2019 has been fucking abysmal. There hasn't been a single visual masterpiece for the past year...

2019 has been fucking abysmal. There hasn't been a single visual masterpiece for the past year. Not even a show that came somewhat close to being one. And now, with Kyoto Animation dead, we'll likely never get another one. How do you justify wasting your time on this shitty hobby?

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Maybe replace Kiznaiver with Uchouten Kazoku

>Mob Psycho S2
>Demon Slayer
>Heaven's Feel Lost Butterfly
>Weathering With You

Not OP, but Kiznaiver looked really good. Pretty underrated actually, even if writing that was the shit.

Granbelm looks pretty good.

>he hasn't seen kaijuu no kodomo

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>this laughable list
>3 of them are movies
Lost Butterfly also looks like complete dogshit. Solid animation. Literally animating on 4s.

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why would i watch a camrip of something thats main selling point is its visuals? i'll wait 6 months for bd

i hope cencoroll 2 is good.

thats still coming out?

it came out as a movie combined with the first one in june as cencoroll: connect. bd's aren't out though and i doubt anyone remembers the first so subs never too i guess.

Everybody knows kiznaiver looks amazing, it's just that nobody wants to talk about shitty shows

>it's just that nobody wants to talk about shitty shows
A quick look at the catalog and OP's list tells me otherwise.

by ending yourself

>not a single gatari

It is. Rather slow, but I mean so was the first one. Visuals are way better, I like all the new characters and monsters, and it expands the world in an interesting way. Not a masterpiece by any means, but I am a huge fan of the original and am honestly satisfied after the wait.

At the premier he had a Cenco plush and I want it so bad

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I'm just glad OP isn't one of those reddit shitters who thinks 3gatsu and Rakugo have good visual direction.

lucky. can't wait though. i'm a big fan of atsuya uki's works.

How did Star Driver’s direction stand out? Seemed standard to me.

so cencoroll connect is cencoroll 1 and 2 in one movie?

>How do you justify wasting your time on this shitty hobby?
All I've been watching this year is shit designed to sell plastic to 9 year olds. So, Precure and Shinkalion.
feels pretty good honestly

Watch Fire Force and Boogiepop.
There is also a show directed by Oonuma Shin but it is mostly unremarkable aside from a few scenes.


Hiroshi hamasaki should pick up the slack next season

the ones within genome is actually really good, you just have to get into the characters or the mystery of the island.

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Violet Evergarden has a movie coming out in 2 days. It's literally gonna be the only noteworthy thing from this year on the visual and directing aspects.

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fuck. forgot to add this

Kaijuu no kodoma came out this year

I'd say it's consistently good with a few exceptional scenes.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nakanohito Genome [Jikkyouchuu] - 09 [1080p].webm (800x450, 2.82M)

2019 has been a complete write-off. Worst year ever.

Nothing this year has topped Bloom Into Yuu

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I think it really over uses that white background.

Pretty good list except for Kiznaiver

Yes, but 2 is double the length.

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>Pity sales

Kiznaiver doesn't belong on a list of best anything.

This one? I guess so. Hasn't bothered me.

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for good reason

Missing an important one

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it had pretty colors and stuff

>>Demon Slayer
Ruined a potential good list.

By going through my backlog instead of watching seasonal anime. Other than that, I switch to reading manga/novels.

>Tamako Market
>Kill la Kill
>Flip Floppers
>Hibike Euphonium

Hahaha nice bait made me reply

Better replace Euphonium with anything else pls

>hurr durr its a shounen so it must be shit
Opinion invalid

Not him but that's exactly how it works. Targeting the shounen demographic is inherently bad, children an men who wish they were children require bland characters with the same old bullshit overcoming story built on top of fights with equally bland villain characters.

the direction sucked dick, what a painfully mediocre movie

What about Sarazanmai?

Mob psycho 2 was great and sarazanmai had great visuals too. Also I find kyoani animation pretty boring

>Kemurikusa absorbed all the artistry out of the shows around it.
Makes sense.

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Read the OP again.

>inb4 butthurt sakugafags shit on you
It was really special and I'm glad that at least in Japan it got the recognition it deserved.