Am I a retard for only now getting why Kang's ship is called the Octoroon?

Am I a retard for only now getting why Kang's ship is called the Octoroon?

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Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

No, but you are a retard for thinking that the ship's True Name is Octoroon.
Go back and rewatch the Hyperwar arc.

>like 3 threads a day
>nobody ever mentions the fact that we STILL haven't seen what happened to the Underwater City
literally the worst written arc in the entire fucking show, no wonder everyone pretends it doesn't exist

Ayakafags you feeling alright?


Seven Seas is just a bad rip off of One piece. Why don't you guys just get caught up on that?

I have to say it's going to be fun hearing the deafening silence of the doubters and the haters.

"Vale isn't coming back!"
"Vale isn't coming back!"
"Vale isn't coming back!"
"Vale isn't coming back!"

Yeah, suddenly you're not singing that song any more.

The interesting thing is going to be how much he's been altered. I mean using Momoko's toe-ring as a horcrux to hide in for the last three seasons... that's gotta have some effect on a man.

It might be fun if he decided to get medieval on a few miscreants. Bring the popcorn, I say.

I have to say, as a proud member of


the end of last episode brought a smile to my face and a lump to my throat. Any hero can appear in the nick of time and save a besieged city. But only KANG would appear with a hundred war elephants carried under airships.

It was like steampunk meets Hannibal meets the Battle of Marathon. There's a certain Sultan in the desert who must be pretty worried right about now.

Author said in an interview that 50% of the city is going through repairs, the other half has been lost, but the survival rate is still high.

Luffy and crew would make Kang Gang their bitch.

Now that we know Ruiz has a twin brother, has anyone actually gone back and checked all his past scenes and tried to work out when it's him and when it's the brother? Is there any consistency at all or is this just K. pulling another plot arc out of his ass?

Well we're probably going to find out this season. I mean Kang knows that Luffy was the one who betrayed him. And he's not really into the whole "turn the other cheek" thing.

If you want to believe Luffy will have all his limbs and organs at the end of that episode, you keep right on believing.

No, I'm talking about One Piece here. You're right that THAT Luffy will be Kang's ragdoll.

I'm saying Seven Seas is to One Piece as Bleach is to Naruto.

>When Kore uses the Grass Spear instead of the Dynasty Blade to defeat Ellipso purely to prove that strength comes from the one who wields the weapon, not the weapon itself.

The Inner Haven was collapsing from existence and he could have easily defeated Ellipso and his Twin-Shark Daggers with the Dynasty Blade, but that nigga pulled the most ballsiest move with what was at stake just to prove a point.

It looks as though Season Six is going to cause endless arguments as usual, but I hope we can all agree on one thing at least: there's no such thing as a bad Doctor Feelgood episode.

>B-But user, he's a crazed, drunken serial rapist!

This is grossly unfair. He isn't always drunk. e.g. in Season Three Episode Four he wasn't.

Anyway, the important thing is, he's back, he's got his little black bag, and he's going to heal people whether they need it or not. Repeat after me, anons:


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Dr. Feelgood is an interesting character. He's a piece of shit to the highest order, but the medical support he supplies is invaluable.

It's not just medical support; he's saved the day more times and in more ways than R2D2. Let me refresh your memory with three of his finest moments.

>Season One Episode Three (Flashback)
The Phrygian ambassador's wife visits Dr. F with a mild stomach upset brought on by the unfamiliar food. Nine months later she gives birth to a beautiful, bouncing pair of twins *even though every medical expert in her own country had assured her she could never have children*. And if my guess is right those twins are going to prove rather important later on....

>Season Three Episode Nine
Doctor Feelgood, returning home from the local brothel at 3am, sees the Sultan's hired thug climbing out of the palace window with Momoko's unconscious body over his shoulder. When the shadowy figure reaches the ground, our hero injects him with the contents of a hypodermic syringe he happens to have in his pocket. Kidnap attempt foiled and comedy gold at the same time.

>Season Five Episode Eleven
Kang's crow has returned to the One-Armed Prince's palace but is on the point of death. Doctor Feelgood, despite being blind drunk, improvises a life-saving blood transfusion. Remember: that bird is the only living creature who knows who has the Crystal Key...

I mean, he didn't say anything about the murder right in front of his eyes as his body reformed and just said they had things to do. He surely is a changed man now.


< Sophia < Momoko < Aurora

why the fuck is Feel-good allowed to get all of the doujins, fuck this otome fanbase

Doctor Feelgood makes everything better. When Doctor F. is on the case, there's no such word as "incurable". There's no such word as "infertile", either.

Admittedly, there's also no such thing as the Hippocratic Oath or sobriety but you have to take the rough with the smooth.

KangXJansu is the canon pairing and probably already had sexual intercourses.

Remember that part in the WN when Kang literally called kuronbo a nigger

>Spend 14 episodes thinking she's a beautiful young woman
>She was a he and took the name "Ayaka" in memory of his friend
If you're not shook you're lying to yourself. I expected her to have a dark past. Not ... this.

