What does Yea Forums think of Monster?
What does Yea Forums think of Monster?
A bit boring and edgy sometimes, but still a good 8/10.
Good show. Wish they would release the series in English to buy. Fuck even the Japanese. It was an interesting show to get into.
The citizen Kane of Anime, competent yet overrated one [Obviosly not Attack on Titan Overrated]
I was expecting more gore, but I've just gotten started. The scenes flow pretty well and I really like the dialogue; for the most part it tries to be subdued and run away from "anime conventions", if that makes sense. I also like the settings, but I wish the director had given the series more of its own vision; as it is it's kind of boring to look at and not very visually interested; you could have had a live-action adaptation and I believe little if anything at all would change.
Forgot to mention that I've only read the Manga. How the anime?
I've heard that it's literally the same, panel by panel, only with color, music and voice acting.
It's almost the manga piece by piece. Sci fi had to cut some shit when they aired it but it's almost point for point. I would really like to own it if they ever release it one day
Del Toro wanted to do one for HBO in 2013 but nothing ever came from it
It's very good, and with it's themes it could easily have been western
>shit pacing
>forgettable visuals/soundtrack
>boring plot
>most characters are bland
>villain is dumb
>mc is literally a bigger moralfag then kenshiro
>trash ending
>fans are insufferable
Lunge and Grimmer are this show's only redeeming aspects
Damn, that could have been interesting. I would have loved to see Guille's spin on this story.
Heard you were talking shit about Johan. How the fuck is he dumb? Did you actually watch this show/read this manga?
It dragged on too long. Was interesting as first, but I couldn't finish it.
The least anime anime that I've watched. No cliche gags or loli shit just a straightforward good story. It has pacing problems but over all really good 9/10.
It never got officially cancelled but it hasn't made any progress
>edgy backstory
>no good onscreen prescence beyond the first episode
>motivation is dumb
>shadow the hedgehog tier dialogue
>his way of brainwashing people feels like it was written by a twelve year old
>the success of his plans requires people to act like morons
He's the best example of a smart character written by a stupid person
Made me want to see a live action version with a renowned Japanese actor taking place entirely in German. Makes me wonder; how popular was Monster in Germany?
Open ending was trash and totally ruined it for me.
Also pacing wasnt good, it had bad filler-like episodes.
Also it didnt explain Johan well enough and overall motives behind some actions not only by Johan.
Gave it 8/10 despite that because up untill the massacre part it was great overall.
Overrated shit
Did the nips get a DVD release?
>ctrl + f
>only one ''overrated shit''
You've changed Yea Forums
Lunge was weaponized autism incarnate
Where did you stop?
How can Monster be overrated shit if hardly anyone knows that it even exists?
See, this is the perfect newfriend filter
loved it except two minor gripes: tenma is too idealistic of a person, and the little kid was almost pointless to have around.
When I barely knew anything about anime I knew about Monster, though. It's lack of most "anime tropes" makes it accessible to the uninitiated.
Underrated gem.
ITT: Overrated shit.
Hellsing, Twilight except shit.
Darker than Black? More like Browner than SHIT
Neon Genesis Evangelion, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home.
Beck, if I wanted to watch shitty bands, I would go see Tool live.
One Piece, if I wanted to watch a good shounen I would watch Naruto.
Eureka 7, more like Gurren Lagann 2.
Serial Experiments Lain? More like Serial Experiments LAME shitsux
Vinland Saga, shitty manga and even worse anime. 2 episodes in and I fell asleep.
Koi Kaze, if I thought incest was wrong I would stop having sex with my little sister.
Grave of the Fireflies? If I wanted to watch a whiny cunt and his little sister fuck around I'd go to Chuck E. Cheese.
Golden Boy? If I wanted to see a genius get horny, I'd videotape myself masturbating.
Mononoke, if I wanted to see a crossdressing, homosexual pothead wearing make-up, I'd move to Brazil.
Claymore, looks like a dick, strong beginning and middle but a cheesy ending.
Mushishi? More like MushiSHIT
Vagabond, one episode in and I fell asleep
Ghost in the Shell, pretentious shit with walls of text. I'd rather watch Code Geass than this piece of shit.
Cowboy Bebop, Shitty ripoff of Trigun
The Girl who Leapt through time? I wish she leapt through a meat grinder.
Baccano? More like BAKA NO!
Natsume? Like MushiSHIT wasn't gay enough already
Interstella 5555? If I wanted to watch cheesy music videos, I'd turn on MTV.
Yotsuba. Stupid little bitch runs around and acts "lol so kawaii". NOTHING HAPPENS
Hajime no Ippo? If I wanted to see fags jerk eachother off in a steamy shower room, I'd go to a bathhouse.
god tier post
>edgy backstory
The whole point of Monster's thematics.
