
The score on MAL dropped below 6/10

Why do so many people hate this exellent harem?
It's the best in it's genre imo. I get that people hate Makoto but I sure don't. He is living the dream. I rewatched it for a second time and I love all girls, I feel like Im the protagonist, having them all!! Watching School Days is like dream, im totally sucked in.

Though IRL I would go for katsura even if the others would love me too. She's probably my favorite girl in anime ever.

Story/art/characters are all superb.

Is it just angry feminazi's spamming 1/10 on this or am I missing something?

Attached: SchoolDays.png (266x375, 233K)

literally the worst thing I've ever seen

Explain yourself



MANkoto is the hero that we needed, but didn't deserve.
How many nutless harem MCs are there out there?
How many howl at the moon, shouting WHY ISN'T HE FUCKING ANY OF THEM?
MANkoto heard these lamentations cried out to the heavens, and his Father (who is also himself) sent MANkoto down unto the wailing masses to bring salvation to their blueballs.
Finally we had an MC who GAVE THEM THE DICK!
Hell, he doesn't even know these two girls who showed up at his house out of the blue, but being a good sport he fucked them, too.
The only sacrifice that had to be made was that MANkoto was too good for this world, and so he had to be sacrificed for our sins and returned to heaven on a nice boat.

Attached: MANkoto.jpg (575x640, 116K)

You already fucked up.

Thread died for this

>lets his male friend brutally rape and cum inside the main heroine
You cuckfags need to die


There are so many harem cliche anime where the girls are totally dominant and an MC that doesnt get what he deserves.
Makoto makes me feel like anything is possible

He didn't care about her anymore.

Who are you quoting?

Castrate yourself, cumbrain

>lets his male friend brutally RAPE and cum inside the main heroine
>forced sexual intercourse

>Why do so many people hate this exellent harem?
There is no reason to like this anymore now that the VN has been translated for years

>Why do so many people hate this exellent harem?
It's occurred when anime become mainstream. Most people are tasteless plebeians.

Bad bait faggot. You should be banned for exposing the rest of us to this cancerous mass of a thread.

Back to Cocytus with you, you miserable excuse for a devil.

How is Thad doing? Last I heard, he got out of jail.

MadThad BTFO

MAL scores are retarded, as are those who write the reviews.
Also, just play the VN - it's entirely animated and has tons of branching plotlines.

There's your problem.

>Story/art/characters are all superb
I find this very funny.
you know what? I'll give you a 6/10 for this bait thread