Detective Conan

How badly can you fuck up to make Ran, the main girl, so trash tier compared to every other option?

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Ran needs to fuck Jodie to make everything right.

Based OP. Haibara is so very perfect

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Did she get her virginity back when she became younger?

you can tell gosho realized his mistake because now haibare gets no screentime anymore

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Haibara > Sera >>>>>>>>> Ran

He also dumbed her down the fucking idiot. He should just give up his lame childhood friend loser fetish and actually write a good romance.

Make Shinichi progressively ditch Ran for Shiho.
Damn sometimes I wonder how much better would this series be if the author was good at character development

Gosho already did this in the Magic Kaito manga too. Basically the main love interest has no character, and the secondary girls have challenges or issues of their own to face and overcome with the help of the MC.

>Make Shinichi progressively ditch his best friend since childhood for someone he hasn't even known for a year
Can non-Ranfags just FUCKING STOP?

Oh man come on you know it'd be better in the story
Ran is bland and fucking boring Shiho is a better match for Shinichi. It's just logical.
Only in shounenshit does the MC hook up with the 10 year long childhood friend.

I'm a Haibarafag and even I don't think that would have been good. If Conan was going to get with Haibara or Shiho, either way, it'd have to be in a timeline where Shinichi and Ran were never a thing. Not this ditching crap. Haibara and Conan and Shinichi and Shiho would be a really cute couple, but I don't like the idea of dropping Ran with how much they loved each other at the start. Besides, in that regard it'd just be a stretched out love triangle thing. Plus ShinRan is fine to me, I wouldn't want Haibara/Shiho with him at Ran's expense or more love drama.

Either it's from scratch or not at all. Teases are cute and fine but obviously you can only tease so much before they add up over time and eventually begin to snowball, so maybe that's part of why Aoyama stopped that for the most part.

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No one will be getting Conan in the end because he will be dead.

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The fact that Haibara lost, that she was never even in the running because Conan already loved someone else and never saw her as a woman, drove the CoAifags insane with jealousy. Maybe they should just watch another series if it bothers them that much.

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She has a few dick moments that aren't lovable at all.

Ran is the worst girl in all of shounen. Even worst then Sakura or kagome or elizabeth. Lucky that Detective Conan isn't popular in the west because the Ran Hate would be everywhere exspecially on Yea Forums. Detective Conan would be a lot better of a series without Ran. she is bettter of learning from ayumi since she is more useful than her.

>Ran is the worst girl in all of shounen.
Being boring is not a worse crime than being obnoxious and conceited, or any of the other crap the other girls are. I seriously don't get why people overreact about Ran. Characters like Sakura or Sarada are fucking infuriating. Ran just needs extra development but is stuck in frozen time outside of the story. She has her own things here and there though.

See how often Haibarafags hate the series itself because their waifu didn't take over as the heroine. You aren't any better than Amurofags.

I wonder if that iconic play stuff will have any relevance by the end again. It was pretty big at the time.

I doubt there's enough time before the end to do something fun like that again. There are way too many loose ends to tie up and Gosho seems anxious to bring things to a close.

Can he beat One Piece and end Conan in 5 years?

From that interview he gave earlier this year it sounded like he's ready to move on as soon as possible. Even the current case is related to the endgame somehow.
I just hope we get some side stories out of him before he croaks. Something outside of the usual murder mystery formula would be good.

is that the interview people thought meant it was ending at 100 vols?

I was about to make a thread, but I'm happy this is here.

>bumping this Conan-bashing thread
Please don't turn this into the Conan general.

Please don't call it a general. Also there is another thread up for the chapter release and a 2 month break announcement.

>somewhere in the distance, plays

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I started watching this a few weeks ago and it's the comfiest series ever. I feel blessed that it exists and has >900 episodes.

What do you think of Ran?

That's nice to hear. I hope you can continue to enjoy it for that long. A lot of people binge it too hard and burn out on it so try to keep in mind not to overdo it.

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>good thing this show didn't get popular in america or people would be saying they hate ran!
>says this while shitting on ran in a thread about shitting on ran

Conan doesn't deserve "fans" like this.

I like her well enough. I haven't reached the episode in which Haibara is introduced and obviously don't have a favourite between the two, if that's what you mean.

Thank you. I'm trying to take it slowly.

She's the product of her time. Too bad for her, the series stay alive for way too long and her personality doesn't age that well.

Asking the real questions.

I like both Ran and Ai pls stop fighting bros ;_;

>t. Ranfag