Shingeki no Kyojin

What will be her reaction to Eren's death, if she was to be aware of it before he is back?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>465 replies
>makes a new thread
fuck off

Early bird gets the worm, EHbitch.

she will imprint on Gabi

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Lmao nobody likes EH

Annie's sexuality

>which is the relationship with Eren
What kind of question is that?

450-470 posts has been the point of a new thread for ages, faggot. You've been bitching about this for the past two days. Neck yourself.

Post memes to obtain freedom

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What question?

We will find out next chapter.

>early bird gets the worm
Uh huh. Just like in your eremika fanfics.

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I don't think that was a huge factor in that situation but she got it anyway.

Mehmet is key to understanding Eren's psychology

Your right my friend!

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>Main character has a Turkish name and Turkish appearance
AMK we TITANS now.

how exactly do you think Zeke would respond to Eren being the father, he might be like "Eren how could you, do you really intend to do what your father did and force your ambitions on your child"

I don't think that's something Zeke will face in his lifetime.

Eren will have another "because i was born into this world" speech and that will convince Zeke that children are the future.

You don't have to like it, it will happen anyway


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he also could be like i don't intend to curse my child with my burdens, i intend to fight my battle so that they can be free

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Can't do F A T H E R

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i like abdul more than mehmet

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how can we tell if its actually a fez

calm down dad. I can call you that right?

And then Eren wakes up.

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I'll handle this.

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Reminder that Gabi is stronger than Ackermans.

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Why is Eren crying?

God I miss the Marley arc

He had a horribly realistic dream about his daughter marrying some kebab.

Wish I had read it with you here.

Thanks for the fucking spoiler

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But, is that bad?

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It is to him. His daughter is being taken from him by Armong's wife's son.

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Kill yourself, tourist

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EH will be confirmed in time for Christmas checkem

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Cute and canon

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Spoilers when?

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Holy Reroll

Good effort.

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Great. To the triggered homo that wants to rush to report for digits, kys.

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Question: if EreHisu is that uninteresting and if they call it a headcanon why do they are so triggered whenever someone talks about it? The normal behavior should be to simply not care about it right?

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Too bad, he's Mehmet. You should have made your suggestion a month ago.

>Turkish Appearance
>Eye color being anything other than brown
Lol ok

lan I literally have blue eyes, Turkish people are diverse.

When you're on top everyone else is a challenger.

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Yes, racemixing is gross and degenerate.
>See: Mikasa

based queen

God Empress

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Isayama apparently likes it enough to go through with it and that's all that really matters.

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I just want Hisu-chan to beat me up.

Should be slaying Mankasa instead of Chadwin

Don't we all user?

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We know, Eren.

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>Jesus is going to team up with the Nazis


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Zeke never killed Mikasa though.

There are actually Turks and Persians with blue and green eyes, sometimes even blondish or reddish hair, likely as a result of ancient mixing with proto-whites from the Caucasus region of Eurasia.

What are the chances Eren told this kid the truth?

>Mehmet...Armong is your father

He didn't kill Chadwin either. That was manlet. Hisu respected Chadwin

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>tfw Mikasa's akertism breaks when Eren stays dead

Zeke literally killed Erwin though. He threw a boulder at him.

And of course the God Empress respected one of her trusted subjects.

"I want to genocide you, your family, and every non-Eldian on the planet."

Sounds like he'd take it well.

Wrong. Manlet killed him by refusing to give him the serum.

And he would have survived if the manlet wasn't a complete fucking retard.

>Chad Aryan God stands in front of Levi and has the Potential to become the God of Destruction
>Levi chooses Armong despite Erwin being superior in every single way


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> likely as a result of ancient mixing

That, but also the thousands of European slaves and concubines they took. user should do a DNA test for Slavic heritage.

Erwin was too pure for the world

>Erwin died for this

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>Next memory
>Eren points to Xavier who is waiting alone where Zeke and him would normally throw the ball
>Zeke gets closer but sees another figure approaching Xavier
>Zeke asks Eren who that man is
>His name is Eren Kruger, others knew him by his alias...
>The Owl
>Zeke says “the informant for the restorationists that was working as a Marley agent?
>The Owl tells Xavier that the Marley agents have known about the existence of the restorationists for a while now. They are getting closer every day and soon they will find evidence that will lead them to the main branch of the restorationists. Once they dig more they will likely discover both of them
>Xavier is worried and says that even if they do find the main branch there’s no way it can link them. That they are well hidden and they are only the messengers who are discrete
>The Owl knows the Marley public security force like the back of his hand. They are thorough. They’ve been careful, but there is always the risk of something slipping through the crack. It’s unavoidable.
>Xavier is terrified at the idea
>The Owl tells him that there might be one thing that can save them. Something that will throw the dogs trail off
>Xavier says they have to do it, whatever it is. for the sake of Eldia
>The Owl says that they are led by Grisha Jaeger and that he’s been watching Xavier for a while. He has seen him grown awfully close to Grishas son lately
>Xavier tells him yea but he's just a lonely kid how can he…
>If you are interested in saving your own skin, get the boy to rat out his father
>The restorationists are weak and undisciplined. They won’t accomplish anything. Sacrificing them is the only way to ensure our safety. If we give them something juicy to chew on its likely the military police will stop there
>Xavier realizes this is the only way to save themselves
>Zoom out back to Eren standing over a sobbing Zeke
>…Mr. Xavier how could you
>Zeke… we need to move on
>To the next memory

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>The Colossal Titan has a natural attraction for the Female Titan
Does this mean Erwin would be obsessed over Annie?

>replying to the opinion of an EMdumblrina who browses Amino unironically

>implying Erwin wouldn’t have become an Anniefag as well

This is too much even for the cringe baby.

I doubt Eren is actually going to genocide everyone, probably just (((Marley))) and their allies.

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Attack on Titan ... Its true ability is foul. Even Diaboro cannot do it.
After all, the cause of the tragedy is XX, you?
Good and evil reverse breasts

He'd be far too busy cucking manlet for that

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i want to breed historia

Eren isn't going to do full rumble, he's going to destroy the invading army, and then temporarily remotely titanize every eldian not on paradise. This would strategically destroy only regions which kept eldian internment camps.

