Why are they so incompetent?
My Hero Academia Girls
>Momo is supposedly the most intelligent
Really makes you think.
He took notes from Kishimoto on how to write women
Indeed. Six Sakura
That's a REALLY nice picture. They even got Froppy's giant hands.
>Ochako and Tsuyu has saved Deku since the story started
>Momo saved the majority of the student body during the forest arc
>Jirou, Tooru and Mina are far from incompetent
Better question is where did this meme even come from?
Why do they all have those kind of crotches where it creases just above the thigh? Jeans don't all act that way.
MHA is taken up to an unhealthy standard compared to most shounen for whatever reason.
why it became so goddamn hard to read
Posting the best and most competent MHA girl.
Momo can make damn near anything. So long as she knows what it is made of. She makes simple solid objects. When she could be Extremis Ironman.
I can't stop seeing how the pants are copypasted
Momo upsets me in multiple ways. Not even her looks makes her into a good character for me.
Competent women would scare away the Japanese teenagers that buy shonen manga.
>Posting the best
That isn't mei
>and most competent MHA girl.
Ok,you are half right
t. numale
The more important question is...
Why are they so thin in that drawing?
You're calling them fat?
> heart shaker by twice starts playing
They are canonically thick
No they haven't
>Reading 241
>Yu gets todo'd and wet for him
>MTLADYXSHOUTO doujins and porn has not come out afterwards
We need this hentai meme to explode friends. I mean if dekuxbakumom(her first apperance made her a meme with deku) gets porn every other month, its fair this gets attention.
I dreamed Dabi molested me in bed, it was weird because he cuddled me after the fact and he was very warm
So you don't read the manga
Shit now I can’t unsee it
Hasn't happened in the anime
It has.
Kimetsu girls are better than HeroAca girls
Who this?
Eri is such a best girl
>macadamia girls
>not posting the best one
>Main heroine doesn't even fucking talk
>4th fucking episode
>10th fucking episode