Kimetsu no Yaiba

Demon slayer is going to become the greatest Anime of all time change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Are the Kizuki the new Espada

Giyuu is my wife!

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Honestly now Yea Forums, no memes or baits

For how many of you this is favorite manga/anime of all time?

For me it is

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ok Ninja

well I used to think it was a pretty great shounen but now normalfags have infested it so I avoid talking about it

I just finished the episode where spider-man dies. This is bretty gud

>Been watching animu for over 27 years
>Some youthful upstart thinks a random 2019 shounen anime is going to be the greatest anime of all time, across all generations
>wants me to change their mind for reasons that escape me

Let's say that I could possibly change your mind, what's in it for me?

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educating the youth

can you give me some recommendations? I want to branch out

>inb4 "before posting on Yea Forums watch these" meme chart

I'm not into teaching and you're entitled to your opinion, no matter how short-sighted it may be.

the youth need to learn to search for shit themselves

There are a plethora of anime-recommendation sites to use, but honestly, I would just check out things at random. Just read the synopsis and watch a couple episodes if it sounds remotely interesting. You'll never develop taste if you just watch/read what others tell you to. Alright, I'm getting kind of tired now.

This. Most of my favourites are shows/movies i just started watching on a whim

Name battle shonen you think have comparable quality to KnY

Saint Seiya

what does kny do exceptionally to make it stand out?

fuck you

How that demon was saved by just snapping his head with his own threads... Kind of an asspull. And he wasn't able to do it against Giyu...

Because Giyu killed him faster than he can see


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it's sincere

Tanjirou couldn't kill him immediately and needed to wait until Nezuko's blood exploded while Gayuu beheaded him in the blink of an eye literally

- No " Loser wants to be the greatest whatever" protag
- No dumb rival
- competent female characters
- villains actually has a goal
- all supporting cast also has a story arc

In essence it feels like the next evolution of battle shonen

Mangafags, spoil me on how will Nezuko react to that scarred asshole's provocation.

She resists his Marechi blood and proves she's worthy

I liked the anime so I caught up with the manga, it's good but it's nothing special and yes I know why this stupid thread was made but I really hope none of you unironically think this

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Tanjiro isn't a loser or loner

the hwat

Thanks. Is it at this point where the focus shifts to all those Hashira folks and almost ignores the main trio?

No, its more like Tanjiro and some of the main group (which now extends to Genya and Kanao btw) get paired with a pillar to fight the big boy demons for that arc

I stayed up past 2AM this morning for no reason other than to feel like I still meaningfully contribute to its consumption in the English speaking fanbase, and I've never done that for any other series.

No, but the Pillars become part of the main cast of the story

>focus shifts to all those Hashira folks and almost ignores the main trio
at least 1 pillar shows up in each of the upcoming arcs but it's still focused on tanjirou and his crew

Kanao is by far the least developed of the sense characters

She's the Snake Pillar of the senses

How long until his blood sample collection quest comes up in the story again? Do Hashiras learn of it at any time?

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Ao no Exorcist

Douma fight was good enough for me assuming it'll end soon. I hope she wears her hair down forever

shoo you retarded monkey

call them pillars

Wani is actually pretty good at balancing screentime between characters while keeping her lighting pace, I'd say there's really only one character that has gotten a bum deal so far

>Look foward to more gaidens in the future!
>still no new gaidens.


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tapioca's hair looks so fluffy, I want to pet him

I already told you. The creator (or at least artist) of gaiden is Hirano Ryouji. He's doing the chibi mini comics that come out with each episode now, so its a minimum of 4 weeks until another gaiden could come out.

I shipped them

>Want more Shinobu
>She's dead
I hate it


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Okay Ninja

It would be cool to get a Gaiden for the first missions of Zen, Ino, Kanao and Demon guy

But it's gonna be canon soon.

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Let's face it if we lived in kny world most of us would be zenitsu... except we would be dead lmao

No, we'd be Murata

I would be based Murata you dumb bitch

It'll come as soon as the S1 is over to pad and fill the time and keep the audiences interested till Season 2 arrives in some years(?) which is all but officially confirmed at this point.