We know Chadren

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Based Aryan

>ywn get to see Annie and Chadwin produce an entire litter of Arya- er, Eldian ubermensch

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real shit?

Are we finally learning about what the Attack Titans ability is?

is everyone dead? the spoilers are fucking out


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attack titan is the devil

The devil(?)

Are we gonna get another awful-paced chapter?

>Good and evil reverse breasts

What would historia's costume be?

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>Are we gonna get another awful-paced chapter?

Of course.


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Will it be memed into the story?

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How do we make cringemir happy?

Paths loli/chick from The Ring

Her and Eren would do a couples' costume.

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at the rate of this awful pacing, when should attack on titan realistically end? The only reason Isayama is making these chapters awfully slow is because the ending probably isn't 100% set or he wants to keep extending the end date


>fagposting THIS hard


I'm pretty sure she's a tsundere with a whole lot of tsun and a tiny bit of dere.

The AT was the original titan and the one who trapped Ymir. Our protagonist is literally Satan.

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>or he wants to keep extending the end date

Several people have said that someone, an editor perhaps, said this was the case, and that it's also why the anime is suddenly in limbo, but I have not investigated it too deeply so take it with a pinch of salt.

Where's the magazine cover?

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Seeing Erwin stand on the mountain of corpses makes me feel like he should be the grim reaper instead of Hange

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First leak is out.

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But Eren was the one who immediately showed concern for her, while Zeke just used her

WHOGANG (feat. Hans)

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Read the thread you fucking retarded nigger

“Attack on Titan” and other comments on the October issue of Shonen Magazine
Attack on Titan ... Its true ability is foul. Even Diaboro cannot do it.
Tragedy of ringleader is still ○○, you either !!!
good and evil of the reversal breast Atsu

>literally all of them are dead

F for the pretty ladies


What the fuck niggas? The AT power is time manipulation all along!?

When did Rico die?

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The attack titan...its true ability breaks the rules. Even the devil is no match for this. After all/As expected, the main culprit of this tragedy is ○○, OMAE?!!! The sudden reversal of good and evil makes my chest heat with excitement. sorry for any mistakes

>reversal breast

y-you too

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Unlike EM, Eren and Historia are equals who thoroughly came to understand and respect one another. I don't like to shit on other people's preferences, but in terms of just objective writing, EH is far more developed and interesting, and we've only really seen them in a platonic sense so far, minus Eren's obvious waifufaggotry for her.

EM is just incredibly fucking boring and lowest common denominator pandering. I'll even take EA over EM.

>After all, the cause of the tragedy is XX, you?

Is the one between Hange and Petra supposed to be Lynne from Mike's squad?

>the main culprit of this tragedy is ○○,

I was shitposting. But if Isayama actually wrote something like that, the truth would probably be a secret not even the AT users knew.

Offpanel in the Zackley bombing.

It's Xavier.


Turks are more likely to have hazel or green eyes senpai

Nah. It's not diablo. It's diavolo the newest jojo villain. Last time he was talking about Hagaren.


Thanks for the better translation, buddy.

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i think so

>AT's ability is time manipulation

OMAE = is you!!!


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Here it comes guys. The enemies of humanity.

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it's you, the reader
we meta now

>Xaver is the main culprit
I guess Kruger wasn't lying when he said Grisha was the one that started this story

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So close user

Diablo = ディアブロ
Diavolo = ディアボロ
Get it straight

>its true ability breaks the rules
Expect asspulls, lads

This smile.

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A-Are we the badies?

Except for the fact that Zeke already inherited all of his memories.

So, in the end, we truly were the Attack on Titan

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>The sudden reversal of good and evil

Incredibly unhelpful. The meaning of this completely changes depending on one's personal opinion of the conflict.

memory is tricky

We Doctor Strange now


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An angel succubus

>We'll never see Erwin make fun of Eren
It's not fair bros

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Oh my bad then, kinda speedreading

Pretty based
Also, I just came across a trailer for a Taika Waititi (omg Le based Leddit man Thor director wheeeee) and he's making a comedy film about little Nazi boys that want to be Nazis just so they can have a place to fit in and it's called JoJo something (don't care about the name, fuck off if you're shitting out a reply to tell me what it is). I've also come to find out that JoJo (that shit show that I tried to like but couldn't stand because of the faggot fanbase, the drag queen aesthetic, and the le epic maymay art style) has a character who is a Nazi.
I have a feeling this board will become even more pure fucking cancer than normal as more shit about this film hits the internet.

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That's dumb. Zeke or Grisha had access to Xavier or Kruger memories for 13 years. Even if they somehow didn't find out about X and G conspiration from memories, that still would make XG look like a dumbass.

Makes sense since her titan form is an angel

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i want to relieve reiner from his pain even for a night.
just laying down next to him in bed.
stroke his face
stroke his chest
stroke his forearm
then gently kiss him in the lips
he likes it
i put my hand to his groin
he was scared, he doesn't think he deserve this kind of happiness but i continued
he was hard and i unzip his cock
stroking it slowly until it gets wet by precum
his fave was both crying from sadness and hapiness
but something gave him courage and now he's taking off my clothes
we lie there in bed stroking each others manhood, looking at each others euphoric face
he said he was coming close so i came closer
we were kissing wildly when we finished each other off
white fluid on both our hands
gasping for air smiling
for a moment, reiner's world wasn't just suffering

>it's actually timeloops

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If she was the mother of my upcoming child and the world wanted to exterminate us, I absolutely would rumble everything outside the island without a moments hesitation. Here's hoping Isayama delivers

Reinerfags everyone...

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I'll shit a fucking brick. NOT ANOTHER FUCKING TIMELOOP ENDING. I can't take this shit anymore

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I would drop this series if Eren had the abilities to redo things over and over again like Subaru or Okabe.

Isayama did say he wants to hurt his readers during the the final exhibit.

I'm still calling Eren is the original devil who made a deal with Ymir

>Carla keeps sending Eren back through the time loop because he refuses to choose mankasa like she wanted him to

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>"To You, In 2,000 Years"


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What a bitch. Dina did nothing wrong.

