want to do with my life
>all my friends were left in my home country; I'm friendly with the people here but can't grow intimacy

My family literally expects me to get everyone out of poverty. They think I'm some kind of genius and want to see me happy in the future. Fuck dude, I can't see myself in the future doing anything. I have no passion, I have nothing in my life that drives me to do something. I'm also too fucking boring to get into weird experiences that create catharsis. I feel bad more for my mom than for me, I already know I'm in for NEEThood but my mom really wants me to be a succesful human being so fucking much. I don't want to look at her face 10 years later when she sees that I did absolutely nothing. In the other hand, I don't want to waste my time the next years trying to do things that would be succesful if it doesn't fulfill me.

Not really. I thought I was being smart by picking a major I imagined would be practical.

Reading this thread made me realize how lucky I am to finish my engineer degree albeit shitty grade. Then got a low pay job, learning Japanese due to being a weeb and also company have a lot of Japanese customer so I got bonus for my Japanese certificate.
Do half-ass job all the time, all my friends on university already got a higher position than me. My manager know me well enough he let me do what I want during work time as long as I finish my task in time. Sometime I got a work trip to Japan. These two probably the reason why I haven't quit my job yet.
Life have it up and down user. A lot of time I wanted to give up but then for some reason I remembered Gurrent Lagaan, molester man and Genshiken, then I keep continuing.

You have to go back Paco.

Half the friends I knew from highschool became pharmacists. Some became dentists.

I know nobody from my old highschool who has a job that did not involve medicine in some way. It's a strange feeling.

None of them showed any interest at all in pharmacy or dentistry when we were classmates in highschool.

Meanwhile, I became a NEET after dropping out of college.

I wish I didn't become a NEET but I guess my old friends discovered what they wanted to do while I just took classes and didn't really know what to do.

Just do a CS / Eng degree dude.
You don't need to be smart or interesting, you just need to be willing to put the work in, and having a talent for math will totally help.
Then just get a job in tech.

Use your background and develop a sob story for admissions/scholarships, American universities love that shit.

>2 hours of work
>gets 3k a month in dollaroos
>wants a better job instead of using the free time to invest in a side business
Literally retarded. Come on user use the money to starr a side business

>Do half-ass job all the time
Don't do this.
I got a really great job then half assed it because I could get away with it; ended up biting me in the ass and I lost the job for being sloppy.
They knew I was half assing things, they just never bothered warning me and as soon as the company had financial difficulties I was the first to go.

Sucks because it was a pretty awesome job

Are you me? Working overseas is still an open option user.

>Marrying an american woman
Not even once user.

Same situation, I want to start a side business but can't think of any idea. Plus running a business is never really a "side" thing, it becomes your main thing.

God damn I would literally slave over a girl like that. Literally one steo cloae to being a housewife, she just needs to learn how to cook and taking care of the house

NEET of 3 years or so here. Did do some temp contract work for like 3 months but that's it
Gradded with a bachelor's in a field I have no passion for (then again I don't have passion in general, especially for anything that could resemble a job). Nobody wants to hire since my resume is garbage since I have no work experience, attempted freelance for a bit but that doesn't work when you can't network and hate social interaction anyways. I tell people I'm still freelancing to get them off my back.
Life's hard.

Here's an idea to get you started.
Find Yea Forums memes and turn them into merch (i.e. patches or stickers).
For about $30 you can get 100 velcro patches made on Aliexpress; if you sell them for $6 + shipping you'll make your money back in no time, then the rest is pure profit.

Hardest part is making a website, but you could just be lazy and sell on eBay / Amazon.

Several anons have sites for this kind of stuff.
Just google it

Yeah, thank for the advice user. I already put more effort on getting new certification. My aim is to work in Japan at the end of this year. I have to learn more before change my job position from technician to communicator engineers.

You can blame Thomas Edison. He basically "invented" or mainstream job resumes in America and even job interviews...

People really did use to just shake hands before Thomas Edison or simply asked for work.

>master of music
I bet you're drown in pussies.

It is not construction workers who are going to be replaced first. It is those routine management positions who will be replaced by AI and planning algorithms.

I purchased a joke domain name thinking it might be fun to make money off my shitposting, had T shirts and coffee mugs designed, and still haven't done a single thing with it. I'm a neet, have been for two years since dropping out of the pre-med program and getting diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. I am trying to learn math and physics as a hobby to take my mind off of the existential horror.

I wish they told us that in college

it's better than burning out on the 4th year and not knowing what to do

>living in shitty 3rd world country
>get mechatronics eng. diploma at 21
>NEET for a year because failed to escape this shit country because no money
>working towards getting a degree at 23 now
>will probably get an electrical eng. degree at 25
>then get a shitty job with shitty wage because poor country

My friends from school are already rising in ranks in their big name companies meanwhile I still amount to nothing much. I don't want to do this anymore anons.

explain the racism please, im curious

Same here. I was just told to go to college.

I definitely regret how I handled college. I only knew what I should have done after completely fucking up.

I'm getting a Master's degree to stall time because I hate the concept of working.
I thought it's going to be a breeze, but it's actually fucking exhausting.
5 papers and presentation PER WEEK.

Is she wearing a randoseru?

>low stress job
>boss thinks I'm working hard
>am actually hardly working
5 years until I've paid off the home, then I'll start investing in something, hopefully I can retire early.