Talking about missions I think the second novel is supposed to feature a Kanao/Shinobu mission.

Tomioka is such a chad

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We would be the potencial victims, cmon


>Kanao is by far the least developed of the sense characters
Well, I think she has the least screentime but every time she appeared she made some progress
>started acting on her own when Uzui kidnapped Aoi
>started showing emotion when Tanjirou got injured after Red light district
And it goes without saying in her fight against Douma. I think she has pretty good development despite her limited screentime

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For a brief second I thought it was real preview for the scene they cut. Dammit.

Kimetsu is a lowkey harem with everyone in love with tanjirou i dont make the rules

Dumb phoneposter neck yourself

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Does this have to be the new thread? Is there a real new thread up?

You're not wrong

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my god it's so obvious.

M8, you can't even use Viz translation to cover up that level of retard

>Tomioka is ready to rape the poor girl

I really disliked her voice. It should have been cute. Yui Ogura would have been a good VA

>rape a girl

user, I...

That pic needs more warnings and watermarks

- Gotei 13 = Gold Saints = Pillars
- Espada = Reverse Gold Saints (Spectres, Scales, etc.) = Twelve Demon Moons

Group of powerful elite soldies who were first introduced as somewhat antagonistic to the main heroes but later joins them is a trend in Shounen recycled ever since Saint Seiya made it popular 30 years ago.

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>Raping anyone

Ugly, gay, hated, murderer and a rapist

Nice research, Sherlock.

Check out InuYasha, both shows center on our male lead and involve demon slaying. The setting is historical Japan, and the characters are very fleshed out, even the demons get some of their own backstories.

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Thank you, happy to be of service.

The Pillars are not antagonistic at all. They have every right to be wary in this episode. We get to know them immediately afterwards

anyone reading this should read sengoku youko

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>But it's gonna be canon soon.

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You're right he probably prefers little girls

>The Pillars are not antagonistic at all.
Antagonist is a character or group who at first clashes with the protagonist with every intent of killing him, regardless of motivation, some Pillars did want Tanjiro and Nezuko dead, even if the very next event where a Pillar is seen again is Kyoujuro being super friendly and taking the main trio on a mission.

37 kilograms

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>Implying love wouldn't want that

You just know

Antagonistic is one thing but you're comparing them with the Gotei 13 and Gold Saints who were actual enemies to be fought. There's a big difference.

why would you make this thread again, OP?
Are you, perhaps, a fucking faggot?

also no, it's a shonen as plain as it can be, blame Ufotable for the sakuga, but writting can't be fixed with flashy scenes

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>1,51 cm

>when tanjirou asks why you beat on zenitsu the first time you both met

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It doesn't try to be deeper than it is. Also no subversions/inversions/whatever

so what happens after all the pillars die or is the manga actually ending soon?

>who were actual enemies to be fought
Both the Gold Saints and Gotei 13 were antagonists with misguided motivations for going against the main characters, the Gold Saints did know they were fighting for evil, except 2 who didn't care, and the Gotei 13 were acting according to their brand of Justice against the protagonist who wanted to rebel and save Rukia from being executed.

happy birthday zenitsu *proceeds to beat the shit out of him*

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I bet the director was a snekfag

twitterfags get out

>so what happens after all the pillars die
New Pillars rise to the opportunity, if you pay attention to the manga it was flat said Pillars aren't special snowflakes that live long lives, they just take more time to die than the usual fodder hunter, a new Pillar usually gets picked every 2 years, if all current Pillar dies that just means massive promotions for the next hunters in line.

normalscum move at such fast speeds these days

I didn't notice before but Ubuyashiki's daughter seems a bit too happy about this revelation

Wasn't he confirmed a Shinobufag or was it the producer or something.

I mean if her dad was wrong and Nezuko did attack Sanemi that wouldn't have been too good

The composer is a Shinobufag, the producer is a Zenitsufag.

no, it's too formulaic
>demon shows up
>defeat hi- oh wait, a second coming
>but the demon slayer is beaten to a pulp!
>bring another one
>O MY BREATH new stuff
>both of them beat the demon in a mixed effort
>quickly! sad backstory! but make it extra sad as the story continues
>panel showing Tanjirou's moral compass soul

also, the coincidences are almost like retcons by now
don't get me wrong, i still read it, but it's just another shonen that wouldn't even stand out if it wasn't for ufotable

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What Breath does Murata have? Wasn't he in G&U's graduating class? think it's impressive that he's managed to survive for this long.

