The final battle to save the world begins. Will Yusaku be able to stop Ai? No one truly knows what the outcome of this duel will be.

Episode 118: 無謀な提案 – Mubō na Teian
(A Reckless Proposal)
Playmaker barely manages to fend off Ai's attacks. Having found an opening, Playmaker attempts to launch an attack against Ai. However, Ai knows Playmaker inside and out, and can predict everything he will do. Ai then unites the feelings of all the Ignises, and brings about the advent of the ultimate Cyberse monster.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin

Episode 119: 壊れゆく自我 – Kowareyuku Jiga
(A Broken Ego)
Having learned about Ai's sorrow, Playmaker tries to convince him to stop the battle. However, Ai has already made up his mind, and won't back down no matter what. Ai then makes a proposal to Playmaker.

Attached: Ai Vs Playmaker Final Battle.webm (720x404, 2.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember to not engage in conversation with the 2 remaining arcfags on here. They're like broken discs and spam the same shitty 5 ship pictures they have.

Let's keep this thread VRAINS related.

Attached: basedRoger.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>posts Roget pic

You’re not fooling anyone

god I miss go.

Attached: 0.png (1280x720, 710K)

why was his off screen redemption so shit

why even redeem him when nobody cares about good guy go

Will the next one have fairies too?

Attached: 1567484931392.jpg (1200x435, 118K)

Predict the effects and appearance of Ai's Ultimate Cyberse monster.

Roget is a symbol of Arc-hate
He fell into the dimensional portal, yet didn't reappear in any of them, because he exactly knew when to leave this shitshow.

Attached: chad.png (500x500, 183K)

Like quasar but it banishes without targeting.

All YGOs are great.

Attached: Cocco neis-V cool.jpg (600x400, 36K)

Based IVchad. Zexal I in particular is great. I prefer it over most of II too.

Barian Hope but for Cyberses? Would be fitting.
A darker Firewall Dragon or Ai's monster form with more details.
Dennis too. Left when the shithow was about to start and returned for the only well-rated episode of the "Make Reira smile" arc.

>2 remaining arcfags on here
Oh you sweet child

What I will hate the most if vrains ends after this duel is that vrains will not have had a duelist little girl.

Attached: Places-Ygo tables.jpg (1777x1000, 1.53M)

Ai's plot should have mind control.

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>What I will hate the most if vrains ends after this duel is that vrains will not have had a duelist little girl
you already had alot of those during zexal you don't need more


Attached: 47c3ae28063c0bbd82ae349b1d57b2fc.png (2009x1748, 549K)

Look at the demographics. It clearly isn't America.


>there still has yet to be a better character

Attached: 61295105_p0.jpg (630x916, 158K)

>she plays dinos
Based Dino DNA duelists

Attached: Tyranno_s4.jpg (640x480, 86K)

You now remember Dungon Dice monsters.

Attached: DDM Red eyes archifiends.jpg (1080x933, 218K)

I really hope the mega crossover rumors for the next series aren't true.

We're going to get stuck with even more shitty nostalgia support, and I don't know if I can handle yet another series that stars Crow.

Attached: allyourfault.png (855x482, 594K)

>Judai becomes the Crow of YGO7 as a method to shill HEROs even further

what will he say during this showdown?

Attached: kusanagi.png (1280x738, 703K)

I am the man who transcended your silly fanbase wars. I am above all of this, for I am...
Seto Kaiba Super Saiyan!!

Attached: SSJKaiba.jpg (734x658, 75K)


Was Yuzu the most badass main girl in the franchise?

Attached: Roger Out.gif (652x366, 3.05M)

Just a little over Aoi but yeah.

That could be the next series.

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You can olnly miss Go and brain hack go but the go we received past it was literally a waste of time.

>Someone actually saved one of my ddm cac.
Based. I feel motivated to make more now. If only I weren't working 40 hours a week.

only CHADmaker wasn't a waste of time in VRAINS, for he solo'd everyone who stood on his path

It dies to Powercode.

Attached: Brain Hack Overlimit.webm (640x360, 2.05M)

Based productive user. It brings smile to my face seeing someone save my workw too.

Attached: RevengerWindy.gif (600x514, 1.49M)

He isn't black.

She'll use Warriors as her main monsters

it's the 200ycs that was in utrecht so yes


Everyone deserved their time to show but the overuse of Blood shepperd, Go, Revolver and Bohman was a waste of time. They should have better invested all that time and budget on pic related.

Attached: Lost incident children.png (2016x288, 19K)

He's a one-note anti-social script kiddie. All he's missing is earbuds and a paunch.

does it matter when he wins all duels and everyone relies on him?

the fire one should have been more balanced with the wind one.

Windy kid's design was so good.. why have they done him dirty like that. Jin too...

Reminder that Zexal is the only good spinoff and that everything else is trash


Attached: every yugioh is good.png (484x224, 6K)

Go back to whatever shithole you came from and take your forced fanbase wars with you.

seething 5D's cuck.

Take your falseflags and fuck off.

why is it that zexalfags are the ones who start autistic fanbase wars ?

>Does using words how they are intended instead of using everything with a positive connotation interchangeably matter

You'd have to be a retard to look at someone screaming "-chads" in all caps and think they're who they're shitposting about.

I sure wish sea angel could have been animated.

Attached: 1563897509108.jpg (2480x3507, 803K)

what about the zexalfags from the last thread then ?

Why do you insist on bringing up shit from an old thread about a fanbase while simultaneously complaining about fanbase wars?

Because Zexal lives rent free on their heads, it must be pretty hard having to watch this shitshow after it aired.

