Why not just make a harem anime where all the girls are MILFS/CAKES but none of them are the mc's actual mother...

Why not just make a harem anime where all the girls are MILFS/CAKES but none of them are the mc's actual mother? None of them knows how this isekai shit works so they all turn to the main character for help

The question is, could they get away with most of the cliches in an anime like that? older women are not as sentimental and don't go "KYAAAH" if the MC caughts them naked

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First of all, why the hell are these hot, busty, sexually active females don’t get courted by a man? Because there’s something wrong with them! And the primary reason being that they are really bad mother candidates. They’re loud, like to get drunk, like to have fun more than being a dutiful wife, and just being plain unfeminine. They may have fucked with one or multiple chads at some point but why won’t these chads marry them? It’s not because those chads like to fuck around and not settling down, it’s because DEEP DOWN THEY KNOW THAT THESE THIRSTY CAKES WON’T CUT IT AS GOOD MOTHERS. So what happens to them? Just pump and dump. Real chads know what’s the best for them and it’s maternal goddesses like Funabori that they would marry and make a big family with. Tl;dr cakes are worthless and you should feel bad for liking them

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I really wanted a fcukjing SOl anime based on MILF/Cakes
Kyoani is fucked now

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Sure, but none of them can be virgins.

>why the hell are these hot, busty, sexually active females don’t get courted by a man
because most anime/manga is low quality wish fufillment

Cakes sure can

It'd get boring within 3 episodes. The reasons clichès have been a thing for decades is beacuse they work.

You could get away by saying most of them are neets or fujoshi

>Fujoshi make good waifus

I'd wife THE Funabori.

>and don't go "KYAAAH" if the MC caughts them naked
MC will go "KYAAAH" in their stead

Because that would be pedophilic and we can't have that.

>Older women have no modesty
Nudity becomes more of a problem wheb they grow up, little girls don't care about indecency

Because otaku don't like sluts and by sluts they often assume any girl older than highschooler.

There's shy older girls

>older than highschooler.
Enkou is a thing why do they assume JKS are pure?

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Japansee culture considers women in their 20 old, 25 past prime, and 30 ancient. A writer likely pitched something like that already at some point but got turned down by some production committee that didn't see it profiting.
The only recent anime I can think of that had a grown man with several adult romantic interests was ninja slayer.

Most people are broken user, it depends on how broken they are.
some people just have a way of turning everybody around them to ash.
unfortunately despite how you appear outside the real person, the one inside is going to leak out, however, most people can ignore these cracks and even put up with the potential pain for looks.
But when you are broke, so broken that all you want is a thick milf to hold you no matter how evil or dark inside they are you don't care.
Maybe you are not there yet and Honestly hope you never wake up regretting that you survived another night because it is awful.
but let people like what they like... id wife a busy milf in seconds, as know ive got maybe a year or two left.

Milfs are disgusting and unwanted. Only greasy westerners with mommy complexes care.

33 and some even refuse to let you pursue a career unless you reach certain targets beforehand.
The welfare system and childcare are not great honestly, so if both of you scrape by a kid is really going to fuck you over in the terms of money.
the number of milf doujin disagree (most are ntr/ cheating though)

Cakes aren't used goods, they are undesirables.
Learn the meaning faggot.

That's something a fujoshi would say.

For marriage not for pump and dump retard.

Doujins are for degenerates, thanks for proving my point

You have to go back.

>Doujins are for degenerates

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>Doujins are for degenerates

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why are you even here?? this place is basically the unofficial doujin haven. Okay some scanlation and anime threads too

He just moralfagged the isekai general why do you think? To shitpost and bait stop replying.

That's what milfs are for retard, cakes have never been picked up.

anything can be waifu material as long as it's 2D

>cakes have never been picked up.
For lasting relationships implying they're not needed after 25. Doesn't exclude enkou dick carousel.

2D cakes are pure, PURE.

>Dating outdated used goods

You really want to have sperg kids ?

>he thinks his 25 y/o nip characters are virgins
My sides, only males are.

How did you make that connection?

>that apron
hhhhhnnnnnngggg in the entire history of humanity at least one women with a body similar to that was into younger kids.

My conservative brain did it with LOGICS AND FACTS

bananas are sweetest before they rot user

That would be cougars then, they would not be cakes.
Japan proves this with over half of their 20-40 year old women still virgins.

Then seek help they're unrelated.

That doesn't excuse eating second-hand bananas which are literally shit.
>they would not be cakes.
Definition still fits: X-mas cakes aren't needed after 25. It says nothing about number of dicks they took before 25.

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Japan has marriage agencies and routinely does marriage interviews for people. Put it this way Lady I knew was like 27 and had no parents, her neighbours, basically paid for her to go to a mixer at one of these agencies and set her up a lot. in the end, she moved simply because she didn't want the obligation.
in Japan, there's, high pressure to mary, and have a family. unless you hole yourself up and make yourself a pariah (like the hikikomori do) people are going to be pushing you to mary regardless of age, even if you divorce or widow, they want people to be in couples. kinda strange honestly.

though think that type of agency would do well here though.

Because when you're alone you're more likely to say "fuck it" and buy a bunch of padlocks, gasoline and knives on your day-off.

>high pressure to mary
>people are going to be pushing you to mary
Who's mary?

Dead slut.

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People are more likely to top themselves in japan.

>padlocks, gasoline and knives
What is this, junior high mischief? That sounds so pathetic, go buy an AR15

In isekai I would immediately get harem of slave girls, lolis, monster girls, milfs, shotas - you name it.
I would also topple democracies where I can, rape where I can get away with it and never look back to family and friends I left behind for power.
If anything I would miss my doujins more than them.
I would also feel zero shame for all of it.

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Hey it works good enough.
>top themselves in japan
IDK user even hikkis can get 30 frags without any firearms.

Because most japs like younger girls. I'm not saying there aren't milf lovers on that island, just like there are chubby chasers, but they're in the minority.

>Why not just make a harem anime where all the girls are MILFS/CAKES but none of them are the mc's actual mother?

why not make a harem where all the girls are MCs actual mother?

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That's either impossible or a very small harem

wtf I'm a jap now!

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Stop advertising Patreons.

I think I heard about a novel like that, told from perspective of MC who is hiding in a shed out in the middle of nowhere from his countless mommies that all crave his dick. He started with two.

make it an isekai where his mom from different universes get plopped into the world along with him.
each mom could have a slightly different personality and design but still be the same at the core.
maybe even
one of his moms aborted him and after bonding she realizes how much of a mistake she had made.