ReLIFE リライフ

I recently finished watching the ReLIFE anime. Here are my thoughts:

Bland art style and character designs. Animation is mediocre and often looks cheap and sloppy (and I did watch the BDs.). I did kind of like the super-saturated colour tones that are sometimes used, but besides that the anime is weak visually.
Unremarkable OST, however the rapid switching between tracks and/or silence is used well for dramatic effect. Overall, the production quality feels like a cheap disposable seasonal anime. Which is a shame because I think it deserved more. This anime would have benefited from a higher budget and/or better technical staff.

Quality of direction seems to vary a lot. Dramatic scenes are often handled poorly. Suspense is built up well but I feel like the climatic scenes are often 'fumbled' for lack of a better phrase. Comedic relief is sometimes used inappropriately. I'm already innoculated against this from watching lots of anime, but it can be pretty bad in this case. Overall, I'd say the direction is weak to mediocre at best. As someone who values direction more than visuals for this kind of genre, the weak direction is the most significant flaw of the anime in my view.

It's kind of cliche but I really liked the premise and thought it was promising (28 year old NEET relives high school - what's not to like?). Whether or not the premise was capitalized upon to its full potential is highly subjective. The plot ended up evolving differently from the way I expected it to, but I still liked it.

As you might expect, there's a lot of situational humour, which I'm fond of. Humour isn't a selling point here, but I did chuckle to myself a number of times while watching.

Decent script.

Good voice acting, especially the female cast. Kariu's VA in particular is absolutely terrific. I found myself rewinding many times just to hear her deliver some lines over and over again. I was extremely impressed by her talent.

[continued ITT]

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MC is sort of unlikable, in my opinion.
Overall though, the cast is likable (ONOYA IS LITERALLY ME). Characters are well-developed. There was less focus on the MC than I initially expected, which was a pleasant surprise in my view. There are certainly some memorable characters. I miss them and want to go back. In particular, the female cast and the interactions between them were really enjoyable. Felt very real and human. The main female characters are the best in the entire series, in my opinion. The male cast was bland in comparison, despite receiving a similar amount of screentime.

Great writing. I get the impression that the source material is excellent and I hope to look into it sometime. Well-done character-driven drama is something I very much enjoy. Judging this anime before watching, I expected that it would basically be a large serving of hedonistic escapist fantasy. Again, I was pleasantly surprised in this respect, and this serves as a lesson to refrain from judging an anime before actually watching. Actually I would even say this anime is the opposite of escapism because one of the underlying themes is confronting real problems or personal shortcomings in your own life (trigger warning). Absolutely the writing is good, however I should clarify that I didn't find any of the themes explored to be all that engaging on a personal level. For this reason someone else might derive even more enjoyment from the series than I did.

Envy is a theme that comes up in the story and I applaud its use because it's such a common aspect of human nature. Jealousy permeates this disgusting world we live in, yet its representation in fiction is rarely commensurate. I think a lot of people can relate to this or at least would find it an engaging theme in fiction.

Very watchable. I watched the first 8 episodes within ~12 hours which for me is extremely unusual.

Many anime start out strong and then flop in the later episodes. ReLIFE was the opposite experience for me. It started out good, but it was only in the latter half of the anime that it really started to shine. This is mainly due to payoff from developing rich characters earlier in the series (take notes, anime writing staff). My progress through the later episodes was slowed because there were far more scenes that I needed to appreciate by watching over and over before continuing.

I'll try to comment on the romance component without spoiling anything. Despite the poor direction, especially in this regard, ReLIFE is still pretty romantic. It's not strictly a romance story, but there are certainly some romantic scenes and moments. ReLIFE owes its romantic merit entirely to the underlying writing. It is probably the best het-romance of 2016 (competition is not stiff). Please feel free to respond with alternatives for that title though.

This anime has appeal to a broader audience. Would be easily digested by casual anime fans. Despite its flaws I'd still recommend it. I think I'd actually recommend this to a woman due to how much the female perspective is explored during the romantic story arcs. Again, the female characters are such a strong aspect of this anime; I really can't overstate it.

I rate this anime 8/10 for great writing with great characters and a good script with good voice acting. I really wanted to rate this higher but I can't overlook the flaws in its execution. The show is like a poorly polished diamond; the beauty is there if you look closely.

Due to the series being continued in OVAs released 1.5 years later, and the peculiar obsession that imageboard users have with watching things the instant they air, I think that this show (or at least the OVAs) may have been overlooked by people. It also serves as a lesson for why you should wait for an entire series (including BDs and extras) to be released before watching. In my case, jumping right from the last episode to the OVAs (instead of waiting 2 years) provided a vastly superior viewing experience, especially with consideration to the plot of the show.

The OVAs feel very rushed to me and I would have much preferred a complete second season, or at least more than 4 OVA episodes. Production quality and direction of the OVAs was just as poor as the original tv anime. Truly a shame because the story is great.

Update since writing the above review draft while still watching the anime:
fucking hell this is really starting to tug at my heartstrings. The waterworks have started.
tl;dr: *sobbing mess* b-but m-muh direction and production quality

final update: okay I cried a lot but that doesn't invalidate my criticisms and my rating remains unchanged.

In retrospection, it might be better to approach this franchise via the literature. I'm getting the impression that the source material is vastly superior to the anime adaptation. Maybe someone can respond with their impressions of the manga. I jumped into this anime completely blind without doing any research; maybe that was a mistake.