That was removed in the english version. Funny enough, the author thought it was a french word for jackrabbit.


I am still so fucking salty that Shiro got written out of the show and left behind in the hometown. She was literally the perfect tomboy, why must we suffer Shiro-bros?

Her VA died in a marching band accident. That's what happens in Japan.

Man I loved evangelion 4.44

Thats the official statement from viz media, of course we all know the truth about what the author really meant

I'm tired of you falseflag shitposters making these threads every day. Go back to where you can circlejerk about the gacha game that killed the franchise. I can't believe we lost the movie for htis.

A primer for newfags:

極地 の 夢-首府
Kyokuchi no yume-shufu (YuShu)
Dream Capital at the Ends of the Earth

In the Year 2419, it has been over 300 years since the shard shower impacted the earth, covering it with crystallized life forms called Lithites. Within a few years of their arrival, beings resembling full-grown human but with a completely different biological chemistry began appearing across the world, some of them with bizarre seemingly supernatural powers, and none of them with memories of any past. These came known as the Fati or Fae, and were discovered to have been created by the Lithites from the dreams and fantasies of humans. They were granted their own country by the international community on the rapidly thawing continent of Antarctica, which they named Utopia.

In the present, Kharzo, an almost newly created Fati from Central Europe, arrives in Shambala, the capital of the largest country carved out of the original Utopia, which is now home to a mixed population of humans and fati. He hopes to find a place in a world where his species struggle with their lack of preexisting identity and their inability to reproduce. Soon, he meets a charismatic human gang leader named Kang who will lead him down a path of danger, crime, camaraderie, adventure, political intrigue and, hopefully, meaning.

Main ensemble:

The Sultan
Dr. Feelgood

All Fati can have abilities.
Humans can gain abilities by allophase (Lithite blood or possibly semen) as children which is fatal 95% of the time; a human clan called the Kazakuri that have abilities but most of their pregnancies miscarry.
After Kang came back from the dead he could use a Kazakuri ability of plant manipulation, but no one knows how.
Lithites that die can be made into weapons with abilities and humans can use them (Kang’s sword)
Powerful Fati can create relics that have abilities.

Did anyone else notice that background character in last week's episode? I swear to God that he looked exactly like Christian Bale's portrayal of Patrick Bateman. What a weird cameo.

>background character
Not gonna spoil too much, but just wait a few weeks, user.

Will Satsumori come back to reclaim his sword?

>RP autism

Too long

Haruka a cute! A CUTE!

Dr. Feelgood did nothing wrong

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Whatever. I just want Momoko to drool into my mouth.

These threads are the peak cringe of Yea Forums and it's really something

I can get past his name being Sneed, but how do you even sell "feed and seed?" And who the hell is Chuck? Is he going to be introduced in the next arc?

You're in for a treat, in the rakugo Chuck's introduction was really something.

you faggots are still watching this past season 10? everybody knows the show went to shit once they killed off Maki

Did you guys see the Tsukihime movies that ufotable released?
Amazing didn't expect them to adapt and even add good changes to the near side of moon routes, the Arcueid vs Roa and Shiki vs Arc fight were all fucking kino
they just announced we are getting far side routes adapted too

So are we just supposed to ignore that Kuluro was cremated? They watched his body burn through the window on the furnace. Don't give me a swapped body bullshit.

>those trips
But Kuluro is "one of three" according to that one chapter.

I think we can all agree Dojoro is the biggest motherfucker in the entire series and the fact that he gets away with it 90% of time is makes you wonder what the author is smoking.

Lol you fucking cucks obviously cant understand how incredibly well written is Lieautenant von CHADman. Keep coping with all his WINNING.

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Feelgood bows to the superior CHADman bull, get ready for the sissyfication arc fags.

The Byzantine chanting piece was the best part of the ost. Why did they waste it on the sex scene?

DCEE is pure filler after season 10. Even with the controversial, but great characters the show can only stay afloat like this for so long. Even as blatant ripoff of One Piece, Seven Seas is so much better THIS season.

If she is not real then tell me how she managed to touch my heart.

Check mate.


Is it true that the author said we still are about 30% done?
That would make this longer than One Piece.

>the author said
Reminder: always take everything Kiyomizu says with a truckload of salt. He doesn't appreciate people trying to box him in and likes to mess with them. I heard a good story about a company shareholders' meeting in 2014 which had this exchange:

Random Executive:
>So far this season you've started more story arcs than you've closed. Can you confirm that things will be getting pulled together in the next six episodes?

>I'll start pulling things together when I finally introduce the main character.

OK, it's probably not true, but it COULD be true. That's how our boy K rolls.

>making a thread about a 14-years old manga that got ditched out by its own autor only for him(her) to draw shotacon and diaper.
Pathetic, all of you should get a pile of Berserk's sequel, Berserker, now that's fucking gold.
The fact that Guts' child is a fucking girl, and looks literally like him tells you the plot is gonna go wild. A damn shame that MoonChild was Griffindor and Cascanueces had to die.