In the NEETs I read about, many of them are STEM major dropouts. I never seen a NEET post who was some art school dropout.

I guess drawfags have a way to delay becoming full NEET? Or my social circle from childhood to adulthood never included an artist so artfags remain a curiosity to me.

drawfags can sell commission and merch stuff, bonus point if you can draw furry porn

Artfags can literally just do online commissions so they can just sit at home all day drawing

At least when you're a semi-decent artfag you can resort to drawing porn for degenerates with more money than senses.

user, artfags used to being starve and jobless

>becoming a seiyuu
>or a light novel author
I'm writing while still trying to get a degree on Biology
How fucked am I anons?

Probably because nobody admits to being an artfag in the first place. They're basically NEET or minimum wage by default.

What is the age of your house? I hope you did not buy a house with Popcorn Ceilings.

This thread may not heard of Popcorn Ceilings before but Asbestos used to be a very popular building material.


If you bought a house with popcorn ceiling, it may or may not contain asbestos, which could turn off buyers

Reminds me of that post about the guy who throws up every time he draws furry porn but people pay him so much for it he keeps doing it. God furries are disgusting

>graduated with a math degree
>only have some warehouse experience
>can't find a job
What do?

I got so jealous when I saw some twitch streamer and dota players getting millions in their 20s.
I want to earn million and be a lazy neet for the rest of my life too...

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As a weeb growing up, didn't you want to fall in heart-pounding love? Weren't you wishing for the day that everything fell into place and you were with someone you truly loved?

and then it never came?

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I'll speak Japanese and people will just respond with "SOOORIII, NO INGURISHU!" and I know my Japanese isn't perfect, but I'm N2, have no problems elsewhere, and communicated effectively in numerous settings (phone, coworkers, job interviews) etc. Even my Japanese friends would be like "uh, he's speaking Japanese...?"

They don't know what to say so people will just be like oh wow you're good at chopsticks! Sugoi! I roll my eyes when it's from strangers but when I've worked with for 2 years it's such a worthless compliment, especially when it's all the fucking time.

you can't go ANYWHERE without 100% being accosted by people with shitty english wanting free lessons, or the opposite, people staring and being frightened of you, literally heard "gaijin, kowai! (scary foreigner) multiple times. or shit like "such a tall nose!" then people just fucking grabbing my nose or touching my hair or skin or some shit.

Your Japanese is so good! in response to saying hello or good morning. Then, they'll talk about you RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and I had to be like "I literally understand your conversation since it's about me and I'm right here." This happened multiple times. I appreciate genuine compliments, but that shit was so fucking demeaning.

I was at a ramen restaurant that my kids parents own, and this out of town couple was murmuring about how I wasn't slurping my noodles correctly. I almost stabbed his eyes out with my chopsticks. I LIVE here. I walk these people's daughter home from school, I've talked to her about her being a lesbian curiosity that she can't talk to with anyone else, I am going to eat my noodles how ever the fuck I want and I don't want some god damn commentary while doing it because I'm not slurping to your liking.

Do you eat bread everyday?
You must miss hamburgers!
Did you know Japan has 4 seasons? Is this your first time experiencing this?
Do they have allergies in America?

what kinds of jobs are you applying to?

You can too.
All you need is fake tits and the willingness to play objectively shit games 16 hours a day 7 days a week

Yeah, still do.
The guy who knocked up my 18 year old niece is one year older than me.

>NEET thread on Yea Forums
No one applied for animator or manga artist?

I could go on more but I do want to say that this was mostly adults or old people. My kids were fucking awesome, I never felt weird in front of them, they were always great and asked actual good questions. They were in Jr High so of course they teased me but deep down were super sweet. Got lots of hugs and compliments from them, they taught me a lot of Japanese and about life.

Would other Asians have better chance of blending in, comparing to the whites and blacks

You don't any job you want with 300k starting?

>Do you eat bread everyday?

I'm living in a capital city of a third world country and our minimum wage is 280 dollar/month and the most elite ones are around 550-700 dollar/month.
It's insanely low. I don't even want to live anymore.
There's nothing to live for.

1989, by that time building laws were already strict in my country so no bad stuff.

not a neet but I wish I was one, friends and family can go fuck themselves
t. corporate slave wagecuck

Pretty much, the reason for me is that i have never met a person let alone a woman who i havnt thought was a piece of shit. Im too bitter to ever find love.

iirc biology is a good degree, keep grinding user. just make the writing a side thing

is that counted as racism? i thought its a stereotype thing, damn countryside is that bad huh, i mean because they're in countryside they barely exposed with those things (foreign thing), it can happened anywhere as long as its countryside (i guess)

Put it in crypto you dumbass. When you're a billionaire remember the poorfag Yea Forumsnon that gave you good advice and show the board some kindness in return.

Wow, so sad, the foreigner was treated like a foreigner. Imagine being born and raised in a country and being treated like a foreigner from day one. You're an entitled little bitch.

If you look obviously not Japanese you will stand out more, but it depends on 'what kind of asian." I knew a korean guy who got way less of that shit than I did, they didn't treat him as much like a monkey, as in anything from knowing a few words to using eating utensils is amazing.
Some of them thought Korea makes up shit about the war, and a lot hate China or Chinese people.

If you are a native English speaker though, and you aren't super dark and your asian, you are very likely to get less shit than I did.

