Komi-san ch 216

Koreans scans are out, I'm to lazy to dump it

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can you translate it real quick pls?

What makes you think I can read gook?

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>to lazy to dump it
why did you made a thread then

Super cute girl likes seeing cute stuff and eventually overdoses and dies

It's tragic

happens all the time

>Yamai still around
Good shit. She unironically has or causes some of the funniest scenes in the entire comic


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New girl a cute

>she actually dies

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japanese been out and i think i saw someone post translated pages yesterday too

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No komi keep chadano away before he makes another girl fall in love with him!!

She killed her with that move, one less rival.

I was more annoyed that instead of dealing with the situation herself she ran off and grabbed Tadano.
I wonder if the Girl is actually having a heart attack, don't speak Korean.

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Not PRed and QCed. Your help would be really awesome.

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Oh wow, a Yoyo chapter where she doesn't make that stupidly loveable face

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This fucking guy.

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Get on with the hate sex already.

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Thats a lot less dark than I thought.


Last page. Thanks for reading. We need proofers so if anyone can help us. That'd be nice.

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>Tadano is just happy they're getting along.
best boy remains best boy

Emoyama is relatable as fuck.

How will Emo respond to the eventual Manbagi-Tadano-Komi triangle revelation?

Based yuri girl.

Oh my gosh

Yamai definetly wants the chuuni pussy

Its adorable isn't it?

RIP qt

>Like and retweet meme

>super balanced gane

When they're going to fuck?


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Yuri shipper loves nakanaka and yamai.

>oni but still no knight-chan


Do they really have hits for each other?

That girls is me.
Not gay btw.

Smooth mother fucker

You can see a little of her in the door.

Is she one of the readers?


So Shogi is now in the pro leagues?

komi needs to be raped!

Plz tell me this hair clip exist

Third year, user

Otori is so dependent on onemine. What is onemine does and otori has to sell her body to survive?

>Emoyama-san knows the whole story
That's hardcore peeping to see all that and know the context from looking through windows. She may even be higher evolved at reading people than Tadano or Narrator.

>Nee~nee chan
It's actually cute

Holy shit

This page is wholesome

>Komi and Tadano ended up killing her

It's not perfect, but it'll do.

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>Manbagi just casually sitting on Komi's lap.
The "!?" thought bubble is probably Tadano's confusion and jealousy

>Manbagi sure likes skinship
>sits on Komi-sans lap
If the author had balls he'll make Manbagi and Komi end up with Tadano and with each other.
I mean there is a guy in the US and A who has two girlfriend who are also dating each other. This is actually the only way polygamy could work.

Thanks. Everything's right as far as I can tell except
make your heart stop, your body dehydrate and your laugh sound gross

No, just some other women. It's a male dominated sport, so women playing professionally sort of paves the way for her

It's Najimi. Look at him swallowing a Mario 2 radish in envy at the bottom.

Man, i wish mangabi to sit in my lap like that

Is she having a heart attack because she saw how powerful Chadano is?

Oh, she totally likes him

Tadano didn't do a lot this chapter

He doesn't have to. It's an AoE trait.

Saved for later use

He didn't had to. He showed up how nice he is within the few panels he showed up
Because how absurdly cute those two are when they are together

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So najimi is just a nearly faceless background character now? I'm actually ok with this

Any translation about next chapter's preview?

eh, lame chapter
seeing Mangabi and Komi being such good friends was cute though
Thanks for scanlating though

More like a rare moment of legit jealousy

OTP right there.