My folks are ethnically Afghan and Iranian and ma's side has tons of people with red hair and both have tons of relatives with green eyes. Some of ma's folks had dark hair that went red in their old age. Picrelated is an Afghan man. Modern-day Persians are like 50% Arab so no one's saying that all Arabs are blonde-haired blue-eyed Greeks but you get the point.

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If you do the maths, Eren is alive approximately 2000 years after Ymir gained the titan powers

She just wants royal babies like that smug bitch Dina

I fucking knew it, the reason Eren was so willing to genocide is because he can just reset back time.

That's not timeloop, just precognition.

i really wanted to believe that was just figurative

the fucking cringe, god damn it


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I didn't understand any of this.


This can't be happening bros, we were meant to be winning

>she just wants royal babies
They don't need to be royal or special for Carla to love her grandchildren

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yes, we've known it since the beggining. here's from chapter 1 when he sees mikasa under the tree

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What mom wants their kids to fuck?

If it means that Eren is evil, then it would be "sudden" for normalfags.

I know. That and Eren Kruger's "lol Armin and Mikasa" bullshit, which proves paths shenanigans aren't subject to time's constraints. I've always had a suspicion, but I'm so fucking sick of time horseshit in stories. You have no idea. I just want a neat, chronologically simple, satisfying narrative.

Any more time related reveals will ruin this manga.

Any devout follower of Ahura Mazda.

and Sasha is the Mayuri of SnK

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what if it turns out Eren has been going back in time each time he has failed to do things right, and each time he gets further ahead than previously

>tfw I was a timeloop fag from the start
And you retards doubted

So he's Okabe then

>SnK is about to go full Dark
Very based.

Is this on the manga?

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Isn't is a running thing manlet that he always makes the wrong choice?
>gets Isabelle and Farlan killed
>lets Erwin die bc after seeing Kenny refuse the serum he basically took the same blackpill that Zeke did
>gets his squad killed bc he won't step in on Eren's teachable moment and tell him to transform
>gets himself turned into an ultra manlet bc he won't just kill Zeke and then use a normal Titan serum on Historia instead
He's made a very long string of bad decisions, which is why the whole "no regrets, keep fighting" thing has any significance.

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We are getting a reveal about the attack titan's power and maybe a look at the origin of the curse/titan's existence? That could be the tragedy being referred to...or it could be something else idk we'll see

>SnK is about to go full Grimdark

Nope. The manga jumps from the fall of Shiganshina straight to the graduation ceremony

Pretty sure the bread thing was on the manga, its just less linear.

If he could go back in time then he would have fixed Manlet's mistake at Shiganshina by now

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this addition in the anime was very suspicious, yeah

Maybe if he let himself regret things he'd learn a thing or two and stop making such terrible decisions. Poor manlet.

Are these leaks legitimate or are you autists just memeing

Thank you

Pls stop. Don't remind me.
Fwiw though, Eren's doing precisely what he would've wanted right now. Hell, I'd anything, he probably would've been even more ruthless than Eren and turned Historia into a Titan right away to get on with the rumbling.

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Early spoilers are coming out and they say Eren came deep inside Historia's pussy.



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That would be shit and it would ruin the message in this kino scene.

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>>"lol Armin and Mikasa" bullshit,
You don't want a straight story, you just want a story that ends with EH. Moron

You know that Historia is never appearing again right?

Zeke explored the Beast's memories. Him missing this would be an asspull. There being a method by which Xaver can lock away certain memories would be an asspull.


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Very funny, because with Eren goings against the world for his Historia and that baby, while Zeke making a plan that would need both of them become pawns for it, you should say that Zeke is the one who's doing the same thing as Grisha did, while Eren's doing the opposite.

its okay.
kinda implies that this is the best timeline this far and he isnt redoing it.

>implying we arent getting EH anyway

Saw these spoilers on twitter:
「ガビの チャプター だ」

What does this mean?

>t. 70 IQ

>No match for diavolo
Where is that user who was talking about king crimson and predicted we would get eren altering time to avoid being decapitated?

I've talked down to girls who barely come up to my sternum exactly like this since high school. Fun.

it means shit chapter

I don't the AT or anyone to asspull another power what the fuck is happening

it means you're a faggot

Limit breaker MANTISkasa Azor Ahai Snow WILL inherit Levi's battle experience and strangle El Diablo butterflyren Uchiha Skywalker Targaryen Lamperouge the Mad Hedgehog Eternal Champion King to death with her unwashed scarf and end this cursed 2000 year time loop.

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pity most womanlets are fat.

What's the point of shit like this if you can go back in time and change the mistakes of the past?

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So no rumbling? fuck Hacksayama

Yeah why wouldn't the scientist be the sorcerer/mage either? I guess because he's the leader and something mage-types fit that role. Manlet should've been the grim reaper in comparison.

>I'll even take EA over EM
I agree, but who knows what Annie's reaction would be to learning about Eren's attack on her hometown. I doubt she would want to take his massive cock.
She will probably blame herself because she was part of the initial attack on Eren's hometown, which is what really started this whole thing for these kids.

Because there's no time shenanigans, retarded anons are jumping the gun as always and they get disappointed when the chapter doesn't have any of that

>No Erwin vs Eren
>No Erwin vs Magath
>No Erwin chopping off his arm to hide his titan
>No angry Eren blaming Erwin for what happened to Armin
>No Erwin figuring out how to stop the Yeagerists/Anti-Marleyans
>No Erwin getting Berts memories and going mad realizing they were both fighting for their fathers sake
>No Erwin posing as a Marleyan to tell Mr. Hoover that he killed Bert
>No Erwin crashing the play and giving a speech before leveling Liberio
I'm not even an Erwinfag but all this potential getting thrown away so that Eren keeps all his friends is bullshit


that's the most irrelevant character ever who cares. she's gonna die in that rock

Mad as fuck devils.