Also, this was in a REALLY middle of nowhere town, people in Tokyo or Osaka aren't phased by foreigners really.

I'm not technically a NEET but I feel like one. Have a decent degree, temporarily migrated from one cold country to another cold (but much nicer) country, working there in IT, but I'm basically doing shit all at work and shit all in my life, don't even watch anime that much. I don't know how to break out of this cycle, I had dreams once, yet all I can do is work the bare minimum to sustain myself and my non-working parents.

Doesn't help that I just can't seem to make enough effort to go beyond mediocre in anything I try. Can do any kind of coding, but not even remotely good at it, can read moon and translate a bit, but even I can see how shit I am at that, can't even learn this current country's language properly, dropped all pet projects years ago, barely read anything at all, all I do is ironically complain about this and that on Yea Forums and other >social media.

And it's not like I have any diagnosed physical/mental health issues other than various kinds of allergies and minor neck troubles. It's just this fucking cycle of nothing. The few anime series that I do still watch are the only things that save me from just degrading completely, even if they do fuel the escapism.

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Bachelor's degree is super easy and comfy.
Master's and Doctorate are super busy with constant assignment and everything is very fast paced. You have to keep reading and writing.

I don't know. I just apply to anything with math in the description. Actuary, data analyst, accountant, etc all the stuff people are actually looking for that I can't do. I don't actually know how to do anything specific.

>Family disintegrated
>Friends drifting apart
>Dog getting old

It's alright I guess. Currently half-heartedly trudging through college (that I got peer pressured into going to). People have been pushing me to get a job alongside my studies but I feel that I would be stretching myself way thin at that point.

I watched too much ideal shit. Wanted a family, got married young, wife quit taking birth control when we were fighting in order to gain control over me. I did it simply for the love of music, honestly. It wasn't about money. I just wanted to do something I enjoyed. Also Nodame was so damn good

Ive already got a kid. I'm not cut out for relationships at this point in my life and my sole focus is my kid

I'm East Asian, so I look Japanese enough but can't speak shit. When I tried speaking to some locals I got jouzu'd a few times, which was annoying.


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>tfw Chad cousin 1 year older than me graduated after me but was smart and changed his major to information systems and did an internship and got hired right out of college, making 70k a year while I'm neet

>tfw graduated from meme hospitality degree, no connection since I burned all the bridges (autistic, bullied, fuck em)
>tfw parents work in real estate industry
>tfw family is moderately rich
>have enough capital to buy empty lands and build houses for profit
>I work like 2 hours a day but they’re not even mandatory
>relatives offered to inherit gold and gold jewelry shop for me
I really want to leave my NEET life and become a gold merchant, still contemplating tho. On the other side, the real estate business pretty much I can do this as a side for a real job but I chose not to. The jewelry shop offer is really really sweet deal though, going to have internship for a few months in relatives’ place

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You are literally me.
I'm doing EXACTLY the same.
I'll turn 23 in two months.
I'm pursuing my Master's degree because I don't want to work. That's the only reason.

Mostly the countryside, it's not that any one thing was so bad, it's just that it was often multiple on a daily basis and it really wears you down.
He was asking about my experience so I was giving examples. I am very sympathetic to foreigners in America or Australia or wherever who get shit like that even though they were born and raised or lived most of their life there. You've obviously had it worse than me considering how assblasted you are.

You'll be able to walk around and get bothered less most likely. If you practice, study, and live there you'd get better.
I don't mind getting jouzu'd if someone means it, or it's like a store clerk and they are trying to be nice, but if I just say "ohayou" come on. I even got sugoi'd over my native language of English or using a fork and knife sometimes.

>I am very sympathetic to foreigners in America or Australia or wherever who get shit like that even though they were born and raised or lived most of their life there.
I was talking about Japan actually.

if it happened to you that often, have you considered using headphones a lot?

Ninja looks extremely unhealthy and pale as fuck.

I don't think I could handle a lifestyle like that.

If I wanted to be a streamer, I rather be those popular streamers where no dialogue is required and they just unbox stuff or completely cook or bake in silence.

But there's a lot of competition in those areas, too, funny enough.

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Az? Is that you?

Those young millionaire gamers could stop doing what they're doing and be a neet forever. assuming they're not living a luxurious life.
It's far better than being a wage slave until you're 55 and then die.

I also will turn 23 in two months. I wish you the best of luck in life another me from another place.

There is a balance to be had. A lot of mid-big names do nothing but sleep, stream, and hit the gym.

Are temp agencies worth a shot?

who are you quoting?


ninja got lucky because fortnite is a massive boom, the "good" example of streamer is like shroud, dr. disrespect or imaqtpie

but then again shroud is a god, disrespect and imaqtpie is highly entertaining streamer so either you're git gud or super funny on cam

How do you earn a million anyway? Not living in US, without any talent for stock trading.

I mean I realize most people on the planet barely make their ends meet and I've got first(-ish) world problems, but still.

Any advice on how to handle constantly letting down your parents?

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Depends on the timeframe. How quickly do you need it?

I'm 27. Soon to be 28.
Is it too late to study a trade?

I'm trying to think of something to build a career out of at my age but ... I'm coming up with nothing.
HVAC seems promising what with global warming but I think I'm too old for an apprenticeship.

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You know the Rothschilds, right? The biggest weeb in their family is Charlotte Henriette de Rothschild

Charlotte Henriette de Rothschild (born 28 November 1955) is a British soprano specializing in the recital and oratorio repertoire who is a member of the Rothschild banking family of England.


