Who takes that position to jerk off?

Who takes that position to jerk off?

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ur mom

He's not jerking off, he's just looking for his keys.

Thinking of trains

>he jerks off standing

>Jerking off into a tissue
>Not just blowing it all over your stomach


Now I'm going to try it

this where its apparent that it was written by a woman, Okada should have asked any random guy how they actually masturbate

>Wanting to get pregnant

I think he's just a dicklet

Pictures aren't written user. Unless you think she described it for the artist in such exact detail.

Half the time the tissue rips and that happens anyways. That's why you use a sock.

>not cooming into your hand and ravenously slurping it up


Maybe elevating your legs would make it better

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I wouldn't put it beyond Okada to sit down and calmly describe how he wants the guy jerking off to look

>that hand position
that's not how it works

hes got a tiny japanese pp

Women that don't understand the anatomical differences of pelvic bones think men jack off like that.

it's a more convenient position for hiding his junk

why not?

>be 15 year old me
>going at it particularly hard one evening
>almost there when I hear my mom come upstairs
>cum as I jump throwing it higher then usual
>assume I came on my shirt so I throw it off and put on a fresh one
>run out to meet her so she doesn't smell the sex in my room
>catch her on the stairs
>"user, I just made a fresh pitcher of t-......."
>she stops and pauses for a solid 5 seconds
>She turns around and says over her shoulder "bring your friend a glass too"
>I'm dumbfounded, what did she mean, I don't have anyone over.
>I go into the bathroom to pee
>look in the mirror
>in pure horror I realize that I have semen in my hair and half way down my face.

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bit too high up I think



Me sometimes, for some reason i can endure the fap longer in that position

>not just jerking off lying down and flicking away the cum

Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo , Or "Funny female coming of age sliding into ntr and drama because blonde bitch strikes again"

i do, it's more comfortable.
also it helps your buttcheeks muscles to get strong

>not blowing your load straight into your mouth and swallowing all the evidence

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>not just rub it on your arm and clean it up later

i did not know there are so many gay on Yea Forums ...

Bakuman told me the writer puts out a rough draft of the panels

How long until this gets posted to Reddit?

One time I put a bamboo chopstick halfway down my urethra while masturbating on drugs. Ever since then my urethra has been dilated and now I can shoot cum way farther, like 4 feet+ up into the air. One time I cummed into my own left eye by accident.

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This was 10 years ago so be my guest.

I have only rarely cum so hard that it shoots all the way up to my face or neck, like usually that only happens if I go like 1-2 weeks without jerking off and have a giant orgasm.

Wouldn’t widening it lower the pressure it comes out of therefore making it go lower?

Cum is powered by muscular contractions, not built-up pressure like an actual explosive. So any force exerted on it to build up pressure would just make you lose the momentum.

So a more narrow tube wouldn’t result in it going higher?

Im lazy so 99% of the time I just rub my dick through my pants/shorts til I cum

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I started fapping like this (through my pocket with overhand position) and it led to phimosis, a weak base, and a permanent curve to the left.

At least I could get away with fapping in class and during sunday church sermons though.

>fapping in class and during sunday church
everyone knew user

you just outed yourself as a dicklet

>Being insecure about your dick size

I doubt most people on Yea Forums have even had sex, and if they have it's probably been with another guy or tranny.

holy projection batman

Women only need 3 inches, good thing I have 4

you doing it wrong

use paper towel next time

Based method.

What kind of hell-spawned drugs were you on?

Amateurs. You jack off with your favorite hand and onto your other hand. Then you wash the hand in the sink. Don't waste tissues, socks, etc. You can close your hand if you want to hide it too.

Also has a bonus effect of washing your hand that kills the germs.

i do it like pic related while laying down. the tissue gets on off the mess.

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>Women only need 3 inches

Incorrect. They need balls deep 6 inches to make them shout in pleasure and spasm when it's all done

Who here uses TENGA ?

Not like anons get laid anyway.

>Not jerking off into your underwear after you're done using it for the day then tossing it into the washing machine right after so you don't harm the environment nor leave any evidence behind

Get a load of this dumbass.


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Don't feed the demons

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Slow user here. I don't get it.

I wonder if semen in the sink ruins the pipes.


Why would it ruin the pipes? I've been doing it for decade or so.

People talk about jacking off in the shower ruining the sewer system. I thought the same would be true for sink pipes.

What a fucking shit taste

Stop talking about dicks, why are you guys so gay?

It's not gay if you are not insecure about it, user

People talk about flat earth and time cube. Semen only has the ability to become sticky if it melds on to dry fiber. Fiber with anything will get sticky. Luckily, when there's no dry fiber in sinks, you can rest at ease. On top of that, semen half life is measured in seconds. That is, they turn to watery form in seconds and thus loses any sort of sticky power.