It's easier to just take everything at face value, but just judge that specific user. What's the difference between
>That guy said something retarded, and he says he's pro-X, so fuck X and fuck him because he likes X
>That guy said something retarded, and he says he's pro-X, but I believe he's being facetious, so he must be pro-Y, so fuck Y and fuck him for liking Y
>That guy said something retarded, and he says he's pro-X, but I believe he's trying to seem facetious, so he must want to be seen as pro-Y but really be be pro-X, so fuck X and fuck him for liking X
>That guy said something retarded so fuck him

Why are we fighting with each other when we can go after all the other currently airing long lasting card game anime

People really ought to just ignore retards entirely.

>Why are we fighting with each other
well it all started with duel links so blame that game for all this suffering

on the whole, did vrains handle other summoning methods correctly?

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>all the other currently airing long lasting card game anime
I wish. Takara Tomy is content to tease me with April Fool's jokes instead of actual TV series.

no they botched with synchros and xyz the new animations for them are horrible fusion and ritual are fine

I would say no. They're given emphasis to the point that Darkfluid specifically requires them, but the audience is never given any reason why they're supposed to be special.

>They're given emphasis to the point that Darkfluid specifically requires them
It was crafted to fit Yusaku's strategy.
>but the audience is never given any reason why they're supposed to be special.
They're not intended to be special.

Has anyone read Kaz Marvel Manga? Villain is literally YGO tier and challenges Tony to a duel


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>everyone asspulls Synchro and XYZ in S2 while they were nonexistent in S1

Wow, just add some Japanese stereotypes and it'd be just like reading a Silver Age team-up.

Well there was a timeskip and more emphasis on shifting strategies and character in season 2. At least that's what it felt like.

Given Kaz's fixation on hands, I am disappointed by the scant thwipping.

Even capsule monsters?

Honestly yeah. Waiting to see when the next one would be revealed, plus reimagined summon animation, was great.

I'm just bothered how no one else besides the three amigos and Ai got Xyz

I don't know if that would have happened if there wasn't a production break.


You better get your body ready, Ai-chan.

Attached: CHADsaku.jpg (788x1013, 122K)

>lostincidentfags forever seething
Based shitvulva doing something right

They like Zexal,so they Kattobingu their inner autism as loudly and obnoxiously they can,just like Yume himself.

Coming soon!

Attached: Chibi construct.png (256x256, 126K)

Revolver bever got a fusion
>inb4 furious
Game original, like tracer, not a revolver card

Isn't Yume a girl's name?

Salamangreat Circle is not a Soulburner card

Maybe the tsukiko girl will play it in the manga.

Arc-V arbitrarily not using card-games to fight was funny

But I don't have a beef against Vanguard, I'm just disinterested.

Maybe Hearthstone should make an anime

I don't think hackers usually have this aesthetic.

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I would rather they not animate whatever the fuck genex has got going on.

fuck chess

Why does he have the Boss's scar

I want to know what she was supposed to actually play instead of just allure queen.

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>mfw reading through last thread
Idk who's baiting who and who's samefagging anymore

That's the entire DT story in a shellnut

It's like both /dng/ and /dlg/ came to shitpost. That's the future of these threads once VRAINS ends

I feel like at least half of it was revolver anti finally getting creative for the sake of stirring shit up. Despite that he never changes his posting style

such fashionable eyeliner

>implying there will yugioh threads when vrains ends
the /dng/ fags are here just to tell anons not to move to their general when vrains is kill while /dlg/ fags are just to here shitpost about how zexalfags got BTFO in their game

I never expected for Yoshida to spit on Yugioh fans but alas he did, not only did he make her job hard, he actually make her use a nostalgic monster with a fair fanbase (not really big but fair), have them mediocre animation, no name attacks or effects, die next turn, and no printed.
Yoshida can literally go kill himself for that

>I never expected for Yoshida to spit on Yugioh fans

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>unironically thinking Yoshida has has hand in what gets printed or not

Allure Queens aren't an anime archetype, Yoshida probably doesn't know what they are. I'm guessing it was an animator's choice.

Out of EVERYTHING he's done I dont think queen is that high on his list of fuck ups by comparison. She'll be forgotten more than anything

Animators dont have any creative say outside of how they draw the characters they're told to, idiot
Hikokubo would've been the one writing the effects of any anime original cards queen used

After a while when vrains is done there wont be regular threads at all until ygo7 finally starts up

Remember when yuya and yuto won against the bug brained ruris but it didnt matter at all and then leo just casually carded the bug doctor without a duel
What was the point?

Accept my proposal, Playmaker.

Attached: Keep Aighting.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

Yoshida doesn't know shit about the game, maybe Hikokubo picked that archetype, but it probably wasn't Yoshida. Also the reason arc-v had so many legacy non anime archetypes was more than likely because of Ono.

>Mind Control
Doujin material?

lmaooooo SEETHING

>allure queen fanbase
Did I read that correctly?

Maybe he meant these guys.

Attached: QueensBodyguard-CDIP-EN-C-1E.jpg (400x580, 94K)

It's the same type of people who like chaos goddess

That 1 avatarfag? Chaos goddess has way better art than allure queen tho

I remember more how Rin winning against Yugo didn't matter in the sightest. Nothing would have changed if Yugo won, and then in front of Yuri Rin just pushed him aside and ran while he blocked the way. Leo could have ended the Z-ARC menace right there but plot-induced stupidity acted (and not like Z-ARC wasn't thought of yet, in that same episode we saw the files with said code name).

The entire show the writers just kind of juggled him around awkwardly, seemingly not ever being too sure what they should do with him. He's probably the biggest misfit in vrains despite getting the brain hack memes

Everything about leo makes my head hurt when remembering any of it. Good lord

Attached: Ep129_Leo_smiling.png (1280x720, 740K)

No I just read a post that said that once.