>After performing in Japan for over twenty years, Charlotte recorded a CD of classical Japanese songs called "A Japanese Journey" (NI6190). She was the first foreigner to have recorded this music in the native tongue and as such was hailed as a pioneer and she has promoted the beauty of these songs all over the world, accompanied by the harp, piano or orchestra. She devised and performed quite a number of these Japanese songs as well as her family songs in a 90-minute television documentary for NHK TV called "Rothschild Passions" and was recently featured in a documentary on BS Asahi TV. In 2001 a twenty-minute arrangement of Kohsaku Yamada songs was commissioned especially for Charlotte and the English Chamber Orchestra in a concert which was held at the Barbican. Inspired by other successful performances of these orchestrated songs, in 2016 Charlotte made a whole CD of specially commissioned orchestral arrangements of 19 very beautiful Japanese songs by various composers with the City of London Sinfonia conducted by Michael Collins. This was released as “Hana Wa Saku – Flowers Will Bloom” (NI6330) and the Sinfonia, Michael and Charlotte toured Japan together in the Spring of 2017, (while also later in the year having her Australian debut). Her third CD of Japanese art songs, “Furusato” (NI6357), accompanied by Adrian Farmer, was released in January 2018. During her February tour in Japan, Charlotte had the tremendous honour of performing some of these delightful songs for the future Emperor and Empress of Japan.

This Rothschild family weeb has lived in Japan for 20 years by the way.

I spent four years slaving for a degree in chemistry and physics at an Ivy League school that turned out to be fucking worthless because it's all about the fucking connections.

God I wish I could go back and redo everything.

That too. Actually all of the kids who were part any other ethnicity would tell me and not even their other teachers, so we'd talk about their family or countries they've been to, things they can't talk about in front of others in fear of "standing out too much." They were usually fine but I always stayed after school to talk with them if they needed someone to talk to.

one kid was good at english but would pretend to suck in class because she didn't want to stand out, so I would talk to her before or after class a lot.

I have a lot of friends like that too in Japan, and I feel terrible, I always try to support them but not much to be done sometimes.
Yeah sometimes you can avoid it with headphones, but like if you're at work or checking out at the grocery store or at a bar you can't, it will catch up to you. I just found a few good circles of people and tried to deviate from those as little as possible.
Again, it's not so bad and not the end of the world. Most of my coworkers were awesome and I loved my students. I wanted to teach and learn Japanese and I did, and it was 100% worth it. I'm only telling you in case you are interested, just know that stuff is a reality for some.
nah sorry.


So don't think being a music weeb is embarrassing. It is not.

Otherwise, a Rothschild would not have spent 20 years of her life, living in Japan as a soprano, and live in Europe, instead, with the rest of her family.

why is this thread here? why does it have over 300 posts? this is a topic for /r9k/ not Yea Forums. what makes this "board culture" and not a bunch of other stuff that's been deemed to no longer be "board culture"?

the janitor applications go out of their way to talk up the "objective standard" of moderating decisions and yet clearly that standard isn't being applied here so what gives? mods just decided they liked this thread topic so it gets to stay? this board is just their personal fiefdom then?

Suck a dick

I've been a NEET on and off ever since I was 16(now 21). Haven't even graduated HS even though I got all my credits last year because my general anxiety flared up near graduation end, leaving me in a broken mess since then. Yesterday, my mother cried in front of me.

>money concerns and issues a common thing growing up
>constantly hear stories about how soul-crushing working a normal job is
>hear further negativity later in life such as how you need a college degree minimum just to get an entry level, low-paying respectable job
>develop the mentality that I'll never have anything nice in life since earning a living seemed like the hardest thing in the world according to everyone around me
>have a hard time getting bottom-of-the-barrell work once I hit the legal age since the economy was trash
>rejected from every job I've ever been interviewed for
>motivation to find work completely plummets
>no inspiration to start college since I was a dunce and suffered tons of misinformation about it
>spend the majority of my early adulthood being socially inept
>all of my friends back in my school days grew up to be delinquents
>half of them in prison, the other half drug addicts
>can't get along with other people my own age since they're all batshit insane
>my parents pass away, leaving me on my own
>summon some semblance of balance in my life and try to pursue college courses
>for the first time ever I have a bank account with some money in it
>however, the life of the depressed neet continues
at least I'm just barely scraping by for now thanks to my semesters

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get fuck

meant for

It's a trick, everyone who admitted to not being a little girl (18+) is getting banned.

she sounds like she's living the life she wanted to

was asking if you were Az because he's brought up a lot of similar talking points during his years teaching english in japan
dude ran a blog about it
I remember reading it pretty fondly

you can do it user! dont give up! not being a drug addict like the rest of your friends is a good start

Seems to be a bunch of normalfaggots who are too lazy to click the /r9k/ button. As usual.

10-15 years, after that I don't think I'll be able to work effectively, already 30 years old and feeling pressured by youngsters. Of course the sooner the better, but this timeframe already doesn't sound too realistic...

And yeah US salaries of $200k a year are not a thing here.

This thread is the true face of Yea Forums, maybe you can stop blaming Yea Forums for every shitpost now you hypocrites.

I've seen this character a million times. What is this manga?

He's Spanish

I don't get how anyone here haven't even joined any mass shooting event yet.

