Dem￶on slayer is going to become the greatest Anime of all time change my mind

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go back.

Neck yourself

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all of it's flaws, it manages to consistently stay below all the other boards



Based, at least he is not MAL Shitmetal Alcheshit fag.

it would be great if they just started floss dancing in the anime

Obviously not the greatest but is been a long time since i watched a regular anime made with so much love and care, besides good knowledge of the medium.
Maybe since OPM season 1.

>shitty twitter screencap
alright boys, Check em

Well? Is anyone here going to change his mind? He asked a question.

be in fear that next season he could ruin discussion of your favourite show that season just by tweeting that he likes it

checked. still cringe

I miss being able to deny this.

The only good show next season is MHA. I wouldn't sweat it.

good thing i stopped watching seasonal shows 2 years ago

Don't worry. E-celebs like him hates anime and avoid mentioning it (except Demon Slayer of course)

>He asked a question.
no he didnt, you retard

Kimetsu no yaiba is amazing and i don't enjoy shonen like i used to.

For me it's black clover.

>worst arc


>some seasonal shitshow
>Greatest anime of all time

Uh, God? Are you there?

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>literally who e-celeb that will disappeard when fortnite dies
just kill yourself

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Why do people do this? It's retarded.


Kimetsu no Yaiba is fucking terrible before the train arc and ufotable decided that they'd stop the first season RIGHT before that started. The normiefags won't hold out for season 2. 4D chess based shitty pacing.

Watching kny? It's a mystery to me as well. Maybe I'm just too old.

>Implying child harm isn't just his fetish
How new are you?

>Kimetsu no Yaiba is fucking terrible before the train arc
i agree, but thanks to the animuh i started with the mango and they did a great job animating the worst part.
Can't wait for Big nezuko in full gory.

People are easily impressed with a single bout of animation greatness and then overhype the whole thing based on it.

I'll be honest. That sequence was amazing. But the run towards that part. Not so much. The choreography honestly sucked until this part.

Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

check em

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>People are easily impressed with a single bout of animation greatness
It's almost like everything coming out lately is animated like shit so people is amazed to see something palatable.

Can someone ask the twitter staffs to take that tweet down?

You do it. Nobody on here has Twatter.

>Kimetsu no Yaiba is fucking terrible before the train arc and ufotable decided that they'd stop the first season RIGHT before that started.
Your opinion is irrelevant, normalfags are eating KnY up.

isnt it illegal to not disclose that you're sponsored by crunchyroll?

Okay fair, it's more of a challange. Phrasing aside, are you going to give an answer it?

My kids love kimetsu no yaiba

Isn't it like an edgier version of Shield Hero, or a very lame for kids version of Dororo?

Do those kids live in the basement?

Must be nice being able to talk about anime with women and children like Kimetsu fans can do

>e-celeb threads are now leaking into Yea Forums because Ninja likes Demon Slayer.

Oh boy...this is a terrible timeline.

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Who is Ninja.

just a couple days ago an anime youtuber reccomendation thread stayed up

Is that trash the definite zoomer anime?


go back to the shithole you come from

check these digits of the repeating variety

>Isn't it like an edgier version of Shield Hero
They're nothing alike.

I got warned for telling another fag like OP to fuck off with their Twitter screencaps. This thread has been up for 30 minutes now, Yea Forums is fucking dead.

Kimetsu no Reddit

Report it

>twitter screencap
>actual link to twitter
>e-celeb garbage
>copying twitter post word for word in the subject
Congratulations OP, this is a serious contender for worst thread of the year.

when the fuck are Twitter screencaps going to be bannable offence?

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Why do you hate Kimetsu so much? It's just an anime.

Breath of reply to this post or your mother will be killed by MJ.

>Big Nezuko
don't tell me she stops being a loli
would be an instant drop from me


Fuck off.

