ITT: Games you'd like to see an anime adaptation of

ITT: Games you'd like to see an anime adaptation of

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Literally why? What's your problem, no-fun-allowed-user?

Danganronpa V3 IF where everyone's talents and fake memories have been swapped around and it turns into a SoL comedy where nobody dies somehow

chrono trigger

Touhou. Make it a cute SoL mixed with intense danmaku battles.

It's not even a question.

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Nier automata is a really obvious one.

Seconded also add
FFIV (fun campy and predictable but enjoyable)
Bloodborne in animation 3D like Gantz:0
No More Heroes

Tic-tac-toe, Rock Paper Scissors

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NieR Replicant should be first to be animated.

glad to see there's no autists emo's asking for they're kingdom hearts

Well dreaming is free

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KH already has an anime. It's called Naruto.

Metal Gear

Asuras Wrath

Vanquish. Titanfall. Morrowind.

It wouldn't be anywhere as well animated as the actual game. But glad someone remembers.

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most based game ever, if it ever gets a remake i'll be the first on line for it


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Nobody would fund the number of episodes it would take to do this game justice

all of the team ico games.

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It was already essentially an anime with QTEs.

You have Naruto.

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It would be great to see an anime adaption of the Suikoden series. The games were loosely based on a novel, and I think the story would translate well in anime.

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I'd say terranigma

Is basically an isekai with a surprise, great emotive parts, huge cataclysms, great character dev, a little harem and some memorable side characters like Roy or mei lin.

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Deadly premonition
So finnaly everyone will know this masterpiece

>Raidou vs the fucking planet
I would like to see this get an adaptation.
But could it be wilder than the game?

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Stardew Valley could be a fun SoL

Maybe an anime would fix up some of the problems post Prison Island. Bonus point if the English dub has all of the same voice actors.

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Already a thing.

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Isn't that the Cave Story adaptation?

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It's time has way past to get an anime but it would have fit in the early 00s

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It's both.

Yea Forumsfags exposing themselves in this thread. You have to go back


Skies of Arcadia

There are anime of video games though. It is a legit question

Just ignore the newfriend and carry on.

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I used to say "Kingdom Hearts" whenever this thread got made but as the years went on, I just stopped giving a fuck. Still want a Metal Gear anime though

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Nocturne, with Dante if possible

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don't know man, sounds like a bad idea, maybe an adaptation of 5 ovas.

These could be in shorts, like the Pikmin shorts.

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I mean it's basically an anime already

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final fantasy tactics, the only one with good story

yeah, but what ending would be canon?

I always felt that raidou was so out place, even more than Dante.

The ps1 version?

>tfw still no Muv Luv adaptation

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In a way, that's a good thing

I guess. I just want more people to see the PTSD arc.

>tfw want to read it alternative but can't get past original

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Unironically I'd kill for a jikkyou anime.

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Golden Sun
Valkyrie Profile

Shantae, no doubt

Dante is a more fun character, i wpuld take him anytime instead of Raido who just adds to the gloomy feel of the world(wich is not a bad thing but still, i prefer Dante's smugness)

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Honestly. I don't get how people don't like it. Is it a bit boring? Yeah. But it has enough comfy SoL that's better than today's stuff imo. The routes even get a bit deeper than expected.

Mother series, Chrono Trigger and Cross, Breath of Fire IV, Valkyrie Profile.

>third Underwater Ray Romano anime never because of how much they fucked up the second game's adaptation.
It's not fair.

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It's not SoL and "comfy" is just a buzzword you can slap on anything. The reason people don't like it is because they already seen all of it hundreds of other generic harems.

>Muv Luv isn't a slice of life
Oh okay user. Whatever you say.

Fire Emblem Three Houses

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