Neeko chan

I don't want to hurt nobody, man.

>mass shooting
Why should i?

I'll have to check it out, I've seen a few similar blog but not this one. It's nice knowing other people have gone through similar experiences.

I wanted to give a lot of info and there were some not so great days, but overall I loved teaching there.

you faggots are just mad because you know i'm right. seriously, what happened to the monster girl threads we used to have? they're only allowed on /d/ or other boards now--so why is this thread allowed? it's a bullshit standard because there clearly is no standard other than the *opinions* of the mods who are never forced to justify their banning decisions. if the ban log wasn't limited to a few hours it would be a hell of a lot easier to make a case that the mods aren't actually following the objective standard that's described in janitor/mod application forms.

i wish you were right but i have a hard time believing you are. i've been coming here on and off since 2009, and the state of Yea Forums moderation today is seriously concerning for the long-term health of the board. i mean, i remember when shonen threads weren't even allowed. i get why that unspoken rule was stupid, but i'm just bringing it up for comparison's sake since i'm sure a lot of people in this thread remember that time.

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Why be an incel when you can be a weeb?
Why shoot people when you can shoot yourself?

There is literally no reason to go on a mass shooting of random people ever.
Also I know multiple people that have died in multiple shootings and I think every mass shooter should get the rope or be burned alive

some standout parts to me were he and his wife being unable to qualify for a loan or finding a house to buy, because he was a foreigner
his wife's family had also basically disowned her until a grandchild was born because he was black
it was the kids that kept him going through all the shit like that

There was a time when applying to college, I considered applying to an Ivy just for the hell of it but then I wondered if I would fit in and symbology degrees don't exist like in Dan Brown books.

I had a classmate who attended Cornell though. He just became a banker in another state but in my opinion, I don't think you really need a Cornell degree just to become a banker

If there is no reason, why would there even be mass shooting?

most of people here are hating and blaming them self, not society as a whole

not everything has some great meaning
34 people were burned alive the other month over absolutely nothing at all
the universe is random and cruel

>There is literally no reason to go on a mass shooting of random people ever.
most mass shootings are not random. are you next going to tell us you're 100% L and 0% kira? you're just a *good* guy like that?

Because some people are fucked in the head

>muh rules
Some retards eat their own shit too, there's no reason.
They just feel like it

5 year hikki NEET. At this point it feels like I've dug such a deep hole I don't know how to get up.

Is this the most comfy and reason/a/ble thread on 4channel?

I went to Yale just to end up at some dead end corporate wage slave job at 50 an hour.

Not anymore, shitposters just enter the thread

>>There is literally no reason to go on a mass shooting of random people ever.
>most mass shootings are not random.
I'm not talking about "mass shootings."
I'm talking about "mass shootings of random people"
like I literally said and you literally quoted

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Normalfag blogging is not comfy.

depressed neet blogging is pretty comfy when it's just contained to one thread that pops up once every few months

I hate myself more than anything, why would I hurt someone else?

There are no depressed NEETs anymore, you guys are normalfags being ironic.

This, an occasional nighttime Yea Forums thread isn't the end of Yea Forums. In fact it's what makes us little girls so special

Does international security involve alcohol?



Asahi looks very busy these days

>Some retards eat their own shit too, there's no reason.
>They just feel like it
i know how smart you felt writing this, but the reality is that there absolutely is a reason in each and every case. non-retarded people usually do it as some kind of sexual thing. retards do it as a result of thought processes we can't comprehend thanks to our normal brains but that doesn't mean they don't have their own internal consistency.

real people almost always have internal consistency unless they're truly insane. even the mentally ill aren't usually completely insane--only partially. even if you can't understand why they do what they do it doesn't mean that internal consistency doesn't exist.

this is why it's so important for written characters like those in anime to have an internal consistency to their morals, values, and logic that the audience can pick up on both with their brain but also with their intuition. it's one of the things that makes characters more believable even if they're weird or very different from ourselves.

tl;dr no one does anything ever for no reason. they may not even understand their own reasoning but there's ALWAYS a reason.

Depressed wageslave is not that far off from NEET

are you deliberately trying to miss my point? "mass shootings of random people" don't happen hardly ever. there's almost ALWAYS an extensive reasoning within the murderer's mind. they may not tell us what it is, they may lie about it, they may not even understand it. but mass shootings of *random people* don't just happen.

Oh yeah what next, you've had sex before but somehow identify as a virgin?

How many NEETs wished they had the body to be athletes.

I know many an Olympic athlete said their childhood was shit since it was just constant training and no fun from childhood to most of their adult life, in an attempt to compete for the Olympics but I always wondered what it felt like to be a Sports Jock.

I'll check them out, thanks user! great idea.
who is an interesting character that reflects this?

People always try to find some reason to explain why things happened but sometime there's none.

Welcome to the NHK author claimed to be a NEET even though he was writing novels in an attempt to sell them.

Sad what happened to NHK author though. He became insane after joining a religious cult.

Well, Sir Bors managed to achieve the Holy Grail as an almost virgin, so we could make some special cases...

I want to lewd her

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because there are a lot of people out there who deserve to be hurt, and you probably aren't one of them since those that deserve to be hurt usually don't hate themselves.

if i was going to kill myself i'd absolutely go kill a bunch of people but only people i believed deserved to be punished. the only real difference between my mindset and kira's is that i don't want to be god. i don't want to rule over anything or anyone. i don't want to be special. i just want certain people and those like them to suffer.

but unfortunately i have too much to live for, and i can't risk throwing my life away. in a sense, i sometimes feel envious of those who have nothing left to lose even though i know that's silly and i should be more grateful for what i have.