Keit-ai is releasing a new story?

Is there no stopping the franchise?!

Attached: [Eclipse-SS] Keit-Ai S2 01 [720p].webm (800x450, 2.52M)

>be Kharzo
>job to the centurions in 25% strength
>job to Sapphire
>job to, LITERALLY, a fucking penguin
>job to the Viceroy, thereby scerwing over Marco
>job to your own psychic illusion
>still save the ship - don't even die for your utter uselessness.
Why is this allowed???

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I know Kharzo does seem about as useful as an inflatable dartboard, but there has to be more to him than meets the eye.

Remember in Season Four when the inner council voted to strip him of his rank? There was one dissenting vote - Doctor Feelgood.
And when the good Doctor was asked why he voted to give K. another chance, what did he reply?

>"I'm so drunk I can't stand up."

If we understood what he meant by this, we would understand Kharzo, I think.

This shit should have been axed after Twilight arc

so may great oppai lolis this season.

>Keit-ai went isek-ai.


The loli cat-burglar squad are awesome but I still have no idea whose side they are on. They seem to go about the place stealing things at random.

I guess they did take care of Roland while he was in exile in Season Four. But that whole episode was weird, like a drug-fueled Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with genders flipped. I'm beginning to suspect none of it actually happened.

Why does it always happen like this, BEST girl since season fucking one turns out to be the main villain and just fucking kills MC's childhood friend who was actually the best girl all along and did nothing wrong out of nowhere.
Fuck this mangaka.

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

The author is a fucking hack. The MC just sits on his ass all day and lets himself get dragged along by random women who are all mysteriously attracted to his bland ass. I nearly dropped the whole thing when the the kendo club girl WHO NEARLY BEAT HIM TO DEATH in volume 4 shows up again in this field trip arc and just acts all tsundere around him.

user did you miss the 10 panel sequence of Dr. Feelgood watching and stalking him?

That wasn't Dr. Feelgood and you know it. When that was going on, Dr. F was still locked up in jail in Phyrigia for being drunk and disorderly.

If this thread now gets hijacked by the "There Are Two Feelgoods" lunatics I will hold you personally responsible.

>There Are Two Feelgoods
He doesn't know

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>Implying Dr. F's speedball doesn't let him remanifest himself.

Shut up dude, Mister Blackjack arc that came right after was fucking kino.

Don't you remember that incident last year when a fan tried to get Kiyomizu's autograph whilst wearing a "DOCTOR FEELGOOD DID NOTHING WRONG, AND NEITHER DID DOCTOR FEELGOOD" tee-shirt? Remember what K. did to him? (How he stayed out of jail for that I'll never know.)

When the writer and director of the whole show loses his temper with these silly conspiracy theorists, I think it's clear what is and what is not canon.

I really don´t like how this gradually became yet another generic shonen with power levels... like, Roland transformation is riddiculous and over powered as fuck. He is probably not even a fae anymore at this point, maybe never was.

Also, him and Kang´s reveal last week was bullshit and you know it. Sure, those yuri fags shipping them together was nonsense, but this brother´s prophecy thing is even worse.

I cant wait for the anime to introduce Dr F's rival, Fox-man Obobob-ob Ob-obob, assuming the animation quality holds up.

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>Roland - Kang
When was that even remotely a thing? Literally the only reason for this rumour is Kang's comment in Season Two: "With one good friend to set his back against mine, there is no roomful of enemies I fear to enter."

Shippers all need to die.

Daily reminder that Haruna is a full blooded Russian and has literally no drop of Japanese ancestry.

That arc was full of asspulls. What saved the Mister Blackjack arc was the lake cake, and she hasn't appeared after that arc because author and nips have shit taste.

I can't wait for for all the KaNa shipperfags to derail another thread with their dumb ship that's based on nothing
>B-but they have interacted twice and have no real chemistry so far. They're destined for each other
Fuck off

>Urr Durr cumlords think chefu Axel senpai will end up with Audrey
>Literally think that because she's french she will win the great cooking wars
>Not liking the baker Loli and her sweets Bonanza

Best girl

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why are mods still deleting keit-ai?
it did nothing wrong.

Loli baker and her "profiteroles of passion" was the second-best food-related moment in the show to date.

The best moment was of course in Season Three when the Sultan's assassin infiltrated the One-Armed Prince's palace kitchens pretending to be an under-cook, but the Mad Chef saw him breaking the spaghetti in half before adding it to the pan, and killed him on the spot.

I miss the Mad Chef. I wonder if we'll ever see him again :(

Nice try to get this thread axed, dude. You know perfectly well, discussion of k***-** was banned on 5chan after that lunatic put him in his Manifesto.

I believe Mad Chef didn't die, I mean he fell into that giant pot of beef stock for the sultan's party, but home come no one ever found any of his bones? I think he finally achieved the mastery and got isekai'd into the umami realm.