Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Murder is like sex. It's not something you can do halfway.
The hag.
Clearly. If she wanted Rei out of the way that badly, work on getting Shinji to have sex with Rei instead.
>Who was in the wrong here?
But also Yui.
It's totally unprofessional of Ritsuko, she's lost control of herself, but if she remembered to clean up and fish out a new one it's possible that nobody would ever realize a wrong was committed.
Gendo is such a chad he has a mother and her daughter lusting for him. How does he do it?
His autism attracts scientists
Who was in the wrong here?
Maya is a depraved lesbian. But Ritsuko is so desperate she'll literally take anyone.
no, she only takes the ikari dick
Or at least that's what she'd say if she cared about letting Maya down gently.
Shinji is only for Misato or Asuka
Who was in the wrong here?
I am, for not knowing what this is.
You're in for a treat.
That's if you're not expecting to fap.
Misato and Asuka are for Kaji
Misato is at least
NGE sucks dick is almost like fanfic tier
I wonder if the Eva staff was watching Marmalade Boy while working on NGE. Ritsuko looks a lot like Ryoko-sensei and she's in love of a pedo nerd too
Since Rei's soul just immediately reincarnates into a new Rei clone, can it even really be called murder?
>Brown hair
Shinji is the unique male between the pilots and only he can cook, lol.
Back then shoujos weren't so strictly aimed to women and Marmalade Boy's girls are top-tier so it's not farfetched the Eva guys were watching the show during the breaks.
>Kaworu, Asuka, Shinji and Rei
There may be a grain of truth to this.
This is a great image.
I'm sure a lot of inspirations went in, like how Fuyutsuki was George Sewell, Peter Cushing, and David Bowie. The base to me is Elektra and thinking about how they could have made her more fucked up.
Rei, because she died.
Now wait just a second here
The ugly one.
I don't know, I don't care, and that's fucking hot.
Fucking Selee. They demanded fan service and they got it.