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Cart Titan
>can stay shifted for extended periods of time, has great stamina

Female Titan

Jaws Titan
>high agility
>powerful jaws capable of breaking titan crystals

Monkey Titan
>ape like body

Armored Titan
>has armor

Colossal Titan
>is big

Warhammer Titan
>extremely precise & versatile hardening ability

Founder Titan
>alters memories of Eldians
>commands mindless titans

Attack Titan
>breaks the rules?

Eren vs Eren when?

No, you ship-addled smoothbrain. I don't care who Eren ends up with. He can have a beautiful white wedding with Mikasa and have a cake baked from the ashes of Paradis' enemies if that's what Isayama wants.

I'm saying it was bullshit because Kruger had no way of knowing those names without PATHS bullshit. For fuck's sake. Not everything is a criticism of your OTP.

Does that faggot not age?

This is not a character, just background decor.

>Titan is called the advancing/attack titan
>ability is to go back in time

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>no time shenanigans
>already at least 3 examples of time shenanigans in the series so far


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It's probably going to be something retarded like it can overwrite the ability of a royal. The last chapter was basically Eren and Zeke tricking each other anyways.

>Monkey Titan
>Great aiming

I don't think it has anything to do with timeloops. I think the whole thing is that the titan can alter memories.

>it's two different species

user, I...

Imagine believing this.

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>Attack Titan
>breaks the rules?
I imagine his power is being the only one who can defy the Founder Titan and override his commands or something.

He's a fail-safe in case the Founder gets in the hands of a faggot like King Fritz.

>Next memory is Eren sending a message to Frieda through PATHS

She won't be irrelevant when that loud rumbling wakes her.

Zeke was a great pitcher on his own. I don't think his shifter power had anything to do with that.

Well so this spoils the ending and confirms that Eren travels back to the first chapter and is stuck in a loop. Idk wether to drop or not.

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Finally, they adapted the chapter where the Curse of Ymir was first mentioned, or the thirteen-year remaining lifespan curse.

For those who have not seen some discussions on how the number 13 is significant, lets do some math:

From the narrations in season 1 and the history books shown, around 100 years ago (specifically, 107 years from chapter 2 of the manga), the first ruler of the Walls, King Fritz the 145th created the walls to protect humanity.

When a someone gains a titan power, their remaining lifespan is set to 13 years due to "Ymir's Curse". Same number of years between the royal family's succesion ritual.

"145th king" means there have been 145 weilders of the Founding Titan at that time. 145 x 13 = 1885. So 107 years ago, it has been 1885 years from Ymir Fritz.

At present time (1885 + 107) it would be 1992 years since Ymir Fritz.

Eren got his titan power at age 10, he's supposed to die when he's 23. Currently, Eren is 15 and has around 8 years left to live.

1992 + 8 = 2000... What was the title of the first episode again? Oh yeah, "To you, in 2000 years." No biggie, nothing to see here.

The rest 4 years.
The last panel will be probably the world 4 years later!

Hisu's baby…

Time shenanigans exist but it only memories not something like S;G or Re:zero. I'm just trying to say that if Eren can change the past then it will ruin the manga.

female can also call other titans. its mentioned in the Marley flashback so I suppose its not a thing exclusive to Annie

Why call something bullshit when the chapter is not yet out. Don't you guys ever learn from your experiences of last chapters. How come you consistently bitch about every chapter once the leaks drop. This fandom is full of people who type faster than there brains

It was really strange how Grisha was able to defeat Freida. In theory she should have been able to mind wipe him or make him think Freida is his closest friend or something.

Instead Grisha just straight up brawled her and killed her.

Xavier said the monkey was the weakest too.

So Eren's not dead I guess. He might really be broken. Where's the "Shingeki no Kyojin Eren is unbeatable" pasta?

Why wouldn't you include Kruger's smile? It's the best smile.

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It's implied that all shifters can resist the power of the founder.

Beast Titan probably takes different forms each time since it was represented as a Horse in the past and I dont think you can confuse a horse with an ape

>the ability to advance the world towards the best timeline

Frieda wanted to die to salvage the Eldians

The monkey can transform other marked Eldians or is that a royal power

Eren is a mutt already


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That makes EA more interesting than EM which for that user is definitely a good thing.

The word used describes foul play/rule breaking/infringement. I'm guessing they mean breaking the rules of the universe/time seeing as they mentioned diavolo in the next sentence. I think we will be seeing eren mess with memories or time, which could reverse his decapitation and maybe explain some other things too.

That power is royal, it’s nothing to do with the beast titan’s abilities.

>No Erwin Zeke banter
>No Zeke teasing Erwin about the suicide charge

Attached: Erwin and Zeke.jpg (480x360, 40K)

>source: your headcanon

>is stuck
he's gonna break out this time, just you wait.
and by break out, I mean die but he wont redo this one cause he finally manage to save his family and friends... except Sasha. and stay in paths in place of Ymir or something

She definitely didn't want to die. She transformed to try and fight Grisha.
So beast titan just gives animal features then.
It's implied they can resist the orders but I don't recall anything being mentioned about them resisting memory alteration.
That's only because Zeke is a royal.
So Kruger's ability to name Armin and Mikasa was the result of the Attack Titan's power?

>lol jk, I can always go back in time and undo it.
Timeloopfags will defend this.

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the nose knows

It's probably a more limited ability than that. Something like transmitting thoughts back in time to influence his own actions and the actions of other AT holders. Maybe he's been following his own keikaku all along.

There's no time shenanigans, What gets confirmed is that the control meme is real

>those daddy issues
Their interactions would've been great

That's Lynne
Hansi never

>Yet another chapter where the father isn't revealed
I'm so tired

Not only that, but even a royal (given time) can make contact with Ymir and figure out her true nature like Fritz/Zeke and break the peace deal. Frieda didn't do that though, so had no real power.

Maybe Eren knows he can turn back time but “has to keep moving forward”. That’s why he laughs at Sasha’s death

It's gotta be this. It's the one that's immune to the Founder. The whole sending fragments of memories back and forth thing can be a slight side-effect, I doubt Isayama would make that a lynchpin of its power. But the true ability of the Attack has to be that it's a failsafe against the Founder and isn't affected by its bullshit. We've already got precedent for this kind of thing with the Ackermanns having their own distinct Path. The Attack is probably a separate being altogether. Wouldn't be crazy if he's the OG "devil/God" figure itself.