Breath of Shitpost

Remeber she's also fucking stacked

Sabito carried everyone that year anyway

This, it tries almost too hard to fit on it's own formula

Murata is the strongest character in this series, obviously he's still alive

>it tries almost too hard to fit on it's own formula
What does that even mean? It does something well and that's bad?

I don't think everyone has a breath until they get training from one of the houses of the pillars

Disc a cute

What about after it? The fact that he's managed to survive as long as Giyuu without a defined Breath is an achievement in itself.

inosuke created his own breath form

Stop taking the OP literally you dunce it's bait to attract shitposters

>It does something well and that's bad?
it does if it's done every single time, by reading half the manga you actually can predict how every fight will go

>more about Giyuu
I can't wait :)

>Big tits
>Birthing hips
Tomioka should've bred this when he had the chance

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>Poor girl
She's a literal prostitute.

Yea but he's like retarded

A cultivator being a former Pillar is actually rare, Breaths can be learned from another person who knows Breath techs if you try hard enough, unless you are Genya and has a body that makes it hard to learn.

Nah, meaty thighs. Too low on her lower body to be wide hips

He doesn't know how to use his dick.

Zenitsufags are pure cancer.

yeah and if a retard can learn to use breaths without help from a cultivator, other people probably can as well

like a show? look into the studio, director, etc. find other works that way. don't listen to other fags or look at scores on mal to tell you if something is worth watching. sometime you might get surprised and that is the best part of watching anime.

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Amida sutra

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A Zenitsufag pitched the anime, so get on your knees and show some respect.

>his sister didn't teach the autistic how to use it

>tfw you share your birthday with zenitsu

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Why did he made Inosuke look like a slut

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It's not a real breath though. The breath refers to the breathing of the original fire god dance. Inosuke didn't even know how to breath correctly, he was just a chad animal


Refer to them as "they"

Wait, is he blind? Does his faith in Buddhism make him so strong? Or just sheer physical strength? I know the dude is the most muscular out of all the pillars.Do we get any backstory about how he developed his stone breathing? Does being blind just make him stronger?

inosuke a cute

does inosuke have a vagina?

>It's not a real breath though.
It comes from actual Breath discipline, it isn't entirely made-up shit, Wani even felt the need to confirm the Breath of the Beast is thinly connected to the Breath of the Wind as if to make Inosuke's Breath legit and not something retarded he came up with.

>throwing your swords is related to the breath of the wind

Happy birthday~

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Fuck off ANNfag.

Because you have a dirty mind.

Inosuke is canonically so pretty he could walk around in RLD without talking and everyone thought he was a girl

That chart from the databook showed breath of the beast is a derivative of breath of wind.

Wani don't know shit. We need based grandpa to confirm that it's an actual Breath style.
>you....I fought you....69 years ago

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Breaths are body movement and breathing first, whatever the hell the person does with it is on them, if Inosuke somehow made throwing his swords like a manic work then that's it.

Even Sango is Tanjiro's mother

Handsome and gay

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Quit listening to that freak who pretends to be a dude.

I love Nezuko so much

Doggo pillars.

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>author uses a pen name to stay anonymous, doesn't want people trying to pin identifying information
>tranny obsessed whites immediately assume she's a tranny

White people were a mistake

I want to rape Tapioca.

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Pillar weapons

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Most of the writing is pretty sloppy, and the exposition is cringe

He is blind yes. He's the most powerful Demon Slayer currently

He's just strong. During the training arc it's mentioned that his buddhists chants help him bring out his full strength though so there may be something to it, although Tanjirou and crew also learn it and I'm sure he taught it to the other pillars too.