>no good onscreen prescence beyond the first episode
Objectively wrong especially given the fact that you only see him as a kid with a hole in his head in the first episode.
>motivation is dumb
Nihilistic rampage on large scale according to his ideology is a great motivation and logical with Monster's thematics, fucking idiot. You want him to be another pseud anti villain to appeal to edgelords.
>shadow the hedgehog tier dialogue
His dialogues are vague and gloomy enough to make him seem like a mentally ill sociopath with a clear idea in his mind.
>his way of brainwashing people feels like it was written by a twelve year old
He's build up to be the Devil/Antichrist figure and have supernatural features.
>the success of his plans requires people to act like morons
Post an example.
>He's the best example of a smart character written by a stupid person
You're the best example of a retard who manages to completely miss the mark on a seinen as straightforward as Monster
>Insulting Yotsuba
The likes of you belong on a cross
>Golden Boy? If I wanted to see a genius get horny, I'd videotape myself masturbating.
this one always gets me. Good pasta user
>The whole point of Monster's thematics.
The fact that he is a poorly written edgelord is intentional?
>Objectively wrong especially given the fact that you only see him as a kid with a hole in his head in the first episode
This was a joke. Johan has no interesting quotes or overly memorable moments, and he isn't scary, calculating, or charismatic enough to carry a scene.
>Nihilistic rampage on large scale according to his ideology is a great motivation and logical with Monster's thematics, fucking idiot. You want him to be another pseud anti villain to appeal to edgelords.
Having a DBZ villain motivation is stupid. His motivation is literally "hurr hurr, humans are insects nothing matters I am the best and so is my sister".
>His dialogues are vague and gloomy enough to make him seem like a mentally ill sociopath with a clear idea in his mind.
This isn't a refutation, hyper edgy dialogue is hyper edgy dialogue no matter you want to put it
>He's build up to be the Devil/Antichrist figure and have supernatural features.
Religious parallels are generally really stupid, and Johan doesn't do anything worth being called the antichrist beyond having his foster parents and some other innocents murdered.
>Post an example.
All of the times he is spared by tenma, getting away with constant murders despite good cops like Lunge existing, getting Braun to kill himself by pointing out some minor cognitive dissonance, getting away with killing the neo nazis, him not getting shot by Grossman, people not noticing him posing as a woman, and him managing to convince people to kill themselves
>hurr hurr, humans are insects nothing matters I am the best and so is my sister
he was never think of himself as the perfect human being, idiot
he just hates existence and doesn't value people's lives (the exact opposite of Tenma), hell he didn't even value his life that's why he was intending to kill himself
Monster is all about valuing lives
Johan actually does want to kill himself, in a supposed attempt to remove his existence (and everyone who ever knew of him), believing that this would be for the better for his sister or just to torture her or both. He is also semi-fond of Tenma for saving his life, remember that he killed his superiors that screwed him over for saving Johan instead of the mayor? This is the reason why Tenma is spared by Johan, but anyone working for Johan does aim to kill the doctor and Johan himself is interested in messing with his mind. Having Johan be interested in you is bad for your physical and/or mental health
Or so I remember
>The fact that he is a poorly written edgelord is intentional?
Johan is not poorly written and if you consider him an edgelord then every single villain of any fiction is an edgelord.
>This was a joke. Johan has no interesting blabla
Johan has one very memorable quote at the very end. However he has plenty of memorable moments everytime he appears on screen and saying the contrary is just bad faith. Almost everytime he's on screen is a memorable moment.
>Having a DBZ villain motivation is stupid. His motivation is literally "hurr hurr, humans are insects nothing matters I am the best and so is my sister".
So you're the kind of retard who posts that shitty chart list that says that a villain is good according to his motivations right?
It's about the execution moron, not the motivation. Yes good villains can be pure evil and don't have to be muh grey muh so nuanced dindu noffin wrong
Johan's mentality. Yes he's a nihilist bravo but what is the rest of that bullshit you're spouting? He never thought I'm the best and so is my sister. He puts himself into dangerous situations where he should be killed and sees if he manages to survive, and if he does then he plays the game some more. That's until he remembers all of his memories and decides to kill every person that knows him.
>This isn't a refutation, hyper edgy dialogue is hyper edgy dialogue no matter you want to put it
Alright, go ahead, quote the hyper edgy dialogue.