>Left his family without saying anything, years latter triggering his downfall. And they surely existed before the retcon
>Turned Yuri into his right-hand man and caged Serena instead of the other way around
>Somehow didn't just have the Doktor bug Serena from the start (excluding the obvious meta answer he wasn't conceived yet)
>Didn't pay attention to the other Yu-boys until Yuya with Yuto already absorbed was in front of his base
>Didn't order Rin to card Yugo when the whole Z-ARC debacle could have been avoided right there
>Carded the Doktor, despite the guy being fully subservient to him, releasing the girls from their brainwashing and allowing their screams to trigger Yuya/Yuto's Z-ARC rage
>Doesn't give his army Pendulums he already had made once
>Constantly pissed Yuya off despite being aware of his Z-ARC rage
>Gets forgiven for killing 6 children

So is Zeroboros not a revolver card?

Revolver just used Zeroboros, so it's actually his.

Fucking baffling. Not even bohman can compare in being a mess

Leave Akaba Leo and Bohman to me

Attached: DARKNESS.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Bakura can, Millennium World got autistic. There were like four of him running around.

>"I don't need you anymore, old me. Turn into sand."
>"Kaiba, let me somehow steal your energy which didn't matter in the sightest to revive the old me which for some reason I killed!"

I would disagree but 6 months without YGO is too much

I don't remember the anime much but if you're talking about modern kaiba then it was certainly bullshit.

Yes, when modern!Kaiba was battling Zorc with BEUD, and then modern!Bakura steals his energy out of nowhere with no consequences for him to revive the Thief King Bakura he just killed.

never watching anime, only read manga
is it thay bad

To put it short, yes.

Attached: QUALITY Kaiba.jpg (410x308, 43K)

It wasn't particularly bad unless you find the arc itself dissatisfying. It just did what the anime always did, shove kaiba and card games into almost everything.

Millennium world in the anime just looks ugly and like it's threatening to melt apart so it's just easier to read the manga


Was he the only reasonable character?

Attached: akira.png (1280x738, 1.01M)

He thought blocking his sister's exit to the outside was the way to go instead of just taking away her Duel Disk.

Vrains treated all the summoning methods besides links more or less with indifference.
And then there's pendulums which it completely avoided because speed duels

Especially Capsule Monsters.

Attached: kaiba is screaming right now_.jpg (720x540, 143K)

I don't know if access to card games should be counted against someone being reasonable here.

>realizing that bohman took up 4 noh episodes which are one of the few valuable resources vrains had
Should be a sin

How many did Blood shepperd took up and practically lead to literally nowhere? The only full duels we should have seen were him vs PM and him vs GG to settle e
their quarell.

I don't mind crossovers, just not ones that they're going to gamble all the resources of the tv anime and reputation on. If they want it so bad, do it in a fun commercial of characters selling an anniversary pack or in other extraneous content

No. They used the same old philosophy of "use the new summoning method or go home" like Zexal had instead of being more like Arc-V and give every method their own value.

Considering what happened happened because of overexposure in Link VRAINS, it should.

Attached: Ghost Girl and Blood Shepherd.png (1770x246, 51K)

>the only duel Emma ever won was against Brave Max
You have to wonder why she even bothers at some point

Because we don't want another Mai?

>I don't mind crossovers, just not ones that they're going to gamble all the resources of the tv anime and reputation on.
This. Those short clips of Playmaker appearing with Yuma and Yusei were fine and fun to see. But I never want to see any extended story unless they can truly handle it, which as proved by Arc V to be not the case.

By the end of vrains yusaku will have had about 25 duels not counting the duel puzzle
For reference yuya had somewhere between 45-50 duels depending on if you count partial or cancelled diels

I want to fuck Aoi

How many duels did Judai have by the end of GX?

I wish he would propose to me. Gosh, I can't wait for tomorrow's episode.
Statistics like this for each series would be interesting.

Attached: [horriblesubs] yu-gi-oh! vrains - 109 [1080p].mkv[2019-07-15 17-25-52.615].jpg (1366x768, 441K)

Get in line

Attached: Aoi Pussy.jpg (930x1200, 147K)

Thank god, the protagonist doesn't need 50 battles.

Mega crossover rumors? Could you post them?

Attached: Ghost Girl and Blue Girl.jpg (849x1200, 156K)

70 or so.

Roughly 84 or more, somewhere in the 80s

Should have used a "from the Dark" archetype

Attached: Despair from the Dark.jpg (1024x576, 112K)

Literally that, people rumour it. No sources.

What, another based around one monster archetype?

After judai the total number of duels for the MC started to really drop off with Yusei since he has 40-something. Yuma and yuya have a little more than that and now yusaku is by far the lowest in duel count even though he's the only duelist who matters

Well it is just better for variety this way.

>Pokemon and Yugioh are rebooting after their latest seasons.

Never thought I'd see the day.

>This meme again
I can't wait for the 29 to come and see people literally crying they were wrong AGAIN

I dont disagree that as an isolated factor the MC really doesnt need to duel constantly and is probably healthier for the anime in most cases. It's probably the one thing helping yusaku's case, that at least he's not dueling quite as much of the time

A reboot will only happen if the other franchise does it too. And YGO isn't getting one

Attached: 1519654186041.png (817x3193, 2.92M)

>pokemon will follow the "switch the MC" model
>yugioh will follow the "keep the first MC" model

This kind of retro fitted comparison seems like a stretch when the two franchises have completely different objectives and methods in how they try do do things. Tonally as well

>the 29
What? The next series will probably be announced at jump festa in mid December.

>Yugi: 40
>Judai: 81
>Yusei: 44
>Yuma: 57
>Yuya: 47
>Yusaku: 25
So or so, if you count some little clashes as a Duel (like Yuma vs Roku with the Statue Decks).

now make one for jojo

But Zexal's second half was much better than 5D's second half.