Cast them

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Faves are Insect, Love and Snake

You sound like a twitterfaggot, neck yourself.

their designs are horrible except for the slut, i love the slut

Will she ever marry

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OI OI OI fuk u m8 her voice is great and super cute

How does the slayer really works?
Who trained all the rookies that died during the final exam?
Where are the new rookies?

>their designs are terrible
How do I get horrible taste like you user?

>inb4 she actually ends up with tapioca
Imagine the butthurt


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Ogura does have a cute voice

If snake proposes

She'll marry Snek and the anger from Yea Forums will be great

I would like that. It would make no sense, but I would like it. Snake could die protecting her

>joins to find a strong man to marry
>ends up with a manlet who's weaker than her
how does obanai do it?

He's probably pretty good looking under his mask.

thats a weird way to spell inferno cop

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>Marrying a beta manlet like Snek when she could have a big dicked chad

you already did it!

Everything is a just a collection of efforts from the Ubuyashiki state and families who have suffered against demons who wish to support them, the organization isn't even under the government. There cultivators around training potential recruits but the series doesn't dig much deep on that aspect.

Anime made him cute

yes, Snake never confesses and she just goes with Tomioka on a whim. intended as a warning to us all.

Yes but won't be Obanai, he will die soon.

It'll take me some time to get used to Ueda as Kanao. It's a bit too nasally for a character with turboautism.

Giyu is gay (and ugly but that's not important right now) and if he didn't go for Shinobu, he won't be going for Mitsuri of all people.

where do they get the money? just donations?

Tapioca x Shinobu shippers would get btfo more than they already have

>tfw no snek bf

Meant for

The Ubuyashiki family is unspecified rich, enough money to apparently pay good money, that's why the fodder who got sliced by Rui wanted to climb the ranks just for the pay, not to actually have moral goals.

Wani is no R.R. Martin though, she is not explaining how the Ubuyashiki is maintaining their fortune while paying people to kill demons.

>In the end Tomioka marries Kanroji and make all shipperfags mad

Why do people have boners for Obanai now

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How does Uzui do it

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What is Ubuyashiki's tax policy?

From what I've seen, most people just shit on him

Aniki dying is going to hurt so badly in the anime.

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he's cute.

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>edgelord and the least interesting pillar

>attentive to his wives and prioritizing them over his own life
There you go user.

Uzui = me


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He got handed a lucky draw, he himself says his family of ninja forces their own to breed to create more ninjas who must die for the mission if the time comes, that's why men in their family have several wives, Uzui got them for free and maintains them just by not being a cold sport who would leave them to die like his father and brother would advocate for.

Reminder that Obanai ranked higher in the popularity poll than Uzui, Tokitou and Himejima.

Choose your Chad.

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Best ending

Have they only done one?

You wish

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Uzui is fujo catnip

In the harem version of Kimetsu I would go for Tapioka or Wind

is this show good

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The poll had the audience only know about the Infinity Train events, most of the Pillars didn't have an actual character arc to show yet, most of them were ranked for superficial reasons, and still Obanai ranked on the 26th place, hardly a reason to celebrate.

All the male characters are if they try hard enough.

yes, just be below 80 iq or it won't work

Someone should do a poll for the characters here

So far yes, almost 2 years ago now, a new one really is pending.

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Apparently not because people still have a hard time grasping Tanjiro's outlook on demons and why pro demon slayers would want to slay demons

We should do a poll here. I suggest 4 categories
- Best from the main quartet
- Best Pillar
- Best villain
- Best supporting character

Best Ship

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that's pretty hot tbqh

Fujos OUT

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ded bitch

>Dead slut
Jealous that this closer to being Canon then your shitty ship

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Post tits maybe they get scared and run.

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>Gay shit
>In a shonen

But Shonens are gay and still only getting gayer

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Why are shitposters resorting to gayshit now?

I find it more palatable than bad bait at least

Are there any other animes that have comfier filler/training arcs?

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Is this worth watching? I keep seeing people talk about how great it is, plus Gigguk made a pretty interesting video.
When I tried reading the manga back in March (?) though I wasn't too fond of it. Stopped right around the first big demon battle, actually.