What did Yea Forums think of ReLIFE?

>Unremarkable OST
Lost me there m8

provide an example plz

I recently finished reading this user's review of the ReLIFE anime. Here are my thoughts:

The first thing that stood out is that it is longer than his other reviews. Despite the show being just over a quarter of the length he managed to write a lot more than he did for 3-gatsu no Lion.

He generally backed up his opinions well by citing things from the show. I understood very well why he found the direction weak, but some other sections were underdeveloped, such as him not describing how the plot challenged his expectations; this may have been to avoid spoiling. One strange choice he made was to comment on the script and writing separately.

He kept it very subjective, a positive from me, but unfortunately made a broad statement about one of the themes the show used, which always comes off as pretentious. He was also mistaken in believing it had the best romance of 2016, as that was obviously Mitsuha and Taki.

I didn't like his snarky comment about imageboard users, as that includes me. The best joke he made was when he implied recommending the anime to a woman as a realistic scenario.

I rate this review 7/10 for coherent writing with decent justifications, with a few hiccups. My overall thought is that this user peaked with the Sansha Sanyou review, and if he is going to continue to write longer reviews he should consider MAL.

The whole bloody thing

I hope you don't expect me to read all that, Anonymous.

You should know me better.

It's remarkable in that is the most spastic shit I've ever heard in a soundtrack. Dude was just going ham on a keyboard hitting whatever notes he wanted. Absolutely hilarious, but really distracting at times.

I bet you like Nickelback

I read the manga up to about just after the volleyball game is over.
Good premise but then it kinda fizzled out, I liked the MC because he was in the same situation I was in kinda, beginning parts was very relatable. But yeah, when I started, I myself thought "wait a sec just how much can you possibly do with a premise like this, going back to high school is actually not that big a deal" so I was kinda hoping that I would be surprised but it seems there really wasnt much you can do with it after all.
Some of the themes were kinda relatable too, can honestly say I took a bit of something out of it about not pushing away your friends out of pride, and like I said the mc situation was relatable, though that kinda ends there.
Eh I'll probably finish one day, but I dunno, you say it was nice that the mc didnt have focus a lot but that was kinda what was killing it for me, his two immediate friends is one thing (the red head girl and blonde boy) but when the focus shifts near completely to complete tertiary characters (the talented bolleyball girl and her two boytoys) I got bored.

LOL thanks for this user. My neighbors are likely wondering what the hell I'm laughing so loudly about.

How did you know it was me?? Stay tuned for more exciting posts!

Re: the plot thing - you're correct that I was trying to avoid spoilers, but I think I also clarified that my expectations were:
"I expected that it would basically be a large serving of hedonistic escapist fantasy"
"There was less focus on the MC than I initially expected"

Script and writing are two distinct things. Dialogue is just a tool to implement the overall writing. Writing is also way more broad than dialogue itself, obviously.

>Mistsuha and Taki
You mean Kimi no na wa? Eeeewwwwww. I watched that and didn't like it at all (4/10). I don't like movies in general though *braces for outraged responses*

It wasn't a snarky comment, it was a reasonable observation about a curious behaviour.

Girls are yucky and I'm already the queen of my castle thank you very much.

Now I have to go back and read my sansha sanyou post lol

My opinions are very important; don't get too impatient waiting for more!

I know... I should've put a hook in the OP or something. My mistake. At least it will be preserved in the archive.

Lol this is a very accurate description of the keyboard tracks

very compelling argument

It sounds like we valued different things

Some aspects of the MC were relatable but like you said they didn't really focus on him as much as one would expect (see prior comments about expectations in review). Plus, in the anime I found him bland and unlikable. Can't comment on the manga yet.

please respond

You commented on your initial expectations, but I was referring to the part about how it "ended up evolving differently from the way I expected it to". I interpreted this as you meaning that even after your initial impressions were mistaken it went in a direction you weren't expecting. Apologies if that is not the case.
Usually script is just a synonym for screenplay and involves everything but I'm not entirely sure if it's the case for anime so that might be my mistake. I would have preferred you just said dialogue, though.
It came across as snarky because you used the word obsession. Perhaps tendency would have better fit what you wanted to convey.
>I watched that and didn't like it at all (4/10)
We can't be friends.

yeah it's difficult to elaborate on the plot more than that without spoilers or whatever.
It seems I'm not the only one who had incorrect expectations though I think dialogue is a better word too. Sorry I spent years working in drama theaters and the word script comes into mind more readily.

>Kimi no na wa
It's okay to admit you have bad taste lmaooo

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Did nobody on Yea Forums watch this?

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nice blog. Where do I sign up?

You're in the right place

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wow imagine being such a loser that you didn't even watch ReLIFE

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Shit this takes me back. I never watched the anime but I began reading the webcomic at around the time it began being translated. How many fucking weeks of my life, some of my best memories in life come from inside that period so this series holds some nostalgic value to me even if it wasnt really great.

When you started reading, were there several chapters already translated. Nothing happened in the first few chapters, which wasn't a problem for me because I've already watched the anime so I knew what's to come, but I wonder how they kept readers interested when it was first published.

Yea Forums don't watch anime, we are all just here to post memes. Also, your review was very long, Yea Forums is not interested in reading that.

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