Crying thread, what anime made you cry the most?

crying thread, what anime made you cry the most?
finished rewatching pic related and ugly cried all over my pc

Attached: kiite_yo_watashi_no_komoi_omoi_wo.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

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I thought this thing was only supposed to make you horny

don't tak about ugly cry if you never saw this

Attached: 123355623121.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

What ep? Also Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso fucked me over when I watched it for the first time.

Music always makes me cry and almost nothing else does. So it has to be a decent emotional scene with decent music. Last example I can remember: see picture.

Attached: Sound of Rain.jpg (852x480, 64K)

Attached: 6T9xJsH[1].png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

It makes you horny and lonely

>cried all over my pc
>watching anime on your pc monitor
shiggy diggy

this got me

this just made me lonely

ep 15

why 15 and not 13

I hope you realize your errors OP

I cry over everything slightly sad or sightly happy whenever I'm alone. I need help

>implying fagikawa is better in any way or form


Attached: [Coalgirls]_Nekomonogatari_02_(1920x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[EF7839D9].mkv_snapshot_03.03_[2019.09.02_20. (1920x1080, 2.6M)

I cried bitch tears through almost all of Koe no Katachi

Make it hard mode:
>no Clannad
>no Grave for the Fireflies
>no Anohana
>no A Silent Voice

i'm a strong heterosexual manly man but i almost teared up here

Attached: [Reaktor] Legend of the Galactic Heroes - E082 [720p][x265][10-bit].mkv_snapshot_26.14_[2019.08.17_1 (960x720, 76K)

>Ohji, whats your favourite colour?

Attached: Casshern Sins-resized.jpg (640x360, 27K)

Attached: Komugi-and-Meruem-Death.png (1280x721, 675K)

cute user
I want to adopt you

>Your Lie in April
>Angel Beats
>Wolf Children

Need something new to make me cry bitch tears

Attached: p7g44d5JbH1sf93fl_540.gif (500x300, 994K)

I'm a colossal crybaby.

>Angel's Egg (ending)
>Aria (several episodes)
>Binchou-tan (first episode)
>Dennou Coil (last 3 episodes)
>Disappearance (final scene)
>Fruits Basket (last 2 episodes)
>Gunbuster (final scene)
>Grave of the Fireflies (ending)
>Haibane Renmei (second half)
>Ikoku Meiro (several episodes)
>Kaiba (Chroniko arc)
>Katanagatari (last 2 episodes)
>Madoka (TV, final scene)
>Mawaru Penguindrum (final scene)
>Monogatari S2 (Snail's farewell)
>Mushishi (several episodes)
>Natsume Yujinshou (several episodes)
>Ojamajo Doremi (several episodes and ending)
>Princess Tutu (final scene)
>Rozen Maiden (Hinaichigo's death)
>Serial Experiments Lain (final scene)
>Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryouko (several episodes)
>Sora No Woto (several episodes)
>Sora no Method (first episode)
>Soremachi (last episode)
>Squid Girl (first mini-Ika episode)
>Tamayura (several episodes)
>Texhnolyze (last episode)
>Usagi Drop (first episode)
>YKK (all the time)
>Yuri Kuma (last episode)

Attached: [Doremi].Motto.Ojamajo.Doremi.25.[7C457374].avi_snapshot_16.50_[2018.12.15_14.03.35].jpg (640x480, 40K)

Envy's death was more sad


"Bring Yamazaki back".

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (854x480, 56K)

It's weird, I don't really remember moments where I cried. I can usually say "hmm, I probably cried here" but I can't know for sure.

the one and only time shonenshit has made me cry and it's over a fucking ship.

Attached: going merry.jpg (590x471, 348K)

I don't even need a picture to make true patricians cry, just look


>Maquia the ending
>Violet ep 10
>Death parade the ice skating ep
I was forced to drop this series because i couldnt stand watching Hitagi.
What was that ep about? i dont remember

Try fruits basket.
This whole fucking scene. Little Busters will live on me for eternity.

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Same diff. I hope she enjoys being Hitagi and Koyomi's kids nanny.

no one likes crab, you're gonna die alone

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>dropping the best anime ever made
>because some edgy character with 1% screen time
sasuge retard kun

I will confess my sins.
I regularly go back and watch the scene where Naruto TnJ's Zabuza into accepting that he really did care for Haku, despite his attempts to distance himself from such things.

Byousoku 5cm
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo

>because some edgy character with 1% screen time
Thats my point. Hitagi have too little screen time and the romance gets resolved early which was a big part of monogatari for me. I dont care about aparitions arcs really except Shinobu.
And monogatari reminds me of Hitagi. And Hitagi gives me tfwngf feels.

>Hitagi have too little screen time
said no one ever

>What are VA/OLED panels, the best colors of any type of screen
>Whatching a 720p video on a 40+ inch screen with >80dpi

The end of Gunbuster made me verklempt

this shit

Attached: Hoshi mamloru inu.jpg (970x1427, 761K)