The chart is garbage.

>Yugi: 40
Curious to see the ratio of duels to total episodes. Yugi getting this few in 200+ eps seems odd.

Dm definitely had longer duels since the game of adaptations back then was to not catch up too quickly to the manga, and a portion of judai's duels are just quick one episode one offs

It was an adaptation and it had a tournament basis with few casual fillers.

Pretty sure the majority of Yugi's duels were long multi-parters.

DM had the longest Duels, and Yugi took a backseat during the filler arcs too.

I honestly don't know which is more dangerous. Z-ARC or Leo's stupidity?

Attached: b37.jpg (500x565, 166K)

Now I'm curious about the duel ratios of the Rivals


It's a toxic symbiotic relationship where one case of stupidity also needs the other

Leo's stupidity, since Real Solid Vision was what caused everything to go to hell in the 1st place.
>Kaiba: 18
>Manjoume: 19
>Jack: 27
>Kite: 14
>Reiji: 8
>Revolver: 12

Every new revelation just makes everything look dumber and dumber

its no fair, Jack got two hecking series to shill himself


I only counted 5D's.

It's not fair!

Attached: Reiji Bakana.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

>Reiji: 8
This hurts. Especially when 1 of them was that atrocious ending

Jack had a lot of team duels, remember?

It was all part of his plan

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Attached: 1567570155452.jpg (600x600, 68K)

>12 duels
>only 4 wins
lmao holy shit 33% winrate

If hosoya ever voices another yugioh character again hopefully it's less of a wasted opportunity

Playing the dark signer carly event in duel links just reminds of the bullshit that happened between them

>aoi has 8 full on screen duels but only 3 wins
>aoi has 37.5% winrate
>aoi has fucking higher winrate than revulva

>get promoted from a recurring character in zexal to main rival in arcv
>turns out it might as well have been a demotion

between the protagonists which ones deck has the most waifus?

>Jack gets to have another duel during Arc-V's final final arc

Attached: 1427932066189.jpg (1280x720, 420K)

Attached: Keikaku's confession.png (881x553, 547K)

Probably Yugi or Yumas. Yuseis deck was a full on sausagefest/pieces of actual junk, and Jaden only had bustintrix

either Performpal, or Gaga
right after DMG and silent

Dark Signer Carly is in duel links? I didnt think she would get added.

YGO7 will be a crossover anime, just like what the new Pokémon season is looking to be.

Yugi. Everyone else only had 1-2 waifus.

Attached: 1567488499571.png (900x900, 856K)


Yuma only had Gagaga Girl and Clerk, I believe. Yugi has Dark Magician Girl, Mystical Elf, and Magician's Valkyria

Shes like the biggest dark signer next to Kalin on top of that Duel links makes fortune ladies good especially since konami pulled another 2019 card gets added to duel links.

Attached: 1567398124627.jpg (734x887, 84K)

I hope the nips troll in full force on all their platforms and bomb its nico ratings if it's bad and stale
The anime would deserve it and more by that point

>character who played a large role in a rivals character development and had one of the most emotional duels in the franchise
>didnt think she would get added

Now the other dark signers are literal who status at this point expect Goodwin.

Add in time travel for a bigger piece of disaster

Attached: Paradox.png (1920x1080, 1.89M)

>fortune ladies
Pick one

Duel links added the modern support+a character skill that lets you easily summon Every

Pokemonfags need to shut up already and sod off back to /vp/

just because they added new support it doesn't mean it got good it's nowhere to be found in legend

Expect then that character go shat on due to either some freaky cult or bad writers.

>tfw production issues ruined 2 ygo shows in a row
Why must this happen

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Attached: Zetsubou.jpg (640x360, 102K)

stop complaining about muh production issues 5ds had worse production issues and it ended decently

Zexal wins yet again

Sorry user, but youre gonna have to get used to it, it's direct time and they're in a frenzy


it ended okay could have been better

Arcv wasnt bumbling through its issues like vrains was/is. Arcv has something a lot more cynical about how it handled things

you shouldn't have put that much faith in vrains to begin with vrains became a failure the moment revolver lost his first duel with Yusaku

I don't know what you're talking about, this one turned out fine. I didn't watch arc-v though.

Attached: 1567121580769.png (800x661, 615K)

>rival loses
>lose all faith
Do you only like ZEXAL?

Didnt Jack lose first to Yusei as well?

Reiji lost his first duel against Yuya lol

Attached: SoraFuckYou.png (341x192, 144K)

at least jack never lost to crow and doesn't have lower winrate than aki lmao, absolute """""state""""" of revulva

Attached: Not this shit again.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

losing is fine but making him lose that early was bad and not only that but they ruined revolver more when they made him into fujobait revolver

>gave up a duel against random kid to protect his company

Reiji isn't Kaiba to put card games above all.

I don't know, Kaiba lost in the first episode so it's not really quick.

at least reiji never lost to sawatari/shun/crow/dennis, has a higher winrate than the main girl(s) and shilled his structure deck correctly

Meanwhile for Manjoume...
>Would've lost against Judai back in ep 2 if the duel wasn't interrupted
>Lost to Judai in ep 4
>Lose another duel against him in ep 25-26

Attached: The Manjoume!.png (500x732, 416K)

>Show's quality depends if the rival loses his first duel
Thats a new one.

I think the difference is that Jack and Chazz were just better rivals and characters overall.

Theres something defeatist about it if yugioh ever tries that route. "We no longer have faith we can create any kind of totally new story and cast who might be able to bring something new and interesting, so let's just tread backwards and soullessly recycle"

All according to the Reiwa plan.