Won't be literal time travel at any rate. Just vague stuff like Grisha wondering if he really did see Zeke. Any substantive things done by the Attack will be done in the present.

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I'm calling what happened in a previous chapter a particular type of storytelling bullshit. Work on your English comprehension, please.

That's the only thing EHfags care about. Nothing else but to prove their theory. I will gladly buy the rope for your suicide

If this post is a 4 then Zeke is crashing this timeloop.

if 7 the farmer gets crushed.

I accept Erwin dying but Armin should have died too, that character feels so forced by the author it's not even funny and Isayama making Jaegerists looking retarded so we side with Armong was too obvious.

I fucking hate Gabi. Fuck that little marley brainwashed piece of shit. Why Isayama has kept her around is beyond me, a steaming pile of fresh titan shit has more redeeming qualities than Gabi, fuck her and her stupid ass autistic eldian complex. I hope she gives birth to a centipede so she spends the rest of her pathetic fucking life paying for shoes

Lmao I made such a similar post to yours that coming across yours made me do a double-take. Prescient.

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>generalizing again


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>>I'm calling what happened in a previous chapter a particular type of storytelling bullshit.
You're still speculating. Speculating is speculating. It's not like you're calling facts. You should be the one uping your reading comprehension

on anything other than a 1 the father doesn't get revealed this chapter

W-With no s-survivors?

>Kruger's ability
Perhaps? We've seen other shifters receiving memories + that weird anime thing with Ymir's letter that could be explained away with royal blood, so I'm not sure. Kruger seemed to be repeating grishas words to eren when he injected him so maybe the similarity in circumstances activated something? I hope youre right just so we can get a kruger cameo though

You ok fujo?


Why do these two "theories" always come up every chapter even when nothing points to them being true?


>Have we started the fire?

Sorry, I mean some EHfags

gee thanks for the spoiler tag, faggot.

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Those people just want it to be true because they want to say "See? I predicted it long ago."


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What would happen to Bert if both of them died? Isayama couldn't just let him escape with Reiner and Zeke. It would feel too much like a defeat for the SC, in spite of the fact that they made it to the basement.

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yeah that's the whole point of him using that maxim, using it like a mantra. it's telling not as something you're supposed to take at face value (at least not entirely) but more in what it says about his character, the suggestion that he'd simply be consumed by his regrets if he ever tried to seriously digest them.

he does it again in 112, when forced to grapple with the crushing personal weight he feels his coping method is to practically force himself to make forward progress, even in a kind of bullheaded way

>chapter upon chapter of ZE trumping each other with asspulls, loopholes, and PATHS bullshittery
This manga is a great comedy


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mikasa will become killerkasa

Maybe give him to Sasha, it's not like the Sasha drama was good to begin with

Last for EH will never happen.


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Timeloops are cringe

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Nice try user

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BT Sasha would be great. She's already a good sniper, she'd be able to throw rocks easily.

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First you got mad because you speedread my post and thought I was shitting on Mikasa and Armin. Then you switched to being mad about how I chose to describe past events, because you don't understand the nuances of informal English. Now you're scolding me for daring to speculate about spoilers and parroting my own put down back at me, all without a shred of irony.

Thanks for the laugh, you actually cheered me up.

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"A Gabi chapter"

Sasha would be the CT because she'd be eating Bert, not the BT

He is saying this because people like you will keep crying about muh EH/EHfags another month and derail the threads as always.

It's time.

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t. another mentally ill fujo who says 108

Not to keep bagging on her but Mikasa's crying face is so shit compared to Historia's

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This would make for a funny AU where she gets shot and then gets right back up anyway.

it's okay user
a lot of us want to bang on her butt

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Don't snipers get the Colossal Titan for some reason?

How can I explain things to a dunce? No one holds you from speculating but shiting on an upcoming chapter already on something based on speculation makes you a jerk

Jaegerbros victory confirmed. Zeke cured if racetraitor cuckery at last. Get ready to rumble fags.

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Also Sasha vs Pieck would have been really interesting. Armin has no chemistry nor potential with any character

Would Gabi have even been trying to kill her to begin with? Sasha would have been destroying the ships instead of sniping

I don't particularly care about EH, and I'm not the person you responded to, but I want the father reveal really fucking bad so we can all stop arguing about who the fucking father is.

Can Hange save him?

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I think you're the one with single IQ. Calling with Kruger said there bullshit without any context just makes look like a total idiot.

Why would she be the BT if she ate Bertholdt?

So its ability is a save state... huh.

Are you just compelled to reply to every (You) you see?

Congrats you just proved his point, faggot.

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>not worth a cent
>worth more than the entire world

what did Eren mean by this?

The sad thing is that user thought you meant "Eren is not the father"

But they've said that Ymir Fritz got the power 1820 years before the day dogs killed Faye. Karl was 145th and Paradise were probably under Uri or his father's reign then. tracing back you know that "145 X 13 years" theory doesn't make sense, when they don't even ruled that long with the time 1820 years given.


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So the attack titan can only use it's power inside paths or why didn't it never activate before this? Also Eren destroyed Zeke's pussy

i hope so

Eren is just a slave to Historia's womb, and she MUST be put down

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This chapter sounds terrible
>I outkeikaku your keikaku

Who can get hard for this?

Armin was also on the blimp at that point, so even if she were in his place she'd have been there.

>Eren is just a slave to Historia's womb
I can think of no greater master to serve.

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Samefagging doesn't work when you keep fucking up your grammar, ESLfujo. I'll explain it to you one more time with more words you probably won't understand: the narrative contrivance of a character obtaining foreknowledge of events through timey-wimey shenanigans is not to my taste. Ergo, I playfully called it "bullshit" in a highly hyperbolic post. You came in hot because you were ready to defend your fav. Deprived of that target, you transferred your aggression to my choice of words because you're a sped who cannot into tone, and then actually tried to tell me not to speculate negatively about spoilers when I checked your bullshit. In a thread on Yea Forums.

Have a nice night. Or morning.