Yep, Yea Forums is now the most normalfag board.

honestly beats what happened to Yea Forums

I just can't get a damn interview because I have no work experience due to living in bumfuck nowhere. I regret not working part time when I went to college. Never should have moved home after college. 2 years trying and it's time to swallow my pride and go for a non science job

i never said there's ALWAYS a reason, and in that case that man is probably just a genuine sociopath or some other form of deranged.

the case i was making is that "mass shooters" rarely ever go out and target "random" people. there's almost always some kind of pattern even if we don't understand it in all cases or think it doesn't make sense since we don't have as many screws loose.

That's the price of being a famous "website where you can be as edgy as you like"
There're always normalfags on every board, the question is how much
The thread was quite comfy and fun until shitposters start yelling hurr durr normalfags to make themselves feel superior somehow.


Fun fact: Suntory tried to buy Häagen-Dazs but the family who owned Haagen Dazs sold to Pillsbury.

How unfortunate. Haagen Dazs just keeps shrinking the product while raising the price of its ice cream products these days.

Fuck off, normalfag.

what kind of college did you go to? assuming you got a STEM degree based on your post, did you ever spend any time doing lab research under a professor, possibly for class credit? that was what i did so i could say i had experience without actually having worked a real job yet.

Take one to know one, checkmate

The HD cups in Japan are so damn small and expensive it's ridiculous.

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Fuck off, normalfag.

Welcome to the NHK ended with Satou becoming a wage slave to stay alive.

Just being a wageslave does not automatically make you a normalfag. Some of us aren't lucky enough to have ways to survive as a NEET.

Nah, Yea Forums or Yea Forums are probably the most normalfag boards

>How do you earn a million anyway?
you find a niche like animals in the wild. look at that asmongold faggot on twitch getting a thousand dollars a day in donations when he's not even good at WoW compared to far less famous streamers.

but people throw money at him because they feel he speaks up for them against blizzard. he's found his niche and exploited it to massive success.

you have to look at what your skills and traits are and try to figure out what niche they fit into. then you figure out how to monetize that niche.

this is what all the people who started poor and got rich without sucking rich people's dicks for a leg up did.

Ice cream gives me diarrhea

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But Satou is a normalfag, always has been.

you're still in your twenties. my mom's friends with a guy who did his HVAC apprenticeship in his early 40s when he was forced to shift careers due to the loss of all our manufacturing in the U.S. as a result of our corrupt politicians.

if you're actually genuinely interested in a trade that's worth something, you should absolutely go for it.

Can confirmed, i'm from Yea Forums.
It's a shitposter board and i love it

why did she bleach her hair

I'm not joking but have any NEETs here ever considered running for mayor.

I just noticed running for mayor doesn't even require a highschool degree.

If you ran for Mayor and somehow won, it make a great story.

You need capital to run any successful campaign.

just be aware of what it really means to go into a trade
there are many reasons that the trades are so underpopulated these days
the hourly pay looks great on paper, but in reality work doesn't necessarily come in nonstop, and there's a constant risk of getting ripped off by scumbag customers
it's also quite rough on your body to spent a lot of the day hunched over

Based Yea Forumsirginbro

What sort of industry can I break into if I'm nearly 30?

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Factory worker, it's soul crushing though.

t. NEET who worked a couple of months at a factory

I actually have considered running for a local political position but I have spent too much time abroad so all the people who have never left will think I'm some out of touch commie.

>Stuck with depression in my high school years, became mild schizophrenia in my college years
>Parents didn't really give a shit, just keep feeding me meds and told me to keep going to college
>Spent my college days everyday wanting to go home while trying to fight off panic attacks
>Became much better around graduation
>By that time it's too late, basically had no connections or soft skills.
>Managed to land shitty jobs (because of my shitty degree) twice but eventually got fed up with them
Nowadays I get my income from drawing fetish porn, not much but I plan to save and open a business or something. Fuck it, it's much better than being stuck with schizophrenia and can't even feel any emotion.

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Applied Biology and Biopharm science. It sounds good but it was actaually a shit degree, jack of all trades and master of none. Irish, so lab research for extra credit wasn't a thing. I do have 9 weeks of workplacement as a lab tech but it's not enough

Boredom is NEET number 1 enemy

How do people have the time to be a NEET?
>1-2 hours a day on anime not counting backlog
>1 hour on manga
>2 hours checking out various r18 stuff
>4-8 hours on video games
>3-4 hours browsing Yea Forums
>another 10 hours to do dailies and grind event for the gacha games I play
I feel like my life is falling apart and I'm starting to burn out

We're already at that stage, with people having sex still trying to get pity bucks by complaining about how "it's still not emotionally fulfilling". Anything for the attention. Blogposting normalfags are pathetic, as this thread proves.

Being NEET is okay which I've been doing for 10 years now, there are a few gaps here and there so it's not straight up that amount, but combinet.

In the beginning it was hard, but after you perfect it it's a nice way of living. Albeit it would be nice to have some money and maybe travel but that's not solely a NEET issue.