Attached: Reiwa Era.jpg (1915x1277, 780K)

They both turned into jobbers though

less of a jobber than revulva

IMAGINE Yuya and Yuma on screen at the same time

Attached: 1527104891443.jpg (480x480, 51K)

Leave Revolver to me

Attached: Andre.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Had great character development and duels before they got there though.

They've been recycling concepts since forever
>The Protag MUST have a 2500 ATK ace of sorts and begins with "Yu"
>The Rival MUST have a 3000 ATK 2000 DEF Dragon ace
>Main Girl who duels who uses Fairies
>The Yami/Soul spirit character
>The "Joey" character
>The "Traitor" character
>The "Villain turned good" character
>The "The real Villain behind the current villain" character
GX is the only one to actually break the mold at first before deciding to checkbox mark everything

Nah, that’s just an extremely pessimistic way of looking at it. Don’t know about the rest of you but I liked Arc-V’s legacy characters for the most part. The only one who wasn’t handled well was Aster Phoenix.

Attached: Arc-V 123.jpg (1200x675, 126K)

Why the fuck was Aster even with duel academy he never was apart of it and was done pro.

Obviously all the shounen trappings are there, but in each series they're in a different context and premise enough to not be completely identical as fictional characters
If every rival was literally kaiba then why are there even any preferences between which rivals an individual would like


Attached: Edo's D.jpg (634x474, 67K)

Those first 2 are bullshit 2500/3000 atk aces are just a running theme and are not rehashes.

Arc v's major mistake was main casting them during their respective arcs in a show that already had scattered attention among a large cast. Also for the most part they're just stiffer or worse versions of the originals. The net positive isnt there

Holy checked. Legacy characters were a mistake.

They take away roles the other characters should have done
Remember when Kaito was doing everything Shun should have done

Attached: Shun going down the stairs.gif (559x314, 1.72M)

GX also started tropes too like the protagonist getting a new ace, and rivals getting character development side episodes.

Shun's meta story is some kind of greek tragedy

Attached: Obliterated.jpg (800x450, 134K)

Attached: 1462085360102.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

When you go from being the show's pet favorite to a discard...

At least Yusei still used Junk Warrior

Attached: Shun's ZETSUBOU from EGAO.jpg (600x1436, 174K)

Rival getting deck upgrades when?

Chazz got an upgrade if you count XYZ and Ojamas but that led us to those god awful abortions of XYZ+Armed Dragon+Ojama fusions.

It wasn't even a running theme when GX started
Judai had Flame Wingman as an ace of sorts with 2200 ATK before Neos appeared about 60 episodes later and Manjoume or anyone else outright never followed the 3000ATK theming.
5D's just codified that running theme.

if ygo7's ace monster ends up getting banned like firewall will that be a sign for bad times like it was for vrains ?

>those god awful abortions of XYZ+Armed Dragon+Ojama fusions.

Attached: ArmedDragonCatapultCannon-LED2-EN-SR-1E (1).png (474x694, 824K)

True and now we're back with mold breaking with Yusaku having a 2300 attack ace with nothing else they even scrapped Firewall from all his promotional material

I always felt like they wanted Ojama King to be his main card but someone still said the rival needs an unga bunga beater dragon.

The boss monster yusaku chooses to use that week is way down on the list of how he could be better

In the end the cards never amounted to anything more than tool in vrains did they? That should be a sin in YGO

I mean Luna’s Ancient fairy dragon was banned but her archetype never was overloaded with support like yusei and jack.

Yusaku doesnt love anything besides maybe ai and revolver

>has an archetype
she just plays fairy monsters she doesn't have a specific archetype like her brother and her dragon got banned because it helped ftks and loops

Were the Barians the actual best part of ZEXAL II?
was Shark a great part of ZEXAL?

Attached: Yuma vs Shark.png (696x4144, 3.37M)

Leo has Morphtronics

Zexal to me is a bit like the first 2 kingdom hearts games. Some parts are convoluted and ??? but the emotional core of the show was correct and led to kino moments

ygo 7 will have a female protagonist
Screen Cap this

Her brother has an archetype but it’s the reason he didn’t become a signer till later.

>it’s the reason he didn’t become a signer till later
i thought the reason for that was crow

And pink cards, also screencap this.


Crows Blackwings specifically

Is the show good

Extra goes from 15 to 5 cards
Link rules still exist
Ruling on extra deck and Pendulum cards still exist

Think they'd do it?

Check back next year for the next one but who knows if that will be any good

>Morphtronics suck
>Blackwings good

I’m pretty sure you can see how this plays out.

>Extra goes from 15 to 5 cards

Attached: Playmaker YAMETE.png (933x524, 584K)

Unironically no. Waste your time somewhere else

So why do you guys watch it

I wonder if they'd ever risk a limit on special summons per turn

Stockholm syndrome

>Extra goes from 15 to 5 cards
your just asking for riots and sales dropping and no this is impossible to happen it would make alot of people quit
>Link rules still exist
probably will happen but konami will nerf them to shill the next mechanic

Shit, I jut realized after this boring turd flushes we cant hang out here anymore

It's a tradition for YGO fans.

Next year is the 25th franchise anniversary/20th anime anniversary. Doing a giant crossover show for that is fine.

Finally, I will be free...

It's a tradition for YGO fans.

What if it’s a giant inter dimensional tournament between the franchises no war just fun inter series bantz.

For like 6 months only.

Sunk cost fallacy

Card game events, packs, and other bonuses like that for the anniversary are fine
If they're going to gamble it all away again on the main tv anime without an absolute genius writer up their sleeve: lmaoooooo

Hopefully vulvafaggot and pissposter killed themself inbetween.

>>The Rival MUST have a 3000 ATK 2000 DEF Dragon ace

Arc-V says hi.