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Annie is a boy, the female titan made him a girl

But that was literally the last chapter

>Can Hange save him?


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>>I playfully called it "bullshit" in a highly hyperbolic post.
Nice try there!

So the difference for which we're trying to account is about 65 years. Grisha ages a little over a decade between the lecture from Mr. Yeager and meeting Dina. Add Zeke's age at the moment when he betrays Grisha and you've got about 2 decades from the day on which Grisha gets the lecture. Keep in mind that those books weren't printed on that exact day either. Either way, we're at about 40-35 years. Grisha gets into the walls, marries Carla, and has a kid in about 3 years give or take. Add about 20 years for Eren and you've roughly made up the difference. Whatever's left over can be chalked up to the books being slightly inaccurate. Either way, they're not off by more than 13 years, so the theory still holds water.

Ahhhh leak the the chapter

>we see Historia in a flashback, the handkiss again
>Grisha sees Eren's future, he's horrified
>Eren wants to do the rumble to destroy the world
>Historia is aware of this, she got pregnant to stop Eren's plan

>>I playfully called it "bullshit" in a highly hyperbolic post.
You don't want to look more foolish, I guess

>Reaper hans

>no EH this chapter
>no EH next chapter
>no EH in the november chapter
>no EH in the december chapter

>EHfags: "eRen x HisToriA is canOn"

>>Grisha sees Eren's future, he's horrified
Anything but this. Just not this.

>using a spongebob facebook meme
yep, it's a female.
probably an EHwhale

w-what happens to Eren if Hisu randomly tells him: "cum" whenever they are walking or eating breakfast?

>muh EHfags
I don't know who you ship to cry this much but you don't have to be an EHfag to see Eren came inside Historia. Just blame Isayama

To be honest, Zeke accepting Eren's perspective immediately would be somewhat unrealistic. He's been stuck in the same mode of thinking for years. He'll need time to digest. A keikaku reversal seems like the only way for Eren to succeed in the meantime.

>doesnt even know how to samefag

>time travellers ITT


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>EH Drama
I don't believe you.
>Grisha drama
I almost believe you, but also not at all so screw you.


uncontrollable paths flashbacks to generations of shifters climaxing

Actual leaks people
>we see Historia in a flashback, the handkiss again
>Grisha sees Eren's future, he's horrified
>Eren wants to do the rumble to destroy the world
>Historia is aware of this, she got pregnant to stop Eren's plan

I'm seriously getting sick of EHfags

>somewhat unrealistic
somewhat? Kek. It would be absolutely unrealistic.

>she got pregnant to stop Eren's plan
It was easier to warn the manlet.

Same thing that happened to Yea Forums when pic related

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Meta as fuck.

I'm not even trying to. I omitted somethings in the first one which I put in the second. If you can't see that then you're a moron

Ban this faggot plz

Yeah we know you are pretty sick to the point this manga is affecting your life. Stop creeping us out

Nope, I'm a guy and I don't think any ship will happen anymore after YH which happened.

I'm seriously getting sick of you EMwhales, mentally ill triggered landwhales

I have a feeling that this chapter will be shit again

That part is so stupid. Fake leaks. Unless Isayama is a traditional "Ball&Chain" marriage kinda guy, in which case that's real based.

Yeah no. How does a pregnant Historia stop Eren?

>after YH which happened.

YH is not, was not, and will never be, canon.
And Historia is canonically heterosexual.

>Grisha sees Eren's future, he's horrified
Ok retard

Just the imagination of it scars EHfags to death...LMAO. This is what your delusions will lead you to. Keep holding on to baby father theory like we're playing Maury show

True. Of course, if their time in the paths is actually unlimited, they could spend like 50 years sifting through past memories. But that would have to be shown in a montage or off-screened, which would be truly lame.

God I love Mikasa's butt

The stupid nip probably thinks Eren rumbling the world is evil.


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You aren't better than YHfags, honestly. They pretend that Eren isn't important for Historia and you pretend that Ymir isn't important for her. In general all Historia shippers are the same shit, no matter who they ship.

Holy fuck I'm so hard what the fuck this is so hot
What is this gay shit? Is this really a woman?

Sure you are, dumblrina

There's really no other way to take such leaks if they're real. BIG IF btw.

Leaks fucking when

Of course Ymir is important to Historia. I didn't say she wasn't. Ymir was her first real friend in her entire life, except for the half-sister she was forced to forget about.

But that's all Ymir was to her- a friend.

There's only one fake leak in the list btw

I did not understand this moment. Did she get pregnant from a farmer or from Eren? Although in any case, this does not explain the flashback from chapter 107.

She must be a lesbo otherwise Ymir can't be important!
No retard people know she is important just simply don't believe delusion about YH couple


They're fake, user.

Speedreader. Go back to chapter 108


I want to make a prediction. Isayama will be shited on heavily once it's revealed that Eren is not the father(Mark this words). Instead of accepting that they have been feeding off on head cannon, they will try to blame Isayama for being dumb and a poor writer. EHfags will never accept their dumb theories, debunked. This is a prediction that will surely come true. You can screenshot this post and use it as reference. Ehfags are so easy to read and they are already preparing for an excuse once the theory is debunked

The AT power is broken, it isn't time travel, is to see future memories of the next inheritor to you, Kruger saw Grisha's memories, and Grisha saw a memory from Eren which wasn't shown in the chapter


Imagine the STDs

So "a major character will die" is still up to the air. Obviously it won't be Eren, then who is gonna be?


Have you tried being a mama instead of a homo demon?

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>go read my delusions they are real!
Cope and get reading comprehension when reading

Onnyankopon is the father

EHfags are hypocrites, of course. YHfags are too, though.

Did the twitterniggers wake up or something?

Just give me more leaks please god

We don't know but probably rageboy

Unironically, at this point Eren not being the father would be an asspull

Major character was supposed to die before chapter 120. So it was Eren's "death". Just another lie to hype people.