Pretty sure they congeal rather than become watery?

It literally looks like one doing it

It has sugar and mucous that makes it congeal. it has to form a plug inside the vagina so that it doesn't just leak out

As much buzzwords as that post has, I've been getting more stuff done since I reduced my fapping from 1 or 2 times per day to once every 2 or 3 days.

for me, it's an instant noodles cup

There's not enough of semen to make it sticky. Unless you dump 5 gallons of semen, daily semen flushing does nothing to pipes.

>left hand
Who actually do this?

this thread smells like cum and disappointment

You too huh? We really need to fund sex ed man.

I do it when i feel like mixing things up

>tfw can only ejaculate laying down with legs stretched

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sometimes your wrist gets tired and have to switch hands, y'know?

Left handers? Like me

No, they'd rather have 3 inches wide, user

Who eats the cup afterwards?

It took me a lot of effort to start fapping normally, and it even hurts a little because the foreskin has a hard time properly opening, but seeing the my dick getting fully erect and the head getting so big makes me weirdly proud.

>fapping with your right hand which is used to control the mouse
Left hand is mandatory.

His mom thinks he's got a friend upstairs that came on him.

Ahhh thanks user.

So he can reach his butthole.

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it feels better nutting into something to be honest

What caused the curve and base?

I'm right-handed but it just feels better for me to wank with my left hand. No idea why, it just feels better. Something about the angle I'm tugging at maybe.

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Begone demon witch.


Right handed people. The right hand operates the computer.

The clumsiness of my left hand makes the whole thing more enjoyable. Besides I need the other hand to keep scrolling through my porn.

I masterbate like this every day

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This, but you have to grab your dick and your underwear at the same time so it's a little rough while you jerk it

To be fair she sounds like a chill mom if that's how she reacts to finding out her son is a cumslut.

someone that has a buttplug

I pinch the foreskin so it doesn't spill and go dump it in the toilet

Americans don't have foreskins though, which is why they need cum socks.

I usually start off like this

The Kyoani burner?

instantly reminded me of that one picture of moot


>run out to meet her so she doesn't smell the sex in my room
I gave up on this. I keep weights and a squat rack in my room, so I at least have plausible deniability

desu I feel the opposite. Lying on your back and letting it fly feels so much better but the problem is cleaning up. Hunched over and into a tissue is pretty meh.

>People don't have the garbage cans in their room right next to the desk
>They don't just comfortably sit in their chairs, clicking with one hand, stroking with the other palm
>It hasn't dawned on them that they can just shoot their load into a receptacle they can aim down into on the ground
>It fits perfectly at the base of your feet between your legs beneath the lip of the seat
>No mess
>No fuss
>They've never wiped up and finished to Bachman Turner Overdrive-Taking Care of Business

Sure, your room'll smell of cum until you take the bag out, but can you honestly say it doesn't already with how inefficient you people are. Just buy some potpourri and learn to enjoy masturbation perfected.

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Kek reminds me when my mon found out that my sister was fucking with his bf and she just told her that if they wanted a condom she had some stored.

I started with my right hand but gradually switched to the left so I could use my mouse.

Reminds me of freshmen year in college:
>playing wc3
>get to NE campaign
>"enemies are desecrating our sacred grove"
>somewhat aroused by this dialogue
>roommate just left for class, wont be back for 40min at least
>oh yeah bitch, ill desecrate YOUR sacred grove
>couple minutes later and about to cum
>hear door lock turning all of the sudden
>all of my adrenaline activates at once for a massive terror and ectasy fueled orgasm
>pull my shirt down and shorts up a bit in an utterly inadequate attempt to cover myself as i shoot a massive load all over my clothes
>roommate walks in and pretends everything is normal and just starts watching tv even though i am sure he can smell the stench of semen everywhere
>we normally dont even talk to each other so i just sit at my computer pretending to play wc3 as i am dumbfounded in horror and dont know what to do while he silently watches some stupid fucking movie
>eventually waddle over to the closet to change almost 30 minutes later
>dont speak to each other for the whole week
I regret nothing.

My finishing song's a toss up between W.A.S.P's Blind in Texas or Wild Child

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Was þat really Moot þough?

Just whip your dick out why laying down in bed at night.
Then when you're about to cum, just put it back in your shorts and rub through your shorts until you're fully done cumming.
Then just go to the bathroom, get baby wipes. Wipe it down and the surrounding area of impact.
It's a bit wet yeah but it usually dries within a couple minutes and doesn't smell bad.

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>tfw edged for 6 hours last week and now need to see a doctor about pelvic pain