Why is nudity so rare in anime nowadays?

Why is nudity so rare in anime nowadays?
I Just want to see some bare oppai

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Buy the BD's

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That doesn't help when the BDs also show nothing.

if you're referring to that image, im pretty sure some reddit fuck censored it so he wouldn't get banned.

Not that one, but there are too many other anime where either the obvious tv censorship isn't reduced for BDs, or no things like hair or torn clothing isn't moved/reduced, or there are nippleless breasts when the censoring is removed.

because of 2020 olympics and declining ecchi sales. go to manga if you want boobs.

Three of the major ecchi studios, including the creators of your gif, shut down or were absorbed by bigger companies in the last 2 years.

self censorship. the nudity ones have nudity, its no longer random titties

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And it's the ones that aren't focused on nudity that are the best kind.

Go see hentai and doujins then.
I mean, if you want to see boobs and porn, why would you go for "normal" anime?

Hentai usually lacks a good plot, or at least an interesting premise. Almost all the time. There are a bunch of exceptions, but it's way too rare. Just watching some tiddies isn't what's exciting. It's about who's tiddies, and in what circumstances you get to watch em that makes all the difference. Otherwise I'd be watching good old 3d tiddies.

I just want to see a nice story to cheer me up. hopefully with a happy/sweet ending. couldnt give two fucks if theres nude or not

What anime?

Jeez user just get a girlfriend!

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Depends if you are looking for casual tiddies or actually a plot that revolves around showing them.
The first one is difficult, because most of the time when you could show tiddies, you can just not and avoid your anime being shown to a limited audience. Eroges are the only way or few animes that put sexuality in a casual or normal way, like Horizon.
The second one is easy, but they are basically borderline hentai most of the time. Even Maou testament ended basically in porn. If it's going to be that, than why not make hentai from the start? Because it's not really profitable, so they keep the lewd on the borderline and never do the act, so they can get it to more people. Basically they want to show porn, but with the profit of a normal anime.
Rarer than good plot hentai, are borderline hentai anime with good plot.
There is these new animes going of weekly episode hentai, maybe there will be something like what you want in there someday.


Mainstreaming in the West makes wanton nudity a difficult prospect. Studios don't want to have to worry about censorship laws making it difficult to peddle series overseas. Maybe someday, when Christianity has gone the way of Zoroastrianism for all the impact it has on societies and morals, we'll be as enlightened as Japan and not care what Puritan soccer moms think about titties in their kids' weebtoons.

That anime counts towards today retard.

Maybe. I wouldn't mind official extra lewd material for stuff like Konosuba, Maou, and what not. Like an OVA but extra hentai. Could work to get both audiences, while keeping the regular show a bit more tame, the implication is always there, and then you totally bring it as an extra, extra.

>Still blaming Christianity when it's the authoritarian left trying to ruin literally everything and censor opinions they don't like these days

All anime goes direct to streaming in the West. Crunchyroll and Netflix don't have Standards and Practices departments. Fucking look at Devilman: Crybaby.

>thinking a specific ideology is to blame for puritanism
The left, center and the right are all equally retarded in the West and all equally engage in censorship. Stop being delusional

Even if it was a single static image, the .hack//gift ending image was a nice bonus. Why can't more at least provide things like that?