Convinced the whole institute to create the most technologically advanced robot ever

>convinced the whole institute to create the most technologically advanced robot ever
>He just took it to his own home
>Sold it to the circus

this makes no sense
this would never happen in real life because
you just can't take the corporate work

this is stupid
was Tezuka retarded?

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Other urls found in this thread:

we should sell you to the circus stop you from making these clown headass threads

>was Tezuka retarded?
Actually, yes. He should've made Atom a girl, instead

It has been fixed.

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They actually fleshed this out in the manga. It was always sort of a vanity project, funded almost entirely by a shady guy who in return gets to use him however he wanted for a single day.

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>seven secret powers

what that even means?

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>can speak 7 languages
>intellect of a supercomputer
>1 million horsepower engine
>flightlight eyes
>hidden guns
>super hearing
>has sensors that can instantly tell if someone's corrupt

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This is part of a larger arc, you should really read it to get context. The TL:DR is that this is a literal reboot of the series that takes place after the original show.

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That's the end of the chapter, if anyone wants me to continue let me know.

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please continue

Alright, I'll just do this next chapter.

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I'm not sure if I like this series or think it's nonsense.

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Find out in Shin Tetsuwan Atom, where they'll be super edgy and identified with chakras and also with the seven seals in Revelations.

That's the end of the chapter. I can't really finish this arc, but this should answer most of the questions OP had. If you want to read this whole arc from the beginning you can start here:

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I really liked the premise but the execution wasn't great.

It's the execution I have a problem with as well, but part of it was simply not being as aware of japanese history and losing track of what different dates meant. Then you get stuff like very awkward jumps through time within episodes which just compounded my confusion. I really should give the 2nd cour another pass


thank you very much

later issues seem to be better than first ones which I found not really interesting but the issues you posted really interested me

>the future with thinking robots
>paper documents

Tezuka actually points this out himself. He specifically made sure to keep things from getting too futuristic, so he added mundane things that people could relate too.

Yeah, it gets really good in the later volumes. Though I recommend reading Vol 3 as well since the Worlds Strongest Robot is a fantastic arc. Plus it gives context to Pluto since that comic is basically a remake of it.

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Dr. Tenma was having a psychotic break and didn't want to be reminded of his dead son

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Honestly Tenma was always an asshole. The CGI movie wasn't great, but one thing I liked about it was how he gave Astro all of Tobio's memories. It showed that even if he has his son practically right next to him, he'd still reject him because he never knew his son to begin with, nor did he ever want to know him. He had an ideal, warped by tragedy and guilt, and any deviation from that ideal is a failure in his eyes.


Nah Atom is fine just the way he is

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>making everything digital so you get fucked by large scale wipe out

It's both.


Tenma is kind of an ass, but he's more palatable in this reboot. He's not as cruel to Astro, just really misguided

Fuck off Narutard

How much of a retard hipster I am if I like Tezuka's works, but never read Astro Boy? And I even fucking read Pluto.
I read: Ayako, Kirihito Sanka and Phoenix.
But I have no interest in astro mainly because of the design.
I have total faith in Tezuka.

Would I be too lost if I just jumped in at this arc?

>But I have no interest in astro mainly because of the design.
Pleb filtered

>But I have no interest in astro mainly because of the design.
An odd reason, but there's no better time to start. Also you might want to read Buddha and Black Jack as well, those are some of the absolute best Tezuka has to offer along with Astro.

It's almost like this was made in the 1960s. This is like kicking a puppy or bullying a retarded person. You can't hold black & white anime to modern standards.

I mean, I'm a huge fan of Thunderbolt Fantasy, so I know how bad it is to dismiss something on first appearance.

Thanks, will do. I was considering Adolf or MW, but I'll go with yours instead.

Our great modern standards, right...

Honestly I was kinda annoyed they kept his name as Atom here. I'm so used to calling him Astro it just feels weird.

Tobio turn on the TV


>Fat ugly bastard was good guy all along
what a twist

Any good site where I can read it since it's not on dex?

>Left to right

a biting satire of decadent mangaka who don't use tails on their speech balloons



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Didn't they fixed that story in the 2000 anime remake of Astroboy?