>>Main Girl who duels who uses Fairies

5D's says hi.

You guys realize that this being Yusaku's last duel means this is the last chance for him to showcase his remaining 2 mini coders right?

the vulvafaggot will probably still be alive until ygo7 he's shitting up /dng/ everytime someone posts anything rokkets related

I'm just hoping his last few eps of dialogue with ai are decent

Watch Vulvaposter shitpost about YGO7's rival on a larger degree than Revolver.

Dont plant the idea for him
Maybe we should agree to try to pretend he doesn't exist since he thrives on replies

only if the rival turns out to be an even bigger failure than shitvulva, that's a very low bar and hard task though

based unironically
Revolver was a disappointment all around. All that screentime could have went to someone better.

Either he will shitpost on the rival, the protagonist or the main girl. I hope the next season is more balanced in that regard, and not just the MC carrying the whole thing all over again.
We truly need dynamic characters that complement each other, not just mere cheerleaders, clowns or angsty kids.

But this a tradition in ygo
Why would you want to ruin tradition?

uhh we have Soulburner and Ai doing things though, not the shitposters fault that shitvulva proves to be fucking useless throughout the whole show

I want to hope that they'll think things through more thoroughly for the setting and characters during this pre production period but idk...

>pre-production period
>it's just a break for everyone
>they start YGO7 as late as always


CHADs of Yea Forums

Attached: EvilReiji.png (800x971, 876K)

Having your show used as the spam thread along with jojo is nothing to be proud of desu


Ruri is the best girl in ARC-V though. I'll beat up anyone who says otherwise.

>debuts in the shittiest arc
>literally 0 time to show any character
>just a typical generic girl in the flashbacks

Shun please.

>Revolver "loses too early" and becomes fujobait
>he is a bad character
>Kaiba loses in the first fucking episode of the anime and becomes fujobait
>most popular character in the franchise
Really boggles the noggin.

People just need to realize that fujos and fujobait are ultimately immovable pillars of the franchise.

Why did he have to get it so hard man?

I liked the designs of the bracelet girls a lot, they were cute

Kaiba didn't waste 10 episodes on the same results. Meanwhile Revolver spammed S1 with that useless Draw->Lose shit.. TWICE

No. I think storm access alone challenges that.

Because they shit up threads.

I can never see Shark of anything other than Jono Light, but from space.

instead he wasted entire arcs, and at least 7 episodes.

Kaiba is actually a fun character and has chemistry with many people.


todays episode is gonna be GUD
or will. it

Time for exposition.

this makes me uncomfortable somehow

Attached: helmetless.png (1445x822, 867K)

Attached: qwalityburna.png (154x331, 62K)

>shitvulva's last words are farewell soulburner, and playmaker

literally what


>It's a Revolver saying Farewell for the entire episode episode

There's his card contribution.

who the fuck is driving that boat



Attached: legs.png (256x414, 58K)

When's the last time he held a conversation this long in real life?

Kaito's summons were just one-off things. Between the new summon animations, Darkfluid, and the fact that every human and human!Ai suddenly had them, they clearly intended the other methods to mean something. They just did fuck all with the premise.

lmao into the vrains when they are irl

I hope Ai wins.

The premise of this duel doesn't scream Final Boss at all.

splash mage, that a new one?

Vrains will forever go down as a shitty disappointment.

but Ai is coolio

Ai was always with Yusaku all along.
Truly the best character in this crapfest.

Real life duels are for people who can't afford technology.

Yusaku didn't tell Ai they weren't friends. They're totally fucking

You'll be saying this about the next one in 3 years, or less.

Damn straight I will, maybe they should learn to write final acts well.

Not if you're actually playing the game. At this point they're just being milked off to cushion the declining viewerbase and merchs as usual.

The 6 month break better not lead to this.

Is he going to be assembling all his boss monsters at once?

Is there anything to back up any of this?

Shit episode.
Least Chadburner is going home to knock up his slut

They really killed Dark Knight's flavor in the real game geez

So Ai's personality can't save boring duel writing huh


preview looks so dull and uninspired
wtf bros even Zarc was more interesting

Attached: monst117.png (370x318, 98K)

So, what's Ai's motivation?

Can't wait for Playmaker to trip Mirror Force.

Better than the set up to DM or GX's last duel.

Can he grab posters here?

Doubt it was anything of worth
Ai is still clowning around so the whole situation doesn't feel serious at all

No it's not.

I hope everyone enjoyed saying goodbye to Blue Silent

>No it's not.
Phoned in ritual to show of "yugi's growth" and sudden time travel, yeah it is.

As compared to phoned in "Ai planned everything all along"

GX's end would have been better if Judai fought actual adult Yugi instead of time traveling to duel Battle city Yugi.

>revolver gets to say goodbye fucking twice
>fucking gets to say his name
>fucking gets called ryoken finally by yusaku
>aoi gets 0 lines
>doesn't even get to meet yusaku for the final time

Hope you'll still be laughing when she busts into the warehouse and gets to cheerlead.

Imagine being so stupid to think that the female characters in a YGO series will ever do anything.

She got 8 duels without being cut out for 70 episodes

Time travel wasn't necessary since Judai could've dueled muscular!Yugi, but.. it wouldn't be really nostalgic then. Future Yugi's design was kinda awkward with these big eyes but Yami's hair.

Attached: YugiMuscular.png (658x1010, 441K)

Why was everyone so buff in GX? I'm pretty sure every guy in it had a naked or topless scene to show off how ripped or twinky they were. Kaiser even had a shower scene to angst in.

It was a different time..