>t. retard
It's the fucking Shitter screencap that was posted, faggot

Watch this

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They don't hate KnY we have 5 threads about that gay shit up at all times, it's threads about Twitter screenshots or e-celebs that are absolute cancer. They're the reason Yea Forums is the tranny shithole that it is, but newfags like (you) will always bump this garbage to the top. Fuck (you), fuck Ninja, fuck trannies and FUCK JANNIES.

>KnY is seen as that shonen that is alright
>suddenly one good episode
>every normalfag and e-celeb praises it like the second coming of anime jesus

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Repeating digits.

You don't scare me. I have the Breath of the Sun and Breath of Thunder to keep me from harm.

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>Yea Forumse-celebs

very nice

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Guys who wear all black and kill people sneakily

>dubs and trips
OH MY blessed digits, Give me doubles

holy hol horse is that a motherf*cking jojo's reference?!?!?! Reminds me of how speedwagon is mai waifu


But can they beat these digits?

and Darling in the Franxx!!

Attached: DcKBtKSW4AAEAag.jpg (1023x675, 105K)

Hey mods do your """"""JOB""""""


Calm down

Let's see Paul Allen's digits

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>Mixing jojoshit with Courage the Cowardly CHAD
I hate this fucking timeline

>twitter screencap of some faggot
shit thread


When people make threads like this, are they legitimately ignorant as to how Yea Forums works or are they intentionally trolling to get more hate?




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Twitter screencaps should be a bannable offence. Social media containment board when?

>Social media containment board when?

Lmao that's cringe, holy fuck.

>Social media containment board when

>linked to his gaming stream after the pandering post

Sorry but that is just too funny.

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it is 2016 newfaggots from Yea Forums and other boards where this is the norm.
They can't form any own thought.

Can I get some digits for "Fuck off Yea Forums"?

If this gets to a hundred post I will be a very happy man.

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Fuck off. Don't send them there.

Anime becoming mainstream was a fucking mistake

The KnY stans of Yea Forums must be very proud.

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This is how Bunny Senpai should have ended

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make dummy account and retweet him lolis

Trying hard to get Yea Forums to collectively hate Kimetsu
Just report it


How much does crunchyroll pay these people to promote shitty shonen

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I'm curious if we just don't have mods awake during american afternoon. We currently have the Yea Forumspol/ spammer in other thread and then this, and seems to happen consistently around this time. of day.

Also check them



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>no incest

Dude this place really has changed. We were always surrounded by faggots but you guys were the good kind of fags back in the day.

Shitty opinions of anime from shitty E-celebs is not anime discussion. Fuck off.

why does this post get deleted but the thread is still alive?
what the fuck


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a show equivalent to code geass or madoka has to come out to reset everyone's mind and get everyone focused on it

>some literally who on twitter's opinon

There are many possible reasons
One being unsatisfaction with their lives and boredom

mods are fags; try to make a jojo thread false flagging like this and they run to ""work""

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I don't know man, i feel like the falseflagging and shiposting rised to a whole new level these days.

Baby's first anime.

this is what happens when you allow shonenfags to run rampant. thanks moot you naruto loving faggot

So this is the reddit anime of the season?

I don’t know what the post was but I think that when a post in a thread gets massively reported it gets automatically removed

>still not using Yea Forums x in 2019

>tfw normiefags took anime from us

Who is this?

Of the year
Century maybe

They must have paid MatPat ten grand to shill Dr. Stone for 20 minutes.

low tier bait you already posted and failed to get (you)s


Ninja is still a thing after leaving Twitch?

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Huh? Did he told Ninja to say those things so that he could show the tweet to Yea Forums to make them hate them show? Eh?

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Didn't people said the exact same thing for MHA and it took people like 2 years to realize it was the worst shit ever made? It's just your Naruto clone #8, why do people like this, no, I'm really asking, does anyone know why people like this? People told me the exact same thing for MHA and I fell for it, then people told me the same thing for Black Clover, Boruto and Demon Slayer, I didn't fell this time.