>broken English with missing articles
This fag has been at it for a whole day straight and should be beheaded

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I'm not an EHfag but if you are this terrified you should at least make it to make sense
>The pregnancy made manlet hesitate and wait a little longer, making it more possible for Eren to use Zeke
>If Historia wanted to stop Eren all she needed to do was warn the manlet
Now call me EHfag when you are just another shipperwhale

Since you're so sure of your theory, why don't you ignore me and have a massive laugh when Eren is proven to be the father. You can screenshot the post and shove it to my face later when EHfags are proven right

>Did she get pregnant from a farmer or from Eren?
>The hooded figure watched her talk to farmer
>Eren is the hooded figure
>Historia got pregnant to stop Eren
>Meaning Eren didn't know nor plan for Historia to fuck a farmer for a baby
Accident meme is real. The farmer is clearly a cover for Eren's baby and EH coerced farmer into it.Assuming those leaks are even true of course.

You'd better read PROPERLY and not just SEETHING here, retard

t. mentally ill dyke

Because I don't give a fuck about the father, stop fucking crying just for 5 minutes, can you do that?

>and you pretend that Ymir isn't important for her
But we know the suicidal dyke was a necessary stepping stone on the way toward beautiful motherhood

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I'm a plotchad and as of right now everything is in favor of Eren being the father. If isayama is able to explain properly how it isn't him then i'll be fine with it.

You see, that's the mentality, I'm talking about. So you already got a backup plan ?? That's nice. Keep deceiving yourself. At least since EH is not the majority ship, SNK marketing for season 4 won't still be affected. You can call it asspull as much as you want

t. cuck

>But that's all Ymir was to her- a friend.
Why are you so in denial, EHshitter

Pussies that will be destroyed by Chadren YeaGAR by the end of the manga:
>Historia (again)
>reiner (again)
>bertolt (through paths)
>Marley's collective ethnic pussy
>the survey corp

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>Mark this words
Why can this fag not differentiate between "this" and "these"?
It's been nearly a whole day of this shit

>>>broken English with missing articles
Oh you start looking at the structure of a sentence when it seems you have lost already...LMAO Losers

It's simple. Isayama is a good writer so why should we expect for him to become inconsistent and ruin his own story at the very end? this ain't GoT

>>I'm not an EHfag
That's first word of a EHfag

If that's all it does, that's a surprisingly chill power for the "Attack" Titan. But it fits the evidence so far.


Man you antiEHfags are even more annoying. Stop dragging us into your shit

The correct name it should be advancing titan btw, because it keeps advancing towards the future

>discord trannies are still here

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Nigger I'm naming your calling cards. You've shat up 6 threads I've checked in the past day and a half and your posts always stand out because of those markers. Slit your wrists, fucking ESL third-worlder.

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EMfujos are illiterate.

You're going to be called an EHfag for that post

>EH is very one could like such a hollow drum ship...LMAO
but also

I'm an ErAnchad, you stupid 400 pound dyke.
YH is nothing but yurifag headcanon.

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>>become inconsistent and ruin his own story
Shippers google. Not making your ship cannon means ruining the story. Just because you EHfags makes noise in this thread does not mean up 80% of the fandom gives a damn if Eren is the father. The story will be ruined for you, don't generalize

Just saw the leaks.
Eren is the father

Man EHfags should die to hell and rot themselves for cumming

Shut up. We want results for Eren being the father. It's number 1 priority for us

>the same covert EHtard everytime
Stop samefagging and lose weight.

White fowl, if you have a better argument bring it up

It makes no sense no matter if you're an EHfag or not, since Eren knows about the pregnancy and was pretty much confirmed to be hooded-kun last chapter. How does the pregnancy stop him in any way when using Zeke to do his plan was his goal from the start?

You sure give a fuck when you can't stop crying about it

The only thing that will be ruined after Eren is the father reveal will be you dumb EMfags

EA is nothing but headcanon, 400 pound whale

That would make perfect sense then.

Watch out, the drunk dyke will call you EHfag

The rise of EHfags is what finally drove out the Fujoshits.

You should all be thankful.


>delusional dyke thinks everyone who doesn't believe in their YH headcanon is an EH shipper


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something about thematic and philosophy carefully elaborated through the years user

Yeah, right

Did I say that it wasn't, Blimpo?

Do ErAnshippers fuck with the heads of EMcels and YHdykes because they can't comprehend how ErAnshippers can be laid back and chill about their ship?

I never gave a fuck untill I saw you EHfags making delusional theories. How percentage of AOT fans do you think are in the fandom? Most don't even see your delusional theories to start with. Talk more of considering them


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The only thing that conflicts with that is why Grisha gave the AT to Eren if he saw the terrible future he'll brought, i hope is better explained in the chapter because the leak i got is really vague

It doesn't. It means that Karl and his ancestors actually didn't match that "every body ruled 13 years" perdiction, if Ymir really was the first king.

If you count back, RBA broke wall Maria at year 845, Eren born year 835(ten years before 845), Krueger devoured by Grisha at 832(13 years before 845), Faye eaten by dogs at 817(15 years before 832), so Ymir Fritz's gaining the power was like 1003 years before first year recorded by calendar used in Walldia, and that's 1857 years from the current time (year 854). Anyway it still takes like at least 143 years to fill that "2000 years" theory.

I guess it probably means that you need to trace back before even Ymir Fritz. I mean if you look at the number 143, it actually fit with the 13 years gap, so that means if we already have shifter's successions BEFORE Ymir, that could be 143 years ago before Ymir even happened. And she was more like a significant icon of the Eldian history.

Actually if you think about the calendar Walldia used has an about 1000 year gap to the Eldia history (like the year 845 was like 1848 years after Ymir having her power), it's very possible that the Walldia calendar could have been some calender the Eldia Empire used on the continent back in their history, and Karl just simply cut 1000 years off (like year 1845 of Eldia taking that 1 off, and become year 845 of walldia). So that makes Ymir Fritz's first gaining power 3 years before the Eldian calendar started, making sense she was just a significant start in the Eldia history.

So if following the theory that we should trace back 143 years before Ymir, that actually makes the "2000 year" year 854 of Walldia, namely the current time we have in recent chapters.

And please remember that Historia's child, the currently youngest member of the Fritz royal family line, is about to be born at this year, year 854. So I think the "to you in 2000 years" was more like meant to be a message to that unborn baby as a royal 2000 years later.

