does this thing get any better or is just the same uninteresting "mystery" solving for 20 more episodes?
Mayaka > Chitanda
The boredom of this show is a damn good sleep aid. It kicked my ass every time.
Its kino. You have no idea how I felt when I heard the director died in the arson attack.
I enjoyed it a lot.
Maybe it just isn't for everybody OP.
I imagine it was somewhere in between "thank god" and "finally that hack is dead."
Cringe and edgepilled
maybe your IQ just isn't high enough to get it
Maybe you'd be better attuned to watching shounenshit like Kimetsu no Yaiba. Flashy colours will at least keep your attention
Hyouka is arguably more colourful.
alright, then I'll watch some more 10 episodes
hopefully the plot had engaged into something by then
Oh the plot wont get anymore really that "exiting". But just watch it for the amazing visual direction and fun character scenes with the cast.
It gets worse.
>Flashy colours will at least keep your attention
>amazing visual direction
What did you mean by this?
irisu-senpai > all
It gets worse with each episode. Only the first arc is even remotely interesting, the rest doesn't really offer anything worthwhile. People that like Hyouka are waifufags that confuse the quality of Chitanda with the quality of the show.
The ending is a blueballing one too. Just drop it.
10/10 cured my insomnia
It's got some good character development, especially for Mayaka and Satoshi. The first two arcs are kinda slow but it really picks up during the Kudryavka sequence.
Does Hyouka stay true to the novels? Because as
>The ending is a blueballing one too. Just drop it
Im planning on picking up LN after anime left out to get a proper conclusion.(ik its ongoing)