Vic Mignogna General
Other urls found in this thread:
>dubbed anime
Is the case against him dropped after the Funi leaks?
Literally who?
>watching the dragon ball sub for any other reason than "it hasn't been dubbed yet"
>not supporting vic mignogna
There's no case against him. He is the one suing Funimation.
No he's still going to loose lol
NickRekiet and that pedo are making tons of dosh with that vanity lawsuit that will go nowhere
He hugged both fans and coworkers.
For this he must receive the death penalty.
pretty sure he's the one suing funi so that's doubtful
shut up brainlet
illiterate retards plague this site
Friendly reminder from Yea Forums if you support Vic you are both on wrong side of history and your supporting a literal rapist.
The best part about this is that Funimation is going to have to purge all the retards or they'll be taken down by Sony. Either way it's a positive
how is he a pedo in any way? kek
how does it feel being so wrong
Fuck off
You're mad because Vic has literally no case lol
gut yourself, fatass
>no case
have you seen the pictures, there's one where she's mouthing a 12 year old
show us, then
>from Yea Forums
he's biden on steroids
Grow up. Yea Forums This is why we laugh at you on Yea Forums
>You're mad because Vic has literally no case lol
This. It’s just a sexual predator crying like an incel.
Firstly his case should have been a libel one so he's already fucked there, just go read the files if you care about sucking his cock that badly, you'll see he has NO CASE
Glad to see Yea Forums and Yea Forums stand together on this, fellow Yea Forumsmrade
Literally /who/?
I hate Vic for ruining Nick Rekeita's videos and audience. Fuck dubshit and fuck Dragon Ball, I want him to go back to dunking on Maddox
>kissing fan on the cheek
no words can describe the hemorrhage i just had
christ you're such a fucking desperate contrarian
Voice actors with over 300 confirmed rapes in the Navy Seals are for Kiwifarms, not Yea Forums.
Some weirdo pedophile anime dub VA
>no words can describe the hemorrhage i just had
how about butthurt?
picture relevant is 10
Vic Mignogna mostly an anime voice actor. Why is Yea Forums so butt hurt over Vic fighting #MEtoo accusations? It’s the same way with them and John K being demonized for edgy jokes and rumors with zero proof. Yet they defended James Gunn and Dan Harmon for doing and saying worse shit.
It's a Yea Forums board filled with retards. Not to be confused with Yea Forums, /r9k/, /pol/, /lgbt/, /mlp/, Yea Forums, and a few others
They found out Vic is a conservative so Yea Forums flipped their shit and went full ORANGE MAN BAD on him
No western VA is /ourguy/
>I want him to go back to dunking on Maddox
He still does, just less often
I mean, the more a case develops the more attention it gets
Is not Yea Forums its wannabe board wars faggits.
Lol, this is true, which must have broke their brains when he revealed he didn't vote in 2016
Funniest thing about /pol/ tranny discord boogeyman. It’s clearly Yea Forums users organizing raids. Yea Forums deserves more hate than they get. They invented the brony fandom for the love of fuck
dubs thread
Check em