Attached: DUEL.jpg (640x470, 40K)

>be standing 2 feet away from each other
>both have physical duel disks with a physical deck
lmaoooooooooo irlfags forever BTFO

>start of this episode was just Kusanagi and Ai hammering in and congratulating sS
lmao looks like they're trying to remind delusional revulvafags that he truly LOST



It's mind crush for judgment arrows.

Attached: mind crush.png (480x1350, 974K)

judgement arrows already got activated so lol


Except Jaden the silfer slacker

Attached: d2s3yr2-4a863762-9446-4e93-a3bd-dc9d441746e9.jpg (700x525, 31K)

The set up makes it feel like yusaku's going over to say a final goodbye to an elderly relative whose days are numbered, more than anything. No one's in a hurry

>GX gets double trips
Best spin-off confirmed.

Attached: tumblr_oadexzYI7e1r7ib92o1_500.gif (500x374, 1.46M)

It's really low stakes, Ai might not even destroy the world, he'll just make an army of Ai. They'll be different so there'll be good Ai and bad Ai, it'll just be like people.

He truly is a human bean.

Where is Topologina Nabee?

That's why I also said Twinky. Thunder was also a fuccboi, GX was lewd as fuck.

Pandor's in a lab making it.

Yeah it's pretty much more of a goodbye duel to resolve ai's regrets than anything dangerous to the world

>Literally killing almost everyone for that

Honestly, I don't mind lower stakes YGO. Yusei being upset that some fuck stole his bike was great.

And his card. Also it was a destiny pretext of some sort.

fodder to get yusaku to agree to the duel. They'll be fine afterwards

Even if Ai lives he'll have to go away.

Knowing that is probably why hes been using every angle to provoke, including judgement arrows

Something seems incomplete, I'll just wait for the subs.

For better or worse something like this feels like a very 'vrains' thing to do

Human beings reproduce by making new lifeforms, not exact copies.

>6 Lost Incident Children vs 1 Final Boss Divine Ai
>Yusaku vs a Joker Ai in a low stakes duel

Attached: sad thing.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>lostincidentfags STILL at it
lmao are these niggers going to seethe over the next 6 months

How the fuck would you even write the first one?

This season feels super deflated after the Bowman arc. It's like they intended for that to be the finale but forgot they needed to fill airtime only to get the cancellation announced a few weeks later

To be fair it's hard to escalate from the anti buddha trying to absorb everyone into himself like hes a dark elf demigod named dagoth ur

A duel similar to the Zarc one.


Zarc without Hitotsu-nii would be pretty lame

... Did they show us King yet?

I actually much prefer a personal duel like this than the zarc travesty, if I had only 2 picks

>Expectation: something that was never hinted at or alluded to in any way
VRAINS is a disappointment factory and this is what you harp on?

holy shit soulburner

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.47_[2019.09.04_23.08.27].jpg (1280x720, 476K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.04_[2019.09.04_23.09.19].jpg (1280x720, 498K)

Attached: time for work.png (1280x720, 653K)

It's not like every villain has to be a bigger threat than the last.

Yeah he probably shouldn't have been in this plot.

Attached: live like he used to.png (1280x720, 970K)

Just give Yusaku the other people's cards, like with Yusei.

So I dropped this at around the time where Go got introduced and got his shit pushed in in front of his fans, is it worth it getting into? I really want to finish a YGO, but I had to tap out of all of them after 5D's.

Attached: welcome.png (1280x720, 945K)

Yusaku doesn't even give a fuck about his own cards and you think he will accept other ones as a symbolic gesture? That shit won't fly, this is Vrains, not 5Ds.

Do my absolute best, go beyond the limits, and provide an excellent 6 vs 1 duel! Memorable until the end of time!

If only writers were so passionate...


Not really, just wait for the next season.

Divine Ignis was hinted at.

6 vs 1 duel sure wasn't, but heck the entire premise was Lost Incident Children, not Yusaku & literalwhos as it turned out to be.

Attached: newAI.jpg (956x1598, 217K)

That was bohman.

>but I had to tap out of all of them after 5D's.
sounds like you're too old for this.

Wasnt bohman basically trying to become digi god
He was bad to watch but that was jus endgame

>the entire premise was Lost Incident Children
Given how half-assed most of them are, I really fucking doubt that.

Yugioh anime is where you probably shouldn't push into it if it doesnt motivate you to continue in the first place

You know, maybe I am. I'm becoming a typical boomer and I don't like it.

Yusaku vs the chess pieces would have been better. Or even a crazy Jin that swore revenge on everything thanks to his trauma would be a better final boss than fucking Ai.

Attached: no guarantee.png (1280x720, 812K)

>Joker Ai
Dear Yusaku, we live in a society...

Well I can sympathize to a degree. I really dont see myself being able to tolerate ygo7 if it feels like drudgery that's struggling to drag itself along week by week, despite how much I like this franchise overall. I'd become card game only

They basically aborted that plotline way back.Remember that Aqua warned Aoi that she would eventually have to fight Akira. We could've gone from a Yusaku focused season to a Jin and Takeru focused season to an Aoi and Akira focuses season and we'd be good

nibiru is gettihg released next week so no

That sounds just as boring if not worse

>didn't even fuse with all of them
>appearance literally stayed the same just different clothes
What a cringe boss.

>jin focused season
>aoi focused season
lmao no, only CHADburner deserves focus


Any insult is valid if directed at bohman

>Jin focused season
lmao this nigger actually can;t be serious lmaooooooo, jinfags are truly delusional

>called garbage collector
>looks like he's carrying gems

Attached: garbage collector.png (1280x720, 840K)

not the maskette man anymore

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.10_[2019.09.04_23.03.26].jpg (1280x720, 466K)

What would an AI do with gems anyway?
Also they're probably fucking heavy, look at that poor boy frown.