>I hate religious parallels and Johan doesn't do anything worth being called the antichrist
True except maybe that one time when he pushed kids into killing themselves or when he turned people into serial killers or instigated massacres or had a social ascension next to Schuwald to get his hands on the economy of Germany. But yeah otherwise he was pretty chill
Johan wants Tenma to kill him to prove his point. The rest has nothing to do with people being morons and who the fuck is Grossman
It was very good
If I recall Grossman was the surgeon that was serving Johan tea at his house. Johan ask him to kill him and Johan does his weird monalouge. Then picks gun up, and kills him. Like an EP or 2 before the ending act starts
It's good. Probably a bit overrated, honestly, but still a very well done, enjoyable series.
>Cowboy Bebop
>shitty ripoff of Trigun
great manga
haven't seen the anime but heard the pacing sucks, and from what i've seen it looks like shit
It was released in a box set via Siren Visual in Australia. I bought it when it came out a few years ago and it's cool.
The real crime is that there haven't been any BDs yet.
The anime is lauded as being extremely faithful to the manga and among the best manga adaptations period. Or at least it was last time I was here.
non-thumbnail pic
My compliments to the chef.
Nina is very cute.
Overrated trash.
It is. Lurk more.
Literally the most beautiful girl, how cam other animu girl even compete?
Is that site still up? I can't find it. If I can find one tonight like that, full series less then 200 I'm buying it
I have often jerked off to Nina.
What do you consider to be good then? By the way I too, hate every anime you just listed.
My nigga
I don't know newfriend but I'll list out some more anime I HATE
Death Note. No thanks I'd rather watch CNN.
Last Exile? If I wanted to look at clouds all day, I'd become a meteorologist.
Kaiji. If I wanted to see some pussy bitch cry all day, I'd watch Lifetime.
Soul Eater? More like Shit Eater. Worse than Naruto.
Code Geass, if I wanted to watch homosexuals pilot robots, I would watch Gundam Wing.
Kanon? More like Clannad season 2.
Strike Witches, If i wanted to watch fanservice without plot, i would watch hentai.
Higurashi, shitty horror bullshit, a failed attempt of Chaos Head.
Akagi. If I wanted to see old people sitting around a table I'd visit my grandma more often.
Spice and Wolf? If I wanted to watch a documentary about economy with a fanservice character thrown in, I wouldn't because it'd be SHIT.
One Outs, if I wanted to watch a bunch of gay people running around I would've watched Prince of Tennis.
GTO? More like GTFO. Shitty shounen is shitty.
The Tatami Galaxy. Endless Eight for hipster faggots.
Shitugan no Shita. Shitty ripoff of To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Haibane Renmei, a boring show about angels fucking around. I liked it better when it was called Evangelion.
Hidamari Sketch, if I wanted to watch a bunch of little girls doing nothing, I'd go and watch my local kindergarden.
Baccano. It's like messing with your media player's seekbar.
5 Centimeters per Second, thats how slow the plot would move, if there were any.
Gundam 00, if I wanted shitty character designs I'd watch G Gundam.
Victorian Romance Emma, otaku-pandering maid fanservice bullshit.
I'm thinking about rewatching this, but will probably read the manga instead.
It's alright, not great. Urasawa is very overrated.
My soul mate.
I want to see her crying face while she is raped by "The baby".
When I see her, My dick is getting bigger.
My dick is "MONSTER"!
way overrated. 24 episodes of content in a 70 episode bag
What happened to that guy who met Johan at the party and then Martin shot in the ear? Wasn’t he gonna become a dictator or something?
Based Ninaposter
Manga is better as anime is too slow . 9/10
Nina is fucking cute…fapfap.
I want to lick her naked body.
ITT Tenma
The site went down but you can still buy it on Ebay for basically retail (100 aussie dollars.)
You need a region free player to play it if you dont live in Australia.
user if I were you I'd just go to Chekoslovakia and find myself a qt blonde blue eyed gf
Kristof. Eva shot him not Martin. Then he got shot by Tenma
Who knows, he probably got healed in a hospital but now...
Fuck off.
She is a slave.
>begin watching series
>decent intro episodes
>get to episode 3
I'd say DROPPED but I actually watched the rest of the series even if that part was dumb
Did you enjoy the rest of the series?
Sort of. I like to think of Monster as the biggest 50-50 anime I've ever watched. It was really gripping and engaging at times then really boring / felt like it was going nowhere at other times. I'll probably never read the manga but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the anime had a good chunk of filler episodes in it because a lot of it just felt like straight filler (even though the stuff that felt like filler wasn't bad, it just wasn't as consistently engaging as the main plot lines)
Keep going, I'm almost there.
>Vagabond, one episode in and I fell asleep
Are you a time traveler?
The epitome of "if you kill him, you'll be like him too!" trope
I saw that shit coming.
I like Spain's dub.