My daily schedule is basically;
>Wake up around 10AM, drink and eat something
>At 12PM I'll usually bike to my babushka's place.
>Eat, play games and maybe fix my bicycle while till 4-6PM
>Go to gym after that and come back home around 8PM
>At home play games, watch anime and eat well till I go to sleep at somewhere between 1 and 3AM

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>gacha games

What do you mean by have time to be NEET? Time is all a NEET has, shit starts to sour when everything you do daily becomes boring due to lack of variation and slowly boredom or depression starts to set in.

>Have money for gyms

It's ~14 dollars a month.

>tfw graduated with an engineering degree
>too scared to get a job
>almost a whole year since graduation
>forgot almost everything
>not even sure if I can learn anymore
>start wondering if uni was worth it
I'm not going to make it

the specific title of your degree doesn't matter as much as the general field. it's more likely your problem is something else.

for example, i'm not talking about extra credit. you essentially do the same thing as the PhD students working under a professor in their lab for actual course credit. i did this two semesters and it was counted the same on my transcripts as one class for two separate semesters. this enabled me to say i have about 8 months of lab experience on my resume (in which i explained what my research was centered on, what instruments and techniques i used).

lab tech is a brainless job anyone can do without a degree and 9 weeks is nothing so that's not gonna help you. did you go to a low ranked college for your country? i'm in the U.S. but out of our 4000 colleges the one i went to is ranked in the top 10% nationally. if you went to the equivalent of a community college that could also be a big part of your problem.

but your resume could have something weird in it too that put them off. really, there are a ton of variables at play. i'm just saying whatever might be relevant to your problem.

>graduate in IT
>get a job in the fucking printing industry instead
I don't know how i ended up here, but paper is interesting

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it only feels like you've forgotten it. as soon as you get back into the game you'll realize you've retained a lot more than you thought.

your problem is self-doubt. you won't be able to do anything until you overcome that.

It's crazy how printing ink can cost more than gold

It how they get you, sell cheap machine but rack up money with the ink

>paper is interesting
you wouldn't happen to be an assistant [to the] regional manager would you?

I would say it is metabolism.

I miss my highschool metabolism. It's easy to get fat as a NEET.

Just eat less, retard.

It's injury. It sucks when you get a bad injury that needs physical therapy.

Take it from me. Try to be /fit/ while you are a NEET or the risk of injury rises for a NEET weakened body. I was stupid and over exerted myself and injured myself in the process.

Why do they have to make food so fucking cheap and tasty?

Your metabolism didn't change. Your total daily energy expenditure did. Move more, or eat less, retard

>Computer science degree
>no side projects to boost resume because hate programming
>Can't get entry-level interview because no internships
>Can't get through initial interviews because of social anxiety and the questions asked have nothing to do with that I learned in school
>Can't get through on-site interviews because of the above reasons and the thought of having to be there 8 hours every day coding destroys my soul

Pretty well known college. I think it's probably my CV since probably 80% of my classmates got jobs. It's mainly a combo of no general work experience and lack of social skills. Since in the few interviews I did get I aced the technical questions, I was even told I managed to answer Q's no one else has before once. But I struggled with the personal and HR type Q's.

>brain consumes about 20% of your daily energy
>NEETs stop thinking because it reminds them of their loneliness, broken dreams, etc.
Is there a link?

here in the US we don't even use CVs unless it's for a highly specific position usually later in someone's career. none of my friends use them and most got good jobs right out of college.

again, i think your problem is something about your resume and if you lack social skills they may be affecting your resume's appearance to the employer. perhaps try having older people in your life read over your resume and tell you what stands out to them. this was very instructive for me. i didn't realize some of what i was doing wrong until i had older people tell me their first impressions.

>your problem is self-doubt
I know. People always tell me it's just a first job and they'll ease me into it and it's a learning experience and whatnot. But pessimistic thoughts of the process of getting hired and actually being on a job get to me. It's a miracle I made it this far but getting all this thrown on me just made me crumble.

This is true, but what are my other options really?
I have two Bachelor's that are useless because the industry was crippled by government funding cuts, and I lack the capital to move. Not that I want to be a researcher anyway to be honest.

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My family's so nice with me even though I'm a failure in college, I just wanna show them I can amount to something.
I used to do sports, play instruments and draw constantly when young but now the only thing I'm doing's trying to push through CS. I'll get to be a NEET for the rest for the year so I hope that'll give me enough time to figure myself out and try to not lose the only friend i made there.

I wanna go somewhere, I don't care where, with the money I get from the house I inherited but my dad's really elderly and uses most of that money to pay his medical bills. I'm stuck here in this damp and cold city, probably for other 10-15 years.

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>29 years old grlll
>monstrously ugly
>kissless virgin
>no friends
>NEET, no high school degree
>not taking baths since 10 years ago
>never going outside my house
>not even enjoying anime or vidya anymore

Beat me, faggots.

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that's more than what most assian engineers get for a full time,12hr with unlimited unpaid OT, job. maybe i should be stealing your jeb.

fucking normie problems.

they're already spooking you with drones and nanotech. get outta here, you stoll pigeon!

Cutting of your dick doesn't make you a girl user

Depends on location. You know even some engineers in San Francisco qualify for financial aid and food stamps.

So how did you get into drawing fetish porn And how much do you make?