This picture had people screaming pedophile on twitter. What the fuck happened to anime fans

If you like battle shonen, you'll probably like it

Just watch some episodes and find out. Personally when I first read the manga I wasn't that invested till Inosuke and Zenitsu showed up.

It starts out slow, but after the train arc it really shine.

>What the fuck happened to anime fans
the west
fujoshits should be shot, though

>tapiokafags when he's onscreen.webm

Based pig

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Fujos are the only reason you exist, be thankful

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are you calling my mother a fujo

name one(1) canon gay couple in a reasonably popular shonen anime, by "canon" I mean confirmed in the source material, not headcanon and not fanon

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Worst anime ever made honestly, you can't write an underdog story where every encounter is lethal and MC survives.

Why fujoshits are this delusional? They only have fujobait because the industries start to notice that fujos are stupid enough to buy everything they throw at them. They care about your money not your feeling.

anyone got a download link for the ED?

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god I wish I was muichirou

The greatest insult of all time, kek.

Uzui is a lucky guy

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check hikarinoakari

This is weird but I think I've seen ZenKanao somewhere which is weirder.

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thank you

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Women want to be dominated so I wouldn't be surprised

>plus Gigguk made a pretty interesting video
>unironically talking about e-celebshits
i want newfags out

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cute potatoes!

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>That pic
Based grandpa

God I wish that were me

We need more red-haired MC.

>ywn feed kanao

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Cute and canon but I want higher quality figures, I hope more brands get on it.

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This thread is lacking boars

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>Let's go.

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Delet this, Kanae is for Himejima

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>but little did Kanao know in that moment, this would be the first of many times she would spread her legs for the mysterious young man

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Not him but no

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Madlad Tanjiro
Mad lad

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They should switch outfits.

Kanae was the Mitsuri of her time.


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It doesn't matter which girl you pair with Himejima, they'd all get split in half from his dick

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Saint Seiya is only popular in South America and mabye France. Everyone online is saying their a copy of the Gotei 13.

Kaoru Wanda could have done a good soundtrack for the anime

It's popular everywhere but North America

No One Piece is popular everywhere but North America my point still stands.

just how does even breath helps you disjoint your arm and make it longer? kek

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Clutz! Harlot!

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Will Tanjirou ever headbutt her?

>No need to worry! Boss Inosuke will help you get together with Kentarou!

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Soon user.

>marrying Nezuko so you can be brother in law with Tanjirou

Man, I didn't find Nezuko that attractive but at least I have a reason why Nezuko is my waifu now

Because the mc is not a pathetic beta pimpled bullying victim

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Inosuke is a freak of nature

When is Uzui's brother going to join the story? I refuse to believe they would mention him and not bring him up again.

Freeman has a magical voice

No, because shingeki no kyojin season 4 is going to seal the deal on the Goat anime.

as um5 soon

Why can't she just marry THE ROCK

Surprised no one has captioned this yet.

Because he is pure and not into sluts.

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What did he mean by this?

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did they skip this or does it happen later

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They robbed it from us as well as Sanemi breaking the box.

he might accidentally when... you know...

I came for the anime
I stayed for the cute potatoes

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You’re so cringe, I could find all of these standards in a manga about a middle school girl falling in love.

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This guy's art is too pretty.

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God I want to tear Giyuu a new asshole

That's gay

except he's talking about an action-adventure story you retard

never ever ;_;

delete this picture please


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Delet this

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Why is there so much art of them holding hands?

I really enjoy Kanao autism.

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Isn't the title of "demon slayer" mistranslated?

Nips are really into some fucked up degeneracy so it makes sense.

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Me with the pink hair

>that moment in the OP where it transitions to the Dimensonal Infinity Fortress and all the upper moons are shadowed

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just got past the mansion episode
please tell me the yellow guy improves

J-jesus Christ user

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Technically it should be "blade of the demon destruction" iirc.

That sounds a lot cooler


How is Nezuko not traumatized yet? This is right after Rui suspended her in the air and attempted to torture her into submission.

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The only way this manga will be goof is if it actually follows a timeline with the real world and we get to see Tanjiro rape nanking

You could use demons for some neat magic tricks

I'd let Tanjiro rape me

I really need to learn japanese

maybe some of the demon slayers joined the army and used their sword skills on chinese pows

>[high impact potato violence]

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Will Tanjiro headbutt Muzan?

