Name a charecter with more growth and overall popularity.
Protip, you literally can't.
Some have compared him to Vegeta, Vegeta is a cuck. Others Sasuke, so don't embarrass yourself with those.
Name a charecter with more growth and overall popularity.
Protip, you literally can't.
Some have compared him to Vegeta, Vegeta is a cuck. Others Sasuke, so don't embarrass yourself with those.
Fuck off, normalfaggot nigger
Couldn't name one tho bitch
You read the manga?
>you literally can't.
only because I don't know what a "charecter" is
Love how popularity is enough to be written off on Yea Forums, glad to see we're getting the opinions of the lowest and loneliest have to offer.
Your anime will never replace the friends you don't have.
I'm not even disputing his popularity, just the idea that it informs character quality.
Get depression and kill yourself, pathetic zoomer.
>Bakugou wants to be a hero
>Bakugou turns down the VA easily without even having to think about it because the offer is so retarded and contradictory to what he wants to do
>hmm... should I keep going to my most prestigious school and live among the elites while working towards my goal or do I join this run down circus of freaks and become the opposite of what my goal is to be. Decisions... Decisions...
>MHAtards then pretend this is character development
The set up for Sasuke's retrieval arc was far superior to the retarded shit Hori came up with to do his own retrieval arc
You're so simple ypur mind can't imagine what I could of possibly meant?
God forbid it's an emergency and someone was off by a letter, whatever would you do?
I don't hate anything because it's popular. I hate the appeal to popularity being used to qualify things. We used to much better on here, you faggots really need to leave.
>he just yells slightly less
I'll never get why Bakugo gets a pass for being a Gary Stu with plot armor and a bad personality. I guess it's homolust or something.
Didn't wanna lose you again
>off by a letter
that's two now, unless "ypur" is slang
Damn looks like I did.
Your parents probably regret not having that abortion you simple fuck.
Here's a mind boggler for ya.
You're errelevant
but hey, at least you're correcting them yourself now. ypur charecter is experiencing quite the growth currently.
Sorry I couldn't understand what you're saying.
Learn to spell you simple fuck
>unironically enjoys MHA
>calls others simple
All this shit talking and not one.
Looks like you took the protip
Fucking Iida has had more growth than this fucktard, and he's done fuck all for like 80 chapters (sans joint training)
His growth into an irrelvant nanny bitch that doesn't even fight in the last arc of Z and doesn't even raise a fist in the Broly Movie?
He's not even top 10 in the popularity polls though, my boy's #1 consistently. In My Hero and Shonen in general.
Low quality
Multiple One Piece characters
They literally ushered in Vegeta because Piccillo had nowhere to go.
He's often referred to as "a waste" by the creator himself.
do you know what growth of a character means?
Cool, name one.
Kacchan isn't even the Vegeta of BNHA
he might become one later in the sense that he may be used as a punching bag for stronger villains
Call me when he puts Deku's crying bitch ass back in it's place and finds himself a girlfriend. Until then, he's nothing more than a case of character downgrade. Making him a conformed adjusted faggot like everybody else is the opposite of growth OP.
Did you watch Dragon Ball Z, and did you not catch the Popularity part? Piccillo was never even top 5 at his prime in BD or BDZ and not even top 20 in DBS.
He went from I'm going to rule the world to I'm going to raise another man's child and subsequently everyone else's.
Makes sense that would be a cucks definition of ideal development right?
Luffy, Law, Zoro, Nami
Deku has literally never beat him.
No I won't call you, I know you're lonely but have a little self respect.
Development? That's a stretch and as a whole One Piece has never touched My Hero popularity. It's been the top in book sales in Japan and the US. When it's not it's only under One Punch.
One Piece has never even made the charts.
Popularity? Or execessive runtime and hype. Either way it's a shitty show.
This looks like fujo art, are you a gayboi OP?
Are you asking because you want to fuck me?
Why are you asking me about my sexuality? If I ate man ass for breakfast lunch dinner and halfast what the fuck would that mean to you?
Homos aren't known for their quality taste, you eat shit, literally.
No homos are the one's who make millions of dollars selling you the shit you thought you needed.
Glad to see you anything and are worth talking to.
Fujos and gayfags are quite vocal, you know.
Is that why OP is the #1 best selling manga every single year and MHA never touches it?
>Glad to see you anything and are worth talking to.
Is gayboi having a stroke?
Lol homos literally design everything from what you wear to what you watch.
Anime is homo in general and fags LOVE anime.
Any characters with development tho? Literally a parody of shonen.
It's just showing how much the west hates fucking anime and doesn't know it.
>says "yikes" and the zoomer variation of the word "literally", in the same post even
And take your trash art and character with you.
Not one popular charecter.
Guess you're the law around here. Must be an overflow of all the respect you command in the real world hu?
Still more than Bakugo.
Do you?
>>he just yells slightly less
But he doesn't even do that
Bakugou is probably gonna win the next popularity poll again because fujos are legit completely buying out stores of the volume for votes
What growth?
>Why yes I dropped BNHA as soon as we went back to dekuck how did you know
The horror.
Fujoshits always have shit taste.
leddit: the character
>gets mad at yikes
More popular, more growth