Do you think lolis can make any anime worth watching?
Do you think lolis can make any anime worth watching?
If you are a manchild with a small dick, sure it might feel like it's more worth it for you.
I watch anime only for lolis now.
i watched this stupid-ass romcom solely for Mashiro-tan loli shenanigans and i was very disappointed
How sad
Yes, without a doubt a good loli character can turn any forgettable anime into a seasonal must watch
Unironically yes.
Watching an average/bad show only for a single character is pleb tier.
Yes, it's really the standard nowadays
Why else would I watch anime?
Yes, especially depending on how cute/lewd they are.
Of course.
Actually, what's plebeian behavior is refusing to watch shows because you think they're "bad". You're even going retarded enough to reject "average" shows too.
Listen here you dipshit, there's no such thing as objective quality. "Standards" are just an excuse. You should watch whatever you find enjoyable enough, and if you don't find anime enjoyable at all, you shouldn't be watching it in first place or using Yea Forums.
I'm a huge lolicon, but some shows are still bad despite having a really cute loli(s).
Example: No Game No Life
Forcing yourself to watch or read something you don't enjoy is stupid, from the moment you stop enjoying it you should drop it instead of being an autist that can't have something undone.
If the anime relies on cuteness factor, sure. If the anime relies on awesomeness factor then you need a giant robot.
>best Isekai
Sometimes you should push through so you can get the wonderful feeling of completion.
You know why NGNL sucks on a fundamental level?
It isn't the NEET pandering.
It isn't the Steph-tier logic of the games.
It isn't the groan-worthy references.
It's the fact that it's a text-book "game anime" where the writer front loads the idea that the MCs stand absolutely no chances of losing.
Who the fuck thought a game anime with no tension would be a good idea?
I'm watching that right now and it's shit, so the answer is no
What about the wonderful feeling of not wasting your time? Don't tell me you need to have like 100 animes watched to feel superior among your nerd friends lmao
But No game no life is good and Shiro a cute.
For the same reason that other shows with overpowered MCs can be entertaining. The destination doesn't matter, it's the journey that's important.
A good loli can't save a mediocre or bad show. Kate was a good loli, but her show was pretty mediocre and forgettable.
Enjoy it while you can, the Olympics is being hosted in Japan next year.
Everyone remembers the anti-smoking episode and how sexy she was. Sounds pretty unforgettable for me.
>he doesn't know
It is cute and funny. Also you're just being a hater.
You can get that feeling any time user, by doing something productive. You can only get end-of-book feeling at the end of the book.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with superiority. Try not to think in those terms. Everyone has their own needs and enjoys things differently. In your case, you should generally drop things if you don't like them, because it isn't worth it to you. But others may experience their anime experience differently.
Fuck, I miss this cutie
Damn I had such high expectations for this one, then the cigar episode happened.
Delicious tummy and cunny tho
Anime with no lolis aren't worth watching
One day it'll get a S2 and it'll save this show
Doesn't know what?
Fuck I wish, it might've been mediocre but it was still fun and the designs were top tier
kate deserves a season two and movie trilogy
I guess that one mod is very pissed off today, I just saw a loli idol thread on page 10 too.
They should just make a kate slice of life where you follow her around and watch her do cute loli things.
Based mods
they make life worth living
I want to kiss that tummy
No, NGNL is garbage. If you like it, you're probably a normalfag or underage.
Not in the slightest, we were having actual discussion here.
When you spam, you get what you deserve.
Oh the irony
You Spam everyday and yet you are here.
How is replying to you spamming,
Loli threads are comparably low in amount to all the shonen threads and some other shit but you don't really care with your hypocrisy
Not my fault everyone hates you.
Oh the repeated irony.
Nothing wrong with this thread actually. The Mods are idiots that have been messing with some harmless threads and keeping shit like this alive
Maybe people should stop replying to J-word and instead start reporting and ignoring.
Correction, not everyone hates me. The only hatred I get it's from you.
The issue is when you report her posts and end up attracting the wrong person, like what happened here. People definitely should put in more effort into ignoring that piece of shit though.
What's wrong about that thread?
Dub drama and not anime related. And not anime related is the supposed reason for the mods to kill these threads. Full hypocrisy.
I guess you are right and I'm just very picky. Still, I don't get your mindset.
Drama is always fun, user. I don't care about it in that case, but let others enjoy themselves if they want.
Oh the continued irony.
You don't count. You are more like a toy for others to enjoy themselves.