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We're starting to get a pretty nice compilation. SSV adaptation when

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The format for kimetsu no yaiba fights is basically:
Tanjiro, Inosuke, the other one, and Nezuko join a Hashira to hunt a powerful demon.

It's only like the first 4 fights that deviate from that as it has to introduce you to Tanjiro fighting, then Nezuko, then the other two, then finally in the forest spider arc we have hashiras join them all

would be kino

>hashira this hashira that
Why there are so many viz shill here?

Japanese is a very easy language.
If you study seriously, you can acquire it in about three months.

>The other one
Call CHADitsu by his name

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Inosuke and Zenitsu are irrelevant for SSV, screen time is extremely split up in the current arc, which is about 70 chapters between the two so far, or a little under half the manga, including the beginning 20 chapters where they weren't too relevant.

The manga is Tanjirou and Nezuko first and foremost, but at this point the pillars aren't that far behind those two anymore. Tokitou in particular was prominent in the last two arcs while Zenitsu has had a 3 or 4 chapter fight in the last almost two years.

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Only if he gets headbutted back. I don't think that's happened once yet

> how to identify an animefag

Tanjiro will die at 25 yrs old.

I mean he's not wrong, there are differences between the arcs but at least for Train and RLD that's the formula, it gets played with more in the following arcs though.

it's what best boy deserves

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>Tanjiro and Muzan get interlocked into a headbutt struggle that mirrors the struggle between Rengoku and Akaza

How do you get interlocked in a headbutt

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you dare mock the son of a shepherd?

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Tanjirou replaces Rengoku (flame pillar to sun pillar);
Kanao replaces Kochou (insect pillar to flower pillar);
Zenitsu replaces Uzui (sound pillar to thunder pillar);
Inosuke replaces Sanemi (wind pillar to beast pillar);
Genya replaces Himejima (rock pillar to demon(?) pillar).

The rest of pillars get to stay alive and keep their places, except for Muichirou. He either gets his arm back (how?) or we'll have a vacant place.

>mfw it will bever happen
I just want both of them to be happy bros...

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wrong brother

Reminder: Everyone on the right side gonna die.

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Lots of Kimetsu related threads up, scary

It's too popular for its own good.

And the backlog sales keep growing, by the end of the series all volumes will have surpassed 500k at this pace.

It's at the point where half the threads are baiting, it's getting too popular yeah

episode 19 was a mistake

I think it'll be a little more interesting if there aren't enough seats for all of them and they'll have a mini tournament to decide who will become pillar

Kimetsu has done great straying away from stupid filler shit like that.

isn't Tokitou pretty much down already? As talented as he is, he's 13 and missing a hand.

Both Muichirou and Sanemi are in an awful state. One of them gotta die or retire, maybe both.

At this point, wind can go into rehab and maybe take a few months off, but he can come back with a couple of missing fingers.

Tokitou is the only character in this current fight that is 100% living, even Genya has been having a ton of death flags, more than Sanemi these past two chapters.

>He either gets his arm back
He might get a prosthetic arm

Uhhhhh... After Muzan is killed there won't be anymore demons so there won't be a need for pillars or hunters. There won't be any vacant seats because there won't be any need for them.

Genya will probably go apeshit with the demon powerup and Sanemi will have to choose to deal with him like he did their mom

>genya becomes a full demon for the first time
>his brother has the smelliest rare blood around
It's not boding well for anyone.

What about the chinese demons?

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Genya will live

Zenitsu wife is best wife

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why'd he make a single sadistic face outta nowhere and never make it again?

Because it wasn't sadistic, he was being bombarded by sonic waves.


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Absolute chad bagging both sisters at the same time

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as demon

Imagine the sex, holy fuck

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Genya will kill UM1 but die in the process

I'm glad for their success as long as they keep the same level of quality up and don't go full retard unlike some other studios I can think of

the fornite guy?

why do artists keep drawing him as a skinny twink, he's /fit/ dammit

I hope the anime does them justice

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I hope they keep their potato face.