>you EHfags makes noise
does not mean up 80% of the fandom gives a damn

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So at least you are aware your ship is delusional, EAwhale

Imagine being this obvious of a samefag. Imagine outing yourself because you can't string together a proper fucking sentence.

I have no idea, but they are fucking tiresome.
>"hurr durr, ErAn isn't real!"

Wow. No shit, Sherlock, neither is YH.

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I have been seeing this for sometime? Where do you think I'm from?? Your stupidity is God-tier

Did I stutter, hambeast?

Holy shit kill yourself, look, farmer is the father, you are sure of it then why the fuck do you keep crying in every fucking thread.

EHfujos are illiterate

Sorry, but I'm the one that has the second comment. Don't give me a comment I know nothing about

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Yeah, like YH was. Deal with it.

>the terrible future he'll brought,

The future's looking pretty bright so far. Eren ate the FT, reached the basement, dunked on the Tyburs and ate the WHT, successfully pulled off GR2.0, and now Marley's blowing its proverbial military load on an attack that will wipe their forces out. I'm sure papa is proud.

Yes, hamplanet

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What's with these anti EHfags not being able to speak English? So fucking embarrassing.

Look, Eren is the father. If you're sure of it stop spamming the whole thread. It's disturbing

They must have been really nervous about this chapter to start sperging this fucking much just a couple days away from the first leaks.

>"n-no u"

Wew, good one, tubby.

>And please remember that Historia's child, the currently youngest member of the Fritz royal family line, is about to be born at this year, year 854. So I think the "to you in 2000 years" was more like meant to be a message to that unborn baby as a royal 2000 years later.
But that's exactly what I'm saying too

I don't give a fuck about the father retard, maybe it doesn't affect me because I'm not a shipperwhale like you BEGGING for the rest to tell you what you want to read.

Just saying how it is, fatty

But Eren doesn't plan to stop there he literally wants to destroy the world

>>So fucking embarrassing
Look, he thinks his language is all that matters. So fucking stupid

>I have been seeing this for sometime? Where do you think I'm from??
Yeah no fucking shit you have, nigger

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Don't talk to me you ESL trash

Moron, answer my question

I predicted as much in the thread I made with the OP of Reiner getting bullied

Not him but he is talking about all the setting Isayama has been building up (it is there, not matter how much you try to deny it) and will also decide the place of the pregnancy itself the plot. It's not about shipping (which is the only thing you seem to care about) but about thematic and narrative sense. Still the way to get to there is unknown.

Gtfo third-worlder, this is a civilized space

LMAO. Hope ESL won't be a problem if they are in support of EH. You have no better argument than this you're putting on. Unfortunately for you, those ESL's are the one's paying higher tuition than you will ever be able to. If ESL is trash, you are more than trash

And? Grisha wanted to free Eldians and only Eldians. Why would he care if Eren gotterdammerungs the rest of humanity? I bet he appreciates the advantages of fresh starts considering his family life.

I fucking hate you niggers

I think we see what we want to see, user. If you’re very nervous about EH and where their relationship is going, you’re likely subconsciously looking for signs that support your worries and theories of it being something of the true.

Your creativity is beyond expectations. Nice counterargument user. You sure taught him a lesson.

Different. That means we probably won't need to wait until Eren's death. If following that 145X13 theory, the 2000th year would be year 858, the year Eren dies naturally, and that child would be like 4 years old. Thinking about the size of that fina panel baby it actually makes more sense it happens in this year after it's recent birth.

But anyway Eren's likely going to die whatever, doesn't really matter.

What a cringe post. Kill yourself third worlder.

>>Gtfo third-worlder, this is a civilized space
Argument of a loser

This guy is from some part of central or south India. The parts that have people who don't look like Pakis. I fucking guarantee it. The grammar (if you can call it that) fits as well.

Just make a long post in which you call EHfags delusional. Screenshot all the answers and come here after the reveal what farmer is the father. But no, you stupid bitch, you continue to cry in every fucking threads and destroy them. This leads to one simple thought: you are afraid. You are very much afraid, and in order to at least somehow reassure yourself, you came here to keep saying that EHfags theories are delusional again and again. But deep down, no matter how much you deny this, you know that Eren’s fatherhood is a real possibility and it pricks you into your rotten shipper heart.


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>>The grammar (if you can call it that) fits as well.
Oh wow, I never knew I can use the grammer of central or south india. I will take that as a compliment.
>>I fucking guarantee it
No, you fucking proved your stupidity

Shut up you fucking poo

9 titan powers were born

>ESL is arguing with himself
Amazing. I'm out for the night. See ya guys tomorrow when real leaks are out.

>>Just make a long post in which you call EHfags delusional. Screenshot all the answers and come here after the reveal what farmer is the father.
Hope they will still be in the fandom then. They will be busy shiting on Isayama which will lead to a new argument of if Isayama is a good or poor writer. By that time all there spamming would be forgotten. I know how all the trend works, that's why I start now to shove it into there faces till there are proven wrong. I will still mock them afterwards too. I'm just laying the foundation.
>>you are afraid
Not in the very least, user

So are we getting the REAL creation in this chapter?

>inserts ending
Isayama is a hack

What happened?

not this shit again

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I don't like it

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>ripping off from wit fanfiction
i expected better

>symmetrical face
Lazy and stupid

Fake and gay

Like fucking clockwork

wut? All the people who entered the room after Armin and Mikasa were military police members

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Holi shit!!!, Eren is a goner


why Eren angry? dont tell me Mikasa parents dying was actually really planned

wait, did Eren convince his father to kill Frieda and co?


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>Ymir: No way fag

>mikasa scarf
oh no no no, we got too cocky EH dudes

>Eren kissing Historia's hand
EHbros are we going to win this chapter ?

>Eren smiling when he sees himself wrap the scarf around Mikasa
its over

This doesn't show whether that love is familial (platonic, in Historia's case) or romantic. It might not be positive at all. What if he smiled because this was all according to keikaku?

We're gonna stuck with this autistic argument until the chapter's out. Probably longer.