Would you let asuka tutor you in a thermodynamics course?

would you let asuka tutor you in a thermodynamics course?

She's a college graduate you know

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Isnt she like fucking 15, she’s better suited for the kitchen, not for a clasroom dammit

Asuka is too reminiscent of 3D girls to be ideal as a 2D one.

Thermal Expansion

Mutual tutoring would be nice, and then maybe help teach Rei.

it grew

She's best suited to ride my cock

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muh gibbs free energy

Is her specific career ever stated though?

i'd let her teach me how to swim

Need to breed is strong

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Do they even pay the kids for piloting the Eva’s?

they do but misato skims off the top to pay for her vintage moneypit euro sportscars

And her alcohol addiction, can't forget that

also true, but unless she's buying real top-shelf stuff (and she doesn't seem like the type) it probably wouldn't come close to the cost of maintaining a 328 gts in the sorta post-apocalypse

Why was she still in middle school in 2015 if she is a grad student?

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'cause she couldn't read or write kanji for shit and the class is a place to gather potential pilots and also just narrative convenience

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I wouldn't even let her cook for me.

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I'd only accept her as a tutor if I get the chance and pleasure to set her up on a date with Kaji.

fatsuka hungry

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>the absolute state of eva threads

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please go be mentally ill elsewhere

People are way to desperate to have 3-4 Eva threads every 24 hours, instead of just waiting a bit and having higher quality Eva threads.

based and quakepilled

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I'd want Asuka to teach me anything and everything with that heavenly voice and divine personality.

I don't have an adequate reaction image for this

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>there are idiots still obsessed with evangelion

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Middle shelf. Her diet was more varied in some ways before Shinji moved in and she switched to just beer.

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I want to teach her grappling and while I'm teaching her submissions escalate into loving breeding.

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what did I miss

I have a master's degree in theoretical physics, but sure, I'd humor her and her thermodynamics 101 material.

literal shit posting

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That's the best part user

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When is this faggot going to make HL3?

After Anno releases a movie about what happened between EVA 2.0 AND 3.0

It seems like alcohol and drug abuse would probably become very prevalent in a seemingly doomed, post-impact world.

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but what does it MEAN ANNO

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Well, I guess we can chat statistic thermodynamics if she wants to. But she'll need to wear her plugsuit.

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I would, and I would serve her tea and leave the bathroom locked while she did.

And she'll probably try to keep you from seeing how badly she needs to pee.