Which graduating class did Aoi come out of anyway?

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>when ur 2 minutes into foreplay and she starts doing breathing technique

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post more cursed boars

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Maybe Tapioca's? I'm assuming all the useless demon corps were from that batch.

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Not enough Nezuko

Who can stop this absolute madlad?
his sheate looks too much like a veiny dick

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>Disjointed punching

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>Mfw Genya makes flesh guns out of his arms in his new demon form

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wtf's going on in the 6th panel, is he sticking his tongue out? drawn super weird

We'll get spoilers tomorrow, at least text.
I wonder what kind of demon Genya will be.

He's going for a kiss with tongue.


Predict her seiyuu

Does Tokitou have the best uniform? I love his long flowy pants.

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Its a ok manga but nothing i will remember like inuyasha, north star, one piece or any other really noteworthy manga, it was the same with MHA as well.

Lol already so overrated and overhyped

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> evolution
> ignoring how World Trigger did All that and tons more a lot better way earlier

So where's the manga going to go after the current arc? There hasn't been any setup for a villain greater than Muzan, and there's only one UM left to take down.

Kny isnt particularly fast, it just doesnt have a lot to talk about.

>Genya eating the sword was indeed a stupid fucking idea
>Genya and UM1 vs three pillars
>Retreat when Tanjirou shows up
>Nakime gets defeated somehow by Snake doing something for once in his life
>fortress ends
>UM1 and Muzan retreat with now best friend Genya

Compared to other battle shonens it definitely is, and your reasoning doesn't excuse it from moving fast. There's almost no downtime, training arcs and random SoL moments are kept to a minimum. There's a goal in the story and the characters move towards it. It's not the first to do it but it's definitely rare.

I wanna go back to pre eps 19 era.

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I just dont get this fucking show. Who are they trying to appeal to? They have some blood, gore, and other edgy type shit and then you have that blonde faggot screaming 24/7. Its like they want to make a mature show and a toddlers show at the same time. I get constant whiplash watching this.

Punished Uzui followed by chapter 80 Uzui

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Some user in a previous thread said the voting period ended when Akaza showed up which seems plausible given those retarded rankings. Each of Uzui's wives would've gotten a couple of meme votes like every other minor character if they were still accepting entries after those three were introduced.

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Oh yeah and I totally forgot that the same would go for Daki, too.

Where is 6 armpit demon?

Maybe they misspelled it as Sukimaru somehow? Like Kenya.

Meant for

Ok thanks.


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>Kill Muzan
>even if it kills you, your wife, your kids and your soldiers

I like kny but lol no, not even close to being perfect

Not OP but greatest of all time doesn't mean perfect, there's no such thing as a perfect anime

why didn't he at least force his daughters to a safer place?

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Maybe to make the scenario more natural and catch Muzan offguard

>So where's the manga going to go after the current arc?

>ending a cashcow during its peak
Yeah, classic jump.

>kimetsu fanbook will keep pumping 15-20k in backlog sales every week until the anime ends
>will end up selling better than BC's latest volume
I can't not find this funny.

The only possible way the manga can continue is if they introduce a new set of antagonists which, yeah I guess would keeo the manga going, but it wouldn't really make sense and devalue the material

Kimetsu no Yaiba: part 2. Because we can't stop being like jojo.
Or get Muuzan to turn all the pillars into demons under his orders with warped personalities.

Some UM in the past managed to break Muzan's curse will appear and reveal to be the culprit killed Tanjirou's family

Does it ever confitmed that Muzan killed Tanjirou's family?

We're on it, it has to be either him or Koku and seems he's not meeting Koku.

Thread that isn't bait when this dies

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delet this

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At least an arc about finding a way to cure the mark. I just can't see everyone accept their inevitable death without doing anything when there was an exception didn't die after 25

The manga is way too popular to end it like that, it's a gold mine and editors won't let that happen and will force Gotoge to continue the story

I hate to break it to you, but these are just how regular chinese people are

>thinking anybody would ever invite giyuu out

He's like that creep who works with you you invite out of obligation.
He stays there, doesn't interact with anyone and everyone, including himself, wishes he hadn't been invited.