>>monstrously ugly
i genuinely feel bad for laughing at that

this won't really make you feel any better but maybe reading of this guy from Yea Forums's misery a few days ago will make you smile for a second or two?

if you're not enjoying them anymore why don't you try out some other hobbies with all your free time like exercise or drawing?

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Drawing is an interesting hobby because unlike most hobby, you need at least 4-5 years to get to a normal level

>5-chan t-shirt
wtf is this crossboarder scum?!??
why isn't this ad spamming corp killed by Whatsapp yet?

being a depressed wageslave is FAR WORSE than being a neet.
God I hate working so much I wish I can laze around until I die, but my dad doesn't want to be my provider anymore.
My life is pretty much over now.

I don't even care about relationship, girls and sex anymore. I just want my time alone and freedom back.
People who get married and have children are crazy. such a waste of time and money.

Compare salary between different country is retarded because the living cost is way different.
I made 500$/month and i live comfortable with money to spare

>i am wamen.
try twitch thotting

I thought living as a girl is easy mode?

Thats attractive girls user, ugly girls probably have it even worse than ugly guys considering most people value women on looks alone in the first place

>my dad doesn't want to be my provider anymore
I hope i can make enough money to live a comfy live before my parents get sick of my face

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The scribbles I make unconciously whenever I'm in lectures are just the right amount of soul crushing that I wonder almost every day when I'm gonna have the balls to drop out,tell my dad off and pursue making a living out of drawing.

if he somehow lived for years without a single job, i think he's plenty rich with 3000 a month.
and he did say his familia is rich. not just normie. he's super normie.

user, an ugly woman is not even considered a real human being.

It is, if she made a tinder or dating account there's guaranteed to be someone willing to interact with her. Of course, it probably won't be love, but the love people keeping dreaming of only exists in fiction anyway.

True i guess, i see beautiful girls flock to ugly rich guys but i don't see the opposite

All girls are ugly, everything pretty you see are makeups and plastic.

The amount of money does not decide how much of a normalfag you are retard.

pyw, i will rate your potential
t.drawfag that being at it for 5 full years

Neither is an ugly dude, don't see how there's any difference

i remember girls back in secondary and primary who obviously weren't allowed to use makeup. some of them were truly beautiful. about 2% of the class? not sure if they got ugllio with age.

>inb4 3dpd pedo.

pretty sure it does, compared to NEETs.

>Steal your girl

Attached: a73.jpg (680x383, 48K)

i knew a real ugly guy back in the army. he only got a "vocational" training cert. somehow he got married twice. not sure if his family was richfag though.

Normalfags flock to richfags like flies to shit. Being appeased by yesmen normalfaggots is basically the same as being a normalfag.

I haven't finished a drawing in years. This is shit I drew half a year ago
imgur N694AnF

Being a NEET doesn't automatically make you a non-normalfag either.
Fuck you, I worked to buy anime, figures, manga and all kinds of collectibles from Japan. You would call me a richfag, but I assure you I am not a normalfag in any way other than having a job.

>studying engineering
>supposed to do masters
>1/2 through Bsc
Either Im not going to make it or my dumb ass is too stupid to get a job. The dream was the get a meme cs degree and move to US but it aint happening

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Yeah right, I bet you have a girlfriend.

How do i even use this link?

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it may seem nice to be able to get sex whenever you want it, but that doesn't mean they can get true love whenever they want it--far from it. that's where the pain comes in for them. and if they make bad decisions while they're young, they'll never get it for the rest of their lives ever. i know women twice my age who've been emotionally destroyed by this harsh reality of human nature.

Handholdless kissless virgin thank you very much. I bet most NEETs here haven't even bothered using their free time to learn Japanese or something, they are bigger normalfags than me.

Being rich is basically a replacement for having a personality. You can be the most tepid person in the world and have a hard time not finding someone willing to kowtow to you.

Also, I have no work experience, friends or connections. Education is all I have in which I blow ass well. Maybe Il learn Japanese and neet

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I'm pretty sure your girlfriend typed this for you, fuck off normalfag.


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dot com slash a slash numbersandshit
Bypassing the spam filter's hard, if you cant figure it out dont fuss over it, they're shit anyways.

>learning japanese
Too much work for a lazy person like me

Aw cute stuffs user
Still rough in constructions but it's good.
Learn to color and draw for 3 more years and you will be fine


>Learn to color and draw for 3 more years and you will be fine
Well, you're implying there that I've the motivation and energy to do that, Which's not true, at all.

Life is long user, just draw a little everyday can do alot.
No need to rush.
Just do things that make you happy

I guess at this point my only dream is to open a localization company, but I suck at both business and Japanese so it's a pipe dream. Might as well just lie in bed until I end up in Gensokyo.

>life is long
I wish it's shorter...


Fun fact: Portuguese missionaries cursed the Japanese language, saying the Devil must have created the language in order to prevent them from easily converting the Japanese.

I wish life froze at 20 forever. I don't want to grow old. Especially not after seeing my grandpa shit himself constantly and having multiple health problems.

Based japs speaking in tongues so missionaries returned home

We should be allowed to will ourself out of existence from Middle Earth just like elves from the Lord of the Rings

The most viable path i've heard so far is to take large amounts of money from working and put them in index funds.
Slow and boring, but do it right and you'll have a million eventually.

Thanks, I'll check it out. Boring is fine, I still have lots of anime, manga, LNs, and VNs to alleviate my boredom.

Epic ronery thread Yea Forumsros

I miss him...