A visual joke? In MY vrains???
Also diamonds are a scam

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.15_[2019.09.04_23.03.39].jpg (1280x720, 456K)

>it's not a stake-less duel so it's b-oring!! the writers are always in the right!!
But that's wrong, fag.

I'm all for things like this, a nice slowburned resolution, but it really isn't.
This is all just a shoehorned wetfart finish because it got cancelled because the show was so shit. Objective facts. Can't argue.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.39_[2019.09.04_23.05.01].jpg (1280x720, 502K)

The slowburned resolution could happen as a CEREMONIAL DUEL like everyone thought. Not as a freaking final boss duel.

Even for a cancelled show, there could have been better alternatives.

I didnt even say anything is good, only that your ideas also sound unpleasant. Your lack of reading comprehension...

It can work as a final boss too, just the leadup to this has been pathetically shit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.46_[2019.09.04_23.04.35].jpg (1280x720, 458K)

> it got cancelled because the show was so shit. Objective facts.
It's still not the toei series. I bet this was only put on break for a reboot

The duel itself doesn't feel intense at all. Just two past friends settling things.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.01_[2019.09.04_23.05.38].jpg (1280x720, 494K)

>Chess pieces

So why introduce them in the first place?

"They're old businessmen they don't duel!"
So were Big 5 back in DTM.

Attached: rookbishopknight.png (350x197, 85K)

>cancelfags at it again

Did Vrains really need to exist?
Doesn't Link summoning and its digital aesthetic skewer the themes that the next series can have by being a floodgate to the new mechanic?

Which could work as a really good nuanced end to a lot, just the writing wouldn't support that. This could have been really cool had the writing and pacing been better. There really was no need to do half the shit this season actually did when it's all empty and meaningless.

They'd be even emptier than bohman as antagonists due to how little direct screentime sol got

>being in denial

holdingback revulvafags literally have no excuses now lmao

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.05_[2019.09.04_23.06.08].jpg (1280x2160, 487K)

but that's literally what we want to fix

They could've came out of shadows and do something instead of 4 Bohman duels

I need that Bohman with huge shoulders pic

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.25_[2019.09.04_23.06.36].jpg (1280x720, 397K)

Create copies of himself to both not be alone anymore and ensure A.I.'s survival.

Was GX canceled when it only had a half season, no.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.44_[2019.09.04_23.07.14].jpg (1280x720, 418K)

In that case I guess so if they had proper build up, but I feel like theres a good chance they'd still be uninspiring since the root cause is the writers being blah about this show

Because the old director liked the idea.

The last season was pretty fucking shit, so yeah.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.38_[2019.09.04_23.08.48].jpg (1280x720, 560K)

I was talking about season 2 being a Jin focused season as he was the primary rescue target and it also being a Soulburner focused season because of all the shilling. I absolutely did not want an actual Jin season

Hell, DM only have 4 and a half years instead of 5, was that a canceled series as well?

an actual Jin season would still be better than the cast we have now

soulburner x revulva true otp

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.04_[2019.09.04_23.09.19].jpg (2560x720, 360K)

More like Cucku

blue no voice lines

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.26_[2019.09.04_23.11.48].jpg (1280x720, 275K)

Its Kikuck, get it right you IDIOT!

What would she even have to say here?


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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.06_[2019.09.04_23.16.54].jpg (1280x720, 486K)

This was a good episode. I'm looking forward to the rest of the duel and seeing how the ending plays out.

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>Spell to force @Ignisters into the S/T zone
Come the fuck on, what even is this?! He was able to do some plays before, but now he needs a put monsters into the S/T to do plays kind of card now?

Attached: 1552690429269.jpg (390x398, 135K)

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that's pretty stupid, he can still remember the stuff he did while in prison

ceremonial duel for reals

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.56_[2019.09.04_23.25.17].jpg (1280x720, 482K)

What would you want for the new series, thematically speaking?

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lmao like always

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 117 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.26_[2019.09.04_23.06.47].jpg (1280x720, 441K)

Nice looking but slightly redundant.

Attached: splash mage.png (1280x720, 1.14M)

crossdressing shota and crossdressing loli

Attached: 51505363_p5_master1200.jpg (828x1200, 451K)


So why couldn't they just like pay Ai a visit together.

What is this, Jojo?

Not really feeling final battle or ceremonial duel from this fight, the atmosphere doesn't support it and the conversation before the start of the duel was flat

It's Yu-Gi-Oh!

Attached: Rei1season.png (947x357, 318K)

You summed up vrains as a whole: flat.

The Chazz being a jobber was a plot point tho, we would win hat last duel agaist Jaden.

Plot: flat
Duels: flat
Finale: flat
Heroine: flat

Those are jokes.

Revolver had good duels.

Don't listen to the arcV haters. The show is really good, a little slow but newcomers can watch it with no need to wait weeks for new episodes.

truly a season for flat connoiseurs

Attached: poster.png (1280x720, 627K)

And Edo.

Edo is just the biggest villain pawn that ever existed, why do people like him other than "d hero"?

That farewell was really well done. Not a lot of words needed and no music just the splashing sea.

No one knows what that means.

>Was literally hyped up to be the most skilled human being on the planet, being good at everything under the sun
>Massive card game jobber
What did they mean by that?

He defeated Jaden though

There's a lot of things I didn't get, like his attraction to echo.

But it only empowered him to the N E O S S P A C E

He's a snazzy dresser. But yeah, he was kind of a nothing character as soon as he stopped being Batman.

It was weird they decided that he needed a new sponsor after all the stuff that happened in season 2.

Capsule monsters.

That's not a theme.

Was this the peak of yugioh storytelling?

Attached: 515K56FsDvL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 36K)

That guy makes Aoi look as crazy as Rio.