Look at the pic again closely.


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Look up MHA
Both main characters are kind, sensitive, intelligent and with their own little quirks. Super power and a super sensitive nose. Both Tanjiro and Midoryia have a trainer (Urokodaki and All Might), they go through lots of hardships in early year, but have decent development and become stronger.

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So use underworld instead of yomi? Like, what's the thought process behind that choice, it's like people using an abbreviation only to put it's meaning in parentheses right after.

Because it's like saying Hades in a greek setting.

What? I don't get your analogy, but in any case "underworld" is a neutral world, it doesn't point to any religion in particular.

The hades, like in Saint seiya for example, is the world they use for underworld in myths, so translators keep it.
In this case, yomi is their mythical underworld, so it makes sense to keep it.

It makes sense to keep it in Saint Seya because it hugely focuses on different religions, and especially Greek mythology, it's the very core of the setting.
It isn't the case in Kimetsu, it's just a word like you would use it.

But both Kagaya and his wife are deeply religious/spriitual people, she's a miko, you know.

You have a pretty low expectations for story telling bet you think the smurfs are a good series

The character themselves yes, not the setting, so putting hell or underworld would suffice it their background as a religious was sufficently exposed.
It's minor, but I think that we should avoid tl notes as much as possible.

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Anime is a solid 6/10. Writing is really braindead but animation and soundtrack are top notch.

Nothing really in the manga. The main villain doesn't have a reason why he's evil other than he's a demon. The supporting cast's development is inexistent up until it's all cramed in a single chapter. The story has blatant deus ex machina to save some characters and solve problems. The anime is only being praised because it's a lightshow that tries to take your attention away from the stupiditty that just happened

>Nezuko's blood exploded
Like that in itself wasn't an asspull

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god i hope not

kaigaku was 1 shoehorned enemy too many

Needed to give something to zenitsu, no matter how underwhelming the enemy actually was compared to his analogue.

>Sanemi breaking the box.

doesnt ever happen

We know demons can use Demon Arts, Nezuko is a demon, not an asspull. Was it convenient as hell? Yes, but that doesn't make it an asspull desu.

>we should avoid tl notes as much as possible
Not when the notes are actually interesting and helpful in understanding the cultural context.

And it's not like it even works, Rui survives it all

Watch more OVAs and less seasonal anime from the mid 80s to mid 90s. Seriously.

It's one of the best this year, but definitely not favourite of all time
watch more anime

I like the series but it has way too much wasted potential, nowhere near the GOAT, now pic related on the other hand.....

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t. retard

And we were doing so good, try not to respond to obvious bait user, it only encourages them

It embrace the shounen narrative.
Without trying to put a twist in half-assed way.
It kinda remembers the 00' shounen, with some elements of 90'.
It's just well rounded, not trying to be a masterpiece, and doing the shounen formula in a solid way.

How would Demon Train arc have gone down with any other pillar? Is there a case where the main trio wouldn't have survived?

He doesn't kill women, so Mitsuri or Shinobu would have been interesting.

Sanemi probably would have been about the same
Himejime would probably have gotten Akaza to fuck off
And everyone else would just get steamrolled

Giyuu deserves 4 wives

Wind can pull off a less impressive Aniki.
Mist is dunzo.
Love is a female, she lives.
Sound is iffy; he can stalemate with nin-nin methods and poisonous daggers if they work on Akaza.
Snake is unknown; he might have some hidden techniques.
Stone stalemates.
Insect might have a chance to straight up off Akaza if he eats enough poison stabs. Her toys worked on higher pillar and Sun is rising soon, even slowing Akaza down would be enough. As a female she is safe.
Ugly and Gay stays at home because no one would ever go to him for an advice.

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You mean Akaza would run away from Ugly and Gay because he’s Ugly and Gay

I want Zenitsu to crush my skull between his meaty thighs

To begin with, Ugly and Gay wouldn’t even be in the public area, he is simply impossible to imagine in that scenario.

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Erina's VA, Risa Taneda.

Taneda Risa is not Erina's VA anymore